Fan Chung
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Taiwanese-born American mathematician
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Fan Chung's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Pennsylvania
- Masters Mathematics University of Pennsylvania
- Bachelors Mathematics National Taiwan University
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Why Is Fan Chung Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Fan-Rong King Chung Graham , known professionally as Fan Chung, is an American mathematician who works mainly in the areas of spectral graph theory, extremal graph theory and random graphs, in particular in generalizing the Erdős–Rényi model for graphs with general degree distribution .
Fan Chung's Published Works
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Published Works
- Spectral Graph Theory (1996) (3685)
- Spectral grouping using the Nystrom method (2004) (1399)
- Optical orthogonal codes: Design, analysis, and applications (1989) (1159)
- A random graph model for massive graphs (2000) (1001)
- Local Graph Partitioning using PageRank Vectors (2006) (938)
- The average distances in random graphs with given expected degrees (2002) (848)
- Connected Components in Random Graphs with Given Expected Degree Sequences (2002) (831)
- Complex Graphs and Networks (2006) (746)
- Laplacians and the Cheeger Inequality for Directed Graphs (2005) (538)
- Quasi-random graphs (1988) (484)
- Concentration Inequalities and Martingale Inequalities: A Survey (2006) (441)
- A Random Graph Model for Power Law Graphs (2001) (435)
- The Spectra of Random Graphs with Given Expected Degrees (2004) (376)
- Explicit construction of linear sized tolerant networks (1988) (373)
- Duplication Models for Biological Networks (2002) (326)
- The Average Distance in a Random Graph with Given Expected Degrees (2004) (325)
- Internet and Network Economics, Third International Workshop, WINE 2007, San Diego, CA, USA, December 12-14, 2007, Proceedings (2007) (319)
- Random evolution in massive graphs (2001) (280)
- Some intersection theorems for ordered sets and graphs (1986) (279)
- Spectra of random graphs with given expected degrees (2003) (274)
- Embedding graphs in books: a layout problem with applications to VLSI design (1985) (262)
- Diameters and eigenvalues (1989) (257)
- The heat kernel as the pagerank of a graph (2007) (238)
- On Packing Two-Dimensional Bins (1982) (231)
- Discrete Green's Functions (2000) (230)
- Spectral Clustering of Graphs with General Degrees in the Extended Planted Partition Model (2012) (222)
- The Number of Baxter Permutations (1978) (213)
- On the Decomposition of Graphs (1981) (201)
- The Diameter of a Cycle Plus a Random Matching (1988) (188)
- Eigenvalues of Random Power law Graphs (2003) (172)
- Complex Graphs and Networks (CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics) (2006) (170)
- Universal cycles for combinatorial structures (1992) (161)
- Optimal simulations of tree machines (1986) (157)
- Spectral Graph Theory, Regional Conference Series in Math. (1997) (152)
- On the Spectra of General Random Graphs (2011) (148)
- Spectral Partitioning with Indefinite Kernels Using the Nyström Extension (2002) (140)
- Pebbling in Hypercubes (1989) (119)
- Quasi-Random Hypergraphs (1989) (118)
- Generalizations of Polya's urn Problem (2003) (115)
- The Diameter of Sparse Random Graphs (2001) (114)
- The maximum number of edges in 2K2-free graphs of bounded degree (1990) (112)
- The forwarding index of communication networks (1987) (110)
- Hypergraphs (2020) (101)
- Local Partitioning for Directed Graphs Using PageRank (2007) (96)
- Coverings, Heat Kernels and Spanning Trees (1998) (95)
- Routing permutations on graphs via matchings (1993) (94)
- The Diameter of Random Sparse Graphs (2000) (93)
- A Combinatorial Laplacian with Vertex Weights (1996) (93)
- An Upper Bound on the Diameter of a Graph from Eigenvalues Associated with its Laplacian (1994) (92)
- Pebbling in hypercubes (1989) (91)
- Diameter bounds for altered graphs (1984) (91)
- Quasi-random set systems (1991) (91)
- The Volume of the Giant Component of a Random Graph with Given Expected Degrees (2006) (90)
- Edge-colored complete graphs with precisely colored subgraphs (1983) (88)
- On concentrators, superconcentrators, generalizers, and nonblocking networks (1979) (88)
- Regularity Lemmas for Hypergraphs and Quasi-randomness (1991) (88)
