
Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy

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Hungarian mathematician

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  • Mathematics

Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy's Degrees

Why Is Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy was a Hungarian mathematician. His father, Gyula Szőkefalvi-Nagy was also a famed mathematician. Szőkefalvi-Nagy collaborated with Alfréd Haar and Frigyes Riesz, founders of the Szegedian school of mathematics. He contributed to the theory of Fourier series and approximation theory. His most important achievements were made in functional analysis, especially, in the theory of Hilbert space operators. He was editor-in-chief of the Zentralblatt für Mathematik, the Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, and the Analysis Mathematica. He was awarded the Kossuth Prize in 1953, along with his co-author F. Riesz, for his book Leçons d'analyse fonctionnelle. He was awarded the Lomonosov Medal in 1979. The Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy Medal honoring his memory is awarded yearly by Bolyai Institute.

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Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy?

Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy is affiliated with the following schools: