Cynthia Breazeal
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American computer scientist
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Cynthia Breazealcomputer-science Degrees
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Computer Science
Cynthia Breazeal's Degrees
- Bachelors Electrical and Computer Engineering University of California, Santa Barbara
Why Is Cynthia Breazeal Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Cynthia Breazeal is an American robotics scientist and entrepreneur. She is a former chief scientist and chief experience officer of Jibo, a company she co-founded in 2012 that developed personal assistant robots. Currently, she is a professor of media arts and sciences at MIT and the director of the Personal Robots group at the Media Lab. Her most recent work has focused on the theme of living everyday life in the presence of AI, and gradually gaining insight into the long-term impacts of social robots.
Cynthia Breazeal's Published Works
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Published Works
- Designing sociable robots (2002) (1645)
- Emotion and sociable humanoid robots (2003) (1157)
- Toward sociable robots (2003) (781)
- The cog project: building a humanoid robot (1999) (648)
- Effects of nonverbal communication on efficiency and robustness in human-robot teamwork (2005) (571)
- Affective Learning — A Manifesto (2004) (522)
- Machine behaviour (2019) (495)
- Social interactions in HRI: the robot view (2004) (455)
- Robots that imitate humans (2002) (449)
- A Context-Dependent Attention System for a Social Robot (1999) (433)
- How to build robots that make friends and influence people (1999) (429)
- Teachable robots: Understanding human teaching behavior to build more effective robot learners (2008) (390)
- Infant-like Social Interactions between a Robot and a Human Caregiver (2000) (374)
- Sociable Machines: Expressive Social Ex-change Between Humans and Robots (2000) (344)
- Robots at home: Understanding long-term human-robot interaction (2008) (333)
- Persuasive Robotics: The influence of robot gender on human behavior (2009) (323)
- Effect of a robot on user perceptions (2004) (321)
- Recognition of Affective Communicative Intent in Robot-Directed Speech (2002) (294)
- Reinforcement Learning with Human Teachers: Evidence of Feedback and Guidance with Implications for Learning Performance (2006) (278)
- Learning From and About Others: Towards Using Imitation to Bootstrap the Social Understanding of Others by Robots (2005) (270)
- Affective Personalization of a Social Robot Tutor for Children's Second Language Skills (2016) (254)
- Biologically inspired intelligent robots (2003) (248)
- Effects of anticipatory action on human-robot teamwork: Efficiency, fluency, and perception of team (2007) (230)
- Improved human-robot team performance using Chaski, A human-inspired plan execution system (2011) (229)
- TIKL: Development of a Wearable Vibrotactile Feedback Suit for Improved Human Motor Learning (2007) (229)
- "Hey Google is it OK if I eat you?": Initial Explorations in Child-Agent Interaction (2017) (210)
- Humanoid Robots: A New Kind of Tool (2000) (204)
- Design of a therapeutic robotic companion for relational, affective touch (2005) (194)
- A Motivational System for Regulating Human-Robot Interaction (1998) (191)
- MeBot: A robotic platform for socially embodied telepresence (2010) (181)
- Alternative Essences of Intelligence (1998) (180)
- Active vision for sociable robots (2001) (180)
- Collaboration in Human-Robot Teams (2004) (179)
- Cognition as coordinated non-cognition (2007) (178)
- Teaching and working with robots as a collaboration (2004) (173)
- Tutelage and socially guided robot learning (2004) (169)
- The huggable: a therapeutic robotic companion for relational, affective touch (2006) (164)
- Tutelage and Collaboration for Humanoid Robots (2004) (164)
- Cost-Based Anticipatory Action Selection for Human–Robot Fluency (2007) (163)
- Function meets style: insights from emotion theory applied to HRI (2004) (155)
- Detecting the Trustworthiness of Novel Partners in Economic Exchange (2012) (154)
- Can Children Catch Curiosity from a Social Robot? (2015) (141)
- MeBot: a robotic platform for socially embodied presence (2010) (134)
- Training a Robot via Human Feedback: A Case Study (2013) (132)
- Using perspective taking to learn from ambiguous demonstrations (2006) (132)
- Storytelling with robots: Learning companions for preschool children's language development (2014) (131)
- Social Robots that Interact with People (2008) (128)
- An Embodied Cognition Approach to Mindreading Skills for Socially Intelligent Robots (2009) (127)
- Towards Sociable Robots (2002) (124)
- Reinforcement Learning with Human Teachers: Understanding How People Want to Teach Robots (2006) (117)
- Regulation and Entrainment in Human—Robot Interaction (2000) (117)
- Role of expressive behaviour for robots that learn from people (2009) (117)
- Robot in Society: Friend or Appliance? (1999) (110)
- Young Children Treat Robots as Informants (2016) (110)
- Empathic concern and the effect of stories in human-robot interaction (2015) (104)
- Interactive robot theatre (2003) (102)
- Challenges in building robots that imitate people (2002) (102)
- An Empirical Analysis of Team Coordination Behaviors and Action Planning With Application to Human–Robot Teaming (2010) (98)
- Working with robots and objects: revisiting deictic reference for achieving spatial common ground (2006) (97)
- Growing Growth Mindset with a Social Robot Peer (2017) (96)
- A Social Robot to Mitigate Stress, Anxiety, and Pain in Hospital Pediatric Care (2015) (94)
- Teaching and learning with children: Impact of reciprocal peer learning with a social robot on children's learning and emotive engagement (2020) (93)
- Social robots for health applications (2011) (91)
- Telling Stories to Robots: The Effect of Backchanneling on a Child's Storytelling * (2017) (91)
- Flat vs. Expressive Storytelling: Young Children’s Learning and Retention of a Social Robot’s Narrative (2017) (89)
- Affective Interaction between Humans and Robots (2001) (86)
- Designing Sociable Machines (2002) (83)
- Engaging robots: easing complex human-robot teamwork using backchanneling (2013) (83)
- The Design of the Huggable: A Therapeutic Robotic Companion for Relational, Affective Touch (2006) (83)
- Computationally modeling interpersonal trust (2013) (82)
- Perspective Taking: An Organizing Principle for Learning in Human-Robot Interaction (2006) (80)
- A Robotic Weight Loss Coach (2007) (79)
- Designing for long-term human-robot interaction and application to weight loss (2008) (79)
- The Behavior System (2004) (78)
- Socially intelligent robots (2005) (77)
- Effects of anticipatory perceptual simulation on practiced human-robot tasks (2010) (76)
- A Model-Free Affective Reinforcement Learning Approach to Personalization of an Autonomous Social Robot Companion for Early Literacy Education (2019) (76)
- PopBots: Designing an Artificial Intelligence Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (2019) (76)
- A hybrid control system for puppeteering a live robotic stage actor (2008) (76)
- Real-Time Interactive Reinforcement Learning for Robots (2005) (75)
- Social Robotics (2016) (73)
- Bayesian Active Learning-Based Robot Tutor for Children's Word-Reading Skills (2015) (72)
- A is for Artificial Intelligence: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Activities on Young Children's Perceptions of Robots (2019) (72)
- The Interplay of Robot Language Level with Children's Language Learning during Storytelling (2015) (71)
- Toward Teaching a Robot "Infant" using Emotive Communication Acts (1999) (70)
- Experiments in socially guided exploration: lessons learned in building robots that learn with and without human teachers (2008) (70)
- Human-Inspired Robots (2006) (68)
- Transparency and Socially Guided Machine Learning (2006) (68)
- Action parsing and goal inference using self as simulator (2005) (67)
- An embodied computational model of social referencing (2005) (67)
- Emotive qualities in robot speech (2001) (66)
- Social Robots for Hospitalized Children (2019) (66)
