Carl Sagan
American astrophysicist, cosmologist and author
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Carl Sagan's Degrees
- PhD Astronomy and Astrophysics University of Chicago
- Masters Physics University of Chicago
- Bachelors Physics University of Chicago
Why Is Carl Sagan Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Carl Edward Sagan was an American astronomer and science communicator. His best known scientific contribution is his research on the possibility of extraterrestrial life, including experimental demonstration of the production of amino acids from basic chemicals by radiation. He assembled the first physical messages sent into space, the Pioneer plaque and the Voyager Golden Record, which were universal messages that could potentially be understood by any extraterrestrial intelligence that might find them. He argued in favor of the hypothesis, which has since been accepted, that the high surface temperatures of Venus are the result of the greenhouse effect.
Carl Sagan's Published Works
Published Works
- Endogenous production, exogenous delivery and impact-shock synthesis of organic molecules: an inventory for the origins of life (1992) (1055)
- A New Look at the Saturn System: The Voyager 2 Images (1982) (777)
- Earth and Mars: Evolution of Atmospheres and Surface Temperatures (1972) (774)
- Encounter with saturn: voyager 1 imaging science results. (1981) (719)
- The Jupiter System Through the Eyes of Voyager 1 (1979) (656)
- Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multple Nuclear Explosions (1983) (639)
- Optical constants of organic tholins produced in a simulated Titanian atmosphere: From soft x-ray to microwave frequencies (1984) (605)
- Voyager 2 at Neptune: Imaging Science Results (1989) (522)
- Cometary delivery of organic molecules to the early Earth. (1990) (503)
- The demon-haunted world. Science as a candle in the dark (1995) (449)
- The Galilean Satellites and Jupiter: Voyager 2 Imaging Science Results (1979) (431)
- Voyager 2 in the Uranian System: Imaging Science Results (1986) (365)
- Physical properties of the particles composing the Martian dust storm of 1971–1972 (1977) (356)
- A search for life on Earth from the Galileo spacecraft (1993) (345)
- Intelligent Life in the Universe (1966) (342)
- The early faint sun paradox: organic shielding of ultraviolet-labile greenhouse gases (1997) (334)
- Tholins: organic chemistry of interstellar grains and gas (1978) (301)
- Volcanic explosions and climatic change: A theoretical assessment (1976) (274)
- Pale blue dot : a vision of the human future in space (1994) (270)
- Anthropogenic Albedo Changes and the Earth's Climate (1979) (257)
- The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence (1977) (229)
- Production and condensation of organic gases in the atmosphere of Titan (1984) (220)
- Long-Wavelength Ultraviolet Photoproduction of Amino Acids on the Primitive Earth (1971) (218)
- Ultraviolet selection pressure on the earliest organisms. (1973) (193)
- The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (1975) (176)
- Climatic Change on Mars (1973) (176)
- Anisotropic nonconservative scattering and the clouds of Venus (1967) (175)
- Shock Synthesis of Amino Acids in Simulated Primitive Environments (1970) (170)
- Long-term biological consequences of nuclear war. (1983) (170)
- The geology of the Viking Lander 1 site (1977) (168)
- Chemical investigation of Titan and Triton tholins. (1994) (158)
- Variable features on Mars: Preliminary mariner 9 television results (1972) (158)
- Nuclear War and Climatic Catastrophe: Some Policy Implications (1983) (154)
- Variable features on Mars 2: Mariner 9 global results (1973) (142)
- Plasma discharge in N2 + CH4 at low pressures: experimental results and applications to Titan. (1991) (140)
- Synthesis of Adenosine Triphosphate Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions (1963) (138)
- Amino acids derived from Titan tholins. (1986) (137)
- Coloration and darkening of methane clathrate and other ices by charged particle irradiation: applications to the outer solar system. (1987) (137)
- Galactic civilizations - Population dynamics and interstellar diffusion (1978) (137)
- Evaporation of ice in planetary atmospheres: Ice-covered rivers on Mars (1979) (130)
- Titan: a laboratory for prebiological organic chemistry. (1992) (130)
- The tide in the seas of Titan (1982) (124)
- The organic aerosols of Titan. (1984) (120)
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of Titan and Jupiter. (1993) (120)
- Production and Optical Constants of Ice Tholin from Charged Particle Irradiation of (1:6) C2H6/H2O at 77 K (1993) (118)
- Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) (1973) (114)
- Climate and smoke: an appraisal of nuclear winter. (1990) (114)
- Windblown Dust on Mars (1969) (113)
- Volcanic resurfacing rates and implications for volatiles on Io (1979) (112)
- The Planet Venus: Recent observations shed light on the atmosphere, surface, and possible biology of the nearest planet. (1961) (112)
- Sulphur flows on Io (1979) (105)
- Red clouds in reducing atmospheres (1973) (102)
- The Surface of Mars: The View from the Viking 2 Lander (1976) (102)
- The Demon-Haunted World (1995) (102)