- Logarithmic Harnack Inequalities (1996) (88)
- Higher eigenvalues and isoperimetric inequalities on Riemannian manifolds and graphs (2000) (86)
- Efficient Embeddings of Trees in Hypercubes (1992) (84)
- On the Cover Polynomial of a Digraph (1995) (82)
- Laplacians of graphs and Cheeger inequalities (1993) (80)
- Highly irregular graphs (1987) (80)
- Coupling Online and Offline Analyses for Random Power Law Graphs (2004) (79)
- Communication Complexity and Quasi Randomness (1993) (77)
- Upper Bounds for Eigenvalues of the Discrete and Continuous Laplace Operators (1996) (74)
- Using PageRank to Locally Partition a Graph (2007) (72)
- Universal Graphs for Bounded-Degree Trees and Planar Graphs (1989) (72)
- Quasi-random subsets of Z n (1992) (72)
- On induced subgraphs of the cube (1988) (71)
- PageRank and Random Walks on Graphs (2010) (70)
- On disjoint path pairs with wavelength continuity constraint in WDM networks (2004) (70)
- Quasi-random tournaments (1991) (70)
- Eigenvalues of Graphs and Sobolev Inequalities (1995) (69)
- Random Walks Arising in Random Number Generation (1987) (68)
- Sparse Quasi-Random Graphs (2002) (68)
- Graphs with small bandwidth and cutwidth (1989) (68)
- Random walks and local cuts in graphs (2007) (66)
- Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications (1991) (64)
- Harnack inequalities for graphs with non-negative Ricci curvature (2012) (64)
- On Universal Graphs for Spanning Trees (1983) (64)
- Discrete Isoperimetric Inequalities (1996) (64)
- The number of different distances determined by a set of points in the Euclidean plane (1992) (62)
- An Upper Bound for the Turán Number t3(n,4) (1999) (62)
- Lectures on Spectral Graph Theory (2001) (61)
- Erdos on Graphs: His Legacy of Unsolved Problems (2001) (61)
- Quasi‐random graphs with given degree sequences (2008) (60)
- Distributing Antidote Using PageRank Vectors (2009) (60)
- Optimal simulations by Butterfly Networks (1988) (59)
- A Lower Bound for the Steiner Tree Problem (1978) (59)
- Steiner Trees for Ladders (1978) (59)
- Strongly connected orientations of mixed multigraphs (1985) (57)
- On Multicolor Ramsey Numbers for Complete Bipartite Graphs (1975) (57)
- Forced Convex n -Gons in the Plane (1998) (56)
- The workshop on internet topology (wit) report (2006) (55)
- An Optimal Strategies for Cycle-Stealing in Networks of Workstations (1997) (54)
- Distance Realization Problems with Applications to Internet Tomography (2001) (54)
- A Dynamic location problem for graphs (1989) (53)
- A survey of bounds for classical Ramsey numbers (1983) (52)
- On graphs which contain all sparse graphs (1982) (51)
- Isoperimetric Inequalities for Cartesian Products of Graphs (1998) (51)
- The Laplacian of a Hypergraph (1992) (50)
- Regularity lemmas for hypergraphs and quasi-randomness (1991) (49)
- A Local Graph Partitioning Algorithm Using Heat Kernel Pagerank (2009) (49)
- Four proofs for the Cheeger inequality and graph partition algorithms (2007) (49)
- Detecting Sharp Drops in PageRank and a Simplified Local Partitioning Algorithm (2007) (48)
- On graphs which contain all small trees (1978) (47)
- A Harnack inequality for homogeneous graphs and subgraphs (1994) (47)
- Self-organizing sequential search and Hilbert's inequalities (1985) (46)
- The largest minimal rectilinear steiner trees for a set of n points enclosed in a rectangle with given perimeter (1979) (46)
- Quasi-Random Classes of Hypergraphs (1990) (45)
- Subgraphs of a hypercube containing no small even cycles (1992) (45)
- Eigenvalues and diameters for manifolds and graphs (1997) (44)
- Small Spectral Gap in the Combinatorial Laplacian Implies Hamiltonian (2010) (44)
- The Diameter and Laplacian Eigenvalues of Directed Graphs (2006) (43)
- Open problems of Paul Erdös in graph theory (1997) (42)
- A chip-firing game and Dirichlet eigenvalues (2002) (42)
- Discrete isoperimetric inequalities (1996) (42)
- Graph Theory in the Information Age (2010) (42)
- On the decomposition of graphs into complete bipartite subgraphs (1983) (42)
- Chordal Completions of Planar Graphs (1994) (41)
- Even Cycles in Directed Graphs (1994) (40)
- Weighted graph Laplacians and isoperimetric inequalities (2000) (38)
- Cohomological aspects of hypergraphs (1992) (38)
- Combinatorics for the East Model (2001) (38)
- Dynamic Search in Graphs (1987) (37)
- Optimal emulations by butterfly-like networks (1996) (37)
- On sampling with Markov chains (1996) (37)
