Celia Hoyles
British mathematician, (1946 - ), Chigwell, Essex, United Kingdom
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Areas of Specialization: Mathematics Education, Mathematics Policy, Applied Mathematics
Celia Mary Hoyles (née French) was born in Chigwell, Essex, a small town in the UK located about 20 miles northeast of London. She is Professor of Mathematics Education at UCL Institute of Education (UCL), as well as in that university’s Institute of Education.
After graduating from Loughton County High School in 1964, French (as she was then known) attended the University of Manchester, where she received her bachelor’s degree in 1967, with a First Class Honours degree in Mathematics. Upon graduation from university, French taught mathematics at a high school in London’s East End. In 1969, she married Martin Hoyles (the couple later divorced).
While still teaching in London, Celia Hoyles began taking classes part-time at the University of London (now UCL), from which she received a Post-Graduate Certification of Education with distinction in 1971. The following year, Hoyles began teaching as a Senior Lecturer at the Polytechnic of North London, while continuing her part-time graduate studies. In 1973, the University of London awarded her the Master of Education degree with distinction.
In 1980, Hoyles received her PhD from the University of London. Her dissertation was entitled, Factors in School Learning—The Pupils’ View: A Study with Particular Reference to Mathematics.
In 1984, Hoyles was appointed to her present position, which was then a newly created chair. She was the youngest professor in the university at the time. For a while in the late 1980s, Hoyles was presenter of Fun and Games, a prime-time television quiz show about mathematics.
In addition to the nearly 300 peer-reviewed journal articles she has published, Hoyles has co-authored or co-edited around 10 scholarly books, as well as a multi-volume set of interactive workbooks, UCL ScratchMaths, which is designed to teach math to child nine through 11 years of age.
Featured in Top Influential Women in STEM
According to Wikipedia, Dame Celia Mary Hoyles, is a British mathematician, educationalist and Professor of Mathematics Education at University College London , in the Institute of Education . Early life and education Celia was born on 18 May 1946. She was educated at the University of Manchester where she graduated with a first class degree in mathematics from the Department of Mathematics in 1967. She subsequently completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education in 1971, and a Master of Education degree in 1973. She completed a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1980, with a thesis titled "Factors in school learning - the pupils' view: a study with particular reference to mathematics". All her degrees are from the University of London.
Celia Hoyles's Published Works
Published Works
- Windows on Mathematical Meanings: Learning Cultures and Computers (1996) (686)
- Windows on Mathematical Meanings (1996) (469)
- A Study of Proof Conceptions in Algebra (2000) (463)
- Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking the Terrain (2010) (219)
- What can digital technologies take from and bring to research in mathematics education (2003) (211)
- The Construction of Mathematical Meanings: Connecting the Visual with the Symbolic (1997) (197)
- Improving Mathematics at Work: The Need for Techno-Mathematical Literacies (2010) (180)
- Proportional Reasoning in Nursing Practice (2001) (178)
- Software Tools for Geometrical Problem Solving: Potentials and Pitfalls (2002) (148)
- Logo mathematics in the classroom (1989) (141)
- Changing patterns of transition from school to university mathematics (2001) (140)
- Mathematics Teaching and Mathematics Teachers: A Meta-Case Study (1992) (121)
- Meaning in mathematics education (2005) (121)
- Mathematical skills in the workplace: final report to the Science Technology and Mathematics Council (2002) (120)
- Rethinking the mathematics curriculum (1999) (117)
- Tools in practice, mathematics in use (1998) (116)
- Bridging Primary Programming and Mathematics: Some Findings of Design Research in England (2017) (112)
- On the Integration of Digital Technologies into Mathematics Classrooms (2004) (111)
- Mathematics education and technology-rethinking the terrain : the 17th ICMI study (2009) (111)
- Developing new notations for a learnable mathematics in the computational era (2002) (109)
- A pedagogy for mathematical microworlds (1992) (109)
- Visual and Symbolic Reasoning in Mathematics: Making Connections with Computers? (1999) (106)
- Learning mathematics and logo (1992) (104)
- Microworlds/Schoolworlds: The Transformation of an Innovation (1993) (101)
- Students' understandings of logical implication (2002) (101)
- Looking back and looking forward (1992) (95)
- The visibility of meanings: Modelling the mathematics of banking (1996) (93)
- Rethinking the Microworld Idea (2002) (93)
- The Teaching of Proof (2003) (91)
- Proof in dynamic geometry contexts (1998) (91)
- Computers and exploratory learning (1995) (87)
- Abstraction in expertise: a study of nurses' conceptions of concentration (2002) (81)
- Touching epistemologies: meanings of average and variation in nursing practice (1999) (80)
- Working Knowledge: Mathematics in Use (2000) (74)
- The curricular shaping of students' approaches to proof (1997) (73)
- Designing for learning mathematics through programming: A case study of pupils engaging with place value (2018) (69)
- Synthesizing mathematical conceptions and their formalization through the construction of a Logo‐based school mathematics curriculum (1987) (68)
- Groupwork with Computers: An Overview of Findings. (1994) (67)
- What is the point of group discussion in mathematics? (1985) (65)
- Evidence-based CPD: Scaling up sustainable interventions (2015) (64)
- The pupil's view of mathematics learning (1982) (61)
- Transforming the mathematical practices of learners and teachers through digital technology* (2018) (61)
- Characterizing the Use of Mathematical Knowledge in Boundary-Crossing Situations at Work (2007) (60)
- Cornerstone Mathematics: designing digital technology for teacher adaptation and scaling (2013) (57)
- Broadening the sense of ‘dynamic’: a microworld to support students’ mathematical generalisation (2009) (53)
- Sowing the seeds of algebraic generalization: designing epistemic affordances for an intelligent microworld (2013) (52)
- Unfolding Meanings for Reflective Symmetry (1997) (52)
- Situating graphs as workplace knowledge (2007) (50)
- The Technological Mediation of Mathematics and Its Learning (2009) (49)
- Patterns of discussion between pupil pairs in computer and non‐computer environments (1991) (47)
- Interdependence and autonomy: Aspects of groupwork with computers (1990) (46)
- The design of a system to support exploratory learning of algebraic generalisation (2012) (46)
- Exploring the mathematics of motion through construction and collaboration (2006) (44)
- Improving work processes by making the invisible visible (2006) (43)
- Scaling a technology-based innovation: windows on the evolution of mathematics teachers’ practices (2015) (43)
- Exploring mathematics through construction and collaboration (2005) (37)
- Girls and Computers (1988) (34)
- Designing a programming-based approach for modelling scientific phenomena (2005) (34)
- Groupwork with computers (1989) (33)
- Graded Assessment and Learning Hierarchies in Mathematics (1989) (31)
- Next steps in implementing Kaput’s research programme (2008) (31)
- Designing Software for Mathematical Engagement through Modeling (2009) (30)
- Making Sense of Groups, Computers, and Mathematics (1995) (30)
- Attributing Meanings to Representations of Data: The Case of Statistical Process Control (2007) (29)
- Designing to see and share structure in number sequences (2006) (29)
- Influences on Students' Mathematical Reasoning and Patterns in its Development: Insights from a Longitudinal Study with Particular Reference to Geometry (2006) (27)
- Dynamic Geometry Environments: What's the Point? (1994) (27)
- Developing Mathematical Knowledge Through Microworlds (1991) (25)
- A comparative study of geometry curricula (2002) (25)
- Building mathematical knowledge with programming: insights from the ScratchMaths project (2016) (24)
- Messing Up: Reflections on Introducing Cabri Géomètre (1994) (23)
- Ways of learning in a computer‐based environment: some findings of the LOGO Maths Project (1987) (22)
- Programming rules: what do children understand? (2001) (22)
- Meanings of Meaning of Mathematics (2005) (22)
- Alternative Representations of Statistical Measures in Computer Tools to Promote Communication between Employees in Automotive Manufacturing (2009) (21)
- Connectivity and Virtual Networks for Learning (2009) (21)
- Measurement in the workplace: the case of process improvement in manufacturing industry (2011) (21)
- What is the point of group discussion in mathematics? (1985) (20)
- Techno-mathematical literacies in the workplace (2005) (20)
- Learning and interaction in groups with computers: when do ability and gender matter? (1993) (20)
- Students' understanding of logical implication and its converse (2002) (20)
- A culture of proving a school mathematics (1997) (19)
- The changing undergraduate experience: a case study of single honours mathematics in England and Wales (1997) (19)
- Steering between Skills and Creativity: A Role for the Computer?. (2001) (19)
- Thinking in Progress (2004) (18)
- From describing to designing mathematical activity: the next step in developing a social approach to research in mathematics education (2002) (18)
- Investigating factors that influence students' mathematical reasoning (2001) (18)
- Curriculum change and geometrical reasoning (2007) (18)
- Designing for communication at work: A case for technology-enhanced boundary objects (2011) (18)
- Tools and technologies (2007) (17)
- Thinking in process (2004) (17)
- From empirical to structural reasoning in mathematics : Tracking changes over time (2009) (17)
- A computational lens on design research (2015) (16)
- Students’ Developing Knowledge in a Subject Discipline: Insights from Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Methods (2005) (16)
- A research-informed web-based professional development toolkit to support technology-enhanced mathematics teaching at scale (2018) (16)
- Scaling a Mountain — A study of the use, discrimination and generalisation of some mathematical concepts in a LOGO environment (1986) (16)
- Revisiting Pedagogic Strategies for Supporting Students’ Learning in Mathematical Microworlds (2008) (15)
- Modeling to Address Techno-Mathematical Literacies in Work (2010) (15)
- Face-to-face and online collaboration: appreciating rules and adding complexity (2002) (15)
- Thematic Chapter: Exploratory Software, Exploratory Cultures? (1995) (15)
- Constructing Meanings for Constructing: an exploratory study with Cabri Géomètre (1994) (14)
- Geometrical Relationships and Dependencies in Cabri (1994) (14)
- Generalisation and perceptual agility: how did teachers fare in a quadratic generalising problem? (2010) (14)
- Learning Mathematics in Groups with Computers: Reflections on a Research Study (1994) (13)
- Technology Tips: Dynamic Geometry Environments: What's the Point? (1994) (13)
- Techno-mathematical literacies in workplace activity (2004) (13)
- Mathematics in the Workplace: Issues and Challenges (2013) (13)
- Cognition and instruction : special issue processes and products of collaborative problem solving : some interdisciplinary perspectives (1995) (13)
- Mathematizing in Practice (2000) (12)
- Students’ justification strategies on the equivalence of quasi-algebraic expressions (2011) (12)
- Mathematics Education and Technology (2009) (12)
- Towards a constructionist approach to mathematical generalisation (2009) (12)
- Using Logo in the mathematics classroom. What are the implications of pupil devised goals (1986) (12)
- Designing a LOGO-based microworld for ratio and proportion (1989) (12)
- Tools for Learning--Insights for the Mathematics Educator from a Logo Programming Environment (1987) (12)
- Computers and Exploratory Learning: Setting the Scene (1995) (11)
- Generalisation of Linear Figural Patterns in Secondary School Mathematics (2014) (11)
- Creating an inclusive culture in mathematics through subject-specific teacher professional development: a case study from England (2010) (11)
- General mathematical competence in vocational education (1998) (10)
- Cultures and Change (1996) (10)
- "It's not just magic!" Learning opportunities with spreadsheets in the financial sector (2006) (9)
- A constructionist approach to mathematical generalisation (2008) (9)
- Beyond jam sandwiches and cups of tea: An exploration of primary pupils' algorithm-evaluation strategies (2018) (9)
- Modelling Geometrical Knowledge: The Case of the Student (1996) (9)
- Logo mathematics in the classroom (revised edition) (1992) (9)
- Pupil collaboration and teacher intervention in the Logo environment (1990) (9)
- Bob‐A suitable case for treatment? (1993) (8)
- Towards a methodology for analysing collaboration and learning in computer-based groupwork (1992) (8)
- Towards a Mathematical Orientation through Computational Modelling Project (1998) (8)
- From describing to designing mathematical activity: the next step in developing a social approach to research in mathematics education? (2001) (8)
- From curriculum design to enactment in technology enhanced mathematics instruction—Mind the gap! (2019) (8)
- Learning and Technology at Work (2007) (7)
- Styles and Strategies (1992) (7)
- Dynamic digital technologies for dynamic mathematics: Implications for teachers' knowledge and practice (2017) (7)
- The computer as a mediating influence in the development of pupils’ understanding of variable (1988) (6)
- The Meanings of Statistical Variation in the Context of Work (2004) (6)
- Conceptualising the scaling of mathematics teachers' professional development concerning technology (2015) (6)
- Developing and evaluating alternative technological infrastructures for learning mathematics (2006) (6)
- Designing Digital Technologies for Layered Learning (2006) (6)
- Teacher and student choices of generalising strategies: A tale of two views? (2010) (5)
- 17th ICMI Study Digital Technologies and Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Rethinking the Domain – Short Announcement (2005) (5)
- Supporting STEM in Schools and Colleges in England: The Role of Research. (2011) (5)
- Mathematics in prime time television: the story of fun and games (1990) (5)
- Techno-mathematical literacies in the workplace: improving workplace processes by making the invisible visible (2004) (5)
- Constructionism and Microworlds (2017) (5)
- Policy Implications of Developing Mathematics Education Research (2012) (5)
- LEGO-Logo: A Vehicle for Learning (1992) (4)
- Scaling mathematics teachers' professional development in relation to technology – probing the fidelity of implementation through landmark activities (2015) (4)
- Year 10 students' proofs of a statement in number/algebra and their responses to related multiple choice items: longitudinal and cross-sectional comparisons (2004) (4)
- On Intra- and Interindividual Differences in Children's Learning Styles (1992) (4)
- Mathematics and the Transition from School to University (2010) (3)
- Cornerstone mathematics : an approach to technology enhanced curriculum innovation at scale (2013) (3)
- Techno-mathematical literacies in the workplace: a critical skills gap (2007) (3)
- From Empirical to Structural Reasoning in Mathematics (2010) (3)
- Processes: A Dynamical Integration of Computer Science into Mathematical Education (1992) (3)
- Can Dynamic Geometry Constructions replace Proof or contribute to it (1995) (3)
- Anchoring Mathematical Meanings in Practice (1998) (3)
- The Turtle Metaphor as a Tool for Children's Geometry (1992) (3)
- What Is Algebraic about Programming in Logo (1992) (3)
- The Dark Side of the Moon (1995) (3)
- Generalisation and Perceptual Agility: How teachers fared in a generalising problem (2009) (3)
- Making rules in collaborative game design (2004) (3)
- Mathematics and physics participation in the UK: Influences based on analysis of national survey results (2010) (3)
- Making Mathematics and Sharing Mathematics: Two Paths to Co-Constructing Meaning? (2005) (3)
- Learning By Constructing and Sharing Models (2007) (3)
- Mathematics and digital technology: challenges and examples from design research (2016) (2)
- The microworlds course: an approach to computer-based inservice teacher education for mathematics (1990) (2)