- Mariner 9 Television Reconnaissance of Mars and Its Satellites: Preliminary Results (1972) (100)
- Particles, environments, and possible ecologies in the Jovian atmosphere (1976) (100)
- High altitude infrared spectroscopic evidence for bound water on Mars. (1973) (98)
- Implications of Titan's north–south brightness asymmetry (1981) (89)
- Life in the Clouds of Venus? (1967) (88)
- Optical properties of poly-HCN and their astronomical applications. (1994) (86)
- The Surface of Mars: The View from the Viking 1 Lander (1976) (83)
- Stratospheric aerosols and climatic change (1976) (80)
- Particle motion on Mars inferred from the Viking Lander cameras (1977) (77)
- On the origin and planetary distribution of life. (1961) (76)
- Production and Chemical Analysis of Cometary Ice Tholins (1996) (75)
- Analytical pyrolysis experiments of Titan aerosol analogues in preparation for the Cassini Huygens mission. (1995) (72)
- Fluid Transport on Earth and Aeolian Transport on Mars (1975) (69)
- Organic solids produced by electrical discharge in reducing atmospheres: Tholin molecular analysis (1981) (67)
- Television experiment for Mariner Mars 1971 (1970) (67)
- Reducing greenhouses and the temperature history of Earth and Mars (1977) (67)
- Murmurs of Earth: The Voyager Interstellar Record (1978) (66)
- Voyager imaging experiment (1977) (66)
- Structure of the lower atmosphere of Venus (1962) (66)
- Five years of Project META - An all-sky narrow-band radio search for extraterrestrial signals (1993) (65)
- Minor constituents in planetary atmospheres: Ultraviolet spectroscopy from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory (1972) (64)
- Comets as a source of prebiotic organic molecules for the early Earth. (1997) (62)
- Fine Particles on Mars: Observations with the Viking 1 Lander Cameras (1976) (60)
- Organic chemistry on Titan: Surface interactions (1992) (59)
- Synthesis of Cystine in Simulated Primitive Conditions (1971) (59)
- A message from Earth. (1972) (58)
- Annual review of Earth and planetary sciences 3 (1976) (58)
- The Cosmic Connection (1973) (58)
- Thermodynamic Equilibria in Planetary Atmospheres (1967) (58)
- The Production of Organic Molecules in Planetary Atmospheres. (1960) (56)
- Scintillation-induced Intermittency in SETI (1997) (56)
- Sulfur flows of Ra Patera, Io (1984) (55)
- The Cold and the Dark: The World After Nuclear War (1985) (55)
- Observational consequences of Martian wind regimes (1971) (54)
- Tidal effects of disconnected hydrocarbon seas on Titan (1995) (53)
- Spectrophotometry of Io - Preliminary Voyager 1 results (1980) (52)
- Occultation of epsilon Geminorum by Mars. II. The structure and extinction of the Martian upper atmosphere. (1977) (52)
- Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1993) (51)
- Solid hydrocarbon aerosols produced in simulated Uranian and Neptunian stratospheres. (1987) (51)
- A preliminary assessment of Martian wind regimes (1971) (51)
- An analysis of Martian photometry and polarimetry (1969) (50)
- Mariner 9 television observations of Phobos and Deimos, 2 (1973) (50)
- Voyager photometry of Iapetus (1984) (50)
- Solid organic residues produced by irradiation of hydrocarbon-containing H2O and H2O/NH3 ices: infrared spectroscopy and astronomical implications. (1989) (49)
- An analysis of the Mariner-4 cratering statistics. (1969) (49)
- Differential transmission of sunlight on Mars: Biological implications (1974) (49)
- Goethite on Mars: A laboratory study of physically and chemically bound water in ferric oxides (1970) (49)
- Organic matter in the Saturn system (1984) (48)
- The Solipsist Approach to Extraterrestrial Intelligence (1983) (47)
- Sandstorms and eolian erosion on Mars (1973) (46)
- Interstellar Organic Chemistry (1972) (45)
- Planetary Engineering on Mars (1973) (45)
- The climatic effects of nuclear war (1984) (44)
- Albedo asymmetry of Iapetus (1983) (44)
- Mariner 9 television observations of Phobos and Deimos (1972) (44)
- Triton's streaks as windblown dust (1990) (44)
- Book-Review - Broca's Brain - Reflections on the Romance of Science (1979) (44)
- Broca's Brain (1979) (44)
- The long winter model of Martian biology - A speculation. (1971) (43)
- Martian temperatures and thermal properties (1969) (43)
- The search for extraterrestrial life. (1994) (42)
- Organic Molecules and the Coloration of Jupiter (1967) (42)
- The greenhouse of Titan. (1973) (41)
- The solar system beyond Mars: An exobiological survey (1971) (41)
- Galileo Multispectral Imaging of the North Polar and Eastern Limb Regions of the Moon (1994) (41)
- The organic surface of 5145 Pholus: constraints set by scattering theory. (1993) (41)
- Experimental Jovian photochemistry - Initial results (1971) (40)
- Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors: A Search for Who We Are (1995) (39)
- CH4/NH3/H2O spark tholin: chemical analysis and interaction with Jovian aqueous clouds. (1991) (39)
- Why we Need to Understand Science (1993) (38)
- The occultation of beta Scorpii by Jupiter. I - The structure of the Jovian upper atmosphere (1974) (38)
- The canals of Mars - An assessment after Mariner 9 (1975) (38)
- Elevation differences on Mars (1966) (37)
- Formation of Adenosine by Ultra-violet Irradiation of a Solution of Adenine and Ribose (1963) (37)
- The microwave phase effect of Venus (1965) (37)
- Billions and Billions: Thoughts on Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium (1997) (37)
- Infrared emission by organic grains in the coma of comet Halley (1987) (35)
- Interstellar Radio Communication and the Frequency Selection Problem (1973) (35)
- On the detectivity of advanced galactic civilizations (1973) (35)
- Ultraviolet-Photoproduced Organic Solids Synthesized Under Simulated Jovian Conditions: Molecular Analysis (1978) (35)
- Titan - Far-infrared and microwave remote sensing of methane clouds and organic haze (1984) (34)
- Electrical energy sources for organic synthesis on the early earth (2005) (33)
- The Terrestrial Planets (1963) (33)
- Computer simulations of planetary accretion dynamics: sensitivity to initial conditions. [Implications and limitations of ACRETE] (1976) (33)
- Venus: Atmospheric Evolution (1967) (32)
- Molecular Synthesis in Simulated Reducing Planetary Atmospheres. (1960) (32)
- Microbial metabolism of tholin. (1990) (32)
- The Titan haze revisited: magnetospheric energy sources and quantitative tholin yields. (1994) (31)
- Imaging experiment: The Viking Lander (1972) (31)
- Color and chemistry on Triton (1990) (31)
- Optical properties of solid and liquid sulfur at visible and infrared wavelengths. [important for composition of Venus, Jupiter, Io, Amalthea and Earth] (1985) (31)
- Observations of the spectrum of Jupiter from 1500 to 2000 A with the IUE (1980) (30)
- Pale Blue Dot (1994) (30)
- Dangers of asteroid deflection (1994) (29)
- Biological contamination of Mars II. Cold and aridity as constraints on the survival of terrestial microorganisms in simulated Martian environments (1963) (29)
- The occultation of beta Scorpii by Jupiter. II. The hydrogen--helium abundance in the Jovian atmosphere (1974) (27)
- The heliocentric evolution of cometary infrared spectra: results from an organic grain model. (1989) (27)
- An analysis of the Mariner 4 photography of Mars (1968) (27)
- The prospects for life on Mars: A pre-Viking assessment (1976) (26)
- Variable Features on Mars III: Comparison of Mariner 1969 and Mariner 1971 Photography (1974) (25)
- Cyclic Octatomic Sulfur: A Possible Infrared and Visible Chromophore in the Clouds of Jupiter (1975) (25)
- Radar Doppler spectroscopy of Mars. 1. Elevation differences between bright and dark areas (1967) (25)
- Mariner photography of Mars and aerial photography of Earth: Some analogies (1971) (24)
- Optical Constants of Kerogen from 0.15 to 40 μM: Comparison with Meteoritic Organics (1991) (24)
- Contamination of mars. (1967) (24)
- Windblown Dust on Venus (1975) (24)
- A Mariner 9 atlas of the moons of Mars (1974) (23)
- Spectrophotometry and organic matter on Iapetus. 1. Composition models. (1995) (23)
- A numerical circulation model with topography for the Martian Southern Hemisphere (1975) (22)
- A Path Where No Man Thought: Nuclear Winter and the End of the Arms Race (1990) (22)
- Carl Sagan's cosmic connection : an extraterrestrial perspective (2000) (22)
- The recognition of extraterrestrial intelligence (1975) (22)
- Secular changes and dark-area regeneration on Mars (1967) (21)
- Gray and Nongray Planetary Atmospheres. Structure, Convective Instability, and Greenhouse Effect (1969) (21)
- A search for life on Earth at kilometer resolution (1966) (21)
- Light hydrocarbons from plasma discharge in H2-He-CH4: first results and Uranian auroral chemistry. (1987) (21)
- The Deflection Dilemma: Use Vs. Misuse of Technologies for Avoiding Interplanetary Collision Hazards (1994) (20)
- The infrared limb darkening of Venus (1965) (20)
- The origin of nitrogen ionization in the upper atmosphere (1960) (20)
- The origin of life in a cosmic context (1974) (20)
- Triton: stratospheric molecules and organic sediments. (1989) (20)
- Optical constants of solid methane (1989) (20)
- The Infrared Detectability of Dyson Civilizations (1966) (20)
- UFO's: A Scientific Debate (1996) (19)
- Variable features on Mars. IV. Pavonis Mons (1974) (19)
- On the Nature of the Canals of Mars (1966) (19)
- Solar Neutrinos, Martian Rivers, and Praesepe (1973) (18)
- Nuclear Winter: Physics and Physical Mechanisms (1991) (18)
- Optical Constants of Triton Tholin: Preliminary Results (1994) (18)
- The reflection spectrum of liquid sulfur: Implications for Io (1983) (18)
- Variable features on Mars. VI. An unusual crater streak in Mesogaea (1976) (17)
- Long-range consequences of interplanetary collisions (1994) (17)
- Is the Early Evolution of Life Related to the Development of the Earth's Core? (1965) (17)
- On the Origin of the Venus Microwave Emission. (1961) (17)
- Lunar and planetary mass concentrations. (1969) (17)
- The solar system. (1975) (16)
- The case for ice clouds on Venus (1968) (16)
- Lander imaging as a detector of life on Mars (1977) (15)
- Liquid carbon dioxide and the Martian polar laminas (1973) (15)
- On the structure of the Venus atmosphere (1969) (15)
- Conservation of Tropical Forests (1981) (15)
- The Microwave Spectrum of Mars: An Analysis (1971) (15)
- Galileo multispectral imaging of Earth. (1995) (14)
- The Atmospheres of Mars and Venus (1962) (14)
