Carver Mead
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American computer scientist
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Carver Meadcomputer-science Degrees
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Engineering Computer Science
Carver Mead's Degrees
- PhD Electrical Engineering California Institute of Technology
- Masters Electrical Engineering California Institute of Technology
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering California Institute of Technology
Why Is Carver Mead Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Carver Andress Mead is an American scientist and engineer. He currently holds the position of Gordon and Betty Moore Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology , having taught there for over 40 years. He taught Deborah Chung, the first female engineering graduate of Caltech. He advised the first female electrical engineering student at Caltech, Louise Kirkbride. His contributions as a teacher include the classic textbook Introduction to VLSI Systems , which he coauthored with Lynn Conway.
Carver Mead's Published Works
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Published Works
- Analog VLSI and neural systems (1989) (3065)
- Introduction to VLSI systems (1978) (2943)
- Neuromorphic electronic systems (1990) (1649)
- On the determination of Born–Oppenheimer nuclear motion wave functions including complications due to conical intersections and identical nuclei (1979) (628)
- Winner-Take-All Networks of O(N) Complexity (1988) (575)
- Conditions for the definition of a strictly diabatic electronic basis for molecular systems (1982) (567)
- A silicon model of early visual processing (1993) (501)
- An analog electronic cochlea (1988) (450)
- The geometric phase in molecular systems (1992) (381)
- Metal-semiconductor surface barriers (1966) (379)
- Fermi Level Position at Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces (1964) (372)
- Analog VLSI Implementation of Neural Systems (2011) (359)
- Fundamental limitations in microelectronics—I. MOS technology (1972) (350)
- A double many‐body expansion of the two lowest‐energy potential surfaces and nonadiabatic coupling for H3 (1987) (327)
- Computing motion using analog and binary resistive networks (1988) (324)
- A single-transistor silicon synapse (1996) (300)
- Permittivity of Strontium Titanate (1972) (296)
- Possible Connection Between Gravitation and Fundamental Length (1964) (296)
- White noise in MOS transistors and resistors (1993) (294)
- The silicon retina. (1991) (289)
- Operation of Tunnel‐Emission Devices (1961) (251)
- Electron transport mechanisms in thin insulating films (1962) (230)
- Neuromorphic analogue VLSI. (1995) (226)
- The molecular Aharonov—Bohm effect in bound states (1980) (225)
- Barrier energies in metal-silicon dioxide-silicon structures (1966) (208)
- Adaptive photoreceptor with wide dynamic range (1994) (199)
- Correlation for III-V and II-VI Semiconductors of the Au Schottky Barrier Energy with Anion Electronegativity (1976) (188)
- Signal Delay in General RC Networks (1984) (185)
- Improved implementation of the silicon cochlea (1992) (184)
- A Low-Power Wide-Linear-Range Transconductance Amplifier (1997) (181)
- Analog VLSI Phototransduction by continuous-time, adaptive, logarithmic photoreceptor circuits (1995) (165)
- Fermi Level Position at Semiconductor Surfaces (1963) (159)
- A Low-Power Wide-Dynamic-Range Analog VLSI Cochlea (1998) (150)
- Barrier Height Studies on Metal-Semiconductor Systems (1963) (138)
- A Silicon Model Of Auditory Localization (1989) (135)
- Electronic Hamiltonian, wave functions, and energies, and derivative coupling between Born–Oppenheimer states in the vicinity of a conical intersection (1983) (130)
- Superposition of reactive and nonreactive scattering amplitudes in the presence of a conical intersection (1980) (128)
- Schottky barrier gate field effect transistor (1966) (123)
- Fundamental Transition in the Electronic Nature of Solids (1969) (122)
- Microelectronics and Computer Science (1977) (120)
- Anomalous capacitance of thin dielectric structures (1961) (118)
- Implementing neural architectures using analog VLSI circuits (1989) (117)
- On the form of the adiabatic and diabatic representation and the validity of the adiabatic approximation for X3 Jahn–Teller systems (1985) (116)
- The ''noncrossing'' rule for electronic potential energy surfaces: The role of time-reversal invariance (1979) (116)
- Physical model for burst noise in semiconductor devices (1970) (109)
- Surface Barriers on Zinc Oxide (1970) (107)
- An Integrated Analog Optical Motion Sensor (1986) (107)
- Translinear circuits using subthreshold floating-gate MOS transistors (1996) (106)
- Single Transistor Learning Synapses (1994) (105)
- The nature of the voltage-dependent conductance induced by alamethicin in black lipid membranes (1973) (104)
- Surface barriers on ZnSe and ZnO (1965) (101)
- VLSI architectures for implementation of neural networks (1987) (96)
- Relative likelihood of encountering conical intersections and avoided intersections on the potential energy surfaces of polyatomic molecules (2003) (92)
- Cost and performance of VLSI computing structures (1979) (92)
- A high-resolution non-volatile analog memory cell (1995) (85)
- Scaling of MOS technology to submicrometer feature sizes (1994) (85)
- Scanners for visualizing activity of analog VLSI circuitry (1991) (82)
- Dielectric constants and infrared absorption of GaSe (1966) (82)
- Consistent analytic representation of the two lowest potential energy surfaces for Li3, Na3, and K3 (1985) (82)
- Photoemissive Determination of Barrier Shape in Tunnel Junctions (1965) (80)
- A Sensitive Electronic Photoreceptor (1985) (80)
- Characteristics of aluminum-silicon schottky barrier diode (1970) (80)
- Gauge theory and quasidiabatic states in molecular physics (1989) (78)
- Linear Systems Theory (2004) (76)
- Electrical Transport and Contact Properties of Low Resistivity n Type Zinc Sulfide Crystals (1965) (74)
- Minimum propagation delays in VLSI (1982) (72)
- Properties of nonadiabatic couplings and the generalized Born–Oppenheimer approximation (2002) (70)
- Analog VLSI adaptive logarithmic wide-dynamic-range photoreceptor (1994) (70)
- Collective electrodynamics : quantum foundations of electromagnetism (2000) (68)
- The effect of a conical intersection on cross sections for collision‐induced dissociation (1988) (68)
- The Effect of Trapping States on Tunneling in Metal Semiconductor Junctions (1969) (65)
- Analog VLSI model of binaural hearing (1991) (64)
- Electronic spin—orbit interaction and the molecular Aharonov—Bohm effect (1980) (63)
- A floating-gate MOS learning array with locally computed weight updates (1997) (63)
- Single transistor learning synapse with long term storage (1995) (61)
- How we created neuromorphic engineering (2020) (60)
- Schottky barriers on compound semiconductors: The role of the anion (1976) (58)
- Silicon modeling of pitch perception. (1989) (57)
- An analog VLSI cochlea with new transconductance amplifiers and nonlinear gain control (1996) (57)
- Limitations in microelectronics — II. Bipolar technology☆ (1972) (56)
- The Tunneling Time of an Electron (1967) (56)
- Adaptive Retina (1989) (53)
- Dipole length versus dipole velocity in the calculation of infrared intensities with Born–Oppenheimer wave functions (1967) (53)
- A novel associative memory implemented using collective computation (1990) (52)
- Circuit Models of Sensory Transduction in the Cochlea (1989) (52)
- An Electronic Photoreceptor Sensitive to Small Changes in Intensity (1988) (51)
- Observable Consequences of Fundamental-Length Hypotheses (1966) (51)
- Reaction rates of H(H2), D(H2), and H(D2) van der Waals molecules and the threshold behavior of the bimolecular gas‐phase rate coefficient (1989) (50)
- Adiabatic electronic energies and nonadiabatic couplings to all orders for system of three identical nuclei with conical intersectiona) (1985) (48)
- Detecting beyond-Einstein polarizations of continuous gravitational waves (2015) (48)
- Modeling Small Oscillating Biological Networks in Analog VLSI (1988) (48)
- Electric field dependence of GaAs Schottky barriers (1968) (48)
- Conduction Band Minima in AlAs and AlSb (1963) (46)
- A Complementary Pair of Four-Terminal Silicon Synapses (1997) (45)
- The effect of nonparabolic energy bands on tunneling through thin insulating films (1966) (45)
- Schottky barrier heights on p-type diamond and silicon carbide (6h) (1976) (45)
- Analog VLSI and neural systems (invited presentation) (1989) (44)
- Permittivity of β-Ga2O3 at low frequencies (1971) (44)
- Experimental Determination ofE−kRelationship in Electron Tunneling (1966) (44)
- Conical intersections in a system of four identical nuclei (1985) (43)
- A two-dimensional visual tracking array (1988) (42)
- Charge transfer in overlapping gate charge-coupled devices (1973) (42)
- Table of marks and double cosets in isomer counting (1987) (41)
- The influence of an electric and magnetic field in chemical reactions (1977) (40)
- 5C3 - GaAs as an electrooptic modulator at 10.6 microns (1966) (38)
- Theory of Resonance Absorption Line Shapes in Monatomic Gases (1965) (37)
- A Physical Charge-Controlled Model for MOS Transistors (1987) (37)
- A simple neuron servo (1991) (37)
- A barrier model for current flow in lipid bilayer membranes (1973) (37)
- Influence of carrier diffusion effects on window thickness of semiconductor detectors (1970) (37)
- Tunneling in CdTe Schottky Barriers (1969) (37)
- Surface barrier energies on strontium titanate (1972) (36)
- The potential energy surface of the jahn-teller-distorted 2E' ground state of copper trimer (1986) (34)
- Conduction Band Minima ofGa(As1−xPx) (1964) (34)
- Scaling of MOS technology to submicrometer feature sizes (1994) (33)
- Measurement of very Fast Reaction Rates by Raman Line Broadening (1962) (33)
- On the multidimensional surface intersection problem and classical trajectory surface hopping (1986) (32)
- Direct interelectrode tunneling in GaSe (1971) (31)
- Some comments on the possibility of achieving asymmetric synthesis from achiral reactants in a rotating vessel (1980) (31)
- Energy-Momentum Relationship in InAs (1968) (30)
- The influence of interface states on incomplete charge transfer in overlapping gate charge-coupled devices (1973) (30)
- Time-derivative adaptive silicon photoreceptor array (1991) (30)
- Concurrent Algorithms as Space-Time Recursion Equations (1983) (30)
- The Tunnel-Emission Amplifier (1960) (28)
- The nature of light: what are photons? (2013) (27)
- Current-voltage characteristics of small size MOS transistors (1972) (25)
- Estimation of very fast reaction rates from the broadening of vibrational spectral lines (1965) (24)
- Use of Retarded Green's Functions in Exciton Theory (1965) (24)
- Collective electrodynamics I. (1997) (24)
- Exactly soluble model for crystal with spatial dispersion (1977) (24)
- Orientation-Selective VLSI Retina (1988) (24)
- Refractory Neuron Circuits (1992) (24)
- On the nonexistence of strictly diabatic molecular electronic bases (2000) (24)
- Silicon Models of Neural Computation (1989) (23)
- "Polywater": A Hydrosol? (1970) (23)
- Highly electronegative metallic contacts to semiconductors using polymeric sulfur nitride (1976) (23)
- Impact Ionization and Hot-Electron Injection Derived Consistently from Boltzmann Transport (1998) (23)
- A bidirectional analog VLSI Cochlear model (1991) (21)
- Bit-Serial Inner Product Processors in VLSI (1981) (21)
- Erratum: On the determination of Born-Oppenheimer nuclear motion wave functions including complications due to conical intersections and identical nuclei (J. Chem. Phys. 70, 2284 (1979)) (1983) (21)
- Cochlear Hydrodynamics Demystified (1988) (21)
- Transport of Hot Electrons in Thin Gold Films (1962) (21)
- Floating-gate MOS synapse transistors (1998) (21)
- Delay-time optimization for driving and sensing of signals on high-capacitance paths of VLSI systems (1979) (21)
- VLSI implementation of neural networks (1990) (20)
- Experimental Determination of E−k Relationship in Electron Tunneling (1966) (20)
- Analysis and Synthesis of Static Translinear Circuits (2002) (19)
- Currents through thin films of aluminum nitride (1968) (19)
- Quantum Theory of the Refractive Index (1958) (19)
- Electrical conduction through thin amorphous SiC films (1968) (19)
- Schottky Barriers on GaAs (1969) (19)
- Surface barriers on layer semiconductors: GaSe (1968) (19)
- Signal Delay in General RC Networks with Application to Timing Simulation of Digital Integrated Circuits (1983) (18)
- A Hierarchical Timing Simulation Model (1986) (18)
- Electronic Processes in α-Sulfur (1965) (18)
- Formally closed solution for a crystal with spatial dispersion (1978) (17)
- Surface barriers on layer semiconductors: GaS, GaSe, GaTe (1969) (17)
- Mixing character and its application to irreversible processes in macroscopic systems (1977) (17)
- A neuron-based pulse servo for motion control (1990) (16)
- Comment on “On the Longuet-Higgins phase and its relation to the electronic adiabatic–diabatic transformation angle” [J. Chem. Phys. 107, 2694 (1997)] (1999) (16)
- The geometric vector potential in molecular systems with arbitrarily many identical nuclei (1995) (16)
- Barrier Energies in MIM Structures from Photoresponse: Effect of Scattering in the Insulating Film (1972) (15)
- Conduction through TiO2 thin films with large ionic space charge (1967) (15)
- Energy gap in sulphur (1964) (15)
- A Low Power Analog Front-end Module for Cochlear Implants (1997) (15)
- Photothresholds in Mg2Ge (1964) (14)
- HgSe, a highly electronegative stable metallic contact for semiconductor devices (1976) (14)
- A New Discipline for CMOS Design: an Architecture for Sound Synthesis (1985) (14)
- Basic Limitations in Microcircuit Fabrication Technology (1976) (14)
- 128-bit multicomparator (1976) (13)
- Tunneling Currents and the E-k Relation (1970) (13)
- A Hierarchical Simulator Based on Formal Semantics (1983) (13)
- A Silicon Axon (1994) (13)
- Magnetic screening of nuclei by electrons as an effect of geometric vector potential (1994) (12)
- Computing Motion Using Analog and Binary Resistive (1988) (12)
- VLSI and Technological Innovation (1979) (12)
- Toward a general theory of conical intersections in systems of identical nuclei (1987) (11)
- Delay-Time Optimization for Driving and Sensing of Signals on High-Capacitance Paths of (1979) (11)
- Electrical characteristics of sphingomyelin bilayer membranes. (1970) (11)
- Delay-Time Optimization for Driving and Sensing of Signals on High-Capacitance Paths of (1979) (11)
- Reflectivity of a spatially dispersive crystal (1978) (11)
- Computing Motion Using Resistive Networks (1988) (11)
- Physics of Interfaces (1969) (10)
- Formal Specification of Concurrent Systems (1982) (9)
- Electronic system for synthesizing and combining voices of musical instruments (1988) (9)
- Contact‐Limited Currents in Metal‐Insulator‐Metal Structures (1970) (9)
- A CMOS VLSI cochlea (1988) (9)
- Theory of resonance pressure broadening: Resolvent operator formalism and classical path approximation (1968) (9)
- Charge transport through α-monoclinic selenium (1970) (8)
- An integer based hierarchical representation for VLSI (1986) (8)
- Conduction Band Minima of Ga(As_{1-x}P_{x}) (2011) (8)
- Neural Hardware for Vision (1987) (8)
- A notation for designing restoring logic circuitry in CMOS (1982) (8)
- Continuous-time adaptive delay system (1994) (8)
- Electron Transport in Thin Insulating Films (1966) (8)
- Silicon compilers and foundries will usher in user-designed VLSI (1982) (8)
- Richard Feynman and computation (1999) (7)
- Anomalous resonance of strontium titanate (1972) (7)
- Electrical interface barriers (1974) (7)
- Charge transfer in charge-coupled devices (1972) (7)
- Magnetic screening of nuclei by electrons as manifestation of geometric vector potential (1992) (7)
- Push clocks: a new approach to charge‐coupled devices clocking (1973) (7)
- Gravitational Waves in G4v (2015) (7)
- Simulation of a long term memory device with a full bandstructure Monte Carlo approach (1995) (7)
- A High Resolution Cmos Imager With Active Pixel Using Capacitively Coupled Bipolar Operation (1997) (6)
- Surface barriers on SnO2 (1966) (6)
- A two's complement pipeline multiplier (1976) (6)
- Structural and Behavioral Composition of VLSI (1983) (6)
- Metal contact double injection in GaAs (1963) (6)
- Zero-bias contact resistances of AuGaAs Schottky barriers (1971) (6)
- A VLSI Architecture for Sound Synthesis (1984) (6)
- A VLSI Approach to Sound Synthesis (1984) (5)
- An introduction to silicon neural analogs (1992) (5)
- Comment on "Optical conversion of conical intersection to avoided crossing" by Y. Arasaki and K. Takatsuka, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 1239. (2011) (5)
- Introduction to V.L.S.I. Systems (1981) (5)
- Macroscopic aspects of mixing distance in nonequilibrium thermodynamics (1978) (5)
- Time‐Reversal Invariance, Representations for Scattering Wavefunctions, Symmetry of the Scattering Matrix, and Differential Cross‐Sections (2007) (5)
- Theory of the Complex Refractive Index (1960) (5)
- Neuromorphic models of visual and motion processing in the fly visual system (1997) (4)
- Tunneling Currents in Zinc Oxide (1970) (4)
- Resonance Absorption Line Shapes in Monatomic Gases: The Role of Off-Diagonal Resolvent Matrix Elements (1972) (4)
- The operation of junction transistors at high currents and in saturation (1960) (4)
- A /spl nu/MOS soft-maximum current mirror (1995) (4)
- An Analog VLSI Model of Adaptation in the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (1989) (4)
- Floating-Gate MOSFETs (2002) (4)
- Power Schottky diode design and comparison with the junction diode (1971) (4)
- Analog VLSI Models of Oscillatory Biological Neural Circuits (1989) (4)
- Semiconductor Device Physics (2002) (3)
- Single-chip cursive character generator (1975) (3)
- Current-Mode Circuits (2002) (3)
- Absorption of Light by a Rigid Crystal (1963) (3)
- Some Properties of Exponentially Damped Wave Functions (1969) (3)
- Pooh: A Uniform Representation For Circuit Level Designs (1983) (3)
- Barrier energies in MOS structures (1966) (3)
- Computers That Put the Power Where It Belongs (1972) (3)
- Optical Flow and Surface Interpolation in Resistive Networks: Algorithms and Analog VLSI Chips (1989) (3)
- Permutation groups symmetry and chirality in molecules (1974) (3)
- Emission versus Absorption in Resonance Pressure Broadening (1970) (3)
- Conduction band minimum of CdTe (1964) (3)
- VLSI and the Foundations of Computation (1983) (3)
- Symmetry, Transactions, and the Mechanism of Wave Function Collapse (2020) (2)
- Born-Oppenheimer expansion at constant energy. (2006) (2)
- Application of fixed-nuclei scattering theory to electron methane elastic and inelastic differential cross sections at 10 eV impact energy (1987) (2)
- Electron current through thin mica films (1964) (2)
- Theory of Radiative Damping in Stationary States (1958) (2)
- Optimum Noise Performance of Transistor Input Circuits / Transistor AC and DC Amplifiers with High Input Impedance (1959) (2)
- Complex Refractive Index of an Ideal Monatomic Gas (1962) (2)
- Modelling and simulation of integrated circuits (1986) (2)
- Scaling of MOS technology (1996) (2)
- Operation of TunnelEmission Devices (2014) (2)
- Pulse Characteristic Display for Tunnel Emission Devices (1962) (2)
- Feynman as a colleague (1999) (2)
- Electronic Current Flow Through Ideal Dielectric Films (1972) (2)
- How things really work (videotape): two inventors on innovation (1992) (1)
- Neuromorphic Engineering: In Memory of Misha Mahowald (2022) (1)
- A MOS cursive-character generator [for deflection system of CRT graphic display] (1978) (1)
- Numerical Simulation of Charge Coupled Device Operation, Abbreviated Form (1974) (1)
- Semiconductors as electrooptic modulators for infrared radiation (1966) (1)
- Transistor switching analysis Part 1 (1960) (1)
- The Impact of VLSI on Computer Science Education (1979) (1)
- Comment on ’’Information extent and information distance’’ (1978) (1)
- Current Flow through Thin Insulating Films: Basic Principles and Device Applications (1971) (1)
- Generalizations of the Entropy Concept: Principles, Limitations, and Prospects for Applications (2007) (1)
- Transistor Switching Analysis (1960) (1)
- Comment on ‘‘Detection of spurious avoided crossings’’ (1980) (1)
- Pulsed bipolar CMOS imager (2000) (1)
- GaSe Schottky barrier gate FET (1968) (1)
- Author Correction: How we created neuromorphic engineering (2020) (1)
- ESP, A Distributed Architecture LSI Machine (1974) (1)
- Quasi-diabatic basis versus fixed electronic states in molecular systems (2013) (1)
- Life without bits (1999) (1)
- The nature of metal-semiconductor barriers (1965) (1)
- Collective Electrodynamics I (superconductor͞quantum Coherence͞vector Potential͞magnetic Interaction) (1997) (0)
- Layout Masks and Design Techniques (2002) (0)
- Stephen Prager Professor of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, 1952–1990 (1992) (0)
- A Methodology for Hierarchical Simulation and Verification of VLSI Systems (1985) (0)
- Cost and Performance of VLSl Computing Structures (1979) (0)
- Tunneling currents through thin films of AlN (1966) (0)
- Units and symbols (2002) (0)
- A MOS cursive-character generator (1978) (0)
- VLSI Circuit as Communicating Processes: A Universal Simulator (1983) (0)
- A Millennium Silicon Process Technology (2002) (0)
- Integrator-Differentiator Circuits (2002) (0)
- New approach to data-path synthesis (1995) (0)
- Erratum: On the determination of Born-Oppenheimer nuclear motion wave functions including complications due to conical intersections and identical nuclei (The Journal of Chemical Physics (1979) 70 (2284)) (1982) (0)
- Analog VLSI Computations (1996) (0)
- A silicon retina for computing local edge orientations (1988) (0)
- Abstract of articles to be published in the journal of the physics and chemistry of solidsThe effect of nonparabolic energy bands on tunneling through thin insulating films (1966) (0)
- Auditory Processing Using Analog VLSI (1990) (0)
- Origin of Field Dependent Collection Efficiency In Contact Limited Devices (1969) (0)
- Potential and Limitations of VLSI (1985) (0)
- Interview with Carver A. Mead (2000) (0)
- A critical look at microprocessor architecture (1975) (0)
- Conduction through thin TiO 2 films (1966) (0)
- Silicon and Transistors (2002) (0)
- Potential Major Improvement in Superconductors for High-Field Magnets (2023) (0)
- Neural computing challenges the status quo (1992) (0)
- Noise in MOS Transistors and Resistors (2002) (0)
- Symmetry and degeneracy manifolds in Jahn-Teller molecules (2013) (0)
- The Evolution of Electronic Photography (2001) (0)
- Table of marks and double cosets in isomer counting [Erratum to document cited in CA106(16):126207y] (1988) (0)
- Gravitatational Waves in G 4 v ∗ (2015) (0)
- Abstracts of articles to be published in the journal of the physics and chemistry of solidsBarrier energies in metal-silicon dioxide-silicon structures (1966) (0)
- Basic Static Circuits (2002) (0)
- 1 ) Transistor Switching Analysis (2014) (0)
- Challenges Raised by VLSI Technology (1980) (0)
- Colloquium on Solid State Devices (1961) (0)
- Comments on the Resonance Fluorescence in Gases (1964) (0)
- Electronic textdarstellanordnung that simulates a typewriter (1972) (0)
- The evolution of technology (2013) (0)
- Publisher Correction: How we created neuromorphic engineering (2020) (0)
- Comment on the recent controversy over the theory of chirality functions (1980) (0)
- Collective electrodynamics I (superconductoryquantum coherenceyvector potentialymagnetic interaction) (1997) (0)
- Improvement of Energy Detection as a Result of Channel Subdivision (1963) (0)
- Auditory processing using analog VLSI (abstract) (1990) (0)
- Neural computation in analog VLSI (1989) (0)
- The presence of deep levels in ion implanted p-n junctions in GaAs and their effect on the electrical characteristics (1968) (0)
- Demonstration of the Use of VLSI Design Rules, Standards, and Interfaces (1980) (0)
- A Note on Tunnel Emission (1960) (0)
- Concurrent Algorithms as Space-time Recursion Equations * 31 (2013) (0)
- Fig. I. Id,.,n-Vd,.l. characteristic of an experimental GaSe FET. Pinch-off occurs at V,,,. =20 volts. Inset shows a schematic cross section of device configuration. (1968) (0)
- Correction to "Minimum Propagation Delays in VLSI" (1984) (0)
- Active-Pixel Sensors With "Winner-Take-All" Mode (1998) (0)
- Erratum: Gauge theory and quasidiabatic states in molecular physics [J. Chem. Phys. 91, 7057 (1989)] (1990) (0)
- Photothresholds in Mg 2 (2014) (0)
- Relativity and the Scientific Method (1960) (0)
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