Barton Zwiebach
Most Influential Person Now
Peruvian theoretical physicist
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Barton Zwiebach's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Physics University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Physics Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Why Is Barton Zwiebach Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Barton Zwiebach is a Peruvian string theorist and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Work Zwiebach's undergraduate work was in Electrical Engineering at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería in Peru, from which he graduated in 1977.
Barton Zwiebach's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Curvature Squared Terms and String Theories (1985) (1080)
- Double Field Theory (2009) (889)
- Generalized metric formulation of double field theory (2010) (652)
- Closed string field theory: Quantum action and the Batalin-Vilkovisky master equation (1992) (588)
- Background independent action for double field theory (2010) (516)
- The Gauge algebra of double field theory and Courant brackets (2009) (429)
- A first course in string theory (2004) (412)
- Tachyon condensation in string field theory (1999) (406)
- The spacetime of double field theory: Review, remarks, and outlook (2013) (323)
- Tachyon potentials, star products and universality (2000) (270)
- Dynamics with Infinitely Many Time Derivatives and Rolling Tachyons (2002) (266)
- Gauge String Fields (1986) (251)
- Tachyon condensation in superstring field theory (2000) (249)
- Superstring theory on AdS2 × S2 as a coset supermanifold (1999) (242)
- Double field theory of type II strings (2011) (224)
- String Field Theory Around the Tachyon Vacuum (2000) (215)
- Tensor constructions of open string theories (I) foundations (1997) (207)
- Ghost Structure and Closed Strings in Vacuum String Field Theory (2001) (207)
- Exceptional groups from open strings (1997) (202)
- Classical solutions in string field theory around the tachyon vacuum (2001) (200)
- Oriented open - closed string theory revisited (1997) (190)
- D-Branes, Tachyons, and String Field Theory (2003) (187)
- On the Riemann tensor in double field theory (2011) (181)
- Closed String Field Theory from Polyhedra (1989) (177)
- Unification of type-II strings and T duality. (2011) (176)
- Doubled α′-geometry (2013) (174)
- D-branes as tachyon lumps in string field theory (2000) (171)
- Target Space Duality as a Symmetry of String Field Theory (1992) (165)
- Algebraic structures and differential geometry in 2-D string theory (1992) (163)
- Effective tachyon dynamics in superstring theory (2000) (151)
- Boundary CFT construction of D-branes in vacuum string field theory (2001) (149)
- Large gauge transformations in double field theory (2012) (148)
- Half-strings, projectors and multiple D-branes (2001) (147)
- Gauge String Fields from the Light Cone (1987) (139)
- Analytic solutions for marginal deformations in open string field theory (2007) (138)
- String junctions for arbitrary Lie-algebra representations☆ (1998) (136)
- L∞ algebras and field theory (2017) (136)
- Large marginal deformations in string field theory (2000) (124)
- Star algebra spectroscopy (2001) (120)
- Field theory models for tachyon and gauge field string dynamics (2000) (113)
- Vacuum string field theory (2001) (109)
- Double field theory at order α′ (2014) (106)
- Open string-string junction transitions (1998) (104)
- A First Course in String Theory: Acknowledgements (2004) (98)
- Towards an invariant geometry of double field theory (2012) (96)
- Uncovering the symmetries on $[p,q]$ 7-branes: Beyond the Kodaira classification (1998) (96)
- WZW-like action for heterotic string field theory (2004) (93)
- Quantum background independence of closed-string field theory (1993) (91)
- A Solvable toy model for tachyon condensation in string field theory (2000) (89)
- Gauged N = 4 supergravity theory with a new scalar potential. (1983) (87)
- Green-Schwarz mechanism and α′-deformed Courant brackets (2014) (86)
- Dimensional reduction of spacrtime induced by nonlinear scalar dynamics and noncompact extra dimensions (1985) (85)
- A proof of local background independence of classical closed string field theory (1993) (84)
- A closed string tachyon vacuum (2005) (84)
- Uncovering Infinite Symmetries on [p,q] 7-branes: Kac-Moody Algebras and Beyond (1998) (82)
- Open string star as a continuous Moyal product (2002) (81)
- Analytic Solutions for Tachyon Condensation with General Projectors (2006) (81)
- Star algebra projectors (2002) (79)
- Connections on the state-space over conformal field theories (1993) (78)
- Spacetime compactification induced by scalars (1984) (77)
- Doubled Field Theory, T-Duality and Courant-Brackets (2011) (77)
- Constraints on the BPS spectrum of N = 2, D = 4 theories with ADE flavor symmetry (1998) (75)