- Nitrogen oxides on Mars (1965) (14)
- Machine Intelligence and Robotics Report of the NASA Study Group (1979) (14)
- Atmospheric formation of organic heteropolymers from N2+CH4: Structural suggestions for amino acid and oligomer precursors (1989) (14)
- Organic solids produced from simple C/H/O/N ices by charged particles: applications to the outer solar system. (1989) (14)
- a Windblown Dust Model of Martian Surface Features and Seasonal Changes (1967) (14)
- The Surface Temperature of Venus. (1960) (13)
- An analysis of the Mariner 2 microwave observations of Venus (1967) (13)
- A statistical analysis of the Martian wave of darkening and related phenomena (1967) (13)
- Studies of the surface of Mars /very early in the era of spacecraft reconnaissance/ (1970) (13)
- Contact: A Novel (1985) (13)
- The ionospheric model of the Venus microwave emission: An obituary (1966) (12)
- Polarization of Thermal Emission from Venus. (1965) (12)
- Moon: Two New Mascon Basins (1969) (12)
- Cometary organics but no evidence for bacteria (1987) (12)
- Mariner IV observations and the possibility of iron oxides on the Martian surface (1966) (12)
- On the upper atmosphere of Neptune (1974) (12)
- Guest Comment: Why scientists should popularize science (1989) (12)
- The microwave phase effect of Mercury. (1967) (12)
- Life on the Surface of Venus? (1967) (12)
- Kuwaiti fires and nuclear winter (1991) (12)
- Nuclear Winter in the Post-Cold War Era (1993) (12)
- Guest Comment: Preserving and cherishing the Earth—An appeal for joint commitment in science and religion (1990) (11)
- Extraterrestrial intelligence: an international petition. (1982) (11)
- Radiation chemistry in the Jovian stratosphere: laboratory simulations. (1992) (11)
- Murmurs of Earth (1979) (10)
- Martian landing sites for the voyager mission (1965) (10)
- Exobiology: a critical review. (1964) (10)
- Landing on Mars (1973) (10)
- Microwave boundary conditions on the atmosphere and clouds of Venus. (1975) (10)
- Goals for the 21st-century (1988) (10)
- Organic matter and the moon (1961) (9)
- Experimental interstellar organic chemistry - Preliminary findings (1973) (9)
- The search for indigenous lunar organic matter (1972) (9)
- Depth to Unoxidized Material in the Martian Regolith (1989) (9)
- Jovian atmosphere: near-ultraviolet absorption features. (1968) (9)
- Occultation of ε Geminorum by Mars: Evidence for Atmospheric Tides? (1977) (9)
- Cometary organic matter still a contentious issue (1988) (9)
- Unidentified Flying Objects (1967) (8)
- Reflection Spectra of Simulated Titan Organic Clouds. (1981) (8)
- An Estimate of the Surface Temperature of Venus Independent of Passive Microwave Radiometry (1967) (8)
- The 70's (1991) (8)
- The new Martian nomenclature of the International Astronomical Union (1975) (7)
- The Nuclear Winter Debate (1986) (7)
- Occultation of beta Scorpii by Jupiter. V - The emersion of beta Scorpii C (1975) (7)
- Optical Constants of Solid Ethane from 0.4 to 2.5 mu (1990) (7)
- Is the Martian blue haze produced by solar protons (1962) (7)
- Amino acid synthesis in stimulated primitive environments. (1970) (7)
- On a "nuclear winter". (1985) (7)
- On minimizing the consequences of nuclear war (1985) (7)
- Radar Doppler spectroscopy of Mars. I. (1967) (7)
- Nuclear war and climatic change — Guest editorial (1984) (7)
- Titan's organic chemistry (1985) (7)
- Biological contamination of Mars. I. Survival of terrestrial microorganisms in simulated Martian environments. (1964) (7)
- “Nuclear winter” to be taken seriously (1984) (6)
- The Photometric Properties of Mercury (1966) (6)
- Organic Matter in the Shoemaker-Levy 9 Jovian Impact Blemishes (1997) (6)
- Erosion and the rocks of Venus (1976) (6)
- Circumstellar Habitable Zones: An Introduction (1996) (6)
- Cosmic collisions and galactic civilizations (1998) (6)
- The occultation of Beta Scorpii by Jupiter. III. Simultaneous high time-resolution records at three wavelengths (1974) (6)
- Ices in the Outer Solar System: Spectra of Irradiation Products. (1985) (6)
- Radiation Darkening of CH 4 -clathrate: Implications for the Uranian Satellites (1986) (6)
- Book Review: Organic matter in the solar system. A collection of articles translated from English by K. A. LYUBARSKII with an introduction by G. P. V'dovikin. Mir, Moscow, 1969. 182 pages. 96 Kopeks (1970) (5)
- Mariner 9 Mars Television Experiment (1972) (5)
- The solar system as an abode of life (1966) (5)
- Hot hydrogen in prebiological and interstellar chemistry. (1975) (5)
- Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of gallium by the 1-pyrrolidinecarbodithioate method (1970) (5)
- Organic dust synthesized in reducing environments by ultraviolet radiation or electric discharge (1979) (5)
- The Jupiter greenhouse (1972) (5)
- A critical test of the electrical discharge model of the Venus microwave emission. (1967) (5)
- Mars and the Mind of Man (1973) (5)
- Carl Sagan's Cosmic Connection (2000) (4)
- Life beyond the solar system. (1972) (4)
- Martian Ionosphere: A Component Due to Solar Protons (1967) (4)
- Amino acids and their polymers in the lower clouds of jupiter? -- preliminary findings (1989) (4)
- Jupiter Occultation of Beta Scorpii: Are the Flashes Time-symmetric? (1972) (4)
