Donald Green
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American political scientist
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Political Science
Donald Green's Degrees
- PhD Political Science University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Political Science University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Political Science University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Donald Green Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Donald Philip Green is a political scientist and quantitative methodologist at Columbia University. Green's primary research interests lie in the development of statistical methods for field experiments and their application to American voting behavior.
Donald Green's Published Works
Published Works
- Redefine statistical significance (2017) (1806)
- Promoting an open research culture (2015) (1615)
- Partisan Hearts and Minds: Political Parties and the Social Identities of Voters (2002) (1283)
- The Effects of Canvassing, Telephone Calls, and Direct Mail on Voter Turnout: A Field Experiment (2000) (1177)
- Social Pressure and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment (2008) (1151)
- Public Opinion Toward Immigration Reform: The Role of Economic Motivations (1997) (1075)
- Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science (1994) (1031)
- Prejudice reduction: what works? A review and assessment of research and practice. (2009) (966)
- Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation (2012) (882)
- Yes, But What's the Mechanism? (Don't Expect an Easy Answer) (2010) (818)
- Get Out the Vote!: How to Increase Voter Turnout (2004) (746)
- Voting May Be Habit-Forming: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment (2003) (597)
- Referendum contingent valuation, anchoring, and willingness to pay for public goods (1998) (534)
- Salvation for the Spendthrift Incumbent: Reestimating the Effects of Campaign Spending in House Elections (1988) (526)
- American Identity and the Politics of Ethnic Change (1990) (457)
- Measurement error masks bipolarity in affect ratings. (1993) (444)
- Defended Neighborhoods, Integration, and Racially Motivated Crime1 (1998) (441)
- How Large and Long-lasting Are the Persuasive Effects of Televised Campaign Ads? Results from a Randomized Field Experiment (2011) (433)
- Instrumental Variables Estimation in Political Science: A Readers’ Guide (2011) (360)
- Presidential Leadership and the Resurgence of Trust in Government (1986) (360)
- Promoting Transparency in Social Science Research (2014) (351)
- The Contact Hypothesis Re-evaluated (2017) (351)
- The Growth and Development of Experimental Research in Political Science (2006) (337)
- Getting Out the Vote in Local Elections: Results from Six Door-to-Door Canvassing Experiments (2003) (308)
- Using Experiments to Estimate the Effects of Education on Voter Turnout (2010) (302)
- Of Artifacts and Partisan Instability (1990) (269)
- Modeling Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Survey Experiments with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (2012) (257)
- Preempting Quality Challengers in House Elections (1988) (256)
- Studying Hate Crime with the Internet: What Makes Racists Advocate Racial Violence? (2002) (255)
- Enough Already about “Black Box” Experiments: Studying Mediation Is More Difficult than Most Scholars Suppose (2009) (252)
- Rational Learning and Partisan Attitudes (1998) (248)
- Deference, Dissent, and Dispute Resolution: An Experimental Intervention Using Mass Media to Change Norms and Behavior in Rwanda (2009) (235)
- Habit-Formation and Political Behaviour: Evidence of Consuetude in Voter Turnout (2000) (222)
- From lynching to gay bashing: the elusive connection between economic conditions and hate crime. (1998) (218)
- Hate Crime: An Emergent Research Agenda (2001) (217)
- White reactions to black candidates : when does race matter? - eScholarship (1990) (214)
- Dirty Pool (2001) (210)
- Using Random Judge Assignments to Estimate the Effects of Incarceration and Probation on Recidivism Among Drug Offenders (2009) (193)
- Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science. (1996) (193)