- Developing the covariant Batalin-Vilkovisky approach to string theory (1993) (74)
- Duality invariant cosmology to all orders in α′ (2019) (74)
- How covariant closed string theory solves a minimal area problem (1991) (74)
- Curling up two spatial dimensions with SU(1,1)/U(1) (1984) (68)
- Gauge fields and fermions in tachyon effective field theories (2000) (66)
- A proof that Witten's open string theory gives a single cover of moduli space (1991) (65)
- Closed string field theory loops with symmetric factorizable quadratic differentials (1990) (65)
- Physical states in matter-coupled dilaton gravity (1995) (65)
- T-duality constraints on higher derivatives revisited (2015) (64)
- Heterotic effective action and duality symmetries revisited (2014) (62)
- Twisted tachyon condensation in closed string field theory (2004) (61)
- Heterotic string field theory (2004) (60)
- Rolling closed string tachyons and the big crunch (2005) (58)
- Interpolating String Field Theories (1992) (58)
- The boundary state from open string fields (2008) (57)
- A Note on a Proposal for the Tachyon State in Vacuum String Field Theory (2001) (57)
- Tensor constructions of open string theories II: Vector bundles, D-branes and orientifold groups (1997) (56)
- Quantum open string theory with manifest closed string factorization (1991) (53)
- Open superstring field theory I: gauge fixing, ghost structure, and propagator (2012) (52)
- Background independent algebraic structures in closed string field theory (1994) (47)
- N = 1 dualities of SO and USp gauge theories and T-duality of string theory (1997) (46)
- Off-shell closed string amplitudes: Towards a computation of the tachyon potential (1994) (46)
- A First Course in String Theory: Basics (2004) (44)
- Closed String Field Theory: An Introduction (1993) (42)
- Linear b-gauges for open string fields (2007) (42)
- New coordinates for string fields (1987) (41)
- Trimming the Tachyon String Field with SU(1,1) (2000) (41)
- Covariant closed string theory cannot be cubic (1990) (37)
- Consistency of closed string polyhedra from minimal area (1990) (35)
- Nonperturbative de Sitter vacua via α′ corrections (2019) (35)
- The off-shell Veneziano amplitude in Schnabl gauge (2007) (31)
- Tadpole graph in covariant closed string field theory (1989) (29)
- Stable Non-BPS States in F- theory (1999) (29)
- A note on gauge transformations in Batalin-Vilkovisky theory (1993) (28)
- On the curious spectrum of duality invariant higher-derivative gravity (2016) (28)
- Double metric, generalized metric, and α ′ -deformed double field theory (2015) (27)
- One-loop Riemann surfaces in Schnabl gauge (2008) (26)
- Dilaton deformations in closed string field theory (2005) (25)
- On the picture dependence of Ramond-Ramond cohomology☆☆☆ (1997) (25)
- Who changes the string coupling (1995) (25)
- Testing closed string field theory with marginal fields (2005) (25)
- Convex Programs for Minimal-Area Problems (2018) (24)
- Patterns in Open String Field Theory Solutions (2002) (23)
- Searching for all N = 4 supergravities with global SO(4) (1984) (22)
- Minimal-Area Metrics on the Swiss Cross and Punctured Torus (2018) (21)
- Three-point functions in duality-invariant higher-derivative gravity (2016) (20)
- Solving open string field theory with special projectors (2006) (20)
- Constraints on covariant theories for closed string fields (1988) (20)
- Closed string fields via IOSp(1,12) (1987) (20)
- The inequivalent gauged SO(4) supergravities (1984) (20)
- Minimal area problems and quantum open strings (1991) (20)
- Electromagnetic Waves in a Bianchi Type I Universe (1981) (18)
- Building string field theory around non-conformal backgrounds☆ (1996) (17)
- Duality and Weyl Symmetry of 7-brane Configurations (2000) (17)
- The dilaton theorem and closed string backgrounds (1994) (15)
- Interacting BRST from the light cone (1988) (14)
- Hyperbolic string vertices (2019) (14)
- A First Course in String Theory: Preface to the Second Edition (2009) (13)
- Vacuum vertices and the ghost-dilaton (1995) (12)
- Extremal isosystolic metrics with multiple bands of crossing geodesics (2019) (11)
- Double Metric, Generalized Metric and $α'$-Geometry (2015) (11)
- Recursion Relations in Closed String Field Theory (1991) (11)
- The plumbing of minimal area surfaces (1994) (9)
- Is the String Field Big Enough (2001) (9)
- Electromagnetism and gravitation in various dimensions (2004) (6)
- A Note on Covariant Feynman Rules for Closed Strings (1988) (6)
- Initial value problem in string-inspired nonlocal field theory (2021) (5)
- Doubled 0 -Geometry (2014) (5)
- Open superstring field theory I: gauge fixing, ghost structure, and propagator (2012) (5)
- Closed string couplings with modular properties (1989) (4)
- Gauge elds and fermions in tachyon eective eld theories (2001) (3)
- Additional vacua for four-dimensional supergravities (1984) (3)
- The Plumbing of Minimal Area Metrics (1992) (3)