- Constructionism, Ethics, and Creativity: Developing Primary and Middle School Artificial Intelligence Education (2019) (65)
- Working collaboratively with humanoid robots (2004) (64)
- Crowdsourcing human-robot interaction: Application from virtual to physical worlds (2011) (64)
- The dynamic lift of developmental process. (2007) (63)
- Crowdsourcing human-robot interaction (2013) (62)
- How smart are the smart toys?: children and parents' agent interaction and intelligence attribution (2018) (61)
- The huggable: a platform for research in robotic companions for pediatric care (2009) (57)
- Children use non-verbal cues to learn new words from robots as well as people (2017) (56)
- Human-Robot Interaction Experiments: Lessons learned (2005) (55)
- Affective Touch for Robotic Companions (2005) (54)
- Social Constraints on Animate Vision (2000) (54)
- Learning from human teachers with Socially Guided Exploration (2008) (51)
- A Long-Term Study of Young Children's Rapport, Social Emulation, and Language Learning With a Peer-Like Robot Playmate in Preschool (2019) (49)
- Experiments with a robotic computer: Body, affect and cognition interactions (2007) (47)
- Measuring young children's long-term relationships with social robots (2018) (47)
- That Certain Look: Social Amplification of Animate Vision (2000) (47)
- A Sensitive Skin for Robotic Companions Featuring Temperature, Force, and Electric Field Sensors (2006) (47)
- Robot learning via socially guided exploration (2007) (46)
- Affect-Aware Student Models for Robot Tutors (2016) (45)
- Can Children Learn Creativity from a Social Robot? (2019) (44)
- The design of a semi-autonomous robot avatar for family communication and education (2008) (44)
- TinkRBook: shared reading interfaces for storytelling (2011) (43)
- Designing a socially assistive robot for pediatric care (2015) (42)
- A "somatic alphabet" approach to "sensitive skin" (2004) (42)
- Tega: A social robot (2016) (41)
- Lessons from teachers on performing HRI studies with young children in schools (2016) (41)
- Crowdsourcing HRI through Online Multiplayer Games (2010) (41)
- Effects of framing a robot as a social agent or as a machine on children's social behavior (2016) (40)
- Developing Middle School Students' AI Literacy (2021) (39)
- A simulation-theory inspired social learning system for interactive characters (2005) (39)
- Sociable robot systems for real-world problems (2005) (39)
- "My doll says it's ok": a study of children's conformity to a talking doll (2018) (39)
- Building an autonomous humanoid tool user (2004) (39)
- Development of a Wearable Vibrotactile Feedback Suit for Accelerated Human Motor Learning (2007) (38)
- Mobile, dexterous, social robots for mobile manipulation and human-robot interaction (2008) (38)
- Improvements on action parsing and action interpolation for learning through demonstration (2004) (38)
- Towards leveraging the driver's mobile device for an intelligent, sociable in-car robotic assistant (2013) (37)
- Real-time social touch gesture recognition for sensate robots (2009) (37)
- Sticking together: handcrafting personalized communication interfaces (2011) (37)
- Asymmetric Interpretations of Positive and Negative Human Feedback for a Social Learning Agent (2007) (37)
- Emotive qualities in lip-synchronized robot speech (2003) (37)
- Voice coil actuators for human-robot interaction (2004) (36)
- Zhorai: Designing a Conversational Agent for Children to Explore Machine Learning Concepts (2020) (36)
- A Robotic Positive Psychology Coach to Improve College Students’ Wellbeing (2020) (36)
- Ensemble: fluency and embodiment for robots acting with humans (2007) (34)
- Huggable: The Impact of Embodiment on Promoting Socio-emotional Interactions for Young Pediatric Inpatients (2018) (34)
- Proto-conversations with an anthropomorphic robot (2000) (33)
- Human social response toward humanoid robot's head and facial features (2010) (33)
- Exploring the Effects of a Social Robot's Speech Entrainment and Backstory on Young Children's Emotion, Rapport, Relationship, and Learning (2019) (32)
- Robot's play: interactive games with sociable machines (2004) (32)
