David E. Rowe
American mathematician
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David E. Rowe's Degrees
- Bachelors Mathematics University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is David E. Rowe Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, David E. Rowe is an American mathematician and historian. He studied mathematics and the history of science at the University of Oklahoma, and took a second doctorate in history at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He served as book review editor, managing editor, and editor of the journal Historia Mathematica. In 1992, Rowe was appointed Professor of History of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz where he presently teaches. His research has mainly focused on mathematics in Germany, but in recent years he has been concerned with Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity and the broader cultural and political impact of Einstein's ideas. As part of this effort, he and have co-edited a source book entitled Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb, published by Princeton University Press in 2007.
David E. Rowe's Published Works
Published Works
- The collected papers of Albert Einstein (1987) (688)
- The Emergence of the American Mathematical Research Community, 1876-1900: J. J. Sylvester, Felix Klein, and E. H. Moore (1994) (105)
- Klein, Hilbert, and the Gottingen Mathematical Tradition (1989) (99)
- Emergence of the Theory of Lie Groups : An Essay in the History of Mathematics , 1869 – 1926 (2003) (60)
- "Jewish Mathematics" at Gottingen in the Era of Felix Klein (1986) (51)
- Making Mathematics in an Oral Culture: Göttingen in the Era of Klein and Hilbert (2004) (40)
- The Calm Before the Storm: Hilbert’s Early Views on Foundations (2000) (37)
- Mathematical models as artefacts for research: Felix Klein and the case of Kummer surfaces (2013) (37)
- Einstein's Allies and Enemies: Debating Relativity in Germany, 1916–1920 (2006) (34)
- Felix Klein's “Erlanger Antrittsrede”: A Transcription with English Translation and Commentary (1985) (31)
- Does the Quadratic Equation Have Greek Roots? A Study of "Geometric Algebra", "Application of Areas", and Related Problems (1981) (30)
- Einstein Meets Hilbert: At the Crossroads of Physics and Mathematics (2001) (29)
- The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein: The Berlin Years: Correspondence, 1914-1918. Albert Einstein , Robert Schulmann , A. J. Kox , Michel Janssen , Jozsef Illy , Ann M. Hentschel , Klaus Hentschel (2000) (29)
- Einstein and Relativity: What Price Fame? (2012) (25)
- The Early Geometrical Works of Sophus Lie and Felix Klein (1989) (24)
- A forgotten chapter in the history of Felix Klein's (1983) (21)
- A Richer Picture of Mathematics: The Göttingen Tradition and Beyond (2018) (18)
- The Philosophical Views of Klein and Hilbert (1994) (18)
- Mathematical Schools, Communities, and Networks (2001) (18)
- Interview with Dirk Jan Struik (1989) (16)
- Felix Klein, Adolf Hurwitz, and the “jewish question” in german academia (2007) (15)
- Hermann weyl, the reluctant revolutionary (2003) (14)
- Mathematics in Berlin, 1810–1933 (1998) (13)
- Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb (2007) (13)
- Otto Neugebauer and Richard Courant: On Exporting the Göttingen Approach to the History of Mathematics (2012) (11)
- Hilbert’s early career: Encounters with allies and rivals (2005) (10)
- Einstein’s gravitational field equations and the bianchi identities (2002) (10)