- The Trouble with Venus (1971) (4)
- On solar system nomenclature (1976) (4)
- Comets and the Origin of Life (1991) (4)
- What Is to Be Done (1992) (4)
- Ozone, dust, smoke and humidity in nuclear winter (1985) (4)
- Climatic change on Mars and Earth (1975) (4)
- The retention and movement of cerium-141 in the gastrointestinal tract of adult rats irradiated with 800 R and fed grain-based or milk diets. (1973) (4)
- Five micron limb-darkening and the structure of the Jovian atmosphere (1978) (4)
- Intelligent Life in the Universe and Intelligence in the Universe (1967) (4)
- The Abundance of Water Vapor on Mars. (1961) (3)
- The past and future of American astronomy (1974) (3)
- PRIZES (1982) (3)
- Interstellar grains: organic or refractory? (reply) (1979) (3)
- An Estimate of the Surface Temperature of Venus Independent of Passive Microwave Radiometry: a Correction (1968) (3)
- The pre- and post-accretion irradiation history of cometary ices. (1989) (3)
- Computer visualization in spacecraft exploration of the solar system (1991) (3)
- Evaporation of ice-choked rivers: application to Martian channels. (1977) (3)
- Why send humans to Mars? (1991) (3)
- Nuclear winter: a report from the world scientific community (1985) (3)
- Organic chemistry and biology of the interstellar medium (1973) (3)
- In Praise of Robots. (1975) (3)
- Wind-Blown Dust (1975) (3)
- Titan's organic chemistry: Results of simulation experiments (1992) (3)
- On the terms ‘biogenesis’ and ‘abiogenesis’ (1974) (2)
- Book Review: Pale blue dot: a vision of the human future in space / Random House, 1994 (1995) (2)
- Optical Properties of Tholin from H 2 O/C 2 H 6 (6:1) Ice, and Comparison with Titan Tholin, Kerogen and Meteoritic Organics (1991) (2)
- The atmospheres of Mars and Venus : a report by the Ad Hoc Panel on Planetary Atmospheres of the Space Science Board (1961) (2)
- Eavesdropping on galactic civilizations. (1978) (2)
- Production and fate of hydrocarbons, nitriles, and heteropolymers on Titan (1989) (2)
- Mars Cratering Record as a Probe of Ancient Pressure Variations (1994) (2)
- Obituary: Gerard Peter Kuiper (1905–1973) (1974) (2)
- The Microwave Spectrum of Titan: Compatibility with Post-Voyager Atmospheric Models. (1981) (2)
- Potential yields of biological relevance from remote investigations of Mars (1966) (2)
- The shores of the cosmic ocean (2000) (2)
- 宇宙の調和 : the harmony of the worlds (1989) (2)
- To preserve a world graced by life (1983) (2)
- Optical Constants of Basaltic Glass from 0.0173 to 50 μM (1991) (2)
- Decontamination standards for Martian exploration programs (1966) (2)
- Cosmic Dust Synthesized in Reducing Environments (1980) (2)
- 宇宙の音楽 : one voice the cosmic fugue (1989) (2)
- The Physical Environment of Venus: Models and Prospects (1962) (2)
- Imaging Spectroscopy of Mars from 3 to 4 MU M (1996) (2)
- On the nature and visibility of crater-associated streaks on Mars (1978) (2)
- Physical Properties of the Particles Composing the Great Martian Dust Storm of 1971 (1974) (2)
- An introduction to the problem of interstellar communication (1974) (2)
- If there are any, could there be many? (1976) (2)
- On the Nature of the Jovian "Blue" Regions. (1981) (2)
- The organic clouds of Titan (1982) (2)
- Ion-Molecule Condensation Reactions: A Mechanism for Chemical Synthesis in Reducing Planetary Atmospheres. (1977) (2)
- A two component model for thermal emission from organic grains in Comet Halley (1988) (2)
- Space Exploration as a Human Enterprise: The Scientific Interest (1973) (1)
- Color-Albedo Classification and Modeling of Jovian Clouds (1988) (1)
- Microwave Radiation from Venus: Thermal versus Nonthermal Models (1969) (1)
- Selected studies in exobiology, planetary environments, and problems related to the origin of life semiannual progress reports, 1 apr. 1967 - 31 mar. 1968 (1968) (1)
- Impact Delivery of Organic Molecules to the Early Earth and Implications for the Terrestrial Origins of Life (1989) (1)
- PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES. International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 40 Held in Marfa, Texas, October 26--31, 1969. (1971) (1)
- Remote detection of terrestrial life (1966) (1)
- Ultraviolet light and the origin of ribosomes (1971) (1)
- Multispectral imaging of Europa from Galileo's G1 encounter (1996) (1)
- The Atmosphere of Venus (1964) (1)
- Are there Diagnostic Spectral Features of Irradiated Cometary Ices (1986) (1)
- 赤い星の神秘 : blues for a red planet (1989) (1)
- MJS imaging experiment: Mariner Jupiter-Saturn mission definition phase (1972) (1)
- ‘‘Croesus and Cassandra: Policy response to global warming,’’ Carl Sagan’s acceptance speech for the 1990 Oersted Medal presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers, 23 January 1990 (1990) (1)
- Obituary: Harold Clayton Urey: 1893–1981 (1981) (1)
- Behavior of Windblown Sand on Mars: Results from Single-Particle Experiments (1999) (1)
- Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 7: Edited by Leo Goldberg. Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alto, California, 1969. 717 pp. Price $8.50 (1970) (1)
- Error in estimation of contained milk volume in the dairy goat with cerium-141. (1973) (1)
