
Dewey Cornell

Most Influential Person Now

American forensic and clinical psychologist

Dewey Cornell's Academic­ Rankings

Dewey Cornell
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Clinical Psychology
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  • Psychology

Why Is Dewey Cornell Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dewey G. Cornell is an American forensic and clinical psychologist known for his research on youth violence and school security. He is Professor of Education in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Virginia, where he also holds the Bunker Chair in Education. He is the director of the University of Virginia's Virginia Youth Violence Project, as well as a faculty associate at the university's Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy. He is the principal author of the Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines, which are widely used for threat assessment in schools in the United States and Canada. Using the guidelines, he has found that 97.7% of threats made in schools were never attempted.

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Dewey Cornell's Published Works

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