E. Burton Swanson
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Why Is E. Burton Swanson Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, E. Burton Swanson is an American information scientist, and Professor Emeritus of Information Systems at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Biography Swanson received his BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering in 1962 from San Jose State University, his MBA in 1964 from the University of Michigan and his PhD in Business Administration in 1971 from University of California, Berkeley.
E. Burton Swanson's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Information systems innovation among organizations (1994) (1105)
- Innovating Mindfully with Information Technology (2004) (820)
- The Organizing Vision in Information Systems Innovation (1997) (780)
- Management Information Systems: Appreciation and Involvement (1974) (581)
- The dimensions of maintenance (1976) (570)
- Software maintenance management (1980) (515)
- Characteristics of application software maintenance (1978) (464)
- Research in Management Information Systems, 1980-1984: Points of Work and Reference (1986) (268)
- Software Maintenance Management: A Study of the Maintenance of Computer Application Software in 487 Data Processing Organizations (1980) (267)
- Problems in application software maintenance (1981) (225)
- Measuring user attitudes in MIS research: a review (1982) (219)
- Information Systems Research Thematics: Submissions to a New Journal, 1987-1992 (1993) (195)
- Implementation, Innovation, and Related Themes Over The Years In Information Systems Research (2007) (147)
- Launching professional services automation: Institutional entrepreneurship for information technology innovations (2007) (126)
- Organizing Visions for Information Technology and the Information Systems Executive Response (2003) (124)
- Maintaining Information Systems in Organizations (1989) (112)
- System Life Expectancy and the Maintenance Effort: Exploring Their Equilibration (2000) (112)
- Information System Implementation: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Utilization (1988) (101)
- Measuring Business Value of Information Technologies (1988) (97)
- Departmentalization in software development and maintenance (1990) (90)
- Emergent maintenance of ERP: new roles and relationships (2001) (88)
- Knowing why and how to innovate with packaged business software (2005) (76)
- Adopting SAP at Siemens Power Corporation (1998) (67)
- Information systems in organization theory: a review (1987) (61)
- Special issue on institutional theory in information systems research: contextualizing the IT artefact (2009) (61)
- Consultancies and capabilities in innovating with IT (2010) (60)
- Customer relationship management as advertised: Exploiting and sustaining technological momentum (2008) (58)
- Reconstrucing the Systems Development Organization (1989) (57)
- Management information requirements assessment: the state of the art (1979) (56)
- Information Centers as Organizational Innovation: Exploring the Correlates of Implementation Success (1992) (46)
- Document-Based Systems for Management Planing and Control: A Classification, Survey, and Assessment (1978) (45)
- Research Directions in Information Systems: Toward an Institutional Ecology (2008) (38)
- Maintaining IS quality (1997) (35)
- Proceedings of the IFIP TC8 WG8.6 international working conference on diffusion, adoption and implementation of information technology on Facilitating technology transfer through partnership: learning from practice and research (1997) (34)
- Talking the IS Innovation Walk (2002) (33)
- Distributed decision support systems: a perspective (1990) (32)
- Measurement for Management Decision: A Perspective (1979) (32)
- The two faces of organizational information (1978) (28)
- Local assimilation of an enterprise system: Situated learning by means of familiarity pockets (2010) (28)
- The use of case study data in software management research (1988) (26)
- Facilitating Technology Transfer through Partnership (1997) (24)
- IS “maintainability”: should it reduce the maintenance effort? (1999) (21)
- The new organizational knowledge and its systems foundations (1996) (19)
- Mindfulness Routines for Innovating with Information Technology (2009) (18)
- How useful are IT research and analysis services (2005) (17)
- IS maintainability: should it reduce the maintenance effort? (1999) (16)
- Impact of development productivity aids on application system maintenance (1980) (16)
- Assessing IS Research Impact (2015) (15)
- Web 2.0 according to Wikipedia: Capturing an organizing vision (2011) (15)
- How Is an IT Innovation Assimilated (2004) (15)
- Churchman's Theory of Design Integrity (1994) (15)
- Information accessibility reconsidered (1992) (14)
- A Note on Information Attributes (1985) (13)
- Interview with E. Burton Swanson (1995) (13)
- Information Systems as Buzz (2000) (13)
- Organizing the vision for web 2.0: a study of the evolution of the concept in Wikipedia (2009) (13)