- Robot emotions: A functional perspective (2004) (32)
- Older Adults Living With Social Robots: Promoting Social Connectedness in Long-Term Communities (2019) (32)
- Blended reality characters (2012) (31)
- Designing a sociable robot system forweight maintenance (2006) (31)
- A Year in K-12 AI Education (2019) (31)
- Exploring mixed reality robot gaming (2010) (30)
- Regulating Human-Robot Interaction using “ emotions ” , “ drives ” and facial expressions (1998) (30)
- Anticipatory Perceptual Simulation for Human-Robot Joint Practice: Theory and Application Study (2008) (29)
- Huggable: Impact of embodiment on promoting verbal and physical engagement for young pediatric inpatients (2017) (29)
- Deception, Secrets, Children, and Robots: What's Acceptable? (2015) (29)
- Personalized Estimation of Engagement From Videos Using Active Learning With Deep Reinforcement Learning (2019) (28)
- Socially intelligent robots: research, development, and applications (2001) (28)
- Robots that Work in Collaboration with People (2004) (28)
- Social robots: beyond tools to partners (2004) (27)
- Shybot: friend-stranger interaction for children living with autism (2008) (27)
- A Comparison of Children Learning New Words from Robots , Tablets , & People (2015) (26)
- Robotic learning companions for early language development (2013) (26)
- Experiments in socially guided machine learning: understanding how humans teach (2006) (26)
- Combining pre-trained language models and structured knowledge (2021) (26)
- A Social Robot System for Modeling Children's Word Pronunciation: Socially Interactive Agents Track (2018) (25)
- Decoding design agendas: an ethical design activity for middle school students (2020) (25)
- Achieving fluency through perceptual-symbol practice in human-robot collaboration (2008) (24)
- Stoop to Conquer: Posture and Affect Interact to Influence Computer Users' Persistence (2007) (24)
- A Bayesian Theory of Mind Approach to Nonverbal Communication (2019) (23)
- Social Robots: From Research to Commercialization (2017) (23)
- Assessing Children's Perceptions and Acceptance of a Social Robot (2019) (23)
- Manipulating Mental States Through Physical Action (2012) (23)
- Designing a relational social robot toolkit for preschool children to explore computational concepts (2015) (23)
- Semi-Autonomous Robot Avatar as a Medium for Family Communication and Education (2009) (22)
- Reducing Driver Task Load and Promoting Sociability through an Affective Intelligent Driving Agent (AIDA) (2013) (22)
- Improving Smartphone Users' Affect and Wellbeing with Personalized Positive Psychology Interventions (2016) (22)
- Robotic Partners ’ Bodies and Minds : An Embodied Approach to Fluid Human-Robot Collaboration (2006) (20)
- Dormio: Interfacing with Dreams (2018) (20)
- Promoting Wellbeing with Sunny, a Chatbot that Facilitates Positive Messages within Social Groups (2020) (20)
- Crowdsourcing Real World Human-Robot Dialog and Teamwork through Online Multiplayer Games (2011) (19)
- A social robot's influence on children's figural creativity during gameplay (2021) (19)
- Expressive, Interactive Robots: Tools, Techniques, and Insights based on Collaborations (2010) (19)
- Teacher Perspectives on How To Train Your Robot: A Middle School AI and Ethics Curriculum (2021) (19)
- TOFU: a socially expressive robot character for child interaction (2009) (19)
- Transparency, teleoperation, and children's understanding of social robots (2016) (18)
- Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction (2007) (18)
- Learning Social Interaction from the Wizard: A Proposal (2014) (18)
- Mobile Devices for Early Literacy Intervention and Research with Global Reach (2016) (17)
- Characterizing and Processing Robot-Directed Speech (2001) (17)
- Robot Science Meets Social Science : An Embodied Computational Model of Social Referencing (2005) (17)
- Applying a "somatic alphabet" approach to inferring orientation, motion, and direction in clusters of force sensing resistors (2004) (17)
- Modeling the Dynamics of Nonverbal Behavior on Interpersonal Trust for Human-Robot Interactions (2013) (16)
