Edward Adelson
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Why Is Edward Adelson Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Edward Howard Adelson is an American neuroscientist who is currently the John and Dorothy Wilson Professor of Vision Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Elected Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Edward Adelson's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The Laplacian Pyramid as a Compact Image Code (1983) (7017)
- Spatiotemporal energy models for the perception of motion. (1985) (3605)
- The Design and Use of Steerable Filters (1991) (3450)
- Shiftable multiscale transforms (1992) (1451)
- The Plenoptic Function and the Elements of Early Vision (1991) (1403)
- Representing moving images with layers (1994) (1349)
- A multiresolution spline with application to image mosaics (1983) (1239)
- Single Lens Stereo with a Plenoptic Camera (1992) (1115)
- Phenomenal coherence of moving visual patterns (1982) (1103)
- Motion illusions as optimal percepts (2002) (989)
- The analysis of moving visual patterns (1985) (983)
- Noise removal via Bayesian wavelet coring (1996) (786)
- Analyzing and recognizing walking figures in XYT (1994) (676)
- Image statistics and the perception of surface qualities (2007) (560)
- Perceptual organization and the judgment of brightness. (1993) (534)
- Recovering intrinsic images from a single image (2005) (501)
- Probability distributions of optical flow (1991) (459)
- Real-world illumination and the perception of surface reflectance properties. (2003) (453)
- Lightness Perception and Lightness Illusions (1999) (439)
- Ground truth dataset and baseline evaluations for intrinsic image algorithms (2009) (403)
- GelSight: High-Resolution Robot Tactile Sensors for Estimating Geometry and Force (2017) (400)
- Orthogonal Pyramid Transforms For Image Coding. (1987) (373)
- Early vision and texture perception (1988) (368)
- Layered representation for motion analysis (1993) (342)
- On seeing stuff: the perception of materials by humans and machines (2001) (332)
- Directionally selective complex cells and the computation of motion energy in cat visual cortex (1992) (328)
- Specular reflections and the perception of shape. (2004) (316)
- Apparent ridges for line drawing (2007) (306)
- Visually Indicated Sounds (2015) (304)
- Motion magnification (2005) (299)
- A unified mixture framework for motion segmentation: incorporating spatial coherence and estimating the number of models (1996) (297)
- Compressing and companding high dynamic range images with subband architectures (2005) (282)
- Material perception: What can you see in a brief glance? (2010) (277)
- Exploring features in a Bayesian framework for material recognition (2010) (247)
- Retrographic sensing for the measurement of surface texture and shape (2009) (218)
- More Than a Feeling: Learning to Grasp and Regrasp Using Vision and Touch (2018) (214)
- The perception of shading and reflectance (1996) (214)
- Human-assisted motion annotation (2008) (203)
- Crisp Boundary Detection Using Pointwise Mutual Information (2014) (173)
- Microgeometry capture using an elastomeric sensor (2011) (172)
- Recognizing Materials Using Perceptually Inspired Features (2013) (170)
- Learning Gaussian Conditional Random Fields for Low-Level Vision (2007) (168)
- Measurement of shear and slip with a GelSight tactile sensor (2015) (165)
- Merging Images Through Pattern Decomposition (1985) (165)
- Saturation and adaptation in the rod system (1982) (164)
- GelSlim: A High-Resolution, Compact, Robust, and Calibrated Tactile-sensing Finger (2018) (162)
- Non-separable extensions of quadrature mirror filters to multiple dimensions (1990) (161)
- Discovering states and transformations in image collections (2015) (153)
- Separating reflections and lighting using independent components analysis (1999) (150)
