Bruce L. Benson
Scientist and author
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Bruce L. Benson is an American academic economist who is recognized as an authority on law and economics and a major exponent of anarcho-capitalist legal theory. He is chair of the department of economics, DeVoe L. Moore Professor, distinguished research professor and courtesy professor of law at Florida State University and the recipient of the 2006 Adam Smith Award, the highest honor bestowed by the Association of Private Enterprise Education. He is a senior fellow at the Independent Institute and has recently been a Fulbright Senior Specialist in the Czech Republic, visiting professor at the university de Paris Pantheonon Assas, a Property-and-Environment-Research-Center Julian Simon Fellow, and visiting research fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research.
Bruce L. Benson's Published Works
Published Works
- The Spontaneous Evolution of Commercial Law (1989) (365)
- Integration of Spatial Markets (1990) (207)
- Is property crime caused by drug use or by drug enforcement policy (1992) (157)
- The enterprise of law : justice without the state (1990) (144)
- Police bureaucracies, their incentives, and the war on drugs (1995) (133)
- To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice (1998) (112)
- The Market for Force (2007) (105)
- Deterrence and Public Policy: Trade-Offs in the Allocation of Police Resources 35 35 We wish to than (1998) (98)
- Estimating Deterrence Effects: A Public Choice Perspective on the Economics of Crime Literature (1994) (91)
- Are Public Goods Really Common Pools? Considerations of the Evolution of Policing and Highways in England (1994) (87)
- Relationship Between Illicit Drug Enforcement Policy And Property Crimes (1991) (84)
- Rent Seeking from a Property Rights Perspective (1984) (80)
- The economic anatomy of a drug war : criminal justice in the commons (1995) (79)
- The Enterprise of Law (1990) (74)
- Deterring drunk driving fatalities: an economics of crime perspective 1 1 The authors wish to thank (1999) (71)
- Handbook on the Economics of Crime (2012) (71)
- An Alternative View of Pricing in Retail Food Markets (1985) (69)
- Enforcement of Private Property Rights in Primitive Societies : Law without Government by (1999) (68)
- The Lagged Impact of State and Local Taxes on Economic Activity and Political Behavior (1986) (65)
- Spatial Competition In Illicit Drug Markets: The Consequences Of Increased Drug Law Enforcement (1993) (64)
- Entrepreneurial Police and Drug Enforcement Policy (2000) (64)
- An Economic Theory of the Evolution of Governance and the Emergence of the State (1999) (61)
- Customary law as a social contract: International commercial law (1992) (57)
- Legal Evolution in Primitive Societies (1988) (55)
- To Arbitrate or To Litigate: That Is the Question (1999) (53)
- Loschian Competition under Alternative Demand Conditions (1980) (53)
- The Political Economy of Governmental Corruption: The Logic of Underground Government (1985) (52)
- Drug Enforcement and the Deterrence of Property Crime Among Local Jurisdictions (1994) (51)
- Public satisfaction with the South Korean Police: The effect of residential location in a rapidly industrializing nation (2005) (51)
- Privately Produced General Deterrence* (2001) (50)
- The Impact of Drug Enforcement on Crime: An Investigation of the Opportunity Cost of Police Resources (2001) (49)
- Regulatory Disequilibrium and Inefficiency: The Case of Interstate Trucking (2002) (47)
- An Economic Analysis of Recidivism among Drug Offenders (1993) (47)
- An Exploration of the Impact of Modern Arbitration Statutes on the Development of Arbitration in the United States (1995) (46)
- An evolutionary contractarian view of primitive law: The institutions and incentives arising under customary Indian law (1991) (44)
- Pashtunwali—Law for the lawless, defense for the stateless (2014) (34)
- Tariffs which lower price in the restricting country: An analysis of spatial markets (1983) (34)
- The impact of experience on prices and profits in experimental duopoly markets (1988) (33)