- Varignon's big sister? (2003) (2)
- The WebLabs Project: Building New Formalisms for Mathematical and Scientific Ideas (2005) (2)
- Introduction to Section 5 (2009) (2)
- Reflections and transformations: a mathematical biography (2008) (2)
- A Logo Microworld for Transformation Geometry (1992) (2)
- Designing statistical learning opportunities for industry (2006) (2)
- Changing the Rules: Children, Creativity and Computer Games (2000) (2)
- Webs and Situated Abstractions (1996) (2)
- Using technology-enhanced boundary objects to develop techno-mathematical literacies in manufacturing industry (2008) (2)
- Modalities of rules and generalising strategies of Year 8 students for a quadratic pattern. (2014) (2)
- Students' explanations in geometry: insights from a large-scale longitudinal survey (2002) (2)
- Design Decisions: A Microworld for Mathematical Generalisation (2009) (1)
- Using a Database for Student Research (1997) (1)
- A computational lens on design research (2015) (1)
- Blended learning and e-learning support within the context of Cornerstone Maths - The changing culture of teachers' professional development (2015) (1)
- Communication and Construction of Meaning (2005) (1)
- Supporting STEM in schools and colleges: The role of research (2010) (1)
- The Mathematics of Banking: an Approach through Computational Modelling (1995) (1)
- Rebuilding the profession of mathematics teachers: where are we and where can we go? (2001) (1)
- Solid Findings: Students’ Over-reliance on Linearity (2015) (1)
- Techno-mathematical literacies in the workplace: visibility and communication of mathematical practices (2004) (1)
- Reflections on digital technologies in mathematics education across cultures (2020) (1)
- Teachers’ perceptions of the purposes of mathematical Justification (2010) (1)
- Software criticism (1996) (1)
- Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference for Logo and Mathematics Education, 15-18 July 1986, London (1986) (1)
- Cornerstone maths : designing for scale (2013) (1)
- Computers and School Mathematics—Potenial and Reality * (1989) (1)
- Section One: What Is Mathematics and What Is It For? (2002) (1)
- Embedding dynamic technologies in the key stage 3 curriculum : the cornerstone maths approach (2013) (1)
- This patient should be dead! or How can the study of mathematics in work advance our understanding of mathematical meaning-making in general? (1999) (1)
- From notable occurrences to situated abstractions: a window for analysing learners’ thinking-in-change in a microworld (2014) (1)
- Understanding Mathematics Learning (2014) (1)
- Collective Meaning and Common Sense (2005) (1)
- Exploring the link between task features and generalisation (2009) (1)
- Seeing through students' eyes: The best-help strategy for pattern generalisation (2015) (1)
- Snapshots of a Mathematics Teacher: Some Preliminary Data from the Mathematics Teaching Project. (1985) (1)
- Critical moments in generalization tasks : building algebraic rules in a Digital Sign System (2011) (1)
- An Eco-Friendly Intelligent Environment for Exploring Mathematical Generalisation (2009) (1)
- Working in partnership: Continuing Professional Development for teachers of mathematics and the role of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (2008) (0)
- Paper presented at the 13th International conference at EARLI Factors that influence post-16 participation in mathematics and physics (2010) (0)
- Exploiting Digital for Learning Mathematics (2016) (0)
- Designing to afford the development of algebraic ways of thinking: the case of eXpresser and algebraic generalisation (2011) (0)
- Cornerstone mathematics phase 3, unit 1 formative evaluation (design schools) (2013) (0)
- Designing learning opportunities for techno-mathematical literacies in financial workplaces: a status report (2005) (0)
- Editorial: Learning and Technology at Work (2007) (0)
- Calculating Expertise in Practice (1998) (0)
- The Researcher in the Wider Community (2016) (0)
- Fundamentals in mathematics learning and teaching (2009) (0)
- The gap between the Financial Mathematics expressed in textbooks and that practiced in banks (2018) (0)
- Of Geometry, Turtles, and Groups (1992) (0)
