Daniel Kleitman
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American applied mathematician
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Why Is Daniel Kleitman Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Daniel J. Kleitman is an American mathematician and professor of applied mathematics at MIT. His research interests include combinatorics, graph theory, genomics, and operations research. Biography Kleitman was born in 1934 in Brooklyn, New York, the younger of Bertha and Milton Kleitman's two sons. His father was a lawyer who after WWII became a commodities trader and investor. In 1942 the family moved to Morristown, New Jersey, and he graduated from Morristown High School in 1950.
Daniel Kleitman's Published Works
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Published Works
- Algorithms for Loop Matchings (1978) (599)
- Proof techniques in the theory of finite sets (1978) (234)
- Families of k-independent sets (1973) (234)
- The Design of Minimum-Cost Survivable Networks (1969) (228)
- Asymptotic enumeration of partial orders on a finite set (1975) (220)
- The crossing number of K5,n (1970) (218)
- The Structure of Sperner k-Families (1976) (215)
- Traditional Galleries Require Fewer Watchmen (1983) (213)
- Algorithms for constructing graphs and digraphs with given valences and factors (1973) (200)
- Coping with Errors in Binary Search Procedures (1980) (193)
- Piercing convex sets and the hadwiger-debrunner (p (1992) (181)
- Matrix Tree Theorems (1978) (170)
- On a Dual Version of the One-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem (1984) (164)
- A quasi-polynomial bound for the diameter of graphs of polyhedra (1992) (163)
- Cost allocation for a spanning tree (1973) (160)
- Point Selections and Weak ε-Nets for Convex Hulls (1992) (155)
- On a combinatorial conjecture of Erdös (1966) (147)
- Families of Non-disjoint subsets* (1966) (145)
- Strong Versions of Sperner's Theorem (1976) (135)
- On Dedekind’s problem: The number of monotone Boolean functions (1969) (133)
- Optimal Design of Offshore Natural-Gas Pipeline Systems (1970) (122)
- On Dedekind’s problem: the number of isotone Boolean functions. II (1975) (119)
- On the number of graphs without 4-cycles (1982) (113)
- An Almost Linear Time Algorithm for Generalized Matrix Searching (1990) (101)
- MSARI: multiple sequence alignments for statistical detection of RNA secondary structure. (2004) (98)
- Spanning Trees with Many Leaves (1991) (93)
- On a lemma of Littlewood and Offord on the distribution of certain sums (1965) (92)
- Heuristic Methods for Solving Large Scale Network Routing Problems: The Telpaking Problem (1975) (84)
- On a lemma of Littlewood and Offord on the distributions of linear combinations of vectors (1970) (82)
- An Addition Theorem on the Integers Modulo n (1989) (82)
- Covering Regions by Rectangles (1981) (76)
- Spanning trees with many leaves in cubic graphs (1989) (67)
- On coloring graphs to maximize the proportion of multicolored k-edges (1968) (66)
- Methods for investigating the connectivity of large graphs (1969) (66)
- On an extremal property of antichains in partial orders (1974) (64)
- Crossing families (1991) (61)
- The number of finite topologies (1970) (60)
- Finding Convex Sets Among Points in the Plane (1998) (53)
- The Asymptotic Number of Lattices (1980) (52)
- An Algorithm for Covering Polygons with Rectangles (1986) (49)
- Six Lonely Runners (2001) (49)
- The number of semigroups of order n (1976) (48)
- On zero-trees (1992) (46)
- Maximal sized antichains in partial orders (1971) (43)
- Radiation-Induced Expansion of Semiconductors (1957) (43)
- An algorithm for constructing regions with rectangles: Independence and minimum generating sets for collections of intervals (1984) (43)
- Increasing paths in edge ordered graphs (1973) (42)
- Convex Sets in the Plane with Three of Every Four Meeting (2001) (42)
- Longest Chains in the Lattice of Integer Partitions ordered by Majorization (1986) (41)
- On a combinatorial problem of Erdős (1966) (41)
- Even Cycles in Directed Graphs (1994) (40)
- New layouts for the shuffle-exchange graph(Extended Abstract) (1981) (39)
- Normalized Matching in Direct Products of Partial Orders (1973) (38)
- Further results on the Aanderaa-Rosenberg conjecture (1980) (38)
- A note on the parity of the number of crossings of a graph (1976) (38)
- Independence and the Havel-Hakimi residue (1994) (37)
- A Lower Bound on the Length of a Sequence Containing All Permutations as Subsequences (1976) (37)
- Elementary Problems: E2564-E2569 (1975) (36)
- Extremal problems among subsets of a set (1974) (35)
- Maximal number of subsets of a finite set No k of which are pairwise disjoint (1968) (35)
- Extremal Properties of Collections of Subsets Containing No Two Sets and Their Union (1976) (35)
- On the design of reliable Boolean circuits that contain partially unreliable gates (1994) (34)
- On the Number of Latent Subsets of Intersecting Collections (1974) (34)
- Computing the Bandwidth of Interval Graphs (1990) (33)
- Counting Trees in a Certain Class of Graphs (1975) (33)
- An optimal bound for two dimensional bin packing (1975) (33)
- On the product of sign vectors and unit vectors (1992) (32)
- Further gossip problems (1980) (32)
- Forests and score vectors (1981) (31)
- A Tribute to Paul Erdős: Sum-free subsets (1990) (27)
- A new basis for trades (1990) (27)
- Proportions of Irreducible Diagrams (1970) (27)
- On Rado's Boundedness Conjecture (2006) (27)
- On the Asymptotic Number of Tournament Score Sequences (1983) (26)
- On a conjecture of milner on k-graphs with non-disjoint edges (1968) (26)
- Extensions of the Erd¨os-Ko-Rado theorem (1976) (25)
- A Note on Unigraphic Sequences (1975) (25)
- On the Number of Databases and Closure Operations (1991) (24)
- Surveys in Combinatorics: Extremal hypergraph problems (1979) (24)
- Inherent Complexity Trade-Offs for Range Query Problems (1981) (22)
- A purely combinatorial proof of the Hadwiger Debrunner (p, q) Conjecture (1996) (21)
- On a problem of Yuzvinsky on separating the n-cube (1986) (20)
- Piercing convex sets (1992) (20)
- On the average size of the sets in a Sperner family (1973) (20)
- On subsets contained in a family of non-commensurable subsets of a finite set (1966) (19)
- A dictionary based approach for gene annotation (1999) (19)
- Subgraphs of large connectivity and chromatic number in graphs of large chromatic number (1987) (19)
- A Note on Perfect Elimination Digraphs (1974) (18)
- Packing lines in a hypercube (1993) (18)
- The number of linear extensions of subset ordering (1987) (18)
- On urban homicide: A statistical analysis (1975) (18)
- Applying the Classification Theorem for Finite Simple Groups to Minimize Pin Count in Uniform Permutation Architectures (1988) (17)
- Configurations Maximizing the Number of Pairs of Hamming-Adjacent Lattice Points (1971) (17)
- A minimal cutset of the boolean lattice with almost all members (1989) (17)
- On collections of subsets containing no 4-member Boolean algebra. (1971) (17)
- A note on maximal triangle-free graphs (1993) (16)
- A phase transition on partial orders (1979) (16)
- Set systems with no union of cardinality 0 modulom (1991) (16)
- On partitions of discrete boxes (2002) (16)
- Pair Labeelings with Given Distance (1989) (15)
- Intersections ofk-element sets (1981) (15)
- An Asymptotically Optimal Layout for the Shuffle-Exchange Graph (1983) (15)