- On optimal linear arrangements of trees (1984) (37)
- Eigenvalue inequalities for graphs and convex subgraphs (1997) (36)
- Universal graphs and induced-universal graphs (1990) (35)
- The Number of Different Distances Determined by n Points in the Plane (1984) (35)
- The average distance and the independence number (1988) (35)
- On the ramsey numbers N(3,3,...3;2) (1973) (34)
- The average distance and the independence number (1988) (34)
- The Small World Phenomenon in Hybrid Power Law Graphs (2004) (34)
- Parallelism versus Memory Allocation in Pipelined Router Forwarding Engines (2004) (34)
- On Steiner trees for bounded point sets (1981) (34)
- Increasing sequences with nonzero block sums and increasing paths in edge-ordered graphs (1984) (33)
- Quasi-random classes of hypergraphs (1990) (33)
- Do Stronger Players Win More Knockout Tournaments (1978) (33)
- Curvature aspects of graphs (2017) (33)
- Guessing secrets (2001) (33)
- Steiner Trees on a Checkerboard (1989) (32)
- Laplacian and vibrational spectra for homogeneous graphs (1992) (32)
- Edge flipping in graphs (2012) (32)
- The Laplacian of a Hypergraph. (1992) (31)
- A near optimal algorithm for edge separators (preliminary version) (1994) (31)
- Diameters of Communication Networks (1984) (29)
- On the ramsey numbers N(3, 3, ...3;2) (1973) (29)
- On the Fractional Covering Number of Hypergraphs (1988) (28)
- Combinatorics: Recent results in graph decompositions (1981) (28)
- Augmented Ring Networks (2001) (28)
- Scheduling Tree-Dags Using FIFO Queues: A Control-Memory Trade-Off (1996) (27)
- Computing heat kernel pagerank and a local clustering algorithm (2014) (27)
- Solving Linear Systems with Boundary Conditions Using Heat Kernel Pagerank (2013) (26)
- A Network Coloring Game (2008) (26)
- A Brief Survey of PageRank Algorithms (2014) (26)
- A Local Graph Partitioning Algorithm Using Heat Kernel Pagerank (2009) (26)
- Pebbling a Chessboard (1995) (25)
- On the coverings of graphs (1980) (25)
- A Semi-supervised Heat Kernel Pagerank MBO Algorithm for Data Classification (2018) (25)
- Probabilistic methods in massive graphs and internet computing (2002) (25)
- Descent polynomials for permutations with bounded drop size (2009) (25)
- PageRank as a discrete Green ’ s function (2008) (23)
- A Sharp PageRank Algorithm with Applications to Edge Ranking and Graph Sparsification (2010) (23)
- Finding and Visualizing Graph Clusters Using PageRank Optimization (2010) (23)
- On the coverings of graphs (1980) (22)
- The Giant Component in a Random Subgraph of a Given Graph (2009) (22)
- Quasi-random hypergraphs revisited (2012) (21)
- Random walks on generating sets for finite groups (1996) (21)
- The number of different distances determined by n points in the plane (1984) (21)
- 3-D floorplanning using labeled tree and dual sequences (2008) (20)
- Primitive Juggling Sequences (2008) (20)
- Universal graphs and induced-universal graphs (1990) (20)
- Drawing Power Law Graphs Using a Local/Global Decomposition (2007) (20)
- Ranking and Sparsifying a Connection Graph (2012) (20)
- Several Generalizations of Weil Sums (1994) (19)
- Quantitative Forms of a Theorem of Hilbert (1985) (19)
- A symmetrical Eulerian identity (2010) (18)
- A Note on Constructive Lower Bounds for the Ramsey Numbers R(3, t) (1993) (18)
- Single-processor scheduling with time restrictions (2014) (18)
- Minimal decompositions of graphs into mutually isomorphic subgraphs (1981) (17)
- Maximizing data locality in distributed systems (2006) (17)
- On Unimodal Subsequences (1980) (17)
- Oblivious and Adaptive Strategies for the Majority and Plurality Problems (2005) (17)
- Pursuit - Evasion games on graphs (1988) (17)
- A combinatorial trace formula ∗ (17)
- A Tribute to Paul Erdős: On graphs not containing prescribed induced subgraphs (1990) (16)
- Tiling rectangles with rectangles (1982) (16)
- Weighted Laplacians and the Sigma Function of a Graph (2006) (16)
- A note on constructive methods for ramsey numbers (1981) (16)
- Dirichlet PageRank and Ranking Algorithms Based on Trust and Distrust (2013) (16)
- Distributed Algorithms for Finding Local Clusters Using Heat Kernel Pagerank (2015) (15)
- On Unimodality for Linear Extensions of Partial Orders (1980) (15)
- A Conjectured Minimum Valuation Tree (I. Cahit) (1978) (15)
- On Polynomials of Spanning Trees (2000) (15)
- Open problems of Paul Erdos in graph theory (1997) (15)
- Braess's Paradox in Large Sparse Graphs (2010) (14)
