Douglas Wahlsten
Canadian neuroscientist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Douglas Leon Wahlsten is a Canadian neuroscientist, psychologist, and behavior geneticist. He is a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Alberta. As of 2011, he was also a visiting professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in North Carolina, United States. He is known for his laboratory research on the behavior of mice, and for his theoretical writings on a wide range of other topics. His laboratory research has included studies of the effects of different laboratory environments and experimenter characteristics on the results of mouse studies. He and his colleagues have also developed an altered form of the rotarod performance test involving wrapping sandpaper around the rod, to reduce the ability of mice to grip the rod and ride around on it. He has criticized some of his fellow behavior geneticists for trying to separate the effects of genes and the environment on human intelligence, an endeavor he considers futile. He also met and became friends with Leilani Muir, later helping to edit her autobiography, A Whisper Past. He was the president of the International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society from 2000 to 2001.
Douglas Wahlsten's Published Works
Published Works
- Genetics of mouse behavior: interactions with laboratory environment. (1999) (1592)
- Axonal guidance during development of the great cerebral commissures: Descriptive and experimental studies, in vivo, on the role of preformed glial pathways (1982) (581)
- Different data from different labs: lessons from studies of gene-environment interaction. (2003) (488)
- Insensitivity of the analysis of variance to heredity-environment interaction (1990) (438)
- Sex Differences in the Human Corpus Callosum: Myth or Reality? (1997) (353)
- Introduction to the Research Process (2011) (302)
- Stability of inbred mouse strain differences in behavior and brain size between laboratories and across decades (2006) (275)
- The Significance of Biology for Human Development: A Developmental Psychobiological Systems View (2007) (200)
- Survey of 21 inbred mouse strains in two laboratories reveals that BTBR T/+ tf/tf has severely reduced hippocampal commissure and absent corpus callosum (2003) (193)
- Race, Evolution, and Behavior (1995) (179)
- Influence of task parameters on rotarod performance and sensitivity to ethanol in mice (2003) (170)
- Standardizing tests of mouse behavior: Reasons, recommendations, and reality (2001) (153)
- Genetic experiments with animal learning: a critical review. (1972) (143)
- In search of a better mouse test (2003) (142)
- Sample Size to Detect a Planned Contrast and a One Degree-of-Freedom Interaction Effect (1991) (120)
- Deficiency of corpus callosum varies with strain and supplier of the mice (1982) (110)
- An analysis of the genetics of alcohol intoxication in inbred mice (2005) (96)
- Assessment of genetic susceptibility to ethanol intoxication in mice (2003) (89)
- Heritable aspects of anomalous myelinated fibre tracts in the forebrain of the laboratory mouse. (1974) (87)
- A rating scale for wildness and ease of handling laboratory mice: results for 21 inbred strains tested in two laboratories (2003) (86)
- Different rankings of inbred mouse strains on the Morris maze and a refined 4-arm water escape task (2005) (81)
- A developmental time scale for postnatal changes in brain and behavior of B6D2F2 mice. (1974) (80)
- Single-gene influences on brain and behavior. (1999) (80)
- Genotypic differences in ethanol sensitivity in two tests of motor incoordination. (2003) (79)
- Tests of genetic allelism between four inbred mouse strains with absent corpus callosum. (1991) (76)
- Techniques for the Genetic Analysis of Brain and Behavior: Focus on the Mouse (1992) (76)
- Strain differences in three measures of ethanol intoxication in mice: the screen, dowel and grip strength tests (2003) (71)
- Experimenter effects on behavioral test scores of eight inbred mouse strains under the influence of ethanol (2014) (69)
- Timing and origin of the first cortical axons to project through the corpus callosum and the subsequent emergence of callosal projection cells in mouse (1998) (68)
- A Critique of the Concepts of Heritability and Heredity in Behavioral Genetics (1979) (67)
