Ellen Ernst Kossek
American academic and social scientist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ellen Ernst Kossek is an American academic and social scientist who is known for research on work, family, and personal life. She is the Basil S. Turner Distinguished Professor at Purdue University’s Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business. She previously served as the Research Director of the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence for Purdue University’s Provost’s Office and as a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University’s School of Human Resources and Labor Relations. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Mount Holyoke College, her Master of Business Administration from the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and her Ph.D from Yale University. She has work experience in international and strategic human resource management working in Asia, Europe and the U.S. for Hitachi, IBM & GTE. Dr. Kossek works globally to advance knowledge on gender and diversity, employment practices to support work and family, and the development of leader and positive workplace cultures to support well-being and productivity. Her research has been featured in national and international media such as the Financial Times, National Public Radio, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes magazine, Time magazine, Marketplace, and the Washington Post.
Ellen Ernst Kossek's Published Works
Published Works
- Work–family conflict, policies, and the job–life satisfaction relationship: A review and directions for organizational behavior–human resources research. (1998) (1810)
- Telecommuting, Control, and Boundary Management: Correlates of Policy Use and Practice, Job Control, and Work-Family Effectiveness. (2006) (761)
- Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Measure of Family Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (FSSB) (2009) (597)
- Clarifying work-family intervention processes: the roles of work-family conflict and family-supportive supervisor behaviors. (2011) (475)
- Bridging the work-family policy and productivity gap: A literature review (1999) (426)
- Getting There from Here: Research on the Effects of Work-Family Initiatives on Work-Family Conflict and Business Outcomes. (2008) (410)
- Work—life initiatives and organizational change: Overcoming mixed messages to move from the margin to the mainstream (2010) (393)
- Assessing diversity climate: A field study of reactions to employer efforts to promote diversity (1993) (391)
- Changing Work and Work-Family Conflict (2014) (364)
- Work-nonwork boundary management profiles: A person-centered approach (2012) (356)
- Caregiving Decisions, Well-Being, and Performance: The Effects of Place and Provider as a Function of Dependent Type and Work-Family Climates (2001) (314)
- Work–family boundary management styles in organizations (2012) (285)
- Work-life policy implementation: Breaking down or creating barriers to inclusiveness? (2008) (282)
- How Work–Family Research Can Finally Have an Impact in Organizations (2011) (264)
- The Contemporary Career: A Work–Home Perspective (2014) (225)
- Managing diversity : human resource strategies for transforming the workplace (1996) (206)
- Work and life integration: Organizational, cultural, and individual perspectives. (2005) (189)
- Measurement development and validation of the Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior Short-Form (FSSB-SF). (2013) (182)
- Resilience: A Review Using a Grounded Integrated Occupational Approach (2016) (180)
- Supervisory approaches and paradoxes in managing telecommuting implementation (2009) (176)
- Does a Flexibility/Support Organizational Initiative Improve High-Tech Employees’ Well-Being? Evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Network (2016) (172)
- Managing the global workforce: Challenges and strategies (1998) (170)
- Clarifying the Construct of Family-Supportive Supervisory Behaviors (FSSB): A Multilevel Perspective (2007) (166)
- “Opting Out” or “Pushed Out”? Integrating Perspectives on Women’s Career Equality for Gender Inclusion and Interventions (2017) (149)
- Work–Life Flexibility for Whom? Occupational Status and Work–Life Inequality in Upper, Middle, and Lower Level Jobs (2017) (140)
- Designing Work, Family & Health Organizational Change Initiatives. (2014) (140)
