
Bruce C. Gibb

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Scottish chemist

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chemistry Degrees
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  • Chemistry

Why Is Bruce C. Gibb Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Bruce C. Gibb is a professor of chemistry at Tulane University. He is notable for his work in aqueous supramolecular chemistry, with particular emphasis on self-assembly leading to compartmentalization, and contributing to fundamental understandings of the hydrophobic effect and Hofmeister effect Bruce C. Gibb received both his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Robert Gordon University. His Ph.D. Synthesis and Structural Examination of 3a,5-cyclo-5a-Androstane Steroids was carried out under the direction of Philip J. Cox and Steve M. MacManus. He accepted a gratis appointment as a post-doctoral researcher with John Sherman at the University of British Columbia in 1993 where he "discovered" his interest in supramolecular chemistry. He worked at UBC through 1994, and subsequently as a post-doctoral researcher with James Canary at New York University from 1994-1996.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Bruce C. Gibb?

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