- The Mythology of Holdout as a Justification for Eminent Domain and Public Provision of Roads (2005) (33)
- Corruption in law enforcement: one consequence of "The tragedy of the commons" arising with public allocation processes (1988) (32)
- The New Scarlet Letter? Negotiating the U.S. Labor Market with a Criminal Record (2015) (30)
- Can police deter drunk driving? (2000) (30)
- Alcohol and Rape: An Economics-of-Crime Perspective (2007) (28)
- The Evolution of Eminent Domain A Remedy for Market Failure or an Effort to Limit Government Power and Government Failure (2008) (27)
- The impetus for recognizing private property and adopting ethical behavior in a market economy: Natural law, government law, or evolving self-interest (1993) (27)
- Escalating the War On Drugs: Causes and Unintended Consequences (2009) (25)
- Understanding Bureaucratic Behavior: Implications from the Public Choice Literature* (1995) (25)
- The Market for Laws: An Economic Analysis of Legislation (1988) (23)
- The Economic Anatomy of a Drug War: Justice in the Commons (2007) (23)
- Why Are Congressional Committees Dominated by "High-Demand" Legislators?: A Comment on Niskanen's View of Bureaucrats and Politicans (1981) (23)
- An Institutional Explanation for Corruption of Criminal Justice Officials (1988) (23)
- Geographic Price Interdependence and the Extent of Economic Markets (1990) (21)
- Emerging from the Hobbesian jungle: Might takes and makes rights (1994) (20)
- The Development Of Criminal Law Ans Its Enforcement: Public Interest Or Political Transfers? (1992) (20)
- Predatory Public Finance and the Origins of the War on Drugs (1996) (20)
- The Evolution of Commercial Law (1996) (20)
- Crime Control Through Private Enterprise (1998) (19)
- The occupations of regulators influence occupational regulation: evidence from the US private security industry (2015) (19)
- The impact of provincial marketing boards on price relations and pricing dynamics in the North American slaughter hog market (1994) (18)
- Tariffs and Quotas in a Spatial Duopoly (1984) (18)
- Economic Freedom and the Evolution of Law (1998) (17)
- Opportunities Forgone: The Unmeasurable Costs of Regulation (2004) (17)
- The Allocation of Police (2010) (17)
- Interest Groups and the Antitrust Paradox (1987) (16)
- The Law Merchant (1996) (15)
- Reciprocal Exchange as the Basis for Recognition of Law : Examples from American History (1991) (15)
- On the Basing-Point System (1990) (14)
- Spatial economics: implications for food market response to retail price reporting (1985) (14)
- Reducing the harms of drug policy: an economic perspective. (1999) (13)
- Rent seekers who demand government production: Bureaucratic output and the price of complements (1988) (13)
- Knowledge, trust and recourse: imperfect substitutes as sources of assurance in emerging economies (2001) (12)
- Tariffs and location specific income redistribution (1987) (12)
- Increasing product variety and rising prices (1990) (12)
- Spatial competition with free entry, Chamberlinian tangencies, and social efficiency (1984) (12)
- Third Thoughts on Contracting Out (1993) (12)
- The Context of Drug Policy: An Economic Interpretation (1998) (12)
- American antitrust laws in theory and in practice (1989) (11)
- Implicit Taxes Collected by State Liquor Monopolies (2003) (11)
- Regulation, more Regulation, Partial Deregulation, and Reregulation: The Disequilibrating Nature of a Rent-Seeking Society (2004) (11)
- Spatial Competition: Implications for Market Area Delineation in Antimerger Cases (1980) (11)
- Competition among Legal Institutions: Implications for the Evolution of Law (1995) (10)
- Intra-National Effects of a Countervailing Duty on the United States/Canadian Hog Market (1994) (10)
- American Indian Nations from Termination to Restoration, 1953–2006 (2011) (9)
- Rationalizing Drug Policy Under Federalism (2003) (9)
- Does private security affect crime?: a test using state regulations as instruments (2017) (9)
- Conduct in spatial markets: An empirical analysis of spatial pricing behavior (1992) (9)