- Field Experiments and the Study of Voter Turnout (2013) (188)
- Detecting Spillover Effects: Design and Analysis of Multilevel Experiments (2012) (185)
- Rebuttal to Jacobson's "New Evidence for Old Arguments" (1990) (183)
- The "Official English" Movement and the Symbolic Politics of Language in the United States (1990) (173)
- How stable is party identification? (1994) (160)
- The effects of canvassing, direct mail, and telephone contact on voter turnout: A field experiment (2000) (159)
- An Experiment Testing the Relative Effectiveness of Encouraging Voter Participation by Inducing Feelings of Pride or Shame (2010) (150)
- Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science: DESIGNING EXPERIMENTS (2011) (149)
- Comparing Experimental and Matching Methods Using a Large-Scale Voter Mobilization Experiment (2006) (148)
- Do Televised Presidential Ads Increase Voter Turnout? Evidence from a Natural Experiment (2008) (147)
- Disaggregating Deliberation’s Effects: An Experiment within a Deliberative Poll (2010) (144)
- Principled Tolerance and the American Mass Public (1989) (143)
- Prejudice Reduction: Progress and Challenges. (2020) (138)
- The Stability of Party Identification in Western Democracies (1997) (137)
- Macropartisanship: A Replication and Critique (1998) (135)
- Testing for Publication Bias in Political Science (2001) (135)
- The Effect of a Nonpartisan Get-Out-the-Vote Drive: An Experimental Study of Leafletting (2000) (132)
- Do phone calls increase voter turnout?: a field experiment. (2001) (125)
- Analysis of Cluster-Randomized Experiments: A Comparison of Alternative Estimation Approaches (2007) (121)
- Assessing Methods for Generalizing Experimental Impact Estimates to Target Populations (2016) (115)
- When contact changes minds: An experiment on transmission of support for gay equality (2014) (113)
- Testing the Accuracy of Regression Discontinuity Analysis Using Experimental Benchmarks (2009) (110)
- NIMBY or NIABY: a logit model of opposition to solid-waste-disposal facility siting (1994) (110)
- Field Experiments and Natural Experiments (2008) (110)
- The Underprovision of Experiments in Political Science (2003) (108)
- Do Online Advertisements Increase Political Candidates’ Name Recognition or Favorability? Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments (2014) (105)
- Is Voting Habit Forming? New Evidence from Experiments and Regression Discontinuities (2016) (104)
- Static, dynamic, and causative bipolarity of affect. (1999) (103)
- Are Poor Voters Indifferent to Whether Elected Leaders Are Criminal or Corrupt? A Vignette Experiment in Rural India (2014) (101)
- Personal Income and Attitudes toward Redistribution: A Study of Lottery Winners (2006) (99)
- On the Dimensionality of Public Sentiment toward Partisan and Ideological Groups (1988) (98)
- The Dynamics of Campaign Fundraising in House Elections (1994) (96)
- In What Sense are Positive and Negative Affect Independent? A Reply to Tellegen, Watson, and Clark (1999) (95)
- Collection of Delinquent Fines: An Adaptive Randomized Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of Alternative Text Messages (2013) (90)
- Field Experiments Testing the Impact of Radio Advertisements on Electoral Competition (2008) (89)
- Grassroots Mobilization and Voter Turnout in 2004 (2005) (88)
- The Enduring Effects of Social Pressure: Tracking Campaign Experiments Over a Series of Elections (2010) (85)
- Problems and Methods in the Study of Politics: The illusion of learning from observational research (2004) (84)
- Who Protests: Self-Interest and White Opposition to Busing (1992) (83)
- Does Discussion Group Composition Affect Policy Preferences? Results from Three Randomized Experiments (2009) (78)
- Place Based Interventions at Scale: The Direct and Spillover Effects of Policing and City Services on Crime (2017) (77)
- Experimentation in Political Science (2011) (75)
- Partisan Mail and Voter Turnout: Results From Randomized Field Experiments (2003) (74)
- Does Knowledge of Constitutional Principles Increase Support for Civil Liberties? Results from a Randomized Field Experiment (2011) (72)