- Designing a virtual assistant for in-car child entertainment (2015) (16)
- An Initial Discussion of Timing Considerations Raised During Development of a Magician-Robot Interaction (2014) (15)
- Early Experiments using Motivations to Regulate Human-Robot Interaction (2007) (14)
- Robot Emotion (2005) (14)
- A study to measure the effect of framing a robot as a social agent or as a machine on children's social behavior (2016) (13)
- Teaching agents with human feedback: a demonstration of the TAMER framework (2013) (13)
- The Vision System (2004) (13)
- TofuDraw: a mixed-reality choreography tool for authoring robot character performance (2011) (13)
- An Ontogenetic Perspective to Scaling Sensorimotor Intelligence (1996) (13)
- Integrating Ethics and Career Futures with Technical Learning to Promote AI Literacy for Middle School Students: An Exploratory Study (2022) (12)
- Role of Speaker Cues in Attention Inference (2017) (12)
- Textual tinkerability: encouraging storytelling behaviors to foster emergent literacy (2012) (12)
- Long-Term Co-Design Guidelines: Empowering Older Adults as Co-Designers of Social Robots (2021) (12)
- Impact of Interaction Context on the Student Affect-Learning Relationship in Child-Robot Interaction (2020) (12)
- The Challenges of Working on Social Robots that Collaborate with People (2019) (11)
- Special Session: AI for K-12 Guidelines Initiative (2019) (11)
- Social Robot Toolkit: Tangible Programming for Young Children (2015) (11)
- Exploring Generative Models with Middle School Students (2021) (11)
- PoseBlocks: A Toolkit for Creating (and Dancing) with AI (2021) (11)
- Backchannel opportunity prediction for social robot listeners (2017) (10)
- Personality through faces for humanoid robots (2000) (10)
- Dyadic Speech-based Affect Recognition using DAMI-P2C Parent-child Multimodal Interaction Dataset (2020) (9)
- A reasoning architecture for human-robot joint tasks using physics-,social-, and capability-based logic (2012) (9)
- Toward Robotic Companions that Enhance Psychological Wellbeing with Smartphone Technology (2017) (9)
- Teachable Characters: User Studies, Design Principles, and Learning Performance (2006) (9)
- The Huggable: A Platform for Research in Robotic Companions for Eldercare (2008) (9)
- Can Children Emulate a Robotic Non-Player Character's Figural Creativity? (2020) (9)
- What Lies Ahead? Expectation Management in Human-Robot Collaboration (2006) (8)
- Spatial Scaffolding for Sociable Robot Learning (2008) (8)
- Text Classification for AI Education (2021) (8)
- Toward Helpful Robot Teammates : A Simulation-Theoretic Approach for Inferring Mental States of Others (2005) (8)
- P2PSTORY: Dataset of Children as Storytellers and Listeners in Peer-to-Peer Interactions (2018) (8)
- Mindreading as a Foundational Skill for Socially Intelligent Robots (2007) (8)
- Robot Design Rubrics for Social Gesture Categorization and User Studies with Children (2009) (8)
- Affect and Inference in Bayesian Knowledge Tracing with a Robot Tutor (2015) (8)
- AI + Ethics Curricula for Middle School Youth: Lessons Learned from Three Project-Based Curricula (2022) (8)
- Towards Transferrable Personalized Student Models in Educational Games (2021) (7)
- Small Group Interactions with Voice-User Interfaces: Exploring Social Embodiment, Rapport, and Engagement (2021) (7)
- Mixed-Method Long-Term Robot Usage: Older Adults' Lived Experience of Social Robots (2022) (7)
- Children as creators, thinkers and citizens in an AI-driven future (2021) (7)
- Fostering parent–child dialog through automated discussion suggestions (2016) (7)
- Escape!Bot: Child-Robot Interaction to Promote Creative Expression During Gameplay (2020) (7)
- Technologies for Human/Humanoid Natural Interactions (1999) (7)
- Learning from the Wizard: Programming Social Interaction through Teleoperated Demonstrations (Extended Abstract) (2016) (7)
- Pre-pilot findings on developing a literacy tablet (2013) (6)
- Frustratingly Easy Personalization for Real-time Affect Interpretation of Facial Expression (2019) (6)
