Daniel Greenberger
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American quantum physicists
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Daniel Greenberger's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Physics University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Daniel Greenberger Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Daniel M. Greenberger is an American quantum physicist. He has been professor of physics at the City College of New York since 1964. He is also a fellow of the American Physical Society and—alongside Anton Zeilinger—founded the APS Topical Group on Quantum Information.
Daniel Greenberger's Published Works
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Published Works
- Bell’s theorem without inequalities (1990) (1897)
- Going Beyond Bell’s Theorem (2007) (1291)
- The Aharonov-Bohm Effect (1989) (338)
- Simultaneous wave and particle knowledge in a neutron interferometer (1988) (320)
- Multiparticle Interferometry and the Superposition Principle (1993) (298)
- New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory (1988) (188)
- Fundamental Problems in Quantum Theory (1995) (163)
- Compendium of Quantum Physics (2009) (155)
- Coherence effects in neutron diffraction and gravity experiments (1979) (138)
- The neutron interferometer as a device for illustrating the strange behavior of quantum systems (1983) (126)
- A critique of the major approaches to damping in quantum theory (1979) (97)
- Comment on ’’Nonspreading wave packets’’ (1980) (66)
- “Haunted” measurements in quantum theory (1989) (55)
- The role of equivalence in Quantum Mechanics (1968) (53)
- A new non-local effect in quantum mechanics (1988) (46)
- Inadequacy of the usual Galilean transformation in quantum mechanics. (2001) (45)
- Whose knowledge? (2001) (44)
- A representation-free description of the Kasevich–Chu interferometer: a resolution of the redshift controversy (2013) (44)
- Theory of Particles with Variable Mass. I. Formalism (1970) (41)
- Some useful properties of a theory of variable mass particles (1974) (40)
- Higher-order quantum entanglement (1992) (39)
- Schrödinger equation revisited (2013) (36)
- Theory of Particles with Variable Mass. II. Some Physical Consequences (1970) (31)
- Fundamental Problems in Quantum Theory: A Conference Held in Honor of Professor John A. Wheeler (1995) (31)
- The Wave–Particle Dualism—A Tribute to Louis de Broglie on His Ninetieth Birthday (1986) (30)
- Some Remarks on the Extended Galilean Transformation. (1979) (28)
- The Role of Gravity in Quantum Theory (1980) (27)
- International Conference on Bell's theorem and the foundations of modern physics (1991) (25)
- A new approach to the problem of dissipation in quantum mechanics (1979) (24)
- Quantum Theory Looks at Time Travel (2005) (24)
- Relativistic effects in atom and neutron interferometry and the differences between them (2012) (22)
- Redshift controversy in atom interferometry: representation dependence of the origin of phase shift. (2013) (22)
- Wavepackets for particles of indefinite mass (1974) (21)
- The Haunted Measurement in Quantum Theory a (1986) (21)
- Quantization in the large (1983) (20)
- The New World of Mr Tompkins (1999) (20)
- GHZ (Greenberger - Horne - Zeilinger) Theorem and GHZ States (2009) (18)
- Is There an Aharonov-Bohm Effect for Neutrons? (1981) (17)
- Seventeen Simple Lectures on General Relativity Theory (1981) (17)
- Bell theorem without inequalities for two particles. I. Efficient detectors (2008) (16)
- Reality and significance of the Aharonov-Bohm effect (1981) (16)
- Conceptual Problems Related to Time and Mass in Quantum Theory (2010) (16)
- Quantum Physics from A to Z (2005) (15)
- Epistemological and experimental perspectives on quantum physics (1999) (14)
- Coming of Age with Quantum Information: Notes on a Paulian Idea. (2011) (14)
- The clock “paradox”—majority view (1972) (13)
- Huygens' principle, the free Schrödinger particle and the quantum anti-centrifugal force (2001) (13)
- Proper time in atom interferometers: Diffractive versus specular mirrors (2019) (11)
- Similarities and Differences Between Two-Particle and Three-Particle Interference (2000) (11)
- Grover's Algorithm (2009) (11)
- Adventures in s-waves (2005) (10)
- The scale transformation in physics (1963) (10)
- Esoteric Elementary Particle Phenomena in Undergraduate Physics-Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Scale Invariance (1978) (10)
- The Stefan–Boltzmann law: two classical laws give a quantum one (2015) (10)
- Shor's Algorithm (2009) (10)
- A Bell Theorem Without Inequalities for Two Particles, Using Inefficient Detectors (2005) (10)
- Open Questions in Quantum Physics (2011) (9)