- Work-family conflict, family-supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB), and sleep outcomes. (2014) (135)
- Theorizing national context to develop comparative work–life research: A review and research agenda (2013) (115)
- Human Resource Strategies to Manage Workforce Diversity: Examining ‘The Business Case’ (2006) (115)
- Less need to be there: Cross-level effects of work practices that support work-life flexibility and enhance group processes and group-level OCB (2007) (114)
- Workplace Policies and Practices to Support Work and Families. (2005) (108)
- Increasing diversity as an HRM change strategy (2003) (105)
- Waiting for innovation in the human resources department: Godot implements a human resource information system (1994) (99)
- Flexibility Enactment Theory: Implications of Flexibility Type, Control, and Boundary Management for Work- Family Effectiveness. (2005) (96)
- Achieving employee wellbeing in a changing work environment An expert commentary on current scholarship (2012) (95)
- Human Resources Management Innovation (1987) (91)
- Intervention effects on safety compliance and citizenship behaviors: Evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Study. (2016) (89)
- The Dominant Logic of Employer-Sponsored Work and Family Initiatives: Human Resource Managers' Institutional Role (1994) (88)
- Flexible work schedules. (2011) (86)
- The inclusion challenge with reduced‐load professionals: The role of the manager (2008) (84)
- The Human Side of Factory Automation (1990) (82)
- Work–Family Balance Issues and Work–Leave Policies (2012) (80)
- Subcultures and employment modes: translating HR strategy into practice (2003) (79)
- CEO of Me: Creating a Life That Works in the Flexible Job Age (2007) (78)
- Bidirectional, Temporal Associations of Sleep with Positive Events, Affect, and Stressors in Daily Life Across a Week (2017) (77)
- The Work and Family Handbook : Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives and Approaches (2015) (61)
- Organizational Strategies for Promoting Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing (2013) (59)
- “Work-Family Scholarship”: Voice and Context (2004) (57)
- Entangled strands: A process perspective on the evolution of careers in the context of personal, family, work, and community life (2011) (57)
- Line Managers’ Rationales for Professionals’ Reduced-Load Work in Embracing and Ambivalent Organizations (2016) (52)
- Managing a blended workforce: Telecommuters and non-telecommuters (2011) (49)
- Nonwork orientations relative to career: A multidimensional measure☆ (2013) (48)
- Balanced Workplace Flexibility: Avoiding the Traps (2015) (47)
- Work-Family Conflict and Work-Life Conflict (2017) (46)
- Workplace Flexibility: Integrating Employer and Employee Perspectives to Close the Research-Practice Implementation Gap (2016) (46)
- Implementing a Reduced-Workload Arrangement to Retain High Talent: A Case Study (2008) (44)
- Work-Life Flexibility Policies: Do Unions Affect Employee Access and Use? (2014) (42)
- EEO and the Management of Diversity (2007) (42)
- Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century: From Core Concepts to Strategic Choice (1999) (41)
- Implementing organizational work–life interventions: toward a triple bottom line (2016) (40)
- Face-Time Matters: A Cross-Level Model of How Work-Life Flexibility Influences Work Performance of Individuals and Groups (2008) (40)
- The Sustainable Workforce (2014) (40)
- Caring for the Elderly at Work and Home: Can a Randomized Organizational Intervention Improve Psychological Health? (2017) (38)
- Pursuing Career Success while Sustaining Personal and Family Well-Being: A Study of Reduced-Load Professionals over Time (2012) (37)
- Technology and Psychological Well-being: “Good teleworking”: under what conditions does teleworking enhance employees' well-being? (2009) (36)
- Work-Life Policies: Linking National Contexts, Organizational Practice and People for Multi-level Change (2012) (36)
- Women's career equality and leadership in organizations: Creating an evidence-based positive change (2018) (35)
- Maternal Bodies as Taboo at Work: New Perspectives on the Marginalizing of Senior-level Women in Organizations (2017) (33)
- Supervisor Work/Life Training Gets Results. (2008) (33)
- Innovative Ideas on How Work–Family Research Can Have More Impact (2011) (31)
