Assyr Abdulle
Swiss mathematician
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Assyr Abdulle was a Swiss mathematician. He specialized in numerical mathematics. Biography Abdulle earned a doctorate in mathematics under Gerhard Wanner and Ernst Hairer at the University of Geneva with the thesis Méthodes de Chebyshev basées sur des polynômes orthogonaux. He also earned a degree in violin and music from the Conservatoire de Musique de Genève in 1993. From 2001 to 2002, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University and worked at the computational laboratory at ETH Zurich from 2002 to 2003. In 2003, he became an assistant professor at the University of Basel and an associate professor at the University of Edinburgh in 2007. He then became a full professor at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. At the school, he started the master's degree in computational science. In 2016, he became Director of the Institut Mathicse and was founding Director of the Institut de Mathématiques in 2017.
Assyr Abdulle's Published Works
Published Works
- The heterogeneous multiscale method* (2012) (575)
- Second order Chebyshev methods based on orthogonal polynomials (2001) (151)
- Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Wave Equation (2011) (143)
- On A Priori Error Analysis of Fully Discrete Heterogeneous Multiscale FEM (2005) (141)
- Finite difference heterogeneous multi-scale method for homogenization problems (2003) (120)
- The finite element heterogeneous multiscale method: a computational strategy for multiscale PDEs (2009) (107)
- Heterogeneous Multiscale FEM for Diffusion Problems on Rough Surfaces (2005) (105)
- Fourth Order Chebyshev Methods with Recurrence Relation (2001) (95)
- S-ROCK: Chebyshev Methods for Stiff Stochastic Differential Equations (2008) (92)
- High Order Numerical Approximation of the Invariant Measure of Ergodic SDEs (2014) (76)
- A short and versatile finite element multiscale code for homogenization problems (2009) (66)
- Effectiveness of implicit methods for stiff stochastic differential equations (2008) (66)
- S-ROCK methods for stiff Ito SDEs (2008) (63)
- Adaptive reduced basis finite element heterogeneous multiscale method (2013) (62)
- Reduced basis finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for high-order discretizations of elliptic homogenization problems (2012) (62)
- Long Time Accuracy of Lie-Trotter Splitting Methods for Langevin Dynamics (2015) (61)
- Adaptive finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for homogenization problems (2011) (60)
- Localized orthogonal decomposition method for the wave equation with a continuum of scales (2014) (51)
- High Weak Order Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations Based on Modified Equations (2012) (51)
- Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods with Near Optimal Computational Complexity (2008) (51)
- A priori and a posteriori error analysis for numerical homogenization: a unified framework (2011) (50)
- On Roots and Error Constants of Optimal Stability Polynomials (2000) (42)
- Discontinuous Galerkin finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for elliptic problems with multiple scales (2011) (41)
- Analysis of the finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for quasilinear elliptic homogenization problems (2013) (40)
- A priori error estimates for finite element methods with numerical quadrature for nonmonotone nonlinear elliptic problems (2012) (40)
- Weak Second Order Explicit Stabilized Methods for Stiff Stochastic Differential Equations (2013) (39)
- Stabilized multilevel Monte Carlo method for stiff stochastic differential equations (2013) (35)
- PIROCK: A swiss-knife partitioned implicit-explicit orthogonal Runge-Kutta Chebyshev integrator for stiff diffusion-advection-reaction problems with or without noise (2013) (35)
- Random time step probabilistic methods for uncertainty quantification in chaotic and geometric numerical integration (2018) (34)
- Coupling heterogeneous multiscale FEM with Runge-Kutta methods for parabolic homogenization problems: a fully discrete space-time analysis (2012) (33)
- Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Stochastic Elliptic Multiscale PDEs (2013) (33)
- A posteriori error analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for homogenization problems (2009) (31)
- Explicit stabilized Runge-Kutta methods (2011) (29)
- Reduced basis finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for quasilinear elliptic homogenization problems (2014) (28)
- Stabilized methods for stiff stochastic systems (2007) (28)
- A Petrov-Galerkin reduced basis approximation of the Stokes equation in parameterized geometries (2015) (25)
- 200 years of least squares method (2002) (23)
- Discontinuous Galerkin finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for advection–diffusion problems with multiple scales (2014) (23)
- A reduced basis localized orthogonal decomposition (2014) (22)
- Multiscale methods for advection-diffusion problems (2005) (22)
- Optimal Explicit Stabilized Integrator of Weak Order 1 for Stiff and Ergodic Stochastic Differential Equations (2017) (22)
- FE heterogeneous multiscale method for long-time wave propagation (2013) (21)
- Numerical methods for stochastic partial differential equations with multiple scales (2011) (20)
- Finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for nonlinear monotone parabolic homogenization problems (2016) (19)
- A reduced basis finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for Stokes flow in porous media (2016) (18)
- Mean-square A-stable diagonally drift-implicit integrators of weak second order for stiff Itô stochastic differential equations (2013) (18)
- Multiscale method based on discontinuous Galerkin methods for homogenization problems (2008) (18)