- Heterotic effective action and duality symmetries revisited (2015) (2)
- Initial value problem in string-inspired nonlocal field theory (2022) (1)
- Doubled geometry and α′ corrections (2016) (1)
- A First Course in String Theory: Nonlinear and Born–Infeld electrodynamics (2004) (1)
- Exploring the open string star algebra: Applications to tachyon condensation (2002) (1)
- A First Course in String Theory: String thermodynamics and black holes (2004) (1)
- 2D Black Holes, Bianchi I Cosmologies, and $\alpha'$ (2023) (1)
- A First Course in String Theory: D-branes and gauge fields (2009) (1)
- A First Course in String Theory: String interactions and Riemann surfaces (2004) (0)
- Special relativity and extra dimensions (2004) (0)
- O pen String Star as a C ontinuous M oyalProduct (2002) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: The relativistic quantum point particle (2004) (0)
- Relativistic quantum open strings (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Special relativity and extra dimensions (2004) (0)
- Electromagnetic fields on D-branes (2004) (0)
- Preface to the first edition (2022) (0)
- Foreword by David Gross (2009) (0)
- T-duality constraints on higher derivatives revisited (2016) (0)
- Convex Programs for Minimal-Area Problems (2020) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: References (2009) (0)
- 0 A ug 2 01 9 August 2019 MIT-CTP-5139 Hyperbolic String Vertices (2019) (0)
- Use of Superspace Geometry to Find All Supergravity Theories: Case of N = 4 and SO(4) Symmetry (1983) (0)
- Light-cone fields and particles (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: String charge and electric charge (2009) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Light-cone fields and particles (2004) (0)
- Covariant string quantization (2004) (0)
- A brief introduction to duality and D-branes (1998) (0)
- 8.251 String Theory for Undergraduates, Spring 2005 (2003) (0)
- 8.324 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II, Fall 2005 (2005) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Electromagnetism and gravitation in various dimensions (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Electromagnetic fields on D-branes (2004) (0)
- H alf-strings,P rojectors,and M ultiple D -branes in V acuum String F ield T heory (2013) (0)
- Doubled α′-geometry (2014) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: String charge, electric charge, and particle physics (2004) (0)
- Three-point functions in duality-invariant higher-derivative gravity (2016) (0)
- Imperial-TP-2009-CH-02 MIT-CTP-4031 Double Field Theory (2009) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: T-duality of closed strings (2004) (0)
- DESY 07-007 YITP-SB-07-3 Analytic Solutions for Marginal Deformations in Open String Field Theory (2008) (0)
- On the Riemann tensor in double field theory (2012) (0)
- On the curious spectrum of duality invariant higher-derivative gravity (2016) (0)
- Green-Schwarz mechanism and α′-deformed Courant brackets (2015) (0)
- Nonlinear and Born–Infeld electrodynamics (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Preface (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: A look at relativistic superstrings (2009) (0)
- String theory and particle physics (2009) (0)
- Relativistic quantum closed strings (2004) (0)
- Superstring Unification and the Existence of Gravity (1991) (0)
- String Star as a Continuous Moyal Product (2002) (0)
- Large gauge transformations in double field theory (2013) (0)
- String parameterization and classical motion (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: The relativistic point particle (2009) (0)
- Double field theory at order α′ (2014) (0)
- Tachyons, D-Brane Decay, and Closed Strings (2006) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Relativistic strings (2004) (0)
- String interactions and Riemann surfaces (2004) (0)
- Issues in vacuum string field theory (2002) (0)
- Minimal-Area Metrics on the Swiss Cross and Punctured Torus (2020) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Loop amplitudes in string theory (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: String parameterization and classical motion (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Nonrelativistic strings (2004) (0)
- From Vibrating Strings to a Unified Theory of All Interactions (2004) (0)
- Light-cone relativistic strings (2004) (0)
- Star A lgebra Spectroscopy (2016) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: World-sheet currents (2004) (0)
- Chapter 12 Time-dependent perturbation theory (2009) (0)
- 8.07 Electromagnetism II, Fall 2002 (2002) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Relativistic quantum closed strings (2004) (0)
- A First Course in String Theory: Strong interactions and AdS/CFT (2009) (0)
- T-duality of open strings (2004) (0)
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