Awi Federgruen
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Dutch mathematician
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Awi Federgruen's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Amsterdam
Why Is Awi Federgruen Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Awi Federgruen is a Dutch/American mathematician and operations researcher and Charles E. Exley Professor of Management at the Columbia Business School and affiliate professor at the university's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.
Awi Federgruen's Published Works
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Published Works
- Combined Pricing and Inventory Control Under Uncertainty (1999) (679)
- Decentralized Supply Chains with Competing Retailers Under Demand Uncertainty (2005) (596)
- Coordination Mechanisms for a Distribution System with One Supplier and Multiple Retailers (2001) (471)
- A Combined Vehicle Routing and Inventory Allocation Problem (1984) (440)
- A Simple Forward Algorithm to Solve General Dynamic Lot Sizing Models with n Periods in 0n log n or 0n Time (1991) (413)
- An Inventory Model with Limited Production Capacity and Uncertain Demands II. The Discounted-Cost Criterion (1986) (353)
- Computational Issues in an Infinite-Horizon, Multiechelon Inventory Model (1984) (324)
- Approximations of Dynamic, Multilocation Production and Inventory Problems (1984) (321)
- One warehouse multiple retailer systems with vehicle routing costs (1990) (305)
- A General Equilibrium Model for Industries with Price and Service Competition (2004) (298)
- Finding Optimal (s, S) Policies Is About As Simple As Evaluating a Single Policy (1991) (292)
- Pricing and Replenishment Strategies in a Distribution System with Competing Retailers (2003) (279)
- An Inventory Model with Limited Production Capacity and Uncertain Demands I. The Average-Cost Criterion (1986) (240)
- Competition in Service Industries (2005) (217)
- Selecting a Portfolio of Suppliers Under Demand and Supply Risks (2008) (206)
- The Functional Equations of Undiscounted Markov Renewal Programming (1971) (190)
- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing an Optimal (r, Q) Policy in Continuous Review Stochastic Inventory Systems (1992) (189)
- Optimal Supply Diversification Under General Supply Risks (2009) (178)
- An Allocation and Distribution Model for Perishable Products (1986) (177)
- Coordinated Replenishments in a Multi-Item Inventory System with Compound Poisson Demands (1984) (170)
- Coordinating Supply Chains with Simple Pricing Schemes: The Role of Vendor-Managed Inventories (2006) (163)
- Design for Postponement: A Comprehensive Characterization of Its Benefits Under Unknown Demand Distributions (2001) (157)
- The Greedy Procedure for Resource Allocation Problems: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Optimality (1986) (155)
- Simulated annealing methods with general acceptance probabilities (1987) (155)
- Two-Echelon Distribution Systems with Vehicle Routing Costs and Central Inventories (1993) (152)
- Coordination Mechanisms for Supply Chains Under Price and Service Competition (2007) (146)
- Capacitated Multi-Item Inventory Systems with Random and Seasonally Fluctuating Demands: Implications for Postponement Strategies (2001) (136)
- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Optimal (s, S) Policies (1984) (134)
- Probabilistic Analyses and Practical Algorithms for Inventory-Routing Models (1998) (133)
- Allocation policies and cost approximations for multilocation inventory systems (1984) (129)
- Queueing Systems with Service Interruptions (1986) (126)
- Dynamic inventory and pricing models for competing retailers (2004) (125)
- On N-person stochastic games by denumerable state space (1978) (123)
- Progressive Interval Heuristics for Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems (2007) (118)
- Commentary on the Organization Science Special Issue on Complexity (1999) (113)
- The stochastic Economic Lot Scheduling Problem: cyclical base-stock policies with idle times (1996) (113)
- How Much is a Reduction of Your Customers’ Wait Worth? An Empirical Study of the Fast-Food Drive-Thru Industry Based on Structural Estimation Methods (2011) (112)