- The Effects of Race and Ethnicity on Perceptions of Human Resource Policies and Climate Regarding Diversity (1994) (31)
- Desperately seeking sustainable careers: Redesigning professional jobs for the collaborative crafting of reduced-load work (2020) (29)
- Family, friend, and neighbour child care providers and maternal well-being in low-income systems : An ecological social perspective (2008) (29)
- The working poor: Locked out of careers and the organizational mainstream? (1997) (29)
- Lasting Impression: Transformational Leadership and Family Supportive Supervision as Resources for Well-Being and Performance (2018) (29)
- From ideal workers to ideal work for all: A 50-year review integrating careers and work-family research with a future research agenda (2020) (27)
- Collective bargaining and public policy: Pathways to work-family policy adoption in Australia and the United States (2013) (27)
- Work and Family in America: Growing Tensions between Employment Policy and a Transformed Workforce (2006) (27)
- Work–Family Intervention Research (2016) (26)
- Assessing Employees' Emerging Elder Care Needs and Reactions to Dependent Care Benefits (1993) (25)
- Misery Loves Company: An Investigation of Couples’ Interrole Conflict Congruence (2017) (23)
- The limitations of organizational demography: Can diversity climate be enhanced in the absence of teamwork? (1996) (23)
- Exploring career and personal outcomes and the meaning of career success among part-time professionals in organizations (2006) (23)
- Sustaining work force inclusion and well-being of mothers on public assistance: Individual deficit and social ecology perspectives☆ (2003) (22)
- Future Frontiers : Enduring Challenges and Established Assumptions in the Work-Life Field (2004) (21)
- The Family Time Squeeze: Perceived Family Time Adequacy Buffers Work Strain in Certified Nursing Assistants With Multiple Caregiving Roles (2017) (21)
- Rating Expatriate Leader Effectiveness in Multisource Feedback Systems: Cultural Distance and Hierarchical Effects (2017) (20)
- The Effects of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Workplace Intervention on Sleep and Work-Family Conflict Outcomes in an Extended Care Setting. (2016) (19)
- Sustaining Sleep: Results From the Randomized Controlled Work, Family, and Health Study (2019) (17)
- Human resource manager insights on creating and sustaining successful reduced-load work arrangements (2008) (17)
- Pushing the boundaries: A qualitative study of how stem women adapted to disrupted work-nonwork boundaries during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2021) (16)
- Filling the Holes (2016) (15)
- When Mothers’ Work Matters for Youths’ Daily Time Use: Implications of Evening and Weekend Shifts (2017) (15)
- Leadership education: the impact of managerial level and gender on learning (1996) (15)
- Day-to-day inconsistency in parent knowledge: links with youth health and parents' stress. (2015) (13)
- Reactions to Women in Authority: The Impact of Gender on Learning in Group Relations Conferences (1988) (13)
- Cross-Level Dynamics between Changing Organizations and Career Patterns of Reduced-Load Professionals (2011) (13)
- Boundary Management Permeability and Relationship Satisfaction in Dual-Earner Couples: The Asymmetrical Gender Effect (2018) (12)
- Manager Characteristics and Employee Job Insecurity Around a Merger Announcement: The Role of Status and Crossover (2015) (12)
- The coronavirus & work–life inequality: Three evidence-based initiatives to update U.S. work–life employment policies (2021) (12)
- Effects of a Flexibility/Support Intervention on Work Performance: Evidence From the Work, Family, and Health Network (2018) (11)
- Work Schedule Patching in Health Care: Exploring Implementation Approaches (2019) (11)
- Community distress predicting welfare exits: The under-examined factor for families in the united states (1999) (11)
- Capturing social and cultural influences: relating individual work-life experiences to context (2015) (9)
- Professionals Becoming Parents: Socialization, Adaptation, and Identity Transformation (2004) (9)
- Women and management (2010) (8)
- Wellness Incentives: Lessons Learned about Organizational Change (2001) (8)
- Affective Reactions to Leadership Education: An Exploration of the Same-Gender Effect (1992) (8)
- Managing concurrent change initiatives: Integrating quality and work/family strategies (1997) (8)