- Spectral Methods for Multiscale Stochastic Differential Equations (2016) (18)
- A Priori Error Analysis of the Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Wave Equation over Long Time (2016) (17)
- An Adaptive Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for Stokes Flow in Porous Media (2015) (17)
- High order weak methods for stochastic differential equations based on modified equations (2011) (16)
- A posteriori error estimates in quantities of interest for the finite element heterogeneous multiscale method (2013) (16)
- Reduced-order modelling numerical homogenization (2014) (16)
- Fully discrete analysis of the heterogeneous multiscale method for elliptic problems with multiple scales (2015) (15)
- Linearized Numerical Homogenization Method for Nonlinear Monotone Parabolic Multiscale Problems (2015) (15)
- Exponential decay of the resonance error in numerical homogenization via parabolic and elliptic cell problems (2019) (14)
- An offline–online homogenization strategy to solve quasilinear two‐scale problems at the cost of one‐scale problems (2014) (14)
- Erratum to ''A short and versatile finite element multiscale code for homogenization problems" (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 198 (2009) 2839-2859) (2010) (13)
- Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods with Quadrilateral Finite Elements (2006) (13)
- Error estimates for finite element approximations of nonlinear monotone elliptic problems with application to numerical homogenization (2016) (12)
- Effective models for the multidimensional wave equation in heterogeneous media over long time and numerical homogenization (2016) (12)
- The effect of numerical integration in the finite element method for nonmonotone nonlinear elliptic problems with application to numerical homogenization methods (2011) (11)
- Numerical Methods for Multilattices (2011) (10)
- Multiscale methods for wave problems in heterogeneous media (2016) (10)
- Numerical Homogenization and Model Order Reduction for Multiscale Inverse Problems (2019) (10)
- Numerical Methods for Multiscale Problems (2006) (10)
- Homogenization method for transport of DNA particles in heterogeneous arrays (2004) (10)
- An optimization-based, heterogeneous to homogeneous coupling method (2015) (10)
- An Optimization Based Coupling Method for Multiscale Problems (2016) (9)
- Drift Estimation of Multiscale Diffusions Based on Filtered Data (2020) (9)
- Effective Models and Numerical Homogenization for Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media on Arbitrary Timescales (2019) (8)
- Chebyshev methods with discrete noise: the tau-ROCK methods (2010) (8)
- A Bayesian Numerical Homogenization Method for Elliptic Multiscale Inverse Problems (2018) (8)
- Explicit Methods for Stiff Stochastic Differential Equations (2012) (8)
- Homogenization-based Analysis of Quasicontinuum Method for Complex Crystals (2010) (7)
- An optimization-based numerical method for diffusion problems with sign-changing coefficients (2017) (7)
- Second weak order explicit stabilized methods for stiff stochastic differential equations (2012) (6)
- Ensemble Kalman filter for multiscale inverse problems (2019) (6)
- Accelerated convergence to equilibrium and reduced asymptotic variance for Langevin dynamics using Stratonovich perturbations (2019) (6)
- Analysis of the finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for nonmonotone elliptic homogenization problems (2011) (6)
- Numerical homogenization methods (2013) (6)
- Effective Models for Long Time Wave Propagation in Locally Periodic Media (2018) (6)
- A Discontinuous Galerkin Reduced Basis Numerical Homogenization Method for Fluid Flow in Porous Media (2017) (5)
- Explicit stabilized multirate method for stiff differential equations (2020) (5)
- A probabilistic finite element method based on random meshes: Error estimators and Bayesian inverse problems (2021) (5)
- Eigenfunction martingale estimating functions and filtered data for drift estimation of discretely observed multiscale diffusions (2021) (5)
- A Priori and A Posteriori W1, INFINITY Error Analysis of a QC Method for Complex Lattices (2012) (4)
- Effective velocity for transport in heterogeneous compressible flows with mean drift (2008) (4)
- A parabolic local problem with exponential decay of the resonance error for numerical homogenization (2020) (4)
- Numerical Experiments for Multiscale Problems in Linear Elasticity (2015) (4)
- Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2013 - Proceedings of ENUMATH 2013, the 10th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2013 (2014) (4)
- Stabilized explicit multirate methods for stiff differential equations (2020) (3)
- Explicit stabilized multirate method for stiff stochastic differential equations (2020) (3)
- The role of numerical integration in numerical homogenization (2015) (3)
- Numerical Methods for Transport Problems in Microdevices (2005) (3)
- Numerical homogenization methods for parabolic monotone problems (2015) (3)
- Reduced basis heterogeneous multiscale methods (2015) (3)
- Boosted Hybrid Method for Solving Chemical Reaction Systems with Multiple Scales in Time and Population Size (2012) (3)
- Improved Stabilized Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Stiff Stochastic Differential Equations (2013) (3)
- The multilevel Monte Carlo method for stochastic differential equations driven by jump-diffusion processes (2011) (2)
- A local discontinuous Galerkin gradient discretization method for linear and quasilinear elliptic equations (2018) (2)
- Multiscale Adaptive Method for Stokes Flow in Heterogenenous Media (2013) (2)
- An elliptic local problem with exponential decay of the resonance error for numerical homogenization (2020) (2)
- Instabilities and order reduction phenomenon of an interpolation based multirate Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev method (2020) (2)