- M / G / c queueing systems with multiple customer classes: characterization and control of achievable performance under nonpreemptive priority rules (1988) (107)
- Characterization and Optimization of Achievable Performance in General Queueing Systems (1988) (106)
- Preemptive Scheduling of Uniform Machines by Ordinary Network Flow Techniques (1986) (103)
- Approximations for the steady-state probabilities in the M/G/c queue (1981) (97)
- The Impact of Adding a Make-To-Order Item to a Make-To-Stock Production System (1999) (95)
- Analysis of vehicle routing and inventory-routing problems (1995) (93)
- Competition in Service Industries with Segmented Markets (2006) (93)
- Rejoinder to “Comments on one-warehouse multiple retailer systems with vehicle routing costs” (1991) (92)
- Competition Under Generalized Attraction Models: Applications to Quality Competition Under Yield Uncertainty (2009) (86)
- Price Competition Under Mixed Multinomial Logit Demand Functions (2013) (85)
- The Joint Replenishment Problem with General Joint Cost Structures (1992) (83)
- Service Competition with General Queueing Facilities (2006) (79)
- Stochastic Inventory Models with Limited Production Capacity and Periodically Varying Parameters (1997) (79)
- Structured Partitioning Problems (1991) (75)
- Time‐partitioning heuristics: Application to one warehouse, multiitem, multiretailer lot‐sizing problems (1999) (69)
- Denumerable Undiscounted Semi-Markov Decision Processes with Unbounded Rewards (1983) (66)
- The optimality equation in average cost denumerable state semi-Markov decision problems, recurrency conditions and algorithms (1978) (65)
- Ergodicity in Parametric Nonstationary Markov Chains: An Application to Simulated Annealing Methods (1987) (63)
- The dynamic lot-sizing model with backlogging: A simple o(n log n) algorithm and minimal forecast horizon procedure (1993) (62)
- Near-Optimal Pricing and Replenishment Strategies for a Retail/Distribution System (2001) (61)
- Determining Production Schedules Under Base-Stock Policies in Single Facility Multi-Item Production Systems (1998) (61)
- Minimal Forecast Horizons and a New Planning Procedure for the General Dynamic Lot Sizing Model: Nervousness Revisited (1994) (60)
- The dynamic lot size model with quantity discount (1990) (59)
- Optimal Maintenance Policies for Single-Server Queueing Systems Subject to Breakdowns (1990) (59)
- The Joint Replenishment Problem with Time-Varying Costs and Demands: Efficient, Asymptotic and ε-Optimal Solutions (1994) (58)
- TECHNICAL NOTE - Procurement Strategies with Unreliable Suppliers (2011) (56)
- Simple Power-of-Two Policies are Close to Optimal in a General Class of Production/Distribution Networks with General Joint Setup Costs (1992) (54)
- Denumerable state semi-markov decision processes with unbounded costs, average cost criterion : (preprint) (1979) (54)
- Optimality of threshold policies in single-server queueing systems with server vacations (1991) (49)
- Geometric convergence of value-iteration in multichain Markov decision problems (1979) (49)
- Comparative statics, strategic complements and substitutes in oligopolies (2004) (47)
- Supply Chain Analysis of Contract Farming (2019) (45)
- The Asymptotic Behavior of Undiscounted Value Iteration in Markov Decision Problems (1977) (44)
- Queueing systems with service interruptions II (1988) (44)
- Multilocation Combined Pricing and Inventory Control (2002) (43)
- The Benefits of Design for Postponement (1999) (43)
- Heuristics for multimachine scheduling problems with earliness and tardiness costs (1996) (41)
- A simple forward algorithm to solve general dynamic lot sizing models with n periods in O(n logn) or (1991) (41)
- Multi-Product Price and Assortment Competition (2013) (38)
- Solution techniques for some allocation problems (1983) (38)
- Optimal power-of-two replenishment strategies in capacitated general production/distribution networks (1993) (38)
- Optimal time to repair a broken server (1989) (34)
- Computation of the stationary distribution of the queue size in an M/G/1 queueing system with variable service rate (1980) (34)
- A Class of Euclidean Routing Problems with General Route Cost Functions (1990) (34)
- Approximating queue size and waiting time distributions in general polling systems (1994) (33)
- A note on simultaneous recurrence conditions on a set of denumerable stochastic matrices (1978) (32)