- The Number of Meets between Two Subsets of a Lattice (1979) (15)
- The degree sequences of self-complementary graphs (1976) (14)
- Forcing Disjoint Segments in the Plane (1996) (14)
- A worst-case analysis for the split delivery vehicle routing problem with minimum delivery amounts (2013) (14)
- The prison yard problem (1994) (14)
- Set Orderings Requiring Costliest Alphabetic Binary Trees (1981) (13)
- Covering a square by small perimeter rectangles (1986) (13)
- Some New Results on the Littlewood-Offord Problem (1976) (13)
- Theory of relaxation spectra; the kinetics of coupled chemical reactions. (1965) (13)
- A three part Sperner theorem (1977) (13)
- Skew chain orders and sets of rectangles (1979) (12)
- Minimal Number of Multiple Edges in Realization of an Incidence Sequence Without Loops (1970) (11)
- Probabilities of Independent Choices Being Ordered (1979) (11)
- A dictionary-based approach for gene annotation. (1999) (11)
- Packing Squares in Rectangles I (1970) (10)
- Diameter and radius in the Manhattan metric (1990) (10)
- Cost allocation in networks: The bulk supplier problem (1974) (10)
- Partitioning a Planar Graph of Girth 10 into a Forest and a Matching (2010) (10)
- Optimal Scheduling Policies for Some Simple Transportation Systems (1973) (10)
- A Monotonicity Property of Partial Orders (1981) (10)
- Sharpening the LYM inequality (1992) (10)
- A Note on n-Edge-Connectivity (1974) (10)
- Superantichains in the Lattice of Partitions of a Set (1984) (9)
- Coping with errors in binary search procedures (Preliminary Report) (1978) (9)
- On families of subsets of a finite set containing no two disjoint sets and their union (1968) (9)
- A generalization of Kaplansky's game (1972) (9)
- A matching theorem for graphs (1970) (8)
- The number of rounds needed to exchange information within a graph (1983) (8)
- Steady-state oscillations in gases (1966) (8)
- Minimum cutsets for an element of a boolean lattice (1989) (8)
- Partitioning a rectangle into small perimeter rectangles (1992) (8)
- Representations of families of triples over GF(2) (1990) (8)
- A Note on Caterpillar-Embeddings with No Two Parallel Edges (2005) (7)
- Mass formulas and mass inequalities for reducible unitary multiplets (1964) (7)
- Urban homicide: Some recent developments (1980) (7)
- Baryon resonances in W3 symmetry (1964) (7)
- A Note on Random Triangles (1974) (7)
- Recent Developments in Computational Gene Recognition (1998) (7)
- Sphere coverings of the hypercube with incomparable centers (1990) (7)
- Partitioning a power set into union-free classes (1991) (7)
- Maximal Rectilinear Crossing of Cycles (1977) (6)
- On the number of closure operations (1993) (6)
- Radius and diameter in Manhattan lattices (1989) (6)
- Combinatorics of Finite Sets. By Ian Anderson (1989) (6)
- On the Maximum Number of Triangles in Wheel-Free Graphs (1994) (6)
- Regular ArticleAcyclic Matchings (1996) (6)
- An algorithm for certain multi-commodity flow problems (1971) (6)
- A Generalized Model for Understanding Evasiveness (1989) (6)
- A Note on Some Subset Identities (1975) (5)
- The Integrity of the Cube is Small (2006) (5)
- A Note on the Number of Bichromatic Lines (2009) (5)
- Minimally Distant Sets of Lattice Points (1993) (5)
- How many sums of vectors can lie in a circle of diameter √2?☆ (1972) (5)
- Msari (2004) (4)
- Extensions to the Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem (1975) (4)
- Some results on analytic functions in local field theory (1959) (4)
- Some Optimization Problems with Bulk-Service Queues† (1978) (4)
- An upper bound for the Ramsey numbers r(K3, G) (1994) (3)
- Partitioning a Rectangle into Many Sub-rectangles so that a Line can Meet only a Few (1991) (3)
- Modification of consecutive-d digraphs (1994) (3)
- Finding Uncomplemented Trees (1972) (3)
- Collections of Sets without Unions and Intersections a (1989) (3)
- On cross-bandwidth (1981) (3)
- Automorphisms of lexicographic products (1975) (2)
- Some positive definite functions on sets and their application to the Ising model (1971) (2)
- Decomposition of a Graph Realizing a Degree Sequence into Disjoint Spanning Trees (1976) (2)
- Another Proof of a Result of Perry on Chains of Finite Sets (1972) (2)
- On the Existence of Simultaneous Edge Disjoint Realizations of Degree Sequences with 'Few' Edges (1977) (2)
- On the Future of Combinatorics (2000) (2)
- Complementary Trees and Independent Matchings (1974) (2)
- Urban Violence and Risk to the Individual (1973) (2)
- Asymptotic enumeration of full graphs (1995) (2)
- More on complementary trees (1976) (2)
- An odd kind of BCH code (2013) (2)
- On a conjecture of Brualdi and Shen on block transitive tournaments (2003) (2)
- On a Problem in Shuffling (2000) (1)
- Characterization of curve map graphs (1984) (1)
- Divisors Without Unit-Congruent Ratios (1989) (1)
- Convergence of a Transformation on a Weighted Graph (2006) (1)
- Helly-type theorems about sets (1980) (1)
- Some Theorems on the U-Functions of Parametrized Feynman Amplitudes (1964) (1)
- Fifty years of The Journal of Combinatorial Theory (2016) (1)
- 18.304 Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics, Spring 2006 (2006) (0)
- Static Properties of Heavy Fermi-Particles Deuteron - Scattering at High Energies. (1958) (0)
- Points and Lines (2020) (0)
- Extremal Properties on Partial Orders (2010) (0)
- Ensembles and Largest Sojourns of Random Walks (1980) (0)
- Review: Gerhard Ringel, Map color theorem (1975) (0)
- Enumeration of Full Graphs: Onset of the Asymptotic Region (1996) (0)
- A Probabilistic Inequality (F. W. Steutel) (1975) (0)
- 18.310C Principles of Applied Mathematics, Fall 2007 (2002) (0)
- Some Results on Systems of Finite Sets That Satisfy a Certain Intersection Condition (1981) (0)
- Combinatorics, Geometry and Probability: On the Maximum Number of Triangles in Wheel-Free Graphs (1997) (0)
- An upper bound for the Ramsey numbers r ( & , G ) * (2001) (0)
- I2L: Novel circuits and formats (1977) (0)
- Advanced Problems: 6078-6083 (1976) (0)
- A computer-aided combinatorial analysis of the game of cribbage (1992) (0)
- Editorial (2013) (0)
- The Game of Life (2021) (0)
- Section 16. Applications Recent Developments in Computational Gene Recognition (1998) (0)
- A Statistical Procedure for Cluster Recognition with Application to Atlanta Leukemia‐Lymphoma Data (1983) (0)
- Enumeration and generation of three-center valence structures (1974) (0)
- 7 Conclusion and Open Problems (1994) (0)
- VLSI Design, Parallel Computation and Distributed Computing (1991) (0)
- Combinatorics and Applied Mathematics (1986) (0)
- Operations Research and Discrete Applied Mathematics (1982) (0)
- On the parity of K-baryon vertices (1959) (0)
- Elementary Problems: E3129-E3134 (1986) (0)
- Subgraphs of Large Connectivity and Chromatic of Chromatic Number in Large Number (1987) (0)
- An algorithm for collapsing sign alternating sequences of real numbers (1983) (0)
- A Statistical Procedure for Testing Nuclear Powered Cardiac Pacemakers (1978) (0)
- Only Connect (2019) (0)
- Relationship between indoor radon and lung cancer: a study of feasibility of an epidemiological study. Final report (1981) (0)
- 18.013A Calculus with Applications, Fall 2001 (2001) (0)
- Interim Scientific Progress Report for Grant AFOSR-82-0326, 1 October 1982 - 30 September 1983, (1984) (0)
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