- The economic theory of regulation as an explanation of policies toward bank mergers and holding company acquisitions (1983) (8)
- The development and evolution of predatory-state institutions and organizations: beliefs, violence, conquest, coercion, and rent seeking (2020) (8)
- On the Ability of Spatial Competitors to Price Discriminate (1984) (8)
- Arbitration in the Shadow of the Law (1997) (8)
- The Law Merchant’s Story: How Romantic is it? (2011) (8)
- The Economics of Substance Abuse in Context: Can Economics Be Part of an Integrated Theory of Drug Use? (1998) (8)
- To Serve and Protect (2020) (7)
- The Incentives to Organize and Demand Regulation: Two Ends against the Middle (1986) (7)
- On the Implications of Reporting Retail Food Prices over Extended Periods (1987) (7)
- Are Roads Public Goods, Club Goods, Private Goods, or Common Pools? (2017) (7)
- “High Demand” Legislative Committees and Bureaucratic Output (1983) (7)
- Spatial Microeconomics: Implications for the Use of Concentration Ratios to Represent Monopoly Power (1979) (7)
- An Experimental Investigation of Equilibria Impacts of Information (1988) (7)
- Eminent Domain for Private Use (2010) (6)
- Further thoughts on rent-seeking, bureaucratic output, and the price of complements (1989) (6)
- Property rights : eminent domain and regulatory takings re-examined (2010) (6)
- Do we Want the production of Prison Services to be more "Efficient"? (1991) (6)
- Polycentric Law Versus Monopolized Law : Implications from International Trade for the Potential Success of Emerging Markets (1999) (5)
- Law and economics (2001) (5)
- Fiscal Competition in a Federal System (2001) (5)
- It Takes Two Invisible Hands to Make a Market: Lex Mercatoria (Law Merchant) Always Emerges to Facilitate Emerging Market Activity (2010) (5)
- Drug Trafficking Wars (2014) (5)
- An explanation of intra-industry trade in identical commodities (1984) (5)
- The Impact of Entry at a Distance on Market Demand (1980) (5)
- The Optimal Size and Number of Market Areas (1981) (5)
- Jurisdictional Choice in International Trade: Implications for Lex Cybernatoria (2000) (5)
- Uncertainty, the Race for Property Rights and Rent Dissipation Due to Judicial Legislation in Us Tort Law (1996) (4)
- Returning Justice to Its Private Roots (2001) (4)
- Contractual nullification of economically-detrimental state-made laws (2006) (4)
- Price Reporting in Experimental Markets (1987) (4)
- The Evolution of Property Rights Systems (2015) (4)
- Location Choice and Urban Growth in a Rent-Seeking Society (1988) (4)
- Toxic Torts by Government (1993) (4)
- Regulation as a Barrier to Market Provision and to Innovation: The Case of Toll Roads and Steam Carriages in England (2015) (4)
- Let's Focus on Victim Justice, Not Criminal Justice (2014) (4)
- A case study of selected factors of job satisfaction among Flint police officers (1980) (3)
- Decriminalisation, Restitution and Privatisation (2012) (3)
- Logrolling and high demand committee review (1983) (3)
- The Impact of Provincial Marketing Boards on Pricing Dynamics in the North American Slaughter Hog Market (1992) (3)
- Emerging from the Hobbesian Jungle (2004) (2)
- The institutional determinants of self-governance: a comment on Edward Stringham’s Private Governance (2018) (2)
- Causes and Consequences of Over-Criminalization * by (2014) (2)
- Predatory Public Finance and the Evolution of the War on Drugs (2018) (2)
- Do Holdout Problems Justify Compulsory Right-of-Way Purchase and Public Provision of Roads? (2006) (2)
- How to Secede in Business Without Really Leaving: Evidence of the Substitution of Arbitration for Litigation (2017) (2)
- Economic Dissociative Identity Disorder: The Math Gamer, the Anti-Policy Econometrician and the Narrative Political Economist (2009) (2)
- Delineating Spatial Markets Using Multivariate Time Series (1995) (2)
- On the Basing-Point System: Reply (1990) (2)
- The level of average production cost chosen by a multiplant spatial monopolist (1984) (2)
- Chamberlin's Solution in a Spatial Market (1987) (2)
- Economics of crime (2005) (2)