- A consensus-based transparency checklist (2019) (69)
- Measurement Error and the Structure of Attitudes: Are Positive and Negative Judgments Opposites? (1994) (63)
- Field Experiments on Political Behavior and Collective Action (2009) (62)
- Promoting an open research culture : Author guidelines for journals could help to promote transparency , openness , and reproducibility (2015) (62)
- The Price Elasticity of Mass Preferences (1992) (62)
- Combining List Experiment and Direct Question Estimates of Sensitive Behavior Prevalence. (2013) (62)
- Mobilizing African-American Voters Using Direct Mail and Commercial Phone Banks: A Field Experiment (2004) (61)
- Spanish-Language Radio Advertisements and Latino Voter Turnout in the 2006 Congressional Elections (2011) (59)
- Standard Operating Procedures: A Safety Net for Pre-Analysis Plans (2016) (58)
- Tracking Opinion over Time: A method for Reducing Sampling Error (1999) (58)
- Putting the Party Back into Politics: An Experiment Testing Whether Election Day Festivals Increase Voter Turnout (2007) (58)
- Do Phone Calls Increase Voter Turnout? An Update (2005) (58)
- Does canvassing increase voter turnout? A field experiment. (1999) (57)
- Getting out the youth vote: Results from randomized field experiments (2001) (56)
- Measuring Gay Populations and Antigay Hate Crime (2001) (51)
- A Cautionary Note on the Use of Matching to Estimate Causal Effects: An Empirical Example Comparing Matching Estimates to an Experimental Benchmark (2010) (51)
- Introduction to Social Pressure and Voting: New Experimental Evidence (2010) (50)
- Correction to Gerber and Green (2000), Replication of Disputed Findings, and Reply to Imai (2005) (2005) (47)
- The Downstream Benefits of Experimentation (2002) (45)
- Mobilization, participation, and American democracy (2016) (44)
- The distinctive political views of hate-crime perpetrators and white supremacists. (1999) (44)
- Noncoercive Mobilization in State-Controlled Elections (2006) (42)
- Do Community-Based Voter Mobilization Campaigns Work Even in Battleground States? Evaluating the Effectiveness of MoveOn's 2004 Outreach Campaign (2008) (41)
- Reconciling Individual and Aggregate Evidence Concerning Partisan Stability: Applying Time-Series Models to Panel Survey Data (2002) (41)
- Countering Violence Against Women by Encouraging Disclosure: A Mass Media Experiment in Rural Uganda (2020) (41)
- Tolerance and the Contact Hypothesis: A Field Experiment (2009) (40)
- Experiments: An Introduction to Core Concepts (2011) (40)
- The Influence of Television and Radio Advertising on Candidate Evaluations: Results from a Large Scale Randomized Experiment (2007) (37)
- Field Experiments on Voter Mobilization: An Overview of a Burgeoning Literature (2017) (34)
- Assessing the Correspondence between Experimental Results Obtained in the Lab and Field: A Review of Recent Social Science Research* (2014) (34)
- Hotspot interventions at scale: the effects of policing and city services on crime in Bogotá, Colombia (2018) (32)
- Baseline, Placebo, and Treatment: Efficient Estimation for Three-Group Experiments (2010) (32)
- White Supremacist Activity and Crossburnings in North Carolina (1998) (32)
- Social pressure and voting: A field experiment conducted in a high-salience election (2017) (31)
- Do Robotic Calls From Credible Sources Influence Voter Turnout or Vote Choice? Evidence From a Randomized Field Experiment (2012) (30)
- Modeling heterogeneous treatment effects in large-scale experiments using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (2010) (29)
- Field Experimental Designs for the Study of Media Effects (2014) (28)
- Professionalization of Campaigns and the Secret History of Collective Action Problems (2003) (25)
- The Effects of Voter ID Notification on Voter Turnout : Results from a Large-Scale Field Experiment (2014) (24)
- Estimation of Models with Correlated Measurement Errors from Panel Data (1992) (24)
- The effects of lawn signs on vote outcomes: Results from four randomized field experiments (2016) (24)
- Recent Advances in the Science of Voter Mobilization (2005) (22)
- Rational Choice Theory (2007) (22)
- Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Political Science: Experiments (2011) (21)
- Can Registration-Based Sampling Improve the Accuracy of Midterm Election Forecasts? (2006) (21)
- Framing and the Price Elasticity of Private and Public Goods (1995) (20)
- The Failings of Conventional Mediation Analysis and a Design-Based Alternative (2021) (19)
- Do Belief Systems Exhibit Dynamic Constraint? (2021) (19)
- Habit Formation and Political Behaviour: Evidence of Consuetude in Voter Turnout (2000) (19)
- The Effects of Sentencing on Recidivism: Results from a Natural Experiment (2007) (18)
- Publicizing Scandal: Results from Five Field Experiments (2018) (18)
- Detecting Spillover in Social Networks: Design and Analysis of Multilevel Experiments (2008) (18)
- BIRDS OF A FEATHER : Homophily in Social Networks (2014) (17)
- Partisan Consumerism: Experimental Tests of Consumer Reactions to Corporate Political Activity (2020) (17)
- Comparing Experimental and Matching Methods using a Large-Scale Field Experiment on Voter Mobilization (2004) (16)
- Pathologies Revisited: Reflections on Our Critics (2017) (16)
- Adaptive Experimental Design: Prospects and Applications in Political Science (2019) (15)
- Statistical Analysis of Results from Laboratory Studies in Experimental Economics: A Critique of Current Practice (2012) (15)
- Analyzing Experimental Data Using Regression: When is Bias a Practical Concern? (2011) (15)
- Get Out the Vote (2017) (15)
- Does Publicizing a Tax Credit for Political Contributions Increase Its Use? (2006) (14)
- Encouraging Small Donor Contributions: A Field Experiment Testing the Effects of Nonpartisan Messages (2015) (13)
- Does Product Placement Change Television Viewers’ Social Behavior? (2015) (13)
- Field Experimentation and the Study of Law and Policy (2014) (12)
- Detecting Social Networks: Design and Analysis of Multilevel Experiments (2010) (12)
- Advances in Experimental Political Science (12)
- Advances in Experimental Political Science (12)
- Issues and the Dynamics of Party Identification: A Methodological Critique (1993) (12)
- Party Identification: Meaning and Measurement (2017) (11)
- Hate Crime Research (2014) (11)
- The Effects of Measurement Error on Two-Stage, Least-Squares Estimates (1990) (11)
- Field Experiments and the Study of Political Behavior (2010) (10)
- Radio Public Service Announcements and Voter Participation Among Native Americans: Evidence from Two Field Experiments (2017) (10)
- Countering violence against women at scale : A mass media experiment in rural Uganda ∗ (2019) (9)
- The Effect of Prepaid Postage on Turnout: A Cautionary Tale for Election Administrators (2012) (9)
- On evidence-based political science (2005) (9)
- Is Voting Habit Forming? New Evidence Suggests that Habit-Formation Varies by Election Type (2013) (8)
- New Experiments in Minority Voter Mobilization II (2008) (8)
- Silence Begets Violence: A mass media experiment to prevent violence against women in rural Uganda ∗ (2018) (8)
- Making Sense of 200+ Field Experiments on Voter Mobilization, Part I: Direct Mail (1970) (8)
- New Experiments in Minority Voter Mobilization: A Report on the California Votes Initiative (2007) (8)
- Breaking Empirical Deadlocks in the Study of Partisanship: An Overview of Experimental Research Strategies (2013) (7)
- The challenge of bringing voter mobilization to scale: An evaluation of youth vote 2002 phone banking campaigns (2003) (7)
- Elite Messaging and Partisan Consumerism: An Evaluation of President Trump’s Tweets and Polarization of Corporate Brand Images (2020) (7)
- Public Opinion Toward Immigration Reform: How Much Does the Economy Matter? (1995) (7)
- New Experiments in Minority Voter Mobilization: Third and Final Report on the California Votes Initiative (2009) (7)
- Mobilizing Group Membership (2013) (6)
- Stopping the Buck Here: The Case for Campaign Spending Limits (1993) (6)
- Does digital advertising affect vote choice? Evidence from a randomized field experiment (2022) (6)
- Are There Long-Term Effects of the Vietnam Draft on Political Attitudes or Behavior? Apparently Not (2018) (6)