- Family Supportive Supervision Around the Globe (2018) (6)
- Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior--Short Form (2013) (6)
- Balanced Flexibility: Avoiding the Traps (2015) (6)
- Work-life balance in times of recession, austerity and beyond (2018) (6)
- A question of leadership: What can managers do to promote work-life balance for themselves and others? (2003) (6)
- The Acceptance of Human Resource Innovation: Lessons for Management (1989) (5)
- The Work, Family, and Health Network organizational intervention: Core elements and customization for diverse occupational health contexts. (2017) (5)
- Developing Occupational and Family Resilience among US Migrant Farmworkers (2014) (5)
- A multilevel model of care flow (2018) (5)
- Supporting employees' work-family needs improves health care quality: Longitudinal evidence from long-term care. (2016) (5)
- Work-life Inclusion for Women’s Career Equality (2021) (4)
- Links between organizational systems, human resource strategy, and end user training (1989) (4)
- The employer as social arbiter: Considerations in limiting involvement in off-the-job behavior (1993) (4)
- Multidimensional Measure of Family Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (2017) (3)
- Changing work and work-family conflict in an information technology workplace: (577572014-274) (2013) (3)
- Organizational acceptance of human resource management innovation (1987) (2)
- Missed Connections between the Leadership and Work-Life Fields: Work-Life Supportive Leadership for a Dual Agenda (2022) (2)
- How important are informal work-family support? A meta-analytic path analysis of supervisor work-family support and employee outcomes (2016) (2)
- Chapter 8. Understanding End-User Training as a Lever in Organizational Strategy and Chang (1990) (2)
- How do changes in family role status impact employees? An empirical investigation (2021) (2)
- Work-team Contexts of Work-family Conflict, Stress, and Psychological Distress: A Multi-level Analysis (2012) (1)
- Where does the work go and why? Cross level patterns in manager and organizational support of customized workloads (2011) (1)
- Virtuality at Work: A Doubled-Edged Sword for Women’s Career Equality? (2022) (1)
- Human Relations special issue call for papers: Work-life initiatives and organizational change (2007) (1)
- Making Flexibility More I-Deal: Advancing Work-Life Equality Collectively (2022) (1)
- Changing Organizations for a Changing Workforce: Improving Work-Life Implementation and Adaptation (2019) (1)
- Dimensions of experiential learning at group relations conferences (1989) (1)
- Promoting Well-Being in Virtual Work (2019) (1)
- Family, Work, and Infant Care in Limited Income Latino Migrant Farm-Working and Anglo Non-Migrant Families. (2003) (0)
- Module 4: Work-Family Policy in the United States. Work-Family Curriculum Guide. (2006) (0)
- The Contributions of Infant Temperament and Child Care to Infant Social Development. (2004) (0)
- work-life flexibility and enhance group processes and group-level OCB Less need to be there : Cross-level effects of work practices that support (2007) (0)
- CHAPTER 17 FaceTime Matters : A Cross-Level Model of How Work-Life Flexibility Infl uences Work Performance of Individuals and Groups (2007) (0)
- Running head : INTERVENTION EFFECTS Intervention Effects on Safety Compliance and Citizenship Behaviors : Evidence from the Work , Family , and Health Study (2015) (0)
- From restricted to open work-life flexibility implementation: cross-level patterns between managerial beliefs and organizational cultural and structural support (2010) (0)
- The Changing Time Demands of Managerial and Professional Work: Implications for Managing the Work-Life Boundary (2004) (0)
- Infant Care Arrangements and Maternal Well Being among Low-Income Non-Migrant Families and Migrant Farm Working Families. (2004) (0)
- Christine M. Beckman and Melissa Mazmanian. Dreams of the Overworked: Living, Working, and Parenting in the Digital Age (2022) (0)
- Interpersonal Perspectives on Work-Nonwork Dynamics: Theoretical & Empirical Explorations (2020) (0)
- Work-Family Conflict in the Era of Globalization: Where Do We Go from Here? (2015) (0)
- 'Fit for purpose?': current controversies (2013) (0)
- The Role of Collective and Individual Voice on Access to Work-life Flexibility Policies and Practices (2010) (0)
- Work-life flexibility bundles and cultures: A typology and identification of implementation factors (2018) (0)
- Fitting in to find balance: A person-environment fit approach to work-life balance. (2017) (0)
- Module 3: Workplace Policy, Practice and Culture--Employer and Employee Perspectives. Work-Family Curriculum Guide. (2006) (0)
- PART IV: Advancing Policy and Organizational Change Introduction: Cultivating Organizational Change and Advancing Public Policy (2005) (0)
- Career Self-Efficacy Scale (2018) (0)
- Flexible Work Practices over Time in an IT Organization: Evidence from the Work, Family & Health Network Study (2014) (0)
- Stress and well being among healthcare sector employees: (577572014-117) (2015) (0)
- implementation Supervisory approaches and paradoxes in managing telecommuting (2009) (0)
- Broadening our Sight on Workplace Flexibility to Include Under- Emphasized Perspectives (2020) (0)
- Introduction: Fostering Gender and Work-Life Inclusion in Understudied Contexts from an Organizational Science Lens (2018) (0)
- Advancing Methods in Work-Life Research: Illustrative Studies, Lessons, and Future Challenges (2017) (0)
- Shining a Light on Overlooked and Understudied Workers in Work-Family Research (2014) (0)
- "Technology's Impact on How, When, Where, and How Well We Work: Who's In Control?" (2013) (0)
- A Cell Phone Policy Work-Life Change Field Experiment: Comparing Boundary Control Versus Supportive Supervision (2019) (0)
- Nonwork Orientations Relative to Career Scales (2014) (0)
- Author ' s personal copy Monograph Work – nonwork boundary management pro fi les : A person-centered approach (2012) (0)
- Implementing Diversity Training Targeting Faculty Microaggressions and Inclusion: Practical Insights and Initial Findings (2022) (0)
- New Perspectives on the Study of Work-Life Processes and Health (2012) (0)
- Mapping of Dynamic Career, Family, and Life Processes. (2005) (0)
- Work-Family Resources: New Theory and Perspectives (2012) (0)
- Dianna Stone and Eugene Stone-Romero, eds.: The Influence of Culture on Human Resource Management Processes and Practices. (2010) (0)
- Work–Life Indicator (2013) (0)
- Reduced Work Load Access and Reduced Load Culture and Integration Scales (2021) (0)
- Increasing policy effectiveness: A work-family research agenda (2007) (0)
- PART III : Methodological Approaches Introduction : How Diverse Methodologies (2005) (0)
- Managing Work Scheduling in Organizations: Creating Positive Dynamics (2018) (0)
- Worker Uncertainties during a Merger Announcement: A Multi-level Analysis of Employee Job Security (2012) (0)
- Let all social partners in the social support process count: New perspectives on classical theory: (577572014-567) (2013) (0)
- A macroergonomic approach to work-family conflict and employee safety (2014) (0)
- Fostering Positive Organizational Dynamics in Challenging Employment Settings (2018) (0)
- Control Over Work Time Measure (2016) (0)
- Endangered Scholars Worldwide (2014) (0)
- Improving Balance: Trends and Future Directions for Exploring Work- Life Enhancements Through Policy (2018) (0)
- At the Interface of Positive Psychology and Work-Life Balance Research (2017) (0)
- ‘Fit for purpose?’ – Current controversies in WLB research and practice. (2013) (0)
- Exploring an Organizational Science View on Faculty Gender and Work-Life Inclusion: Conceptualization, Perspectives, and Interventions (2018) (0)
- Gender-Work Identity Management at Work and within Work-Life Boundaries (2013) (0)
- An Alpha, Beta and Gamma Approach to Evaluating Occupational Health Organizational Interventions: Learning from the Measurement of Work-Family Conflict Change (2022) (0)
- Virtual Work and Women’s Career Equality: A Double-Edged Sword (2020) (0)
- Promoting Employee Well-Being in Remote Work (2022) (0)
- Work-Life Flexibility Policies From a Boundary Control and Implementation Perspective: A Review and Research Framework (2022) (0)
- When Mothers’ Work Matters for Youths’ Daily Time Use: Implications of Evening and Weekend Shifts (2017) (0)
- Lasting Impression: Transformational Leadership and Family Supportive Supervision as Resources for Well-Being and Performance (2018) (0)
- Module 1: Overview of Work-Family Issues in the United States. Work-Family Curriculum Guide. (2006) (0)
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