- Private Sources of Trust and Recourse : Prerequisites for the Successful Emergence of Markets in Cyberspace (2000) (1)
- A Neo-Mengerian Examination of the Regulatory Process (2012) (1)
- Private Policing and Private Roads: A Coasian Approach to Drunk-Driving Policy (2007) (1)
- The Optimal Size and Number of Market Areas: Reply (1982) (1)
- Spatial Price Theory and Market Delineation (1993) (1)
- A Multivariate Time Series Approach to Market Delineation and Pricing Dynamics in Spacial Competition (1992) (1)
- Economics of drug liberalization (2005) (1)
- Handhelds and TSSA: Using Handheld Computers to Improve Productivity and Professional Practice in School Administration (2003) (1)
- Community Policing Works at Michigan State University (1993) (1)
- The occupations of regulators influence occupational regulation: evidence from the US private security industry (2014) (1)
- Book reviews (1989) (0)
- Rent Seeking on the Legal Frontier (2018) (0)
- The development and evolution of predatory-state institutions and organizations: beliefs, violence, conquest, coercion, and rent seeking (2019) (0)
- The Rise and Fall of Non-Government Roads in the United Kingdom (2006) (0)
- ECONOMIC FREEDOM AND THE EVOLUTION OF LAW Wealth Seeking and the Evolution of Law (0)
- John R. Lott, Jr., More guns, less crime: Understanding crime and gun-control laws. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. x + 225 pages. $23.00 (cloth). (1999) (0)
- Privatization of Legal and Administrative Services (1998) (0)
- Buying America from the Indians: Johnson v. McIntosh and the History of Native Land Rights (2013) (0)
- Job Stressors, Frustrations, and Possible Solutions among Campus Police Chiefs (2006) (0)
- David Boaz (1997) Libertarianism: A Primer. (1997) (0)
- Cost-effectiveness study of Montana secondary education (1975) (0)
- Property rights: Cooperation, conflict, and law, edited by Anderson, T. L. and McChesney, F. S. Princeton NJ, and Oxford, UK: Princeton University Press, 2003, x+398 pp., USD 29.95 (paper) (2004) (0)
- Market Alternatives for Crime Control: Entrepreneurial Responses to Government Failure (1997) (0)
- Rent Seeking and Supply Management in Canadian Agriculture (2008) (0)
- The Economist's Role In Rationalizing Drug Policy (1996) (0)
- Customary Law (2021) (0)
- Book reviews (1994) (0)
- The institutional determinants of self-governance: a comment on Edward Stringham’s Private Governance (2017) (0)
- The Evolution of Law (2004) (0)
- Book reviews (1993) (0)
- Customary commercial law, credibility, contracting, and credit in the high Middle Ages (2017) (0)
- Book reviews (1991) (0)
- Book Review: Rationalizing Justice: The Political Economy of the Federal Courts (1992) (0)
- Spatial competition with free entry, Chamberlinian tangencies, and social efficiency: A reevaluation (1989) (0)
- ama-gi The Journal of the Hayek Society at the London School of Economics 2 Globalization Through Human Action or Human Design ? (0)
- Book Review: Drinkers, Drivers, and Bartenders: Balancing Private Choices and Public Accountability (2001) (0)
- A theoretical analysis of regulatory policy : bank mergers and holding company acquisitions (1978) (0)
- Lack of Cooperation in law Enforcement: Public Good Free Riding or Common pool Under-Investment? (1991) (0)
- Association Intra-National Effects of a Countervailing Duty on the United States / Canadian Hog Market Author ( s ) : (2007) (0)
- Peter T. Leeson: The invisible hook: the hidden economics of pirates (2010) (0)
- Investing in medical device companies. (1993) (0)
- Preface: Background and Overview (2010) (0)
- Book reviews (1994) (0)
- Book reviews (1993) (0)
- Roger E. Meiners and Andrew P. Morriss (Eds), The Common Law and the Environment: Rethinking the Statutory Basis for Modern Environmental Law (2001) (0)
- Conclusion: Instability and Inefficiency are the Inevitable Results of Government Planning and Regulatory Implementation (2010) (0)
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What Are Bruce L. Benson's Academic Contributions?
Bruce L. Benson is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
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