- Mars, a new world to explore (1967) (1)
- SPACE RESEARCH XI. VOLUME 1. Proceedings of Open Meetings of Working Groups of the Thirteenth Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Leningrad, USSR, May 20--29, 1970 and of the Symposium on Remote Sounding of the Atmosphere, Leningrad, USSR, May 25--26, 1970. (1971) (1)
- Structure of the Martian Upper Atmosphere from Airborne Observations of the ∊ Gem Occultation (1977) (1)
- The COSPAR Meetings in Prague (1969) (1)
- Is There Life on Earth (1972) (1)
- High-resolution planetary photography and the detection of life (1966) (1)
- Properties of the clouds of Venus (1966) (1)
- Voices of Survival in the Nuclear Age (1986) (1)
- Science and Technology in the 20th Century: Good & Bad (1999) (1)
- Further remarks on Martian NO2 (1965) (1)
- Erratum: Polarization of Thermal Emission from Venus. (1965) (1)
- Solar luminosity variations and the climate of Mars (1974) (1)
- The Number of Advanced Galactic Civilizations (1973) (1)
- Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence. Proceedings of the first international conference on extraterrestrial civilizations, 1971 Sept., Soviet Armenia. (1972) (1)
- Imprisoned argentine scientist. (1977) (1)
- What thin partitions (1999) (1)
- Stratospheric Tholins in the Outer Planets: Synthesis by Coronal/Plasma Discharge in H 2 /CH 4 Flows. (1985) (1)
- Complex Refractive Index of Liquid and Solid Sulfur (1984) (1)
- Writing about Science (1981) (1)
- [Long-term effects of nuclear war]. (1984) (1)
- Continuing Puzzles about Mars (1977) (1)
- The Quest for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (1979) (1)
- Cosmic Collisions and the Longevity of Non-Spacefaring Galactic Civilizations (1998) (1)
- Astrophysical formulae: K. R. Lang. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975. 735 pp. Price $78.80 (1975) (1)
- Book-Review - Comet (1985) (1)
- In memoriam: James B. Pollack (1938-1994). (1995) (1)
- Oh emission regions and extraterrestrial intelligence (1968) (1)
- Origin and Depth of Titan's Hydrocarbon Ocean (1984) (1)
- On the temperature dependence of possible S8 infrared bands in planetary atmospheres (1976) (1)
- Annual review of astronomy and astrophysics: Volume 8. Edited by Leo Goldberg. Annual reviews Inc., Palo Alto, California, 1970. ix + 495 pp. Price $10.00 (1971) (0)
- Detection times and number densities of rare mobile organisms: Application to Loch Ness (1976) (0)
- The Helium Fraction in the Jovian Atmosphere from the Occultation of β-Scorpii. (1973) (0)
- Simulated Oxidation of Organic Macromolecules on Mars (1996) (0)
- Molecular Analysis of Organic Solids Produced Under Simulated Jovian Conditions (1977) (0)
- SETI Petition (1983) (0)
- On the Atmosphere and Clouds of Venus (1963) (0)
- Physics of the Earth and planetary interiors: Edited by K. E. Bullen, Frank Press, and S. K. Runcorn. North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, $25.00 per year. Bimonthly (1969) (0)
- Ballistic Diffusion on Planetary Satellites (1983) (0)
- 天国と地獄 : heaven and hell (1989) (0)
- Book Review:Man on Another World. Gosta Ehrensvard, Lennart Roden, Kajsa Roden (1967) (0)
- Travels in space and time ; the lives of the stars (2000) (0)
- Eclipse phenomena in astronomy: F. Link. Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc., 1969. 271 pp. Price $19.50. (1970) (0)
- Terrestrial accretion of prebiotic volatiles and organic molecules during the heavy bombardment (1991) (0)
- Red clouds in reducing atmospheres. [polymer production by UV irradiation in planetary atmospheres (1973) (0)
- The Evolution of Interstellar Space Flight (1960) (0)
- Glossary of astronomy and astrophysics: Jeanne Hopkins. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1976. 169 pp., $10.95 (1977) (0)
- Voyager imaging experiment. [for planetary reconnaissance] (1977) (0)
- The 20‐micron window (1975) (0)
- In memoriam: James B. Pollack %281938-1994%29 (1995) (0)
- Prizes (1985) (0)
- The Mountains of Mars (1974) (0)
- Sagan's notebook, 1969 (1969) (0)
- Letter from Carl Sagan to Edward Anders (1961) (0)
- Errata: "Variable features on Mars. IV. Pavonis Mons" [Icarus, Vol. 22, p. 24 - 47 (1974)]. (1975) (0)
- The prospects for life on Mars: A post Mariner 9 assessment : draft (1974) (0)
- Venus surface temperatures : draft : notebook (1960) (0)
- Geomorphology of Ra Patera Io: a quantitative approach to sulfur volcanism. (1981) (0)
- Eavesdropping on Galactic Civilizations (1978) (0)
- Grand Tour outer planet missions definition phase. Part 1: Quantitative imaging of the outer planets and their satellites (1972) (0)
- Book Review: Solar 617 system research. Translation of Astronomicheskii Vestnik. Translated from the Russian by Consultants Bureau, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011. Price: 75.00 per 6 issues annually from 1964-1968; 95.00 per 6 issues annually from 1969. (1969) (0)
- Book reviews (1972) (0)
- Letter from Charles A. Berry to Carl Sagan regarding a proposed biology training Program for Apollo astronauts (1967) (0)
- Planetary Astronomy Objectives (1972) (0)
- The geology of Mars: Thomas A. Mutch, Raymond E. Arvidson, James W. Head, Kenneth L. Jones, and R. Stephen Saunders, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1976. 400 pp., $35.00. (1977) (0)