- An M/G/c queue in which the number of servers required is random (1984) (31)
- Successive Approximation Methods in Undiscounted Stochastic Games (1980) (30)
- The value iteration method for countable state Markov decision processes (1999) (30)
- Technical Note - Cost Formulas for Continuous Review Inventory Models with Fixed Delivery Lags (1983) (30)
- Computing optimal (s, S) policies in inventory models with continuous demands (1985) (28)
- A general markov decision method I: Model and techniques (1977) (26)
- Single Machine Scheduling Problems with General Breakdowns, Earliness and Tardiness Costs (1997) (26)
- Optimal Flows in Networks with Multiple Sources and Sinks, with Applications to Oil and Gas Lease Investment Programs (1986) (25)
- Outsourcing Service Processes to a Common Service Provider Under Price and Time Competition (2005) (25)
- Fast Solution and Detection of Minimal Forecast Horizons in Dynamic Programs with a Single Indicator of the Future: Applications to Dynamic Lot-Sizing Models (1995) (25)
- Technical Note - Sequential Multiproduct Price Competition in Supply Chain Networks (2016) (25)
- Infinite Horizon Strategies for Replenishment Systems with a General Pool of Suppliers (2014) (23)
- Simultaneous optimization of efficiency and performance balance measures in single‐machine scheduling problems (1993) (22)
- Probabilistic Analysis of a Generalized Bin Packing Problem and Applications (1997) (21)
- Customer waiting‐time distributions under base‐stock policies in single‐facility multi‐item production systems (1996) (21)
- Polymatroidal flow network models with multiple sinks (1988) (21)
- Crowding Effects Dominate Demographic Attributes in COVID-19 Cases (2020) (20)
- Detection of minimal forecast horizons in dynamic programs with multiple indicators of the future (1996) (20)
- Monotonicity properties of a class of stochastic inventory systems (2013) (20)
- Efficient Algorithms for Finding Optimal Power-of-Two Policies for Production/Distribution Systems with General Joint Setup Costs (1995) (20)
- Heuristics for multimachine minmax scheduling problems with general earliness and tardiness costs (1997) (19)
- Sequential Multi-Product Price Competition in Supply Chain Networks (2015) (18)
- The Impact of Setup Times on the Performance of Multiclass Service and Production Systems (1996) (18)
- Competition under time‐varying demands and dynamic lot sizing costs (2009) (17)
- Inventory Models with Shelf-Age and Delay-Dependent Inventory Costs (2015) (16)
- Greedy heuristics for single-machine scheduling problems with general earliness and tardiness costs (1994) (14)
- The impact of the composition of the customer base in general queueing models (1987) (12)
- Probabilistic analysis of a combined aggregation and math programming heuristic for a general class of vehicle routing and scheduling problems (1997) (11)
- [Schoenlein-Henoch syndrome in familial Mediterranean fever]. (1962) (11)
- Price Competition in Sequential Multi-Product Oligopolies (2014) (10)
- A general markov decision method II: Applications (1977) (10)
- Successive Approximation Methods for Solving Nested Functional Equations in Markov Decision Problems (1984) (10)
- Corrections to "Finding Optimal (s, S) Policies is About as Simple as Evaluating a Single Policy" (1992) (10)
- The Impact of Horizontal Merger and Acquisitions in Price Competition Models (2011) (9)
- Capacitated Two-Stage Multi-Item Production/Inventory Model with Joint Setup Costs (1991) (9)
- Recent Advances in Production and Distribution Management (1993) (8)
- Markovian control problems : functional equations and algorithms (1983) (8)
- The Price and Variety Effects of Vertical Mergers (2016) (8)
- Optimal Control Policies for Stochastic Inventory Systems with Endogenous Supply (1993) (8)
- Foolproof convergence in multichain Policy Iteration (1978) (7)
- Global Robust Stability in a General Price and Assortment Competition Model (2018) (7)
- Price Competition Based on Relative Prices (2016) (6)
- The rate of convergence for backwards products of a convergent sequence of finite Markov matrices (1981) (6)
- A New Specification of the Multichain Policy Iteration Algorithm in Undiscounted Markov Renewal Programs (1980) (6)