- A three-scale offline-online numerical method for fluid flow in porous media (2017) (2)
- Reduced Basis Numerical Homogenization Method for the Multiscale Wave Equation (2013) (2)
- Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method (FE-HMM) for the wave equation (2009) (1)
- Convergence analysis of explicit stabilized integrators for parabolic semilinear stochastic PDEs (2021) (1)
- Multiple scales problems in biomathematics, mechanics, physics and numerics : CIMPA School, Cape Town 2007 (2009) (1)
- FE-HMM for elastic waves in heterogeneous media (2017) (1)
- Finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for elastic waves in heterogeneous media (2018) (1)
- On heterogeneous coupling of multiscale methods for problems with and without scale separation (2017) (1)
- Numerical homogenization method for parabolic advection–diffusion multiscale problems with large compressible flows (2017) (1)
- An optimization-based multiscale coupling method (2014) (1)
- A posteriori error analysis of a local adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for convection-diffusion-reaction equations (2020) (1)
- Large stiff systems solved by Chebyshev methods (2002) (1)
- Explicit stabilized integration of stiff determinisitic or stochastic problems (2012) (0)
- MATHICSE technical Report : Stabilized explicit multirate methods for stiff differential equations (2020) (0)
- Analytical and numerical study of a modified cell problem for the numerical homogenization of multiscale random fields (2020) (0)
- Solving Multi‐Scale problems with heterogeneous finite difference methods (2003) (0)
- Numerical methods for wave equation in heterogenous media (2016) (0)
- Numerical homogenization methods Synonyms (2013) (0)
- Stabilized Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Sti (2013) (0)
- New Discretization Methods for the Numerical Approximation of PDEs 95 Abstracts Reduced basis techniques for multiscale methods (2020) (0)
- Number 11 / 48 High order weak methods for stochastic differential equations based on modified equations by (2011) (0)
- Multiscale Model Reduction Methods for Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media (2015) (0)
- Numerical techniques for differential equations with multiple scales in space or time (2014) (0)
- Numerical methods for multiscale parabolic and hyperbolic problems (2014) (0)
- On the efficiency of numerical homogenization methods (2011) (0)
- SMA An Implicit Finite Element Method for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation with Exchange and Magnetostriction (2012) (0)
- Mean-square A-stable diagonally drift-implicit integrators of weak second order for stiff Itô stochastic differential equations (2013) (0)
- Mathematik 200 years of least squares method (2002) (0)
- Fully Discrete Heterogeneous Multiscale Methods and Application to Transport Problems in Microarrays (2008) (0)
- MAFELAP 2019 abstracts for the mini-symposium Multiscale problems and their numerical treatment Organisers : (2019) (0)
- Geometric Numerical Integration 871 Workshop : Geometric Numerical Integration Table of Contents (2016) (0)
- Effective Models and Numerical Homogenization for Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Media on Arbitrary Timescales (2020) (0)
- MATHICSE Technical Report: Numerical homogenization methods for parabolic monotone problems (2015) (0)
- Numerical Methods for Stochastic Simulation: When Stochastic Integration Meets Geometric Numerical Integration (2017) (0)
- MATHICSE Technical Report : Numerical homogenization and model order reduction for multiscale inverse problems (2016) (0)
- Explicit Stabilized Runge-Kutta Methods Synonyms Chebyshev methods , Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev methods Definition Explicit stabilized (2011) (0)
- Chair of Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis ANMC - MATHICSE - Mathematics Section (2013) (0)
- On heterogeneous coupling of multiscale methods for problems with and without scale separation (2017) (0)
- MATHICSE Technical Report : A probabilistic finite element method based on random meshes: Error estimators and Bayesian inverse problems (2021) (0)
- Solving Diffusion Problems on Rough Surfaces with a Hierarchical Multiscale FEM (2004) (0)
- A priori error estimates for finite element methods with numerical quadrature for nonmonotone nonlinear elliptic problems (2011) (0)
- Multiscale methods and model order reduction for flow problems in three-scale porous media (2016) (0)
- Reduced basis techniques for multiscale methods (2015) (0)
- Finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for transient wave propagation (2011) (0)
- Coupling reduced basis and numerical homogenization methods for solving quasilinear elliptic problems (2013) (0)
- Discontinuous Galerkin finite element heterogeneous multiscale method for advection–diffusion problems with multiple scales (2013) (0)
- MATHICSE Technical Report: Eigenfunction martingale estimating functions and filtered data for drift estimation of discretely observed multiscale (2021) (0)
- Random time step probabilistic methods for uncertainty quantification in chaotic and geometric numerical integration (2020) (0)
- A posteriori error analysis of a local adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for convection-di usion-reaction equations (2020) (0)
- Optimal explicit stabilized postprocessed τ-leap method for the simulation of chemical kinetics (2021) (0)
- Numerical homogenization method for parabolic advection–diffusion multiscale problems with large compressible flows (2017) (0)
- The effect of numerical integration in nonmonotone nonlinear elliptic problems with application to numerical homogenization methods (2012) (0)
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