- Letter: On the terms 'biogenesis' and 'abiogenesis'. (1974) (0)
- Growth of microorganisms on organic material produced by chemical synthesis in a reducing atmosphere (1982) (0)
- 時間と空間の旅 : Travels in space and time (1989) (0)
- Life in the clouds of Venus/ques/ (1967) (0)
- The Future of Planetary Exploration (1993) (0)
- Apollo and the universe: S. D. Butler and H. Messel (Editors): Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1968. 422 pp. Hard cover 45s, flexi-cover 35s. (1969) (0)
- The edge of forever ; the persistence of memory (2000) (0)
- Martians! draft script for Cosmos episode 5 (1979) (0)
- Remarks Made at the Scientific Dedication of the 107-Inch Reflector, October 30, 1969 (1971) (0)
- Reflectance Properties of Irradiated Simulated Cometary Ices (1987) (0)
- Interdisciplinary investigations of comparative planetology (1976) (0)
- Other Worlds - Is There Life Out There (1975) (0)
- The planet Mercury: E. M. Antoniadi. Translated from the French by Patrick Moore. Keith Reed Ltd., Shaldon, Devon, United Kingdom, 1974. 83 pp. Price £1.95 (1974) (0)
- 15.6. Kepler and Mariner 9 (1975) (0)
- Terrestrial production vs. extraterrestrial delivery of prebiotic organics to the early Earth (1991) (0)
- A Journal Journey. (1974) (0)
- Studies of satellite and planetary surfaces and atmospheres. [Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars and their satellites (1978) (0)
- Collection of Carl Sagan's notes (1960) (0)
- Titan Master : book I (1981) (0)
- The Age of Exploration (1997) (0)
- The Poisonous Cloud, L.F. Haber. 1986. Oxford University Press, NY. 415 pages. Index. ISBN: 0-19-858142-4. $62.00 (1988) (0)
- McLaughlin and Mars. [volcanic-aeolian hypotheses for Martian surface features] (1974) (0)
- Titan in 2097 (1997) (0)
- 未来への手紙 : The persistence of memory (1989) (0)
- Frontiers in Solar System Exobiology (1966) (0)
- 29. Mars as Viewed from Mariner 9 (1979) (0)
- Journey to Elsewhere and Elsewhen. (1973) (0)
- Viking to Mars - The mission strategy (1975) (0)
- Voyager Multispectral IR Limb-Darkening of Jupiter, II, The Deep Clouds (1989) (0)
- Some points on the origin of life: draft : notebook (1960) (0)
- Exploration of the planets - An invited discourse presented before the Sixteenth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Grenoble, France, August, 1976 (1977) (0)
- Life on ice, Antarctica and Mars (1991) (0)
- Book reviews (1971) (0)
- Contact : a novel : draft (1984) (0)
- The Titan Haze Revisited-Origin and Production Rates (1993) (0)
- Letter from Carl Sagan to Philip H. Abelson (1965) (0)
- Temperature structure and emergent flux of the Jovian planets (1978) (0)
- Imprisoned Argentine Scientist (1977) (0)
- Book Review:Current Aspects of Exobiology. G. Mamikunian, M. H. Briggs (1966) (0)
- Intelligence in the Universe: Roger A. MacGowan and Frederick I. Ordway III: Prentice-Hall, New York, 1966. xiii + 402. $13.50 (1967) (0)
- Extraterrestrial Intelligence: An International Petition (1982) (0)
- The Book of Mars. Samuel Glasstone. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C., 1968 (available from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C.). viii + 318 pp., illus. $5.25. NASA SP-179 (1969) (0)
- Fourteenth triennial meeting, International Astronomical Union, University of Sussex, United Kingdom, August, 1970 (1971) (0)
- Preparations for landing on Mars. (1976) (0)
- Book Review: Jupiter: Studies of the interior, atmosphere, magnetosphere and satellites. Edited by Tom Gehrels with the assistance of Mildred Shapley Matthews. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1976. 1254 pp., $38.50 (1977) (0)
- Greenhouse warming by minor gases on early Mars (1992) (0)
- Evaluation differences on Mars (1966) (0)
- Interstellar communication: (Ed. A. G. W. Cameron). W. A. Benjamin, New York, 1963. 320 pp (1964) (0)
- Kosmos / Carl Sagan (1997) (0)
- Origin of the Solar System (1965) (0)
- Speaking out. (1993) (0)
- Radio and radar evidence on the structure and composition of the Martian surface (1966) (0)
- SETI Petition. (1983) (0)
- Letter from Carl Sagan to Allan H. Brown (1963) (0)
- The first new planet. (1995) (0)
- Letter from Carl Sagan to Joshua Lederberg (1974) (0)
- The climate of Mars (1976) (0)
- 16. Physical Study of Planets and Satellites (1970) (0)
- Carl Sagan : curriculum vitae (1961) (0)
- Gas phase organic synthesis in an N2/CH4 flow system: a Titan simulation. (1985) (0)
- Smith medal for John Wood (1977) (0)
- Radiation Dose-Dependence of Titan Tholin (1993) (0)
- The Variety of Supernatural Experience (1996) (0)
- Ancient climates and solar evolution (1979) (0)
- Is Anybody Out There (2005) (0)
- One voice in the cosmic fugue ; the harmony of the worlds (2000) (0)
- The effect of volcanic activity on climate. [radiative effects of volcanic aerosols] (1975) (0)
- BOOK AND FILM REVIEWS: Intelligent Life in the Universe (1968) (0)
- Comets - Mementos of creation (1989) (0)
- Biogenesis, abiogenesis, biopoesis and all that (1975) (0)
- Exploring the Cosmos and Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics (1974) (0)