- Second-Wave Enterprise Resource Planning Systems: Innovating with Packaged Business Software: Towards an Assessment (2003) (12)
- Knowledge representation using structured modeling (1988) (12)
- Technology as Routine Capability (2019) (11)
- Diffusion and Innovation Theory: Past, Present, and Future Contributions to Academia and Practice (2014) (10)
- The package alternative in system replacement: evidence for innovation convergence (1998) (9)
- Telling an Innovation Story (2001) (9)
- How information systems came to rule the world: Reflections on the information systems field (2020) (8)
- A note on interpersonal information system use (1978) (8)
- MIS research in the 1980's: shifting points of work and reference (1993) (8)
- The demographics of Software Maintenance Management (1986) (8)
- On the User-Requisite Variety of Computer Application Software (1979) (7)
- The diffusion of information centers: patterns of innovation adoption by professional subunits (1992) (7)
- Organizational Designs for Software Maintenance (1984) (7)
- Measurement as an MIS foundation (1982) (7)
- The Early Years of ISR: Recollections of the Editors (2010) (7)
- Illusive effects on the diffusion of an innovation: a comment (1991) (6)
- Organizational foundations for maintenance (1989) (6)
- A Simple Research Impacts Model Applied to the Information Systems Field (2014) (6)
- Why Do Firms Have Information Systems? (2021) (5)
- Scholarly Commentaries on Hirschheim's "Against Theory" (2019) (5)
- Rationality and politics in information system design and implementation: a juxtaposition of two views (1983) (5)
- Target journals for information systems research: current practices and controversies (panel session) (1998) (5)
- Theorizing Information Systems as Evolving Technology (2017) (4)
- An MIS story (1974) (4)
- The information loop as a general analytic view (1991) (3)
- When Data Becomes Infrastructure and Our Lives Depend On It (2021) (3)
- Panel 7 Target Journals for Information Systems Research: Current Practices and Controversies (1998) (3)
- On the nature of a data base and its use in inquiry - a tutorial (1978) (3)
- Business partnerships and the adoption of collective innovations: the case of edi (1992) (3)
- Illuminating Organizing Vision Careers Through Case Studies (2013) (2)
- Who learns what from the new human-computer interaction: enlarging the perspective (2012) (2)
- Opening a window on the information systems field: submissions to ISR, 1987-1992 (1994) (2)
- The PhD program in information systems at UCLA (1990) (2)
- Problem Factors and Determinants in Application Software Maintenance. (1979) (2)
- "Innovation" - The Very Idea: Exploring Terms of Research on IS/IT Innovations (1995) (2)
- Toward an Institutional View of Information Technology Diffusion, Transfer, and Implementation (1993) (2)
- Three essays on it innovation and productivity (2000) (1)
- Maintenance Questionnaire and List of Respondents. (1976) (1)
- On the Use of Productivity Aids in System Development and Maintenance. (1979) (1)
- A Parable on the Understanding of a Management Information System (1973) (1)
- Organizational Information in the Cloud of Interaction (2020) (1)
- The Rise of Information Systems at the Graduate School of Management, UCLA (2016) (1)
- IT sensemaking and internal partnering: field notes on barriers (1997) (1)
- Quality Control: An Issue for Technology Educators. (1992) (0)
- Research in ManagementSystems, 1980-1984: Points of Work and Reference (1986) (0)
- Americas Conference on Information Systems ( AMCIS ) 2000 Information Systems as Buzz (2017) (0)
- How Do Human Practices Change with Information Systems? (2021) (0)
- Communications of the Association for Information Systems Theorizing Information Systems as Evolving Technology (2017) (0)
- The Anderson School at UCLA Innovating with Packaged Business Software in the 1990 s 1 (2000) (0)
- Practice Shift and Digital Innovation in the Time of Covid (2021) (0)
- Quo Vadis, Information Systems? (2021) (0)
- Looking Back and Looking Forward: Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology Research in IFIP WG 8.6 - Achievements and Future Challenges (2005) (0)
- Impact of IS Research (2017) (0)
- Americas Conference on Information Systems ( AMCIS ) 1231-2007 Why Do Firms Have Information Systems ? (2013) (0)
- How Information Systems Came to Rule the World (2021) (0)
- The application of function descriptors to the development of an information system topology (1977) (0)
- The application of function descriptors to the development of an information system typology (1978) (0)
- Opening up the Black Box of Technology When Studying Organizations and People (2020) (0)
- Client/Server Computing at Tri Valley Growers: Some Lessons on Innovating with IT (1996) (0)
- The Evaluation of an Information System Implementation (1979) (0)
- How Did Information Systems Come to Rule the World? (2021) (0)
- What Information Is Provided by Information Systems? (2021) (0)
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