- Retarded formation of the hippocampal commissure in embryos from mouse strains lacking a corpus callosum (1997) (67)
- Prenatal schedule of appearance of mouse brain commissures. (1981) (62)
- Prenatal formation of the normal mouse corpus callosum: A quantitative study with carbocyanine dyes (1992) (58)
- Impaired fear memory, altered object memory and modified hippocampal synaptic plasticity in split-brain mice (2008) (57)
- The intelligence of heritability. (1994) (54)
- Effects of d-amphetamine and scopolamine on activity before and after shock in three mouse strains (1975) (53)
- Mouse Behavioral Testing: How to Use Mice in Behavioral Neuroscience (2010) (53)
- Increased Axon Number in the Anterior Commissure of Mice Lacking a Corpus Callosum (1997) (51)
- Effects of a hybrid maternal environment on brain growth and corpus callosum defects of inbred BALB c mice: A study using ovarian grafting (1988) (47)
- Defects of the fetal forebrain in mice with hereditary agenesis of the corpus callosum (1987) (47)
- Genetic variation in the development of mouse brain and behavior: evidence from the middle postnatal period. (1975) (46)
- Intelligence, heredity, and environment: The invalid separation of effects of nature and nurture: Lessons from animal experimentation (1996) (46)
- Sex and species differences in mouse and rat forebrain commissures depend on the method of adjusting for brain size (1999) (46)
- Application of a morphological time scale to hereditary differences in prenatal mouse development (1977) (45)
- Selective Modification of Short-Term Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity and Impaired Memory Extinction in Mice with a Congenitally Reduced Hippocampal Commissure (2002) (42)
- Improvement of shuttle avoidance by handling during the intertrial interval. (1969) (42)
- Goals and methods: The study of development versus partitioning of variance (1990) (42)
- The hunt for gene effects pertinent to behavioral traits and psychiatric disorders: from mouse to human. (2012) (39)
- The Malleability of Intelligence Is Not Constrained by Heritability (1997) (39)
- Growth of the mouse corpus callosum. (1984) (39)
- Calibration of rotational acceleration for the rotarod test of rodent motor coordination (2009) (38)
- Wheel running behavior is impaired by both surgical section and genetic absence of the mouse corpus callosum (2002) (37)
- Patterns of cerebellar foliation in recombinant inbred mice (1991) (37)
- Effects of Genetic and Procedural Variation on Measurement of Alcohol Sensitivity in Mouse Inbred Strains (2006) (36)
- Recombinant inbreeding in mice reveals thresholds in embryonic corpus callosum development (2006) (36)
- Localization of two new X‐linked quantitative trait loci controlling corpus callosum size in the mouse (2007) (35)
- Deficiency of the corpus callosum: incomplete penetrance and substrain differentiation in BALB/c mice. (1989) (34)
- Mode of inheritance of deficient corpus callosum in mice. (1982) (34)
- Observer-rated ataxia: rating scales for assessment of genetic differences in ethanol-induced intoxication in mice. (2004) (34)
- Absence of the Corpus Callosum (1992) (33)
- Digit ratio (2D:4D) and behavioral differences between inbred mouse strains (2005) (32)
- The precision of video and photocell tracking systems and the elimination of tracking errors with infrared backlighting (2010) (31)
- Behavioural testing of standard inbred and 5HT1B knockout mice: implications of absent corpus callosum (2001) (31)
- Response initiation and directionality as factors influencing avoidance performance. (1974) (30)
- Shaker short-tail, a spontaneous neurological mutant in the mouse (1983) (30)
- Behavioral Genetics and Animal Learning (1978) (30)
- Maternal effects on mouse brain weight. (1983) (29)
- Overview of Mouse Assays of Ethanol Intoxication (2008) (29)
- A robust, efficient and flexible method for staining myelinated axons in blocks of brain tissue (2003) (29)
- Some logical fallacies in the classical ethological point of view (1979) (27)
- A new hybrid mouse model for agenesis of the corpus callosum (1994) (27)
- Mice in utero while their mother is lactating suffer higher frequency of deficient corpus callosum. (1982) (27)
- Contributions of the genes albinism (c) and retinal degeneration (rd) to a strain-by-training procedure interaction in avoidance learning (1973) (26)
- Hippocampal commissure defects in crosses of four inbred mouse strains with absent corpus callosum (2012) (24)
- Deficient corpus callosum in hybrids between ddN and three other abnormal mouse strains (1992) (23)
- Path analysis of sex difference, forebrain commissure area and brain size in relation to degree of laterality in selectively bred mice (1990) (23)
- Carbon dioxide-induced amnesia in the cockroach Periplaneta omericana (1968) (22)
- Retarded growth of the medial septum: a major gene effect in acallosal mice. (1994) (22)
- Reversed light–dark cycle and cage enrichment effects on ethanol-induced deficits in motor coordination assessed in inbred mouse strains with a compact battery of refined tests (2011) (22)
- Inheritance of retarded forebrain commissure development in fetal mice: results from classical crosses and recombinant inbred strains. (1989) (21)
- Gene–Environment Interaction and Complex Behavior (2001) (21)
- Facilitation of bar-press avoidance by handling during the intertrial interval. (1968) (20)
- Complex Traits (2019) (20)
- Hybrid vigour and maternal environment in mice. III. Hippocampal mossy fibres and behaviour (1991) (20)
- The quantitative relationship between nutritional effects on preweaning growth and behavioral development in mice. (1989) (19)
- The magnitudes of litter size and sex effects on brain growth of BALB/c mice. (1987) (19)
- The effects of intrauterine position on the degree of corpus callosum deficiency in two substrains of BALB/c mice. (1991) (19)
- Digit Ratio (2D∶4D) Differences between 20 Strains of Inbred Mice (2009) (18)
- Analysis of Variance in the Service of Interactionism (2000) (18)
- Of Mice and Their Environments (2003) (18)
- Hybrid vigour and maternal environment in mice. II. Water escape learning, open-field activity and spatial memory (1991) (17)
- Operant discrimination learning and operant bar-pressing rates in inbred and heterogeneous laboratory mice (1974) (17)
- Leilani Muir versus the Philosopher King: Eugenics on trial in Alberta (2004) (15)
- Why early intervention works: A reply to Baumeister and Bacharach (2002) (14)
- Of mice and men – cross‐species digit ratio (2D:4D) research: comment on Bailey, Wahlsten and Hurd (2005) (2006) (13)
- Genetic and developmental defects of the mouse corpus callosum (1989) (12)
- Precision stereotaxic procedure for the mouse (Mus musculus): Method and instrumentation (1977) (12)
- Interacting effects of handling and d-amphetamine on avoidance learning. (1974) (12)
- Hybrid vigour and maternal environment in mice. I. Body and brain growth (1991) (11)
- Nascent Doubts May Presage Conceptual Clarity: Reply to Surbey (1994) (11)
- Defects of the Fetal Forebrain in Acallosal Mice (1994) (11)
- Famous artefacts : Spearman's hypothesis. Author's reply (1997) (10)
- A precision surgical approach for complete or partial callosotomy in the mouse (1995) (10)
- Response-contingent CS termination as a factor in avoidance conditioning (1968) (9)
- The problem of test reliability in genetic studies of brain-behavior correlation (1992) (8)
- Agenesis of the corpus callosum and voluntary wheel running in mice (1996) (8)
- Shock-induced activity changes, adrenal lipid depletion and brain weight in mice: A genetic study (1976) (7)
- Race, the heritability of IQ, and the intellectual scale of nature (1980) (6)
- Maternal Effects in Behavior Genetic Analysis (1999) (6)
- Lasting effects on mouse brain growth of 24 hr postpartum deprivation (1987) (6)
- Leilani Muir versus the Philosopher King: Eugenics on trial in Alberta (2005) (6)
- Sample Size Requirements for Experiments on Laboratory Animals (2006) (6)
- Digit ratio ( 2 D : 4 D ) and behavioral differences between inbred mouse strains (2005) (6)
- Is a stimulus associated with the escape from shock a positive or negative reinforcer? Study I (1967) (5)
- Airbrushing heritability (2003) (5)
- Tests of Mouse Behavior (2011) (5)
- Chapter 1.4 Experimental design and statistical inference (1999) (5)
- Probabilistic Epigenesis and Modern Behavioral and Neural Genetics (2010) (4)
- Hereditary deficiency of corpus callosum in mice: lack of segregation within a balb substrain showing incomplete penetrance. Abstr. (1978) (4)
- Chapter 5 – Sample Size (2011) (4)
- Chapter 15 – Behavioral Testing (2007) (4)
- Genetics and the Development of Brain and Behavior (2005) (4)
- Planning Genetic Experiments: Power and Sample Size (1999) (4)
- Chapter 2 – Mice (2011) (3)
- Behavioral paradigms : general procedures and spatial memory (1992) (3)
- Sociobiology flops again (1993) (3)
- Task Refinement and Standardization (2011) (3)
- Prenatal development of the brain in several mouse strains. Abstr. (1975) (2)
- Reply: A note on the Roman and Tryon selected lines of rats (1979) (2)
- Behavioral Genetics of the Mouse: Replicability and reliability of behavioral tests (2013) (2)
- Calibration of computer-monitored running wheels with adjustable drag (1997) (2)
- No sex difference in mouse digit ratio: reply to Voracek (2011) (2)
- Testing the genetics of behavior in mice [3] (multiple letters) (1999) (2)
- Evaluating genetic models of cognitive evolution and behaviour (1995) (2)
- A contemporary view of genes and behavior: complex systems and interactions. (2013) (2)
- Each behavior is a product of heredity and experience (1984) (2)
- Progress in the Developmental Genetic Analysis of Behavior (2007) (2)
- Origins of Genetic Determinism in Medieval Creationism (2011) (1)
- Is a stimulus associated with the escape from shock a positive or negative reinforcer? Study II (1967) (1)
- Single-Gene and Chromosomal Disorders (2019) (1)
- Sample Size Requirements for the Capron and Duyme Balanced Fostering Study of IQ (1993) (1)
- Betwixt gene and behavior (commentary on the paper by J. D. Sinclair) (1992) (1)
- Review of the I. Q. Game. a Methodological Inquiry into the Heridity - Environment Controversy (1981) (1)
- Review of "The IQ Game" by Howard Taylor. (2011) (1)
- Mode of inheritance of deficient corpus callsoum in the brains of laboratory mice. Abstr. (1979) (1)
- Getting Ready for Testing (2011) (1)
- Chapter 11 – Motivating Mice (2011) (1)
- Domains and Test Batteries (2011) (1)
- Erratum: Strain differences in three measures of ethanol intoxication in mice: The screen, dowel and grip strength tests (Genes, Brain and Behavior 2 (201-213)) (2004) (1)
- Chapter 4 – Designs (2011) (1)
- Sexuality and Gender (2019) (0)
- The Laboratory Environment (2011) (0)
- Chapter 6 – Ethics Approval (2011) (0)
- sensitivity of the analysis of iance to heredity-environment teraction (2011) (0)
- Leber's Optic Neuropathy (2019) (0)
- Probability and the understanding of individual differences (1994) (0)
- Gene Expression (2019) (0)
- Qualities of Behavioral Tests (2011) (0)
- Indeterminacy is inherent in an inadequate model of evolution, not in nature (1981) (0)
- Behavior (2019) (0)
- Betwixt gene and behavior. (1992) (0)
- Of mice and their environments. (Letter to the Editor). (2011) (0)
- Review of Foundations of Behavior Genetics. (1980) (0)
- Dynamic HeredityDynamic Heredity. Review of Moore D. S. (2015). The developing genome. An introduction to behavioral epigenetics. Oxford University Press, ISBN 978‐0‐19‐992234‐5. (2016) (0)
- Review of "Race, Evolution and Behavior" by J. P. Rushton. (2011) (0)
- ***Reprinted with permission. No further reproduction is authorized without written permission from Elsevier. This version of the document is not the version of record. Figures and/or pictures may be missing from this format of the document.*** (1992) (0)
- The genetic kaleidoscope of vision (1995) (0)
- Increasing the Raw Intelligence of a Nation is Constrained by Ignorance, Not its Citizens' Genes (2011) (0)
- Chapter 14 – Video Tracking (2011) (0)
- Prelude to Data Analysis (2011) (0)
- Huntington Disease (2019) (0)
- Development (2019) (0)
- Schizophrenia (2019) (0)
- Acknowledgment (2003) (0)
- The XYY Male (2019) (0)
- Chapter 7 – Logistics (2011) (0)
- Bias and sampling error in sex difference research (1988) (0)
- Science or prejudice? (1989) (0)
- Genes (2019) (0)
- Levels and Explanations (2019) (0)
- Review of The IQ game: A methodological inquiry into the heredity-environment controversy and Intelligence, Heredity and Environment. (1981) (0)
- Effect sizes and meta-analysis indicate no sex dimorphism in the human or rodent corpus callosum (1998) (0)
- Interaction and sample size required for Capron and Duyme balanced fostering study of IQ : a reply to Wahlsten. Reply to reply (1995) (0)
- Facing facts: hyping facial genetics. (2014) (0)
- The Future (2019) (0)
- Testing the Genetics of Behavior in Mice: Response (2011) (0)
- A three cut surgical approach for callosotomy in the adult mouse (1995) (0)
- New recombinant inbred strains expressing 100 percent total absence of the corpus callosum (1995) (0)
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