- Max von laue’s role in the relativity revolution (2008) (10)
- From Königsberg to Göttingen: a sketch of Hilbert’s early career (2003) (10)
- Klein, Lie, and the “Erlanger programm” (1992) (9)
- Gauss, dirichlet, and the law of biquadratic reciprocity (1988) (9)
- Dirk Jan Struik and his contributions to the history of mathematics (1994) (8)
- A Look Back at Hermann Minkowski’s Cologne Lecture “Raum und Zeit” (2009) (8)
- On Emmy Noether’s Role in the Relativity Revolution (2018) (8)
- On Building and Interpreting Models: Four Historical Case Studies (2017) (8)
- David Hilbert on Poincaré, Klein, and the World of Mathematics (1986) (7)
- Episodes in the Berlin-Göttingen Rivalry, 1870-1930 (2000) (6)
- David Hilbert's Lectures on the Foundations of Geometry, 1891–1902, Michael Hallett, Ulrich Majer (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (2004), xxviii + 661 pp. $99.00, ISBN: 978-3-540-64373-9 (2007) (6)
- Mathematics in Wartime: Private Reflections of Clifford Truesdell (2012) (6)
- 100 Years of mathematics. A personal viewpoint: By George Temple. New York (Springer). 1981. xvi + 316 pp. Bibliography. Author and subject indexes (1985) (6)
- Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science: History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics, Vol. XI (1993) (6)
- From Graz to Göttingen: Neugebauer’s Early Intellectual Journey (2016) (5)
- The Mathematicians’ Happy Hunting Ground: Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (2004) (5)
- Coxeter on People and Polytopes (2004) (5)
- Emmy Noether on Energy Conservation in General Relativity (2019) (5)
- Otto Neugebauer’s Vision for Rewriting the History of Ancient Mathematics (2013) (5)
- Debating Grassmann’s Mathematics: Schlegel Versus Klein (2010) (4)
- Three letters from sophus lie to felix klein on Parisian Mathematics during the early 1880’s (1985) (4)
- Mathematics Made in Germany: On the Background to Hilbert’s Paris Lecture (2013) (4)
- History Quiz: Who Linked Hegel’s Philosophy with the History of Mathematics? (2013) (3)
- General Relativity in the Making, 1916–1918: Rudolf J. Humm in Göttingen and Berlin (2020) (3)
- Beyond Einstein Perspectives on Geometry , Gravitation , and Cosmology in the Twentieth Century (2017) (3)
- Changes on the horizon (1994) (3)
- On the Reception of Grassmann’s Work in Germany during the 1870’s (1996) (3)
- Einstein and Twentieth-Century Politics: ‘A Salutary Moral Influence’ (2017) (3)
- Emmy Noether – Mathematician Extraordinaire (2021) (3)
- On Models and Visualizations of Some Special Quartic Surfaces (2018) (3)
- History of Mathematics: Models and Visualization in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (2015) (2)
- Neohumanism and the Persistence of Pure Mathematics in Wilhelmian Germany: By Lewis Pyenson. American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia). 1983. 136 pp. (1985) (2)
- The Old Guard Under the new order: Kurt Friedrichs on his meeting with Felix Klein (1984) (2)
- General Relativity in the Context of Weimar Culture (2014) (2)
- Klein, Lie, and their early Work on Quartic Surfaces (2019) (2)
- Göttingen’s SUB as Repository for the Papers of Distinguished Mathematicians (2016) (2)
- Einstein's Italian Mathematicians: Ricci, Levi-Civita, and the Birth of General Relativity by Judith R. Goodstein (2019) (2)
- Remembering an era: Roger penrose’s paper on “gravitational collapse: the role of general relativity” (2008) (2)
- Ideas and their reception (1989) (2)
- Klein, Mittag-Leffler, and the Klein-Poincaré Correspondence of 1881–1882 (2018) (1)