- Erratum to - Field Experiments and the Study of Voter Turnout (10.1080/17457289.2012.728223) (2013) (6)
- Field Experiments in Comparative Politics and Policy (2010) (5)
- Double Sampling for Nonignorable Missing Outcome Data in Randomized Experiments (2014) (5)
- Chapter 2. Revisiting the Pathologies of Rational Choice (2009) (5)
- How Much GOTV Mail is Too Much? Results from a Large-Scale Field Experiment (2017) (5)
- A placebo design to detect spillovers from an education–entertainment experiment in Uganda (2020) (5)
- Combining Double Sampling and Bounds to Address Non-Ignorable Missing Outcomes in Randomized Experiments (2016) (5)
- Voter Mobilization, Experimentation, and Translational Social Science (2016) (5)
- Combining Double Sampling and Bounds to Address Nonignorable Missing Outcomes in Randomized Experiments (2017) (5)
- In Search of Entertainment-Education’s Effects on Attitudes and Behaviors (2021) (5)
- Optimal Allocation of Interviews to Baseline and Endline Surveys in Place-Based Randomized Trials and Quasi-Experiments (2018) (4)
- Sharp bounds for complier average potential outcomes in experiments with noncompliance and incomplete reporting (2013) (4)
- The Effects of Election Festivals on Voter Turnout: A Field Experiment Conducted During a Presidential Election (2017) (4)
- A spirited defence of party identification against its critics (2014) (4)
- More Difficult than Most Scholars Suppose Enough Already about " Black Box " Experiments : Studying Mediation (2010) (4)
- Consuetude in Voter Turnout (1999) (4)
- A New Era of Experimental Political Science (2021) (3)
- Hate Crime (2021) (3)
- Turnout Nation: A Pilot Experiment Evaluating a Get-Out-The-Vote “Supertreatment” (2020) (3)
- More “tricks of the trade”: Reparameterizing LISREL models using negative variances (1991) (3)
- A Digital Field Experiment Reveals Large Effects of Friend-to-Friend Texting on Voter Turnout (2020) (3)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of the Biases in Misspecified Randomization Checks (2005) (3)
- Assessing the Efficacy of Radio Public Service Announcements: Results From Three Field Experiments (2019) (3)
- Testing the Persuasive Effects of Digital Media: A Cluster Randomized Field Experiment (2014) (3)
- Human Error Investigation Software Tool (HEIST) (2007) (3)
- Messages, Messengers, and Diusion of Support for Gay Equality: Results from Two Longitudinal Field Experiments (2014) (2)
- The Coming Democratic Realignment (2000) (2)
- Field experiments in political behavior (2017) (2)
- Response to Franz, Freedman, Goldstein, and Ridout (2008) (2)
- State building in the city: The effects of public security and services on crime, violence and state legitimacy in Bogotá (2018) (2)
- Using randomized experiments to develop effective tax collection strategies (2012) (2)
- Election Festivals and Voter Turnout: An Overview of Recent Research (2020) (2)
- Reducing Violence against Women in Uganda through Video Dramas: A Survey Experiment to Illuminate Causal Mechanisms (2020) (2)
- A Radio Drama’s Effects on Attitudes Toward Early and Forced Marriage: Results From a Field Experiment in Rural Tanzania (2022) (2)
- XIII. The Effects of Registration Laws on Voter Turnout: An Update d Assessment (2011) (1)
- How Effective Are Radio Messages Aimed at Reducing Teen Births Among Latinas? A Randomized Controlled Trial (2020) (1)
- A Radio Drama’s Effects on HIV Attitudes and Policy Priorities: A Field Experiment in Tanzania (2021) (1)
- Introduction (2004) (1)
- Psychological Theories Meet the Challenge of Persuading and Mobilising Voters (2022) (1)
- Assessing the Effects of Friend-to-Friend Texting onTurnout in the 2018 US Midterm Elections (2021) (1)
- Amicus brief for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (2012) (1)
- Fiscal Contracts? A Six-country Randomized Experiment on Transaction Costs, Public Services, and Taxation in Developing Countries (2021) (1)
- Encouraging Community Action Against Teacher Absenteeism: A Mass Media Experiment in Rural Uganda (2021) (1)
- A consensus-based transparency checklist (2019) (1)
- Partisan Stability During Turbulent Times: Evidence from Three American Panel Surveys (2022) (1)
- The Effects of Election Festivals on Voter Turnout: A Field Experiment Conducted During the 2017 General Election (2020) (0)
- Elections : Field Experimental Evidence Spanish-Language Radio Advertisements and Latino Voter Turnout in the 2006 Congressional (2010) (0)
- Social Science Experiments (2022) (0)
- Telephone campaigns to encourage child vaccination : are they effective? (2013) (0)
- Macropartisanship Revisited (2023) (0)
- Revisiting a Natural Experiment: Do Legislators with Daughters Vote More Liberally on Women’s Issues? (2023) (0)
- Chapter 8. How Partisan Attachments Structure Politics (2017) (0)
- 1. The Illusion of Learning from Observational Research (2020) (0)
- Experiments and eligibility cutoffs show that voting is habit-forming (2015) (0)
- 4. Civic Duty and Social Pressure as Causes of Voter Turnout (2018) (0)
- Mobilizing Young Voters Through IT: A Field Experiment (2005) (0)
- Can Video Advertisements Change Partisanship? Results from Panel Survey Experiments (2021) (0)
- Radio Public Service Announcements and Voter Participation Among Native Americans: Evidence from Two Field Experiments (2016) (0)
- Literature Online-Print View (2009) (0)
- CHAPTER 1 A New Era of Experimental Political Science ∗ (2021) (0)
- Erratum (2008) (0)
- [White Reaction to Black Candidates: When Does Race Matter?]: Reply (1991) (0)
- Redefine statistical significance (2017) (0)
- Reducing Violence Against Women in Uganda through Video Dramas: An Experimental Test to Illuminate Causal Mechanisms (2019) (0)
- Dissertation: “Perceptions of Social Group Influence in the United States: Sources and Consequences for Political Legitimacy and Participation.” Jack Citrin (Chair), (2014) (0)
- How Effective Are Radio Messages Aimed at Reducing Teen Births Among Latinas? A Randomized Controlled Trial (2020) (0)
- 1 Title : Redefine Statistical Significance (2017) (0)
- Getting Out the Vote in Local Elections in the United States (2023) (0)
- The Effects of Election Day Festivals and Early Voting Center Festivals on Voter Turnout: A Field Experiment Conducted During the 2018 Midterm Election (2020) (0)
- Human-Centered Technologies Tool (2007) (0)
- Author Correction: A consensus-based transparency checklist (2019) (0)
- Politics and Governance about Politics and Governance Editorial Team Inaugural Editorial Breaking Empirical Deadlocks in the Study of Partisanship: an Overview of Experi- Mental Research Strategies Human Rights Promotion through Transnational Investment Regimes: an Interna- Tional Political Economy (0)
- Using Media to Change Norms and Behaviors in Post-Genocide Rwanda (2022) (0)
- Telenovela field experiment: materials data and code (2015) (0)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Bias Associated with Random Contact Rates (2005) (0)
- Chapter 3. A Closer Look at Partisan Stability (2017) (0)
- Green_Wilke_Cooper_CPS_Final_Appendix – Supplemental material for Countering Violence Against Women by Encouraging Disclosure: A Mass Media Experiment in Rural Uganda (2020) (0)
- All Politics is Local: The effects of door-to-door canvassing appeals on yard sign placement (2014) (0)
- Do Online Advertisements Increase Political Candidates’ Name Recognition or Favorability? Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments (2013) (0)
- Quick Read Synopsis (2005) (0)
- The effects of proposal power on incumbents' vote share: updated results from a naturally occurring experiment (2022) (0)
- Please Recuse Yourself: A Field Experiment Exploring the Relationship between Campaign Donations and Judicial Recusal (2015) (0)
- The Effect of Prepaid Postage on Voter Turnout in the United States (2023) (0)
- Campaigns to Influence Voting Behavior in Uttar Pradesh, India (2023) (0)
- Author Correction: A consensus-based transparency checklist (2019) (0)
- Rational Choice Explanations of Politics: Why Has So Little Been Learned? (1994) (0)
- Assessing the Effects of Friend-to-Friend Texting on Turnout in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election (2021) (0)
- Campaign Donations, Judicial Recusal, and Disclosure: A Field Experiment (2021) (0)
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