- A Harnack inequality for Dirichlet eigenvalues (2000) (14)
- Some results on hook lengths (1977) (14)
- Dirichlet PageRank and Trust-Based Ranking Algorithms (2011) (14)
- Hypergraph Coloring Games and Voter Models (2012) (14)
- Sphere-and-point incidence relations in high dimensions with applications to unit distances and furthest-neighbor pairs (1989) (14)
- Diameter of random spanning trees in a given graph (2012) (13)
- On the permanents of complements of the direct sum of identity matrices (1981) (13)
- Subgraphs of a hypercube containing no small even cycles (1992) (13)
- Random graphs with given expected degrees (2006) (13)
- Stratified random walks on the n-cube (1997) (13)
- The maximum number of edges in a 3-graph not containing a given star (1987) (12)
- Packing equal squares into a large square (2009) (12)
- Worst-case analysis of the LPT algorithm for single processor scheduling with time restrictions (2016) (12)
- Optical wavelength routing, translation, and packet/cell switched networks (1996) (12)
- Correction to 'Optical orthogonal codes: Design, analysis, and applications' (May 89 595-604) (1992) (12)
- Maximum subsets of (0, 1] with no solutions to x+y = kz (1995) (12)
- Eigenvalues and the Laplacian of a graph (Chapter 1) (1996) (12)
- On unimodal subsequences (1980) (12)
- Erdős on Graphs (2020) (12)
- A Tribute to Herbert S.Wilf (2012) (11)
- A Local Clustering Algorithm for Connection Graphs (2013) (11)
- Percolation in General Graphs (2009) (11)
- The maximum relaxation time of a random walk (2018) (11)
- Eigenvalues of Graphs (1995) (11)
- The diameter and Laplacian eigenvalues of directed graphs (2006) (11)
- Drawing Power Law Graphs (2004) (11)
- 50 Years of Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing (2019) (11)
- Four Cheeger-type Inequalities for Graph Partitioning Algorithms ∗ (2009) (11)
- On irregularities of distribution of real sequences. (1981) (11)
- On triangular and cyclic ramsey numbers with k colors (1974) (11)
- Modeling the Small-World Phenomenon with Local Network Flow (2005) (10)
- Guessing secrets with inner product questions (2002) (10)
- Generalized Eulerian sums (2012) (10)
- Integer Sets Containing No Solution to x + y = 3z (2013) (10)
- Permanental generating functions and sequential importance sampling (2019) (10)
- Efficient realization techniques for network flow patterns (1981) (10)
- Old and new concentration inequalities (2006) (10)
- On partitions of graphs into trees (1978) (10)
- Universal caterpillars (1981) (10)
- The Spectral Gap of a Random Subgraph of a Graph (2007) (10)
- A strong Harnack inequality for graphs (2017) (10)
- On unavoidable hypergraphs (1987) (10)
- On unavoidable graphs (1983) (9)
- A generalization of takagl's theorem on optimal channel graphs (1978) (9)
- Optimal Simulations of Tree Machines (Preliminary Version) (1986) (9)
- Quasi‐random hypergraphs revisited (2012) (9)
- On blocking probabilities for switching networks (1977) (9)
- The Spectral Gap of Graphs Arising From Substring Reversals (2017) (8)
- Minimal Decompositions of Hypergraphs into Mutually Isomorphic Subhypergraphs (1982) (8)
- On a Ramsey-type problem (1983) (8)
- Solving Local Linear Systems with Boundary Conditions Using Heat Kernel Pagerank (2015) (8)
- On sparse sets hitting linear forms (8)
- Tiling Polygons with Lattice Triangles (2010) (8)
- Inversion-descent polynomials for restricted permutations (2013) (8)
- Analyzing the Small World Phenomenon Using a Hybrid Model with Local Network Flow (Extended Abstract) (2004) (8)
- Sphere-and-Point Incidence Relations in High Dimensions with Applications to Unit Distances and Furthest-Neighbor Pairs (1989) (8)
- On unavoidable graphs (1983) (8)
- Universal Juggling Cycles (2006) (8)
- Partitioning circuits for improved testability (1986) (8)
- Braess's paradox in expanders (2012) (8)
- De Bruijn cycles for covering codes (2003) (7)
- Edge flipping in the complete graph (2015) (7)
- Graphs with small diameter after edge deletion (1992) (7)
- Decomposition of Random Graphs into Complete Bipartite Graphs (2014) (7)
- Unavoidable Stars in 3-Graphs (1983) (7)
- From Quasirandom graphs to Graph Limits and Graphlets (2012) (7)
- On the addressing problem for directed graphs (1985) (7)
- Juggling card sequences (2015) (6)
- A Spectral Turán Theorem (2005) (6)
- A whirlwind tour of random graphs (2007) (6)
- A Generalized Alon-Boppana Bound and Weak Ramