Ellen P. Goodman
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Ellen P. Goodman's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Algorithmic Transparency for the Smart City (2017) (152)
- Urbanism Under Google: Lessons from Sidewalk Toronto (2019) (47)
- Stealth Marketing and Editorial Integrity (2006) (41)
- Spectrum Rights in the Telecosm to Come (2004) (40)
- Media Policy Out of the Box: Content Abundance, Attention Scarcity, and the Failures of Digital Markets (2004) (39)
- 'Smart Cities' Meet 'Anchor Institutions': The Case of Broadband and the Public Library (2014) (21)
- Visual gut punch: persuasion, emotion, and the constitutional meaning of graphic disclosure. (2013) (18)
- Modeling Policy for New Public Service Media Networks (2010) (17)
- The Origins of the Western Legal Tradition: From Thales to the Tudors (1995) (12)
- Public Media 2.0 (2008) (10)
- The Atomic Age of Data: Policies for the Internet of Things (2015) (8)
- Zero Rating Broadband Data: Equality and Free Speech at the Network's Other Edge (2017) (7)
- Die the way you want to. (2012) (7)
- Informational justice as the new media pluralism (2014) (5)
- Human Mastership of Nature: Aquinas and Milton's Paradise Lost (1992) (5)
- Facebook and Google: Most Powerful and Secretive Empires We’ve Ever Known (2016) (4)
- Smart City Ethics: The Challenge to Democratic Governance in the Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI (edited by Markus D. Dubber, Frank Pasquale, and Sunit Das) (2020) (4)
- Animal Ethics and the Law (2007) (3)
- Digital Public Media Networks to Advance Broadband and Enrich Connected Communities (2009) (3)
- Public Service Media Narratives (2012) (3)
- Spectrum Auctions and the Public Interest (2009) (3)
- Digital Television and the Allure of Auctions: The Birth and Stillbirth of DTV Legislation (1997) (3)
- Bargains in the Information Marketplace: The Use of Government Subsidies to Regulate New Media (2003) (2)
- No Time for Equal Time: A Comment on Professor Magarian's Substantive Media Regulation in Three Dimensions (2008) (2)
- Smart City Ethics: The Challenge to Democratic Governance – [Draft Chapter for Oxford Handbook of the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence] (2019) (2)
- Media Policy and Free Speech: The First Amendment at War with Itself (2007) (2)
- Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the Future of Online Speech (2019) (2)
- Close to Home (1979) (2)
- Public Television and Pluralistic Ideals (2008) (2)
- The Honest Ads Act Won't End Social Media Disinformation, but It's a Start (2017) (2)
- Peer Promotions and False Advertising Law (2007) (2)
- The development of the law of matrimonial property: a historical perspective (1981) (2)
- Digital Public Service Media Networks to Advance Broadband and Enrich Connected Communities (2011) (2)
- Spectrum Equity (2005) (2)
- The Victim of Rape: WHAT Progress? (1979) (2)
- The Stakes of User Interface Design for Democracy (2021) (2)
- The Challenge of Equitable Algorithmic Change (2019) (2)
- The Limits of Independent Representation in Custody Disputes (1976) (1)
- In Open Letter to Google, 80 Technology Scholars Press for More Transparency on Right to Be Forgotten Compliance (2015) (1)
- Spectrum Sharing and Spectrum Efficiency (2007) (1)
- Smart City Ethics (2020) (1)
- Property Law following Dissolution of Marriage: Is There a Future for Judicial Discretion? (1982) (1)
- Spectrum Policy and the Public Interest (2008) (1)
- Modeling Policy for New Public Media Networks (2011) (1)
- Children as Consumers: The Subtle (and Not-So-Subtle) Marketing of Sex (1981) (1)
- The UK Algorithmic Transparency Standard: A Qualitative Analysis of Police Perspectives (2022) (0)
- The Family Isn't Dead--It's Just Changing. (1978) (0)
- Valley of the Dollys (1997) (0)
- Did Chad Green have to die? (1979) (0)
- Social Networks and the News : An Agent-Based Model of a Local Media Market (2009) (0)
- The wonder baby: a wake of moral dilemmas. (1978) (0)
- Ellen Goodman column on Stacey Kabat, a Bates College alumna, whose film "Defend (1994) (0)
- U.S. supreme court decides that digital is different when it comes to constitutional privacy protections (2014) (0)
- Concentrating Cable: Comcast to Acquire 3/4 US Cable Broadband Market (2014) (0)
- Doctors' dilemma. (1979) (0)
- Rx by ballot is no cure. (1982) (0)
- Aborting the 'wrong' sex. (1976) (0)
- The Baby Louise clinic. (1980) (0)
- Tender Justice: Judge Norma Levy Shapiro's Hard-Headed Humanity (2003) (0)
- The Discourse Costs of Free: Warning Signs from the US (2013) (0)
- Whose life? (1983) (0)
- Abortion, pain and survival. (1984) (0)
- Medical surprises. (1982) (0)
- Regulating Baby Doe. (1983) (0)
- No more Baby Faes. (1984) (0)
- The application of the First Amendment to corporations imperils commercial disclosure requirements (2014) (0)
- Public Policy Report. The Transfer-And-Pray Theory. (1981) (0)
- Shielding citizens? Understanding the impact of political advertisement transparency information (2023) (0)
- What the doctors say, what the parents want. (1979) (0)
- Checks on parental power. (1979) (0)
- Viewpoint. Scientific Child-Raising. (1983) (0)
- 1. The U.S. Is Ready for a President Who Is Not a White Male 11 (2007) (0)
- The facts of life scam. (1981) (0)
- Teen-agers and abortion. (1983) (0)
- A pregnant moment for Justice Powell. (1977) (0)
- Mother, Inc. (1983) (0)
- 'Playing God' with life. (1979) (0)
- The defect in genetic control. (1979) (0)
- Panel II: Media Regulation and Intellectual Property (2007) (0)
- U.S Court Throws Out Net Neutrality Rules – Explained (2014) (0)
- Pregnancy prevention: a right to be informed. (1977) (0)
- The FCC comes out swinging on net neutrality and municipal broadband: counterpunches to come (2015) (0)
- Art without life. (1979) (0)
- Legal Regulation of Family Relationships: An Historical Survey (1979) (0)
- When School Textbooks and Religious Beliefs Clash (1986) (0)
- This week’s ruling on net neutrality may lead to fundamental changes to the internet as we know it (2014) (0)
- The FCC Hasn’t Really Shifted on Open Internet; Net Neutrality Was Never the Law (2014) (0)
- U.S. Court Rules NSA Bulk Data Collection Unconstitutional (2013) (0)
- AI Audit Washing and Accountability (2022) (0)
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