- A survey of asymptotic value-iteration for undiscounted markovian decision processes : (preprint) (1979) (5)
- Synthesis and Generalization of Structural Results in Inventory Management: A Generalized Convexity Property (2018) (5)
- Approximations for the steady-state probabilities in the multi-server m/g/c queue : (preprint) (1979) (5)
- On the functional equations in undiscounted and sensitive discounted stochastic games (1980) (4)
- Geometric convergence of value-iteration in multichain markov renewal programming (1977) (4)
- Competition in Multi-Echelon Systems (2017) (4)
- Contraction mappings underlying undiscounted markov decision problems : (preprint) (1977) (4)
- Supply Chain Management Under Simultaneous Supply and Demand Risks (2012) (4)
- Variation in Covid-19 Cases Across New York City (2020) (4)
- Does it pay to reduce your customers' wait? An empirical industrial organization study of the fast-food drive-thru industry based on structural estimation methods. (2009) (3)
- Probabilistic Analysis of Multi-Item Capacitated Lot Sizing Problems (2005) (3)
- Two‐echelon distribution systems with random demands and storage constraints (2018) (3)
- Hierarchical distribution modelling with routing costs : (preprint) (1980) (2)
- A General Model for Inventory Management with Dual Sources : Trading off Lead Time and Cost Differences (2018) (2)
- Monotonicity Properties of Stochastic Inventory Systems (2011) (1)
- Technical Note - Global Robust Stability in a General Price and Assortment Competition Model (2021) (1)
- Response to Recent Review of Literature on Transmission of Neonatal Herpes Through Ritual Circumcision With Oral Suction. (2015) (1)
- Dual Sourcing: Creating and Utilizing Flexible Capacities with a Second Supply Source (2019) (1)
- Variational characterizations in Markov decision processes (1986) (1)
- Polio eradication vaccine investment: how do we ensure polio vaccines are available to keep the world polio-free after transmission of wild poliovirus (wPV) has been interrupted? (2021) (1)
- The asymptotic behaviour of undiscounted value iteration in markov decision problems : (prepublication) (1976) (1)
- Stability in a general oligopoly model (2019) (1)
- Dual Sourcing under Capacity Limits, Fixed Costs and Salvage Opportunities (2019) (1)
- On the existence of discounted and average return equilibrium policies in N-person stochastic games (1977) (0)
- Monotonicity properties of a class of stochastic inventory systems (2012) (0)
- Sourcing with Demand Updates (2022) (0)
- Successive approximation methods in undiscounted stochastic games : (preprint) (1977) (0)
- A general markov decision method, 1: model and techniques : (prepublication) (1976) (0)
- Medicare Reform: Estimation of the Impacts of Premium Support Systems (2016) (0)
- Monotonicity Properties of Stochastic Inventory Systems Awi Federgruen (2011) (0)
- A general markov decision method, 2: applications : (prepublication) (1976) (0)
- On non-stationary markov chains with converging transition matrices : (preprint) (1977) (0)
- The optimality equation in average cost denumerable state semi-Markov decision problems, recurrency conditions and algorithms (1978) (0)
- In memoriam (2011) (0)
- Non-stationary markov decision problems with converging parameters : (preprint) (1978) (0)
- Combined pricing and inventory control with multiple unreliable suppliers (2022) (0)
- Online Appendix to “Sequential Multi-Product Price Competition in Supply Chain Networks” (2015) (0)
- Sourcing in an Increasingly Volatile World: Offshoring, Onshoring or Both? (2021) (0)
- The world needs to prepare now to prevent polio resurgence post eradication (2022) (0)
- Price Competition under Subsidization : Applications to Medicare Reform (2013) (0)
- Information Relaxation-Based Lower Bounds for The Stochastic Lot Sizing Problem with Advanced Demand Information (2015) (0)
- Stochastic Replenishment Systems with Multi-Item Inventory Constraints (2021) (0)
- An Asymptotically Optimal Heuristic for Multi-Item Inventory Models with Joint Inventory Constraints (2022) (0)
- Multi-Item Two Echelon Distribution Systems with Random Demands: Bounds and Effective Strategies (2015) (0)
- Scalable Approximately Optimal Policies for Multi-Item Stochastic Inventory Problems (2022) (0)
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