- Book reviewThe outer solar system: A program for exploration: J. A. Van Allen and G. J. F. MacDonald, Chmm. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1969. 85 pages. No charge (1970) (0)
- Frictional and stream velocities in sandstorms (1974) (0)
- Draft of obituary for Gerard Kuiper (1974) (0)
- Life on Mars: What Could it Mean?. (1976) (0)
- The clouds and atmosphere of Venus. (1968) (0)
- Book-Review - Cosmos (1981) (0)
- Astronomy 170, Harvard University : lecture notes (1965) (0)
- Worlds around the sun (1969) (0)
- Occultation studies of planets and satellites: The occultation of epsilon Geminorum by Mars (1977) (0)
- Hans Bethe Discusses the Manhattan Project, with Introduction by Carl Sagan (2005) (0)
- Can civilizations survive without developing space (1998) (0)
- Book review: Cosmic Connection (Sagan) (2000) (0)
- Viking and Life on Mars (1976) (0)
- Atlas des planètes: Vincent de Callataÿ with the collaboration of Auduoin Dollfus. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1968. 167 pages. 60 francs (1970) (0)
- Structure of the Lower Atmosphere of Venus. (1962) (0)
- Prospects for Peacemaking: A Citizen's Guide to Safer Nuclear Strategy, Harlan Cleveland and Lincoln P. Bloomfield. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. 159 pages. ISBN: 0-262-03131-0 (1988) (0)
- Revision of scientific objectives for participation in the Voyager mission (1978) (0)
- Nuclear Winter, Gary E. McCuen, ed. 1987. Gary McCuen Publications Inc., Hudson, WI. 144 pages. ISBN: 0-86596-062-3. $11.95 (1988) (0)
- Geology of the Moon: revised edition. Thomas A. Mutch. Princeton University Press, 1973. 391 pp. Price $22.50 (1973) (0)
- An analysis of microwave observations of Venus (1965) (0)
- Ban space weapons (1983) (0)
- Viking: The mission strategy (1976) (0)
- Evolution of the Martian Environment and the Biological Significance of the Viking Missions (1977) (0)
- The Nuclear Winter: The Cold and the Dark (1991) (0)
- IN MEMORIAM: W. REID THOMPSON (1952-1996) (1996) (0)
- Prizes (1983) (0)
- The Titan haze revisted: Magnetospheric energy sorces quantitative tholin yields (1994) (0)
- Now you see them, now you don't. (1996) (0)
- UFO's - a scientific debate. An AAAS symposium, Boston, December 1969. (1973) (0)
- Organic Chemistry in Reducing Atmospheres (1974) (0)
- Planetary engineering on Mars. [terraforming (1973) (0)
- Response : Amino Acid Synthesis in Simulated Primitive Environments (1970) (0)
- Biology training program for Apollo astronauts : proposal (1967) (0)
- Palomar Loses a Round in Light Pollution Battle (1983) (0)
- Heaven and hell ; blues for a red planet (2000) (0)
- Two-Dimensional Versions of High-K Materials Offer New Future for Chips (0)
- Gas-Phase Organic Chemistry of Early Mars: Laboratory Yields and Implications (1991) (0)
- The origin of the planets: I. P. Williams. Adam Hilger, Ltd., London, 1975. Price $8.00 (1976) (0)
- ET《地球外生物》と交信する方法 (1984) (0)
- Interpretations of the Infrared Limb-Darkening of Venus. (1964) (0)
- Grand Tour outer planet missions definition phase. Part 2: Minutes of meetings and official correspondence (1972) (0)
- Exobiology and the origin of life (1976) (0)
- Analysis of Solid Residue from Spark Discharges in Simulated Jovian Atmospheres (1990) (0)
- En busca de la inteligencia extraterrestre (1975) (0)
- Planetary atmospheres, proceedings from 40th IAU Symposium held in Marfa, Texas, Oct. 26-31, 1969. (1971) (0)
- The search for life on Mars (1976) (0)
- Radio evidence on structure and composition of Martian surface (1965) (0)
- Launch opportunities and seasonal activity on Mars (1966) (0)
- The future exploration of Mars (1976) (0)
- Planetary Exploration (Lecture One) (1968) (0)
- The Planets. Some Myths and Realities. Richard Baum. Halsted (Wiley), New York, 1973. 300 pp., illus. $8.95 (1974) (0)
- Organic synthesis in the outer Solar System: Recent laboratory simulations for Titan, the Jovian planets, Triton and comets (1991) (0)
- Landing on the planet Mars (1976) (0)
- Annual review of Earth and planetary sciences: Edited by Fred A. Donath, Francis G. Stehli, and George W. Wetherill. Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, California, 1974. 478 pp. Vol. 2. Price $12.00 (1974) (0)
- CARL SAGAN (1934–1996) (2004) (0)
- Isaac Asimov (1920–1992) (1992) (0)
- CARL SAGAN (1934–1996) (2004) (0)
- Infrared spectroscopy of simulated Martian surface materials (1978) (0)
- Encyclopedia of Galactica ; who speaks for earth? (2000) (0)
- Nitrogen Oxides on Mars. (1964) (0)
- Wolf Vladimir Vishniac: An Obituary (1974) (0)
- Early climate on Earth-reduced gas models and early climate on Mars-reduced gas and obliquity models. Final report, May 1977-May 1978 (1978) (0)
- Prizes (1968) (0)
- Studies of volatiles and organic materials in early terrestrial and present-day outer solar system environments (1991) (0)
- 5. Waiting-time Distributions (0)
- Some terrestrial programs (1966) (0)
- Television Equipment for Mariner Mars 1971 (1970) (0)
- Letter from Carl Sagan to Noel Hinners, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (1975) (0)
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Carl Sagan is most known for their academic work in the field of physics. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Carl Sagan has made the following academic contributions: