David H. Bayley
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American political scientist and criminologist
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David H. Bayleycriminal-justice Degrees
Criminal Justice
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David H. Bayleypolitical-science Degrees
Political Science
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Criminal Justice Political Science
David H. Bayley's Degrees
- Bachelors Political Science University of California, Berkeley
Why Is David H. Bayley Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, David H. Bayley was an American political scientist who taught at the University of Denver and the State University of New York at Albany. He was dean of SUNY Albany's School of Criminal Justice from 1995-2004 and was Distinguished Professor Emeritus. He authored 18 books, and he became a "policing research pioneer." Bayley was described in 2015 as “America’s principal, most respected and longest serving policing expert at-large and the world’s preeminent scholar of international policing studies.”
David H. Bayley's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Police for the Future (1994) (710)
- The Future of Policing (1996) (670)
- The Effects of Corruption in a Developing Nation (1966) (421)
- The New Blue Line: Police Innovation in Six American Cities (1986) (288)
- Learning the Skills of Policing (1984) (267)
- Patterns of Policing: A Comparative International Analysis (1986) (250)
- Minorities and the Police: Confrontation in America (1969) (196)
- Police and Society (1977) (183)
- Theme and Variation in Community Policing (1988) (176)
- Democratizing the police abroad: what to do and how to do it (2001) (157)
- New Structure of Policing: Description, Conceptualization, and Research Agenda (2001) (122)
- Forces of Order: Policing Modern Japan (1991) (118)
- The tactical choices of police patrol officers (1986) (116)
- Forces of Order: Police Behavior in Japan and the United States (1977) (113)
- The Police and Political Development in Europe (1975) (108)
- Police reform: Who done it? (2008) (102)
- Changing the Guard: Developing Democratic Police Abroad (2005) (93)
- Policing in America (1998) (83)
- Police and Political Development in India (1969) (78)
- What works in policing (1998) (78)
- Cops and Spooks: The Role of Police in Counterterrorism (2009) (73)
- The Police and Political Development in India. (1970) (70)
- Comparative Organization of the Police in English-Speaking Countries (1992) (52)
- A foreign policy for democratic policing (1995) (51)
- Policing: The world stage (1996) (44)
- Police Reform as Foreign Policy (2005) (39)
- Police Function, Structure, and Control in Western Europe and North America: Comparative and Historical Studies (1979) (32)
- The Police and Political Order in India (1983) (27)
- Getting Serious about Police Brutality (1995) (26)
- Post-conflict Police Reform: Is Northern Ireland a Model? (2008) (25)
- International Differences in Community Policing (1994) (24)
- Policing Hate: What can be done? (2002) (23)
- The Police in War: Fighting Insurgency, Terrorism, and Violent Crime (2010) (23)
- The Police and Political Change in Comparative Perspective (1971) (19)
- English-speaking Countries (2016) (18)
- The police in war (2010) (17)
- The Complexities of 21st Century Policing (2016) (15)
- Et tu brute: are police agencies managed better or worse than universities? (2011) (14)
- Public Protest and the Political Process in India (1969) (12)
- Capacity-building in Law Enforcement (1999) (11)
- The Pedagogy of Democracy: Coercive Public Protest in India (1962) (11)
- Community policing: A contemporary perspective: Robert Trojanowicz and Bonnie Bucqueroux Anderson Publishing Co. (2035 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202), 1990, 458 pp., softcover—$23.95 (1992) (11)
- Report on Speech Secrecy System DELILAH, a Technical Description Compiled by A. M. Turing and Lieutenant D. Bayley REME, 1945–1946 (2012) (7)
- Police Overtime: An Examination of Key Issues (1998) (7)
- Minorities and the Police: Confrontation in America. (1971) (7)
- Making College Teaching a Profession (1967) (7)
- The Role of the Police in Counterterrorism (2015) (6)
- U.S. Aid for Foreign Justice and Police (2006) (6)
- Governing the Police: Experience in Six Democracies (2016) (6)
- The Role of Police in Japanese Society@@@Forces of Order: Police Behavior in Japan and the United States@@@Police and Community in Japan@@@The Japanese Police System Today: An American Perspective@@@Hanzai Sosa o Meguru Dai-issen Keiji no Ishiki to Kodo (1988) (6)
- The Emptiness of Curriculum Reform (1972) (6)
- Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action (2015) (6)
- The Morphing of Peacekeeping: Competing Approaches to Public Safety (2011) (6)
- Human rights in policing: a global assessment (2015) (5)
- The Indian Experience with Preventive Detention (1962) (5)
- The Future of Social Control in Japan (1978) (5)
- Perspectives on criminal justice research (1978) (5)
- The forgotten path to police reform in the United States: an essay (2018) (4)
- Steinhoff's "Pursuing the Japanese Police": A Rejoinder (1994) (3)
- Preventive Detention in India (1963) (3)
- Organizational Structure and Innovation in Urban Police Departments@@@The Structure of Police Organizations@@@The New Blue Line: Police Innovations in Six American Cities (1987) (2)
- Preventive detention in India : a case study in democratic social control (1962) (2)
- Police for the future = Polisi masa depan (1998) (2)
- Violent agitation and the democratic process in India (1961) (2)
- New Perspectives in Policing: Race and Policing: An Agenda for Action (2015) (1)
- India: War and Political Assertion (1972) (1)
- The Rise of Conservative Criticism in India (1963) (1)
- More about the Police@@@Varieties of Police Behavior@@@The People and the Police@@@Minorities and the Police (1969) (1)
- 1. Role of the Police in Political Development (1969) (0)
- 8. Public Perspectives on the Police (1969) (0)
- 6. The Process (1969) (0)
- U New and recent itles from MINORITIES AND THE POLICE Confrontation in America (2010) (0)
- India as a Secular State.@@@Preventive Detention in India. (1964) (0)
- Innovations in Policing: A Review of The New Blue Line (1986) (0)
- 4. The Criminal Setting (1969) (0)
- 2. Structure and Development (1969) (0)
- 9. Determinants of Public Perspectives (1969) (0)
- 10. The Maintenance of Public Order (1969) (0)
- 7. Public Contact with the Police (1969) (0)
- To Guard my People: The History of the Indian Police (1972) (0)
- The Policy of Preventive Detention, 1950-1963 1 (1964) (0)
- Ideas in American (1998) (0)
- 13. The Police and Civilian Administration (1969) (0)
- 12. University Students and the Police (1969) (0)
- 14. Police and the Politicians (1969) (0)
- Historical Approaches to Crime: Research Strategies and Issues@@@Police and Society (1980) (0)
- 5. The Record (1969) (0)
- 3. The Indian Police Today (1969) (0)
- Police brutality: An analysis of police behaviour (1988) (0)
- Kashmir Awakes. By Sharma B. L. (Delhi: Vikas Publications. 1971. Pp. 292. Rs. 28.50.) (1972) (0)
- Book reviews (2003) (0)
- 15. Police and Village Government (1969) (0)
- 16. The Police and the Political System: An Assessment (1969) (0)
- 11. Corruption and the Police (1969) (0)
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