- Shape estimation in natural illumination (2011) (144)
- Slow and Smooth: A Bayesian theory for the combination of local motion signals in human vision (1998) (143)
- Localization and manipulation of small parts using GelSight tactile sensing (2014) (138)
- Ordinal characteristics of transparency. (1990) (135)
- Separating reflections from images by use of independent component analysis. (1999) (135)
- Statistical characterization of real-world illumination. (2004) (132)
- Improved GelSight tactile sensor for measuring geometry and slip (2017) (131)
- The Feeling of Success: Does Touch Sensing Help Predict Grasp Outcomes? (2017) (130)
- Belief Propagation and Revision in Networks with Loops (1997) (126)
- Image statistics for surface reflectance perception. (2008) (126)
- Spatio-temporal segmentation of video data (1994) (126)
- Shape-independent hardness estimation using deep learning and a GelSight tactile sensor (2017) (113)
- Age Changes in the Ability to Interpret Affect in Sung and Instrumentally-Presented Melodies (1990) (110)
- Personal photo enhancement using example images (2010) (108)
- Accuracy and speed of material categorization in real-world images. (2014) (108)
- Learning visual groups from co-occurrences in space and time (2015) (108)
- Motion without movement (1991) (105)
- Estimating Intrinsic Component Images using Non-Linear Regression (2006) (105)
- Sensing and Recognizing Surface Textures Using a GelSight Sensor (2013) (102)
- Cable manipulation with a tactile-reactive gripper (2019) (99)
- The extraction of Spatio-temporal Energy in Human and Machine Vision (1997) (99)
- ViTac: Feature Sharing Between Vision and Tactile Sensing for Cloth Texture Recognition (2018) (86)
- Recovering reflectance and illumination in a world of painted polyhedra (1993) (81)
- Connecting Look and Feel: Associating the Visual and Tactile Properties of Physical Materials (2017) (81)
- Understanding the role of phase function in translucent appearance (2013) (80)
- Active Clothing Material Perception Using Tactile Sensing and Deep Learning (2017) (78)
- The psychophysics of iconic storage. (1980) (74)
- Slip Detection with Combined Tactile and Visual Information (2018) (71)
- Steerable filters for early vision, image analysis, and wavelet decomposition (1990) (71)
- 3D Shape Perception from Monocular Vision, Touch, and Shape Priors (2018) (70)
- The perceptual buildup of three-dimensional structure from motion (1989) (70)
- Beyond Junctions: Nonlocal form Constraints on Motion Interpretation (2001) (70)
- Tracking objects with point clouds from vision and touch (2017) (65)
- ScribbleBoost: Adding Classification to Edge‐Aware Interpolation of Local Image and Video Adjustments (2008) (64)
- Recognition of Surface Reflectance Properties from a Single Image under Unknown Real-World Illumination (2001) (64)
- Statistics of real-world illumination (2001) (64)
- Looking against the light: how perception of translucency depends on lighting direction. (2014) (64)
- Estimating surface reflectance properties from images under unknown illumination (2001) (53)
- Perceptually Organized Em: a Framework for Motion Segmentation That Combines Information about Form and Motion (1995) (50)
- Synchrony does not promote grouping in temporally structured displays (2001) (48)
- SwingBot: Learning Physical Features from In-hand Tactile Exploration for Dynamic Swing-up Manipulation (2020) (48)
- deForm: an interactive malleable surface for capturing 2.5D arbitrary objects, tools and touch (2011) (47)
- Estimating object hardness with a GelSight touch sensor (2016) (44)
- Adventures with Gelatinous Ellipses—Constraints on Models of Human Motion Analysis (2000) (43)
- Visual persistence without the rods (1979) (41)
- The geometry of the occluding contour and its effect on motion interpretation. (2004) (38)
- Human and Machine Vision (1994) (38)
- How do Humans Determine Reflectance Properties under Unknown Illumination (2001) (38)
- Band-Sifting Decomposition for Image-Based Material Editing (2015) (37)
- Soft, Round, High Resolution Tactile Fingertip Sensors for Dexterous Robotic Manipulation (2020) (35)
- Analysis of Contour Motions (2006) (34)
- Applying mid-level vision techniques for video data compression and manipulation (1994) (34)
- Iconic storage: the role of rods. (1978) (34)
- Filtering Reveals Form in Temporally Structured Displays (1999) (33)
- On the appearance of translucent edges (2015) (32)
- Texture Classification (2014) (32)
- Visual wetness perception based on image color statistics. (2017) (32)
- Can you see what you feel? Color and folding properties affect visual-tactile material discrimination of fabrics. (2016) (32)
- Layered representation for image sequence coding (1993) (32)
- Visual texture segmentation based on energy measures (1986) (31)
- Vision with Equiluminant Colour Contrast: 2. A Large-Scale Technique and Observations (1992) (31)
- Separating Reflections from Images Using Independent Components Analysis (1998) (31)
- Layered representations for image coding (1991) (29)
- GelSight Wedge: Measuring High-Resolution 3D Contact Geometry with a Compact Robot Finger (2021) (28)
- Surface Reflectance Estimation and Natural Illumination Statistics (2001) (27)
- Exoskeleton-covered soft finger with vision-based proprioception and tactile sensing (2019) (26)
- Image statistics and surface perception (2008) (23)
- Phenomenal coherence of moving gratings (A) (1980) (23)
- The delayed rod afterimage (1982) (22)
- The perception of coherent motion in two-dimensional patterns (abstract only) (1984) (22)
- Hierarchical, computationally efficient motion estimation algorithm (1987) (21)
- Channel-compatible 6-MHZ HDTV distribution systems (1988) (21)
- Lump detection with a gelsight sensor (2013) (21)
- Localization and Manipulation of Small Parts Using (2014) (21)
- Pyramid as a Compact Image Code (1983) (19)
- Shapecollage: Occlusion-Aware, Example-Based Shape Interpretation (2012) (18)
- Junctions and cost functions in motion interpretation. (2004) (18)
- Playing with Puffball: simple scale-invariant inflation for use in vision and graphics (2012) (17)
- Perceptual Organization andthe Judgment ofBrightness (1993) (17)
- Design of a Fully Actuated Robotic Hand With Multiple Gelsight Tactile Sensors (2020) (17)
- Do colored highlights look like highlights (2010) (17)
- Single-eye range estimation by using displaced apertures with color filters (1992) (16)
- Computation Models of Visual Processing (1992) (16)
- Motion estimation and segmentation using a recurrent mixture of experts architecture (1995) (16)
- Steerable Filters (1989) (15)
- Straightness as a cue for luminance edge interpretation (2005) (15)
- 24 Lightness Perception and Lightness Illusions (15)
- Shape from Sheen (2009) (14)
- Subband Image Coding with Three-tap Pyramids (2000) (13)
- Subband texture synthesis for image coding (1998) (13)
- Biomedical Image Fusion &Segmentation using GLCM (2011) (13)
- Image statistics for material perception (2004) (12)
- Luminance re-mapping for the control of apparent material (2005) (12)
- End-to-end pixelwise surface normal estimation with convolutional neural networks and shape reconstruction using GelSight sensor (2018) (11)
- The perception of coherent motion in two-dimensional patterns (1986) (10)
- Image mapping using local and global statistics (2008) (9)
- Nude descending a staircase (1990) (9)
- SparkleVision: Seeing the world through random specular microfacets (2014) (9)
- A Compatible High-Definition Television System Using the Noise-Margin Method of Hiding Enhancement Information (1989) (8)
- Motion Perception and Mid-Level Vision (2003) (8)
- Digger Finger: GelSight Tactile Sensor for Object Identification Inside Granular Media (2021) (8)
- Mid-level vision: new directions in vision and video (1994) (8)
- GelSight Fin Ray: Incorporating Tactile Sensing into a Soft Compliant Robotic Gripper (2022) (7)
- What is iconic storage good for? (1983) (7)
- Nonseparable QMF Pyramids (1989) (7)
- Eye movements for shape and material perception (2010) (7)
- Visual Dexterity: In-hand Dexterous Manipulation from Depth (2022) (7)
- Verifying the 'consistency' of shading patterns and 3-D structures (1993) (6)
- Looking at the world through a rose-colored ganzfeld (1981) (6)
- Steerable Filters For Image Processing And Analysis (1991) (5)
- Decay of rod signals following bright flashes (A) (1977) (5)
- Shadows are fuzzy and straight; paint is sharp and crooked (2000) (5)
- Exoskeleton-covered soft finger with vision-based proprioception and exteroception (2019) (5)
- Image statistics for 3D shape estimation (2010) (5)
- Effects of shape and color on the perception of translucency (2012) (5)
- Recovering Reflectance and Illumination in a World (1993) (5)
- The effect of color saturation and luminance contrast on color naturalness (2010) (4)
- Multi-Resolution Splining Using A Pyramid Image Representation (1984) (4)
- Nonlinear model of cat striate physiology (1989) (4)
- Image statistics as a determinant of reflectance perception (2010) (4)
- Bridging the Gap: Public School and College Music Programs (1990) (4)
- Perceptually based range compression for high dynamic range images (2010) (4)
- A stereoscopic camera employing a single main lens (1991) (4)
- Can you see what you feel? Tactile and visual matching of material properties of fabrics (2013) (3)
- Interpreting line drawings of smooth shapes (2011) (3)
- Speed of Material vs. Object Recognition Depends upon Viewing Condition (2011) (3)
- Human visual perception under real-world illumination (2004) (3)
- Material recognition is fast, but not superfast (2011) (2)
- Pyramids for early vision (1991) (2)
- Visuotactile Affordances for Cloth Manipulation with Local Control (2022) (2)
- Image statistics and reflectance estimation (2010) (2)
- The Flying Circus of Physics: Jearl Walker (2007) (2)
- Hexagonal QMF pyramids (1989) (2)
- Personal photo enhancement using prior images (2008) (1)
- Single-channel backward-compatible EDTV systems (1988) (1)
- Looking against the light: how perception of translucency depends on lighting direction and phase function (2014) (1)
- Interaction of Multiple Surface Cues in Motion Grouping (1996) (1)
- Straightness, structure, and shadows (2010) (1)
- Human-assisted motion annotation for real-world videos (2010) (1)
- See, Hear, and Feel: Smart Sensory Fusion for Robotic Manipulation (2022) (1)
- Perceptually inspired image estimation and enhancement (2009) (1)
- Surface reflectance estimation under unknown natural illumination (2010) (1)
- Image statistics for surface reflectance estimation (2010) (1)
- TactoFind: A Tactile Only System for Object Retrieval (2023) (1)
- How image statistics drive shape-from-texture and shape-from-specularity (2010) (1)
- Layers and Alpha Maps as Visual Representations (1996) (1)
- Atmospheric Boundaries in Lightness Perception (1997) (1)
- Steerable filters for image analysis (1989) (1)
- Puffball Part Segmentation: Psychophysical and Statistical Evaluation (2014) (0)
- Quaternion and octonion theories of weak and electromagnetic interactions (1974) (0)
- GelSight EndoFlex: A Soft Endoskeleton Hand with Continuous High-Resolution Tactile Sensing (2023) (0)
- The Recognition of Material Properties for Vision and Video Communication MIT 2000-02 Progress Report : July 1 , 2002 — December 31 , 2002 (2000) (0)
- Surface Metrology using an Elastomeric Sensor (2011) (0)
- Image Enhancement based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform using Matrix Factorization Techniques (2017) (0)
- Ordinal aspects of transparent junctions (1990) (0)
- Talk abstract: Computational lighting design and band-sifting operators (2015) (0)
