E. Franklin Frazier
Most Influential Person Across History
American sociologist
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E. Franklin Frazier's Degrees
- Bachelors Sociology Howard University
- Masters Sociology Clark University
- PhD Sociology University of Chicago
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Why Is E. Franklin Frazier Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Edward Franklin Frazier , was an American sociologist and author, publishing as E. Franklin Frazier. His 1932 Ph.D. dissertation was published as a book titled The Negro Family in the United States ; it analyzed the historical forces that influenced the development of the African-American family from the time of slavery to the mid-1930s. The book was awarded the 1940 Anisfield-Wolf Book Award for the most significant work in the field of race relations. It was among the first sociological works on blacks researched and written by a black person.
E. Franklin Frazier's Published Works
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Published Works
- Negro family in the United States (1948) (859)
- The Negro Church in America. (1964) (574)
- The Negro in the United States (1949) (433)
- The Negro Family In Bahia, Brazil (1942) (93)
- The Negro Family (1928) (78)
- Race and Culture Contacts in the Modern World (1957) (55)
- Black Metropolis. A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City. By St. Clair Drake and Horace R. Cayton. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. 809 pp. $5.00 (1946) (48)
- The Negro Slave Family (1930) (47)
- Negro youth at the crossways (1940) (38)
- The Negro in Colonial New England: 1620-1776. (1943) (36)
- The free Negro family (1968) (36)
- Problems and Needs of Negro Children and Youth Resulting from Family Disorganization (1950) (35)
- Negro Harlem: An Ecological Study (1937) (35)
- The Present Status of the Negro Family in the United States (1939) (34)
- Race Contacts And The Social Structure (1949) (30)
- Sociological Theory and Race Relations (1947) (30)
- The Negro Middle Class and Desegregation (1957) (28)
- Negro Youth at the Crossways: Their Personality Development in the Middle States. (1941) (25)
- The Impact Of Urban Civilization Upon Negro Family Life (1937) (19)
- Some Aspects of Race Relations in Brazil (1942) (15)
- On race relations (1968) (15)
- Ethnic Family Patterns: The Negro Family in the United States (1948) (14)
- Children in Black and Mulatto Families (1933) (14)
- Occupational Classes Among Negroes in Cities (1930) (12)
- Ethnic and Minority Groups in Wartime, with Special Reference to the Negro (1942) (12)
- Theoretical Structure of Sociology and Sociological Research (1953) (11)
- The Negro in Louisiana. Aspects of his History and his Literature. (1941) (11)
- The MacIver Award Lecture (1957) (10)
- The Status of the Negro in the American Social Order (1935) (10)
- The Changing Status of the Negro Family (1931) (10)
- Psychological Factors in Negro Health (1925) (10)
- The New Negro Middle Class (1957) (9)
- Race Relations and the Race Problem.@@@The Negro Family in the United States.@@@Black Workers and the New Unions.@@@The Negro Immigrant.@@@Black Folk: Then and Now@@@The Philadelphia Main Line Negro--A Social, Economic, and Educational Survey.@@@Negro Slave Revolts in the United States, 1526-1860. (1940) (9)
- The Negro As Capitalist. A Study of Banking and Business Among American Negroes.@@@The Negro Genius. A New Appraisal of the Achievement of the American Negro in Literature and the Fine Arts. (1937) (8)
- Urbanization and Its Effects Upon the Task of Nation-Building in Africa South of the Sahara (1961) (6)
- The Negro Family and Negro Youth (1940) (5)
- An Analysis of Statistics on Negro Illegitimacy in the United Stated (1932) (4)
- Graduate Education in Negro Colleges and Universities (1933) (4)
- Training Colored Social Workers in the South (1923) (4)
- The Negro Community, a Cultural Phenomenon (1929) (4)
- Negro Status and Race Relations in the United States, 1911-1946: The Thirty-Five Year Report of the Phelps-Stokes Fund.Anson Phelps Stokes , Channing H. Tobias , Thomas Jesse Jones , J. D. Rheinallt Jones, L. A. Roy (1950) (3)
- On race relations : selected writings (1969) (3)
- SECTION OF ANTHROPOLOGY: A Comparison of Negro‐white Relations in Brazil and in the United States* (1944) (3)
- Book Review:Negroes in Brazil: A Study of Race Contact at Bahia. Donald Pierson (1942) (3)
- Children and Income in Negro Families (1946) (2)
- Role of the Negro in Race Relations in the South (1940) (2)
- "The Chicago Negro Community: A Statistical Description.". Mary Elaine Ogden"Occupational Changes Among Negroes in Chicago.". Estelle Hill Scott (1941) (2)
- Book Review:An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. Gunnar Myrdal, Richard Sterner, Arnold Rose (1945) (2)
- Certain Aspects of Conflict in the Negro Family (1931) (2)
- E. Franklin Frazier on Race Relations: Selected Papers. (1969) (2)
- A Critical Summary of Articles Contributed to Symposium on Negro Education (1936) (1)