- Leveraging Online Virtual Agents to Crowdsource Human-Robot Interaction (2011) (6)
- Lifelong Personalization via Gaussian Process Modeling for Long-Term HRI (2021) (6)
- An integrated approach to emotional speech and gesture synthesis in humanoid robots (2009) (6)
- Public anemone: an organic robot creature (2002) (6)
- Design Research in HRI: Roboticists, Design Features, and Users as Co-Designers (2020) (6)
- A Semantics-based Model for Predicting Children's Vocabulary (2019) (6)
- Learning From and About Others: Towards Using Imitation to Bootstrap the Social Competence of Robots (2003) (6)
- Learning to Maintain Engagement: No One Leaves a Sad DragonBot (2014) (5)
- Dyadic Affect in Parent-child Multi-modal Interaction: Introducing the DAMI-P2C Dataset and its Preliminary Analysis (2022) (5)
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with People (2011) (5)
- Practical Guidelines for Intent Recognition: BERT with Minimal Training Data Evaluated in Real-World HRI Application (2021) (5)
- Migratable AI: Effect of identity and information migration on users' perception of conversational AI agents (2020) (5)
- The Interaction Flow Editor: A New Human-Robot Interaction RapidPrototyping Interface (2021) (5)
- Guest Editorial Special Issue on Human-Robot Interaction (2007) (5)
- Social Robots as Creativity Eliciting Agents (2021) (5)
- Visualisations of Data from the Literacy Tablet Reading Project in Rural Ethiopia (2014) (4)
- The Reading Brain, Global Literacy, and the Eradication of Poverty (2014) (4)
- Originalmachines: developing tools and methods for object-oriented mechatronics (2011) (4)
- “I Hold Your Foot:” Lessons from the Reading Brain for Addressing the Challenge of Global Literacy (2017) (4)
- Towards Affect-Awareness for Social Robots (2015) (4)
- Measuring Children ’ s Long-Term Relationships with Social Robots (2017) (4)
- Body Gesture and Head Movement Analyses in Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction as Indicators of Relationship (2021) (4)
- A robotic interface for the administration of language, literacy, and speech pathology assessments for children (2019) (3)
- What are GANs?: Introducing Generative Adversarial Networks to Middle School Students (2021) (3)
- Learning Social Behaviors During Human-Robot Play (2000) (3)
- Learning Temporal Plans from Observation of Human Collaborative Behavior (2010) (3)
- Escape!Bot: Social Robots as Creative Problem-Solving Partners (2022) (3)
- The Role of Emotion-Inspired Abilities in Relational Robots (2006) (3)
- Values Impacting the Design of an Adaptive Educational Storybook (2011) (3)
- Viewing Assignment of Moral Status to Service Robots from the Theological Ethics of Paul Tillich : Some Hard Questions (2007) (3)
- Deploying a robotic positive psychology coach to improve college students’ psychological well-being (2022) (3)
- The huggable: a new type of therapeutic robotic companion (2006) (3)
- Cognitive Modeling for Biomimetic Robots (2003) (3)
- Introduction to Biomimetic Intelligent Robots (2003) (3)
- Spatial scaffolding cues for interactive robot learning (2008) (3)
- Challenges Conducting Child-Robot Interaction Research in a Pediatric Inpatient Care Context (2015) (3)
- Toward Designing User-centered Idle Behaviors for Social Robots in the Home (2020) (3)
- Facial Animation and Expression (2004) (3)
- Long-Term Interaction with Relational SIAs (2022) (2)
- Pronunciation-Based Child-Robot Game Interactions to Promote Literacy Skills (2019) (2)
- Lessons Learned from Designing Children's Interactive Narratives (2010) (2)
- Speed Dating with Voice User Interfaces: Understanding How Families Interact and Perceive Voice User Interfaces in a Group Setting (2022) (2)
- Emotional Robocoaster: An Exploration on Emotions, Research Methods and Introspection (2017) (2)
- Regulation and Entrainment in Human-Robot Interaction (2000) (2)
- Toward a dynamic dramaturgy: an art of presentation in interactive storytelling (2011) (2)
- Explainable AI for Suicide Risk Assessment Using Eye Activities and Head Gestures (2022) (2)
- Social Learning in Humans, Animals and Agents (2004) (2)
- Authenticity and Co-design: On Responsibly Creating Relational Robots for Children (2021) (2)
- A Face for a Humanoid Robot (2000) (2)
- Introducing Variational Autoencoders to High School Students (2021) (2)
- Auditing design justice: The impact of social movements on design pedagogy at a technology institution (2023) (2)
- RetroGAN: A Cyclic Post-Specialization System for Improving Out-of-Knowledge and Rare Word Representations (2021) (2)
- Empowering Children through Algorithmic Justice Education (2019) (1)
- Expanding the frontiers of design: A blessing or a curse? Proceedings (2022) (1)
- Personal Narratives in Technology Design: The Value of Sharing Older Adults’ Stories in the Design of Social Robots (2021) (1)
- Reusing a robot's behavioral mechanisms to model and manipulate human mental states (2010) (1)
- Robot Teaming − Application to Human An Empirical Analysis of Team Coordination Behaviors and Action Planning With (2014) (1)
- Living better with robots (2008) (1)
- Designing Long-term Parent-child-robot Triadic Interaction at Home through Lived Technology Experiences and Interviews (2022) (1)
- Designing Games for Enabling Co-creation with Social Agents (2021) (1)
- Social Robots 58 . Social Robots that Interact with People (2008) (1)
- Beyond the Words: Analysis and Detection of Self-Disclosure Behavior during Robot Positive Psychology Interaction (2021) (1)
- Trends and Controversies: Human-Inspired Robots (2006) (1)
- Migratable AI : Investigating users' affect on identity and information migration of a conversational AI agent (2020) (1)
- Exploration of Robotic-Wheel Technology for Enhanced Urban Mobility and City Scale Omni-Directional Personal Transportation (2009) (1)
- Joint Engagement Classification using Video Augmentation Techniques for Multi-person Human-robot Interaction (2022) (1)
- Dynamic Execution of Temporal Plans for Temporally Fluid Human-Robot Teaming (2010) (1)
- Children's Perspectives of Advertising with Social Robots: A Policy Investigation (2022) (1)
- Toward Designing Social Human-Robot Interactions for Deep Space Exploration (2021) (1)
- Build-a-Bot: Teaching Conversational AI Using a Transformer-Based Intent Recognition and Question Answering Architecture (2022) (1)
- The Impact of Social Robots on Young Patients ' Socio-emotional Well-being in a Pediatric Inpatient Care Context (2018) (1)
- The Second International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (2007) (1)
- An Active Vision System for a Social Robot (2000) (1)
- Learning journeys for scalable AI education: an MIT - USAF collaboration (2022) (1)
- NIMBUS: A Hybrid Cloud-Crowd Realtime Architecture for Visual Learning in Interactive Domains (2016) (1)
- Engaging Children as a Storyteller: Backchanneling Models for Social Robots (2017) (1)
- Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGCHI/SIGART Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, HRI 2007, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 10-12, 2007 (2007) (1)
- Design and Evaluation of Sociable Robot Systems (2006) (1)
- Exploring Child-Robot Tutoring Interactions with Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (2014) (0)
- A Social Robot Reading Partner for Explorative Guidance (2023) (0)
- Demo hour (2018) (0)
- Towards learning through robotic interaction alone: the joint guided search task (2016) (0)
- Session details: Cognitive science in HRI (2006) (0)
- Designing a Computational Action Program to Tackle Global Challenges (2022) (0)
- Chapter 8 -biomimetic Robot Control (2003) (0)
- 2 A Functional and Evolutionary View of Emotions (0)
- Insights from Developmental Psychology (2004) (0)
- A ective Interaction between Humans and Robots (2001) (0)
- The Vision of Sociable Robots (2004) (0)
- B3RTDP: A Belief Branch and Bound Real-Time Dynamic Programming Approach to Solving POMDPs (2022) (0)
- Social Robotics and Human Behavior: (515802018-001) (2018) (0)
- Multimodal region-based behavioral modeling for suicide risk screening (2023) (0)
- Implementing Agile Continuous Education (ACE) at MIT and beyond: The MIT Refugee Action Hub (ReACT) case (2022) (0)