- Elements of early vision (1990) (0)
- Motion, Early Vision, and the Plenoptic Function (2016) (0)
- GelSight Baby Fin Ray: A Compact, Compliant, Flexible Finger with High-Resolution Tactile Sensing (2023) (0)
- 質感知覚の画像手がかり(日本基礎心理学会第24回大会,大会発表要旨) (2006) (0)
- Extensions of steerable filters (1990) (0)
- Steerable pyramids for image decomposition and enhancement (1991) (0)
- FingerSLAM: Closed-loop Unknown Object Localization and Reconstruction from Visuo-tactile Feedback (2023) (0)
- Detection of Glaucoma based on Superpixel Generation and Feature Extraction (2018) (0)
- A computational model for material recognition (2010) (0)
- Doggone Dalmatian! (1997) (0)
- Galileo: Falsified Record. (1965) (0)
- Development of GelSight: A High-resolution Tactile Sensor for Measuring Geometry and Force (2017) (0)
- Single-lens stereoscopic camera (1990) (0)
- Date of Patent : ( 54 ) TRUNCATED SUBBAND CODING OF MAGES 75 ) Inventors : (2017) (0)
- Segmenting 2D Shapes using 3D Inflation (2011) (0)
- Histogram skewness is useful and easily computed in neural hardware (2010) (0)
- Textural statistics and surface perception. (2010) (0)
- Analyzing shading and reflectance (1989) (0)
- Where do you draw the lines (2007) (0)
- A 11 Patent Number : 5 , 488 , 674 45 Date of Patent : Jan . 30 , 1996 (2017) (0)
- I. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMER(e) (1989) (0)
- QMF pyramids: a new class of orthogonal pyramid transform (1987) (0)
- SparkleVision : Seeing the world through random specular (2014) (0)
- Mechanisms for the detection of flicker and motion (1985) (0)
- Motion, orientation, and early vision (1993) (0)
- Estimating material by estimating shape (2012) (0)
- Energy versus synchrony in perceptual grouping (2010) (0)
- Seeing in Shadeworld (2014) (0)
- Lightness, transparency, and midlevel vision (1993) (0)
- Visualizing and measuring detailed shape and texture with an elastomeric sensor (2011) (0)
- Genericity and junctions in motion interpretation (2010) (0)
- An interactive "retrographic sensor" for touch, texture, and shape (2009) (0)
- Manipulating image information with pyramids (1985) (0)
- The Perception of Surfaces and Materials (2009) (0)
- Estimating Surface Reflectance from Images (2001) (0)
- Get Ready for Physics (2010) (0)
- The Recognition of Material Properties for Vision and Video Communication MIT 2000-02 Progress Report : January 1 , 2001 — June 30 , 2001 (2001) (0)
- Optical flow distributions: gradient, energy, and regression methods (1990) (0)
- Imposing both local and global image statistics leads to perceptually improved superresolution (2010) (0)
- A unified approach to estimating shape from images (2012) (0)
- Nonlinear scale for plotting color-matching functions (1981) (0)
- Other Publications Method for Compensating for Void-defects in Images Background of the Invention (1997) (0)
- Visual mechanisms and visual illusions (1987) (0)
- GelSight360: An Omnidirectional Camera-Based Tactile Sensor for Dexterous Robotic Manipulation (2023) (0)
- A United States Patent ( 19 ) 11 Patent Number : 6 , 037 , 988 (2017) (0)
- Learning the statistics of illumination and reflectance (2010) (0)
- Lump detection with a gelsight sensor Citation (2013) (0)
- Ltalicized page numbers refer to figures (2006) (0)
- United States Patent "low-rate Speech Encoding Using Vector Quantization and Truncated Subband Coding of Images (1996) (0)
- Higher-dimensional computational models of perceptual grouping and silhouette analysis and representation (2012) (0)
- 9.35 Sensation and Perception, Spring 2004 (2001) (0)
- Efficient image coding with QMF pyramids (1987) (0)
- Image processing goes back to basics (2015) (0)
- Shaping, Chaining, and Fading in the String Studio (1991) (0)
- Note: Page numbers in italics refer to bibliography pages (1994) (0)
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