- Adventures of an African Slaver. Being a True Account of the Life of Capt. Theodore Canot, Trader in Gold, Ivory, and Slaves on the Coast of Guinea, etc.Theodore Canot , Malcolm Cowley (1)
- The Negro Genius: A New Appraisal of the Achievement of the American Negro in Literature and the Fine Arts.Benjamin Brawley (1938) (1)
- The Negro College Graduate.Charles S. Johnson (1941) (1)
- The Puerto Rican Migrant in New York City.Lawrence R. ChenaultThe Negro Immigrant: His Background, Characteristics and Social Adjustment, 1899-1937.Ira DeA. Reid (1941) (1)
- Book Review:The Education of the Negro in the American Social Order. Horace Mann Bond (1935) (1)
- The Social Development of the American Negro@@@The Negro Family in the United States. (1940) (1)
- The American Negro’s New Leaders (1928) (1)
- The Negro in New Jersey. (1935) (1)
- Book Review:Negro Child Welfare in North Carolina. Wiley Britton Sanders (1937) (0)
- Sharper Focus of Negro in America (1957) (0)
- Can Delinquency be Measured?@@@The Negro Family in Chicago (1937) (0)
- American Negro Slave Revolts.Herbert Aptheker (1944) (0)
- Seventy Years too Late@@@The Collapse of Cotton Tenancy. (1936) (0)
- LEE, ALFRED McCLUNG, and NORMAN D. HUMPHREY. Race Riot. Pp. xi, 143. New York: The Dryden Press, Inc., 1943. $1.50 (1945) (0)
- Letters to the Editor (1936) (0)
- On Race Relations; Selected Writings, Edited and with an Introduction by G. Franklin Edwards (1968) (0)
- Slavery in Mississipi.Charles Sackett Sydnor (1937) (0)
- Colonial Administration@@@Law and Authority in a Nigerian Tribe. (1938) (0)
- County Library Service in the South: A Study of the Rosenwald County Library Demonstration.Louis R. Wilson , Edward A. Wight (1938) (0)
- Village and Plantation Life in Northeastern Brazil (1958) (0)
- Book Review:A Short History of the American Negro. Benjamin Brawley (1941) (0)
- Book Review:Rebellion in the Backlands: Translated from "Os Sertoes" by Euclides da Cunha. Euclides da Cunha, Samuel Putnam (1945) (0)
- Jungle Ways.William B. Seabrook (1932) (0)
- Book Review:Negro Slave Revolts in the United States 1526-1860. Herbert Aptheker (1941) (0)
- A Study of Delinquent and Neglected Negro Children.Joint Committee on Negro Child Study in New York City (0)
- The Negro Church in America@@@Religion and Race in New Zealand (1967) (0)
- T. Lynn Smith and Alexander Marchant, eds., Brazil. Portrait of Half a Continent (1952) (0)
- Sterilization in North Carolina. A Sociological and Psychological Study. By Moya Woodside. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1950. 219 pp. $2.50 (1951) (0)
- [What the Northern Negro Thinks About Democracy]: Critical Summary (1944) (0)
- NORTHRUP, HERBERT R. Organized Labor and the Negro. Pp. xviii, 312. New York: Harper and Bros., 1944. $3.50: (1945) (0)
- Southern Legacy.Hodding Carter (1950) (0)
- The Role of Negro Schools In the Post-War World (1944) (0)
- Bourgeois Noire@@@Bourgeois Noire (The Negro Middle Class in the United States). (1956) (0)
- Book Review:Negro Membership in American Labor Unions. Ira De A. Reid (1931) (0)
- Book Review:Nation and Family: The Swedish Experiment in Democratic Family and Population Policy. Alva Myrdal (1943) (0)
- The Negro Family in British Guiana. Family Structure and Social Status in the Villages (1957) (0)
- Book Review:Negro Problems in Cities. T. J. Woofter, Jr. (0)
- Quo Vadis?@@@Negro Americans, What Now? (0)
- Army Life in a Black Regiment.@@@Diary of a Sit-In. (1963) (0)
- Slums of New York (1940) (0)
- The Basis of Racial Adjustment. By Thomas Jackson Woofter, Jr., Ph.D. New York: Ginn and Company, 1925. 251 pp. $1.40 (1925) (0)
- Book Review:The American Negro. A Study in Racial Crossing. Melville J. Herskovits (1928) (0)
- Social Theory and Swing and Rhythm@@@Understanding Society. The Principles of Dynamic Sociology@@@The Way of the South. Toward the Regional Balance of America (1950) (0)
- Book Review:The Negro in Northern Brazil: A Study in Acculturation. Marian W. Smith (1951) (0)
- The Free Produce Movement. A Quaker Protest against Slavery.@@@The Negro in North Carolina Politics Since Reconstruction. (1943) (0)
- Book Review:The Philadelphia Main Line Negro: A Social, Economic, and Educational Survey. Marvin E. Porch (1941) (0)
- Book Review:Richard Allen, Apostle of Freedom. Charles H. Wesley (1937) (0)
- Red Hill-Neighborhood Life and Race Relations in a Rural Section.William Lester LeapCharlottesville-A Study of Negro Life and Personality.Helen Camp de Corse (1935) (0)
- Race and Culture.Robert E. Park (1950) (0)
- Free Negro labor Before the Civil War@@@Free Negro Labor and Property Holding in Virginia, 1830-1860. (1943) (0)
- Book Review:A Measure of Freedom: An Anti-defamation League Report. Arnold Forster (1952) (0)
- JOHNSTON, RUBY F. The Development of Negro Religion. Pp. xxi, 202. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954. $3.00 (1954) (0)
- The Negro, Too, in American History.Merle R. EppseThe Negro and the Democratic Front.James W. Ford (1941) (0)
- Book Review:The Negro in Washington: A Study of Race Amalgamation. A. H. Shannon (1930) (0)
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