- Intersectional Data Analysis of Gun Violence in Boston: Teaching Data Activism to Mitigate Systemic Oppression (2022) (0)
- Grand Challenges of Building Sociable Robots (2004) (0)
- Exploring changes in special education teachers’ attitudes and design belief towards pedagogical agents in co-designing with children (2022) (0)
- Improving Human-Robot Interaction with a Social Attention System (2004) (0)
- Adaptive Role Switching in Socially Interactive Agents for Children ' s Language Learning (2018) (0)
- St Reading Humanoid Robots as Cooperative Partners for People (2004) (0)
- Challenge Discussion on Socially Interactive Agents: Considerations on Social Interaction, Computational Architectures, Evaluation, and Ethics (2022) (0)
- Migratable AI: Personalizing Dialog Conversations with migration context (2020) (0)
- Adversarial Transformer Language Models for Contextual Commonsense Inference (2023) (0)
- Understanding the embodied teacher: nonverbal cues for sociable robot learning (2008) (0)
- Designing and implementing an AI education program for learners with diverse background at scale (2022) (0)
- An Ontological Perspective to Scaling Sensorimotor Intelligence (1996) (0)
- Research Through (Co)-Design: Engaging Older Adults in the Design of Social Robots (2021) (0)
- Teaching Robots via Natural Nonverbal Cues (2008) (0)
- MAS.962 Autism Theory and Technology, Spring 2007 (2007) (0)
- MRF-Chat: Improving Dialogue with Markov Random Fields (2021) (0)
- Asymmetric Interpretations ofPositive andNegative HumanFeedback foraSocial Learning Agent (2007) (0)
- Ergonomics Society of the Human Factors and Human Factors: The Journal (2014) (0)
- Making Sense of Machine Learning: Integrating Youth's Conceptual, Creative, and Critical Understandings of AI (2023) (0)
- Fostering parent–child dialog through automated discussion suggestions (2016) (0)
- Design Justice for Robot Design and Policy Making (2022) (0)
- Achieving Fluency through Practice in Human-Robot Collaboration: Effects on Efficiency, Fluency, and Attitude toward Robotic Teammates (2007) (0)
- A Robotic Companion for Psychological Well-being: A Long-term Investigation of Companionship and Therapeutic Alliance (2023) (0)
- Manipulating Mental States Through Physical Action (2014) (0)
- Imitation and Social Interaction in Robots (2002) (0)
- Machine behaviour (2019) (0)
- Affective Typography: The Effect of AI-Driven Font Design on Empathetic Story Reading (2023) (0)
- Expressive Vocalization System (2004) (0)
- Living with Social Robots: From Research to Commercialization (2018) (0)
- Expressive Cognitive Architecture for a Curious Social Robot (2021) (0)
- Multipar-T: Multiparty-Transformer for Capturing Contingent Behaviors in Group Conversations (2023) (0)
- Outlook for Intelligent Biomimetic Robot Technology (2003) (0)
- Robot in Society: A Question of Interface (2004) (0)
- The Auditory System (2004) (0)
- Video on the Social Robot Toolkit (2015) (0)
- Dynamic Execution of Temporal Plans for Robot Teaming (2010) (0)
- Robots as social learners (2009) (0)
- LevelUp – Automatic Assessment of Block-Based Machine Learning Projects for AI Education (2022) (0)
- Robot Birds : Enabling socializing opportunities through human-robot interaction (2005) (0)
- Children's Fundamental Rights in Human-Robot Interaction Research: A Systematic Review (2023) (0)
- P2PSTORY (2018) (0)
- The Physical Robot (2004) (0)
- Teaching an Intersectional Data Analysis on Affirmative Action (2022) (0)
- Migratable AI (2020) (0)
- Interviews with Cynthia Breazeal (2004) (0)
- An Integrated Architecture for Grounded Intelligence in Its Development, Experimental, Environmental, and Social Context (2007) (0)
- Attentive Robot Listener Engages Children in Language Learning (2016) (0)
- Social robots can foster connectedness , provide access to useful information , help manage chronic diseases , and promote healthy behaviors for older adults (2019) (0)
- Emotion, social robots, and a new human-robot relationship (2022) (0)
- The Motivation System (2004) (0)
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