Astrid Gynnild
Norwegian academic
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Why Is Astrid Gynnild Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Astrid Gynnild is professor of media studies at the Department of Information and Media Studies at the University of Bergen Norway. Gynnild is principal investigator of the trans-disciplinary research project ViSmedia 2015–19. Gynnild also heads the journalism program at the University of Bergen, which in 2017 will be integrated into Media City Bergen. Her research interests lie at the intersection of digital journalism, innovation and new technologies. She is also engaged in developing new forms of learning in profession oriented disciplines in higher education. Her scientific articles are published in journals such as Digital Journalism, Journalism Studies, Journalism, Nordicom Review and #ISOJ Journal.
Astrid Gynnild's Published Works
Published Works
- Journalism innovation leads to innovation journalism: The impact of computational exploration on changing mindsets (2014) (168)
- Grounded theory : the philosophy, method, and work of Barney Glaser (2011) (83)
- Environmental Messages in Online Media: The Role of Place (2013) (45)
- The Robot Eye Witness (2014) (37)
- “We in the Mojo Community” – Exploring a Global Network of Mobile Journalists (2020) (10)
- Surveillance Videos and Visual Transparency in Journalism (2014) (9)
- Responsible Drone Journalism (2018) (7)
- Book Review: Grounded Theory: A practical guide (Birks & Mills, 2011) (2011) (7)
- Adopting a mojo mindset: Training newspaper reporters in mobile journalism (2021) (7)
- Winner Takes It All (2005) (6)
- Transparency or surveillance (2018) (6)
- The Visual Power of News Agencies (2017) (6)
- Introduction: Photojournalism and Editorial Processes (2017) (4)
- What is immersive journalism (2020) (3)
- Applying Grounded Theory in Media Production Studies (2016) (3)
- What is responsible drone journalism (2018) (3)
- Growing Open: The transition from QDA to Grounded Theory (2006) (2)
- The first wave of drone journalism (2018) (2)
- Project Syria (2021) (2)
- Struggling with and for A Grounded Theory of Parents Managing Life with Hard-to-Treat ADHD Teenagers (2015) (2)
- Three scenarios of responsible drone journalism (2018) (2)
- Forecasting future trajectories for immersive journalism (2020) (1)
- Introduction (2021) (1)
- Visual Journalism (2019) (1)
- Editorial : New Perspectives on Conceptual Growth through GT (2016) (0)
- Taking risks with drones : Responsible innovation pedagogy for media education (2018) (0)
- Processes Global Similarities , Local Differences (2017) (0)
- Perspectives on Autonomy and Control Editorial (0)
- Global Similarities, Local Differences (2017) (0)
- Editorial: Vibrant Awareness (2016) (0)
- Droner i sivilsamfunnet: Aktører, teknologi og etiske utfordringer (2016) (0)
- Mobile Journalists as Traceable Data Objects: Surveillance Capitalism and Responsible Innovation in Mobile Journalism (2021) (0)
- Drones, teaching and the value of the explorative player-coach (2018) (0)
- The Use of Theoret ical Codes in GT (0)
- Remote Female Fixation—A Grounded Theory on Semi-Illegal Sharing of Nude Imagery Online (2021) (0)
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