- Understanding the Mathematics of Banking (1996) (0)
- Dynamic Digital Technologies for Dynamic Mathematics: Executive Summary: Implications for teachers' knowledge and practice (2017) (0)
- Developing New Teacher Learning in Schools and the STEM Agenda (2017) (0)
- Beyond the Individual Learner (1996) (0)
- Microworlds, Constructionism and Mathematics (2019) (0)
- Cornerstone Mathematics: designing digital technology for teacher adaptation and scaling (2013) (0)
- Four Questions on the History of Proof (2004) (0)
- Learning mathematics by constructing and sharing models (2006) (0)
- Microworlds: the next generation (2003) (0)
- Re-Visioning Mathematical Meanings (1996) (0)
- Patterns, Permutations, and Groups (1992) (0)
- A Window on Schools (1996) (0)
- Computers and Mathematical learning: Which Way Now? (1996) (0)
- Leadership and workforce issues within UK science and mathematics education (2013) (0)
- Expressing Mathematical Structures (1992) (0)
- Teachers' Perspectives on Portable Computers in the Mathematics Classroom (1994) (0)
- IoE research briefing no. 32 : Cornerstone Maths (2013) (0)
- Comparing geometry curricula: insights for policy and practice (2003) (0)
- The nature of technical communicative skills and an outline of a career guidance and financial planning ‘Workplace Personalised Learning Environment’ (2007) (0)
- Scaling a technology-based innovation: windows on the evolution of mathematics teachers’ practices (2014) (0)
- A research-informed web-based professional development toolkit to support technology-enhanced mathematics teaching at scale (2018) (0)
- Paradigms in Mathematical Education for the XXIst Century: Sharing the English experience (2009) (0)
- Evidence-based CPD: Scaling up sustainable interventions (2015) (0)
- The Notion of Variable in the Context of Turtle Graphics (1992) (0)
- Between Logo and Mathematics: A Road of Tunnels and Bridges (1992) (0)
- Cornerstone Maths: embedding dynamic interactive technologies in key stage 3 mathematics classrooms [IOE Research Briefing N°32] (2013) (0)
- Laying the Foundations (1996) (0)
- The complexity of learning to prove deductively (2002) (0)
- Section Two: Curriculum and Classrooms for the Future (2002) (0)
- From design experiments to innovation at scale (2013) (0)
- Software for Learning: some lessons from the Logo experience (1996) (0)
- Mathematics in a Logo Environment A Recursive Look at a Complex Phenomenon (1992) (0)
- Running head : NURSES ' PROPORTIONAL REASONING Proportional Reasoning in Nursing Practice (0)
- Stieg Mellin-Olsen (1995) (0)
- From construction to deduction: potentials and pitfalls of using software (2001) (0)
- Bridging Primary Programming and Mathematics: Some Findings of Design Research in England (2017) (0)
- LOGO: an aid to pupils' thinking and learning in mathematics? (1990) (0)
- Tribute to Eugenio Filloy†: A pioneer and driving force of Mathematics Education as a discipline / Homenaje a Eugenio Filloy†: Un pionero impulsor de la disciplina de la Matemática Educativa (2020) (0)
- Running head : Situating Graphs as Workplace Knowledge Title : Situating Graphs as Workplace Knowledge (2010) (0)
- Playgrounds for a new mathematics (2004) (0)
- Reflections on the Complexities of Teaching and Learning Mathematics (2014) (0)
- From research to practice: making an impact? (2012) (0)
- Visions of the Mathematical (1996) (0)
- Logo in the Curriculum (1992) (0)
- Television mathematics: cultivation or distortion? (1992) (0)
- Prospective teachers' strategies to solving a quadratic generalising problem (2009) (0)
- Conceptually Defined Turtles (1992) (0)
- The role of proof in different geometry curricula (2003) (0)
- Designing to see and share structure in numbersequences Journal Item (2018) (0)
- Introduction to Section 1 (2009) (0)
- The eXpresser, a Microworld to Support Mathematical Generalisation: Design Principles and Student Outcomes (2010) (0)
- Secondary S chool PUPI l S' a PP roache S to P roof-related ta S k S I n geometry (2006) (0)
- A Window on Teachers (1996) (0)
- Techno-mathematical literacies and functional mathematics 14-19 (2006) (0)
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