- Book Review: Plato’s ghost: the modernist transformation of mathematics (2012) (1)
- Models as Research Tools: Plücker, Klein, and Kummer Surfaces (2018) (1)
- Proving It Her Way (2020) (1)
- Einstein ’ s Italian Mathematicians : Ricci , Levi-Civita , and the Birth of General Relativity Reviewed (2019) (1)
- On stage and behind the scenes in Göttingen: Otto Blumenthal, Richard Courant, Emmy Noether and Paul Bernays (2012) (1)
- Models from the 19th Century used for Visualizing Optical Phenomena and Line Geometry (2019) (1)
- Einstein in Berlin (1998) (1)
- Einstein Studies, volume 11: A retrospective review (2008) (1)
- Revolutions in mathematics: Edited by Donald Gillies. Oxford (Clarendon Press). 1992. 353 pp. £55. (1993) (1)
- Who Linked Hegel’s Philosophy with the History of Mathematics? Hint: He Also Gave the Steiner Surface Its Name (2013) (1)
- Book Review:A Concise History of Mathematics Dirk J. Struik (1989) (1)
- Years Ago (2002) (1)
- A Snapshot of Debates on Relativistic Cosmology, 1917–1924 (Part II) (2016) (1)
- Book Review: Mathematics unbound: The evolution of an international mathematical research community, 1800--1945 (2003) (1)
- A Snapshot of Debates on Relativistic Cosmology, 1917–1924 (Part I) (2016) (1)
- Images, ideas, and communities (1994) (1)
- Euclidean geometry and physical space (2006) (1)
- Puzzles and Paradoxes and Their (Sometimes) Profounder Implications (2011) (1)
- Emmy Noether in Bryn Mawr (2020) (1)
- A Delicate Balance: Global Perspectives on Innovation and Tradition in the History of Mathematics (2015) (1)
- Professor in Aachen (1905–1910) (2018) (0)
- Hilbert’s Legacy: Projecting the Future and Assessing the Past at the 1946 Princeton Bicentennial Conference (2018) (0)
- Book Review:A History of Mathematics: An Introduction Victor J. Katz (1994) (0)
- Is (Was) Mathematics an Art or a Science (2018) (0)
- Diving into Math with Emmy Noether (2020) (0)
- Book Review:Der Briefwechsel David Hilbert-Felix Klein (1886-1918) Gunther Frei (1986) (0)
- Reflections on what Einstein means to Us (2014) (0)
- Bernhard Riemann, 1826-1866: Turning Points in the Conception of Mathematics. Detlef Laugwitz , Abe Shenitzer , Hardy Grant , Sarah Shenitzer (2001) (0)
- Book Review:Linear Differential Equations and Group Theory from Riemann to Poincare Jeremy Gray (1988) (0)
- German mathematics and the early mathematical career of Felix Klein (1994) (0)
- Debating Grassmann’s Mathematics: Schlegel vs. Klein (2018) (0)
- Emigration (1938–1939) (2019) (0)
- Felix Klein and Sophus Lie: Evolution of the idea of symmetry in the nineteenth century: By I. M. Yaglom. Translated by S. Sossinsky. Boston/Basel (Birkhäuser). 1988. vii + 237 pp. $40.00 (1990) (0)
- On the Origins of Cantor’s Paradox: What Hilbert Left Unsaid at the 1900 ICM in Paris (2023) (0)
- Epilogue: Beyond the threshold: The American mathematical research community, 1900-1933 (1994) (0)
- The Importance of French Differential Geometry for the Early Work of Lie and Klein (2010) (0)
- A Snapshot of Debates on Relativistic Cosmology, 1917–1924 (Part II) (2016) (0)
- A study of Borsuk's hyperspace 2('X,H) (1981) (0)
- Book Review (2019) (0)
- Noether’s Early Contributions to Modern Algebra (2021) (0)
- Transforming Tradition: Richard Courant in Göttingen (2015) (0)
- Einstein’s Travels (2015) (0)
- Segre, Klein, and the Theory of Quadratic Line Complexes (2016) (0)
- Max and Emmy Noether: Mathematics in Erlangen (2020) (0)
- The World’s Columbian exposition of 1893 and the Chicago mathematical congress (1994) (0)
- Looking Back on Gauss and Gaussian Legends: Answers to the Quiz from 37(4) (2016) (0)
- Hilbert vs. Einstein (2012) (0)
- Emmy Noether, 1882–1935: By Auguste Dick. Translated by H. I. Blocher. Boston/Basel/Stuttgart (Birkhäuser). 1981. 193 pp (1983) (0)
- Mathematics in Wartime: Private Reflections of Clifford Truesdell (2012) (0)
- Otto Neugebauer and the Göttingen Approach to History of the Exact Sciences (2018) (0)
- On Emmy Noether’s Role in the Relativity Revolution (2018) (0)
- Surveying mathematical landscapes: The Evanston colloquium lectures (1994) (0)
- Erhard Scholz (Editor).Hermann Weyl's Raum‐Zeit‐Materie and a General Introduction to His Scientific Work. (DMV Seminar, 30.) viii + 403 pp., bibl., index. Basel/Boston: Birkhäuser Verlag, 2001. $45 (cloth). (2002) (0)
- Personal Reflections on Dirk Jan Struik By Joseph W. Dauben (2018) (0)
- Steven Gimbel. Einstein: His Space and Times. (Jewish Lives.) ix + 191 pp., bibl., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 2015. $25 (cloth). (2017) (0)
- On Remembering Cardano Anew (2014) (0)
- Emmy Noether: a Portrait (2020) (0)
- Mini-Workshop: Max Dehn: his Life, Work, and Influence (2017) (0)
- Mathematics Made in Germany: On the Background to Hilbert’s Paris Lecture (2013) (0)
- Exotic worlds: Victorian mathematics (2012) (0)
- Mathematics in the Physical Sciences, 1650-2000 (2005) (0)
- Introduction to Part V (2018) (0)
- Blumenthal als Redakteur (1904–1914) (2018) (0)
- Meeting under the Integral Sign? The Oslo Congress of Mathematicians on the Eve of the Second World War (2022) (0)
- Book Review:The History of Mathematics: A Reader John Fauvel, Jeremy Gray (1988) (0)
- Hilbert’s Early Career (2018) (0)
- Memories with Marjorie: A Historian’s Appreciation (2021) (0)
- Sanford L. Segal.Mathematicians under the Nazis. xxii + 536 pp., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2003. $79.50, £55 (cloth). (2005) (0)
- On Remembering Cardano Anew (2014) (0)
- Looking Back on Gauss and Gaussian Legends: Answers to the Quiz from 37(4) (2016) (0)
- Noether’s International School in Modern Algebra (2020) (0)
- Emmy Noether: A tribute to her life and work: Edited by James W. Brewer and Martha K. Smith. New York and Basel (Marcel Dekker). 1981. 180 pp (1983) (0)
- Introduction to Part VI (2018) (0)
- Otto Neugebauer and Richard Courant: On Exporting the Göttingen Approach to the History of Mathematics (2012) (0)
- Einstein on the verge of parting company (2018) (0)
- On Resolving Singularities of Plane Curves via a Theorem attributed to Clebsch (2019) (0)
- A Snapshot of Debates on Relativistic Cosmology, 1917–1924 (Part I) (2016) (0)
- Science and political power The Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism. His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, War, Peace, and the Bomb. (2010) (0)
- Institutions and applications (1989) (0)
- On the Pleasures and Pitfalls of Mathematical Storytelling: Conversations with Constance Reid (2020) (0)
- Deine Sonia: A Reading from a Burned Letter by Reinhard Bölling, Translated by D. E. Rowe (2018) (0)
- Einstein in the public arena (2011) (0)
- On the Background to Hilbert’s Paris Lecture “Mathematical Problems” (2018) (0)
- Cast Out of Her Country (2020) (0)
- An Intelligencer Quiz on Gauss and Gaussian Legends (2015) (0)
- General Relativity in the Making, 1916–1918: Rudolf J. Humm in Göttingen and Berlin (2019) (0)
- On Building and Interpreting Models: Four Historical Case Studies (2017) (0)
- A Friendship of Lasting Value: Answers to Quiz from Vol. 31, No. 3 (2010) (0)
- Mathematicians under the Nazis (2005) (0)
- Book Review:Mathematics and Mathematicians: Mathematics in Sweden before 1950 Lars Garding (1998) (0)
- Poincaré Week in Göttingen, 22–28 April 1909 (2018) (0)
- Reflections on what Einstein means to Us (2013) (0)
- Workshop on the History of Modern Mathematics G?ttingen, July 16?17, 1990 (1990) (0)
- Emmy Noether’s Long Struggle to Habilitate in Göttingen (2020) (0)
- Einstein on the verge of parting company (2018) (0)
- Erratum to: Max von laue’s role in the relativity revolution (2008) (0)
- Karine Chemla; Renaud Chorlay; David Rabouin (Editors). The Oxford Handbook of Generality in Mathematics and the Sciences. xii + 507 pp., figs., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £95 (cloth). (2017) (0)
- An Enchanted Era Remembered: Interview with Dirk Jan Struik (2018) (0)
- Mathematicians under the Nazis by Sanford L. Segal (2005) (0)
- Introduction to Part IV (2018) (0)
- Einstein’s Travels (2015) (0)
- Symposium on the history of modern mathematics: Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, June 20–24, 1988 (1989) (0)
- Three Letters from Sophus Lie to Felix Klein on Mathematics in Paris (2018) (0)
- Einstein in the public arena (2012) (0)
- On the myriad mathematical traditions of ancient greece (2002) (0)
- Klein, Hurwitz, and the “Jewish Question” in German Academia (2018) (0)
- Emmy Noether Steps Onstage: Her Place in Mathematical Communities, Past and Present (2023) (0)
- Memories and Legacies of Emmy Noether (2021) (0)
- On projecting the future and assessing the past—the 1946 princeton bicentennial conference (2003) (0)
- The Old Guard Under a New Order: K. O. Friedrichs Meets Felix Klein (2018) (0)
- Exotic worlds: Victorian mathematics (2013) (0)
- Book Review: Einstein’s Italian Mathematicians: Ricci, Levi-Civita, and the Birth of General Relativity (2019) (0)
- Debating Relativistic Cosmology, 1917–1924 (2018) (0)
- Emmy Noether’s Triumphal Years (2020) (0)
- On Gauss and Gaussian Legends: A Quiz (2018) (0)
- Mathematical Quiz: A Friendship of Lasting Value (2009) (0)
- On resolving singularities of plane curves via a theorem attributed to Alfred Clebsch (2021) (0)
- History Quiz: Who Linked Hegel’s Philosophy with the History of Mathematics? (2012) (0)
- History of Mathematics: A Global Cultural Approach (2021) (0)
- Reviews (2005) (0)
- Mathematical models as artefacts for research: Felix Klein and the case of Kummer surfaces (2013) (0)
- Disciplines and Styles in Pure Mathematics, 1800-2000 (2010) (0)
- Konflikte in der Annalen-Redaktion (1924–1927) (2019) (0)
- Mathematics at Sylvester’s Hopkins (1994) (0)
- Transforming Tradition: Richard Courant in Göttingen (2015) (0)
- An Intelligencer Quiz on Gauss and Gaussian Legends (2015) (0)
- Historical Events in the Background of Hilbert’s Seventh Paris Problem (2015) (0)
- An overview of American mathematics: 1776-1876 (1994) (0)
- A new departmental prototype: J.J. Sylvester and the Johns Hopkins University (1994) (0)
- Meeting the challenge: The University of Chicago and the American mathematical research community (1994) (0)
- Who Linked Hegel’s Philosophy with the History of Mathematics? Hint: He Also Gave the Steiner Surface Its Name (2013) (0)
- On the Pleasures and Pitfalls of Mathematical Storytelling: Conversations with Constance Reid (2020) (0)
- On Models and Visualizations of Some Special Quartic Surfaces (2018) (0)
- The idea of symmetry: felix klein and sophus lie. (1989) (0)
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