- (Para)bosons, (para)fermions, quons and other beasts in the menagerie of particle statistics (1993) (8)
- Quantum theory: still crazy after all these years (1995) (7)
- If One Could Build a Macroscopic Schr?dinger Cat State, One Could Communicate Superluminally (1998) (7)
- The Disconnect Between Quantum Mechanics and Gravity (2010) (7)
- The Inconsistency of the Usual Galilean Transformation in Quantum Mechanics and How To Fix It (2001) (6)
- The Reality of the Twin Paradox Effect (1972) (6)
- Bell’s Theorem without Inequalities and Beyond (1992) (6)
- Charge-Dependent Corrections to Pion-Nucleon Scattering (1960) (5)
- Chapter 8 Planck, photon statistics, and Bose–Einstein condensation (2007) (5)
- Planck, Photon Statistics, and Bose-Einstein Condensation (2007) (5)
- A quantum mechanical look at time travel and free will (2001) (4)
- The History of the GHZ Paper (2002) (4)
- A wave equation interpolating between classical and quantum mechanics (2015) (4)
- Two-Parameter Approximation toS-Wave Scattering (1961) (4)
- Puzzling out the mass-superselection rule. (2019) (4)
- An uncertain principal (2000) (3)
- Two‐Particle versus Three‐Particle EPR Experiments a (1995) (3)
- Today Multiparticle Interferometry and the Superposition Principle (2013) (3)
- Projectile motion of surface gravity water wave packets: An analogy to quantum mechanics (2021) (3)
- Use of entanglement in quantum optics (1992) (2)
- Specular mirror interferometer (2020) (2)
- Bohr the Innovator? Or Bohr the Intimidator? (2000) (2)
- A Foundational Principle for Quantum Mechanics 1 (2000) (1)
- A short note on the Aharonov-Bohm effect (1991) (1)
- GRW Theory (2006) (1)
- The equivalence principle meets the uncertainty principle (1988) (1)
- Book Review: Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Physics: An Overview from Modern Perspectives. By Dipankar Home. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, New York, 1997, xvii + 386 pp., $167.00 (hardcover). ISBN 0-306-45660-5 (2001) (1)
- The Tic-Tac-Toe Theory of Gravity (2012) (1)
- 100 Years of Planck’s Quantum (2001) (1)
- The Impossibility of Keyless Communication in Quantum Cryptography (2000) (1)
- Eliminating remnants of classical mechanics and the birth of the Schr\"odinger equation (2011) (1)
- Behavior of Nucleon-Nucleon Singlet Phase Shifts (1961) (1)
- Book Review: New Developments on Fundamental Problems in Quantum Physics. By Miguel Ferrero and Alwyn van der Merwe, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1997 (2001) (1)
- Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics (2009) (0)
- Roman Frigg : ‘ GRW Theory ’ , in : (2017) (0)
- Einstein: the man behind the myth (1996) (0)
- Helge Kragh.Quantum Generations. 493 pp. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999. (2003) (0)
- Further evidence for the EPNT assumption (1994) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics, by Eugen Merzbacher (1999) (0)
- Mike Horne and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect (2021) (0)
- Why the mass and proper time must be considered as dynamical variables (2019) (0)
- Book‐review complaint (1977) (0)
- Delayed-Choice Experiments with the Neutron Interferometer (1997) (0)
- Greenberger's Reply to Sachs (1973) (0)
- The Tic-Tac-Toe Theory of Gravity (2010) (0)
- Pauli Exclusion Principle (2009) (0)
- Multiphoton interferometry (1992) (0)
- Book review (1994) (0)
- The Presence of David Mermin (2003) (0)
- New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory and The 2nd International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology (1988) (0)
- Book Review: Quantum Paradaxes and Physical Reality (1991) (0)
- Simultaneous Particle and Wave Knowledge in Quantum Theory (1986) (0)
- Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) — Theorem (2009) (0)
- Book review (1991) (0)
- Interpretations. (Book Reviews: The Undivided Universe. An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory.) (1994) (0)
- Adventures in Experimental Quantum Error-Correction : (0)
- Velocity vs. momentum — A new relativistic paradox (1986) (0)
- J un 2 01 9 Puzzling out the mass-superselection rule (2019) (0)
- J un 2 00 5 Quantum Theory Looks at Time Travel (2005) (0)
- The Dynamical Roles Played by Mass and Proper Time in Physics (2017) (0)
- Quantum Theory, 1914–1922 (2009) (0)
- The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (2001) (0)
- Uncertainty Principle, Indetermincay Relations (2009) (0)
- Extending the Concept of an “Element of Reality” to Work with Inefficient Detectors (2009) (0)
- Quantum Mechanics. by Leslie E. Ballentine, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1990, xv + 560 pp., $56.00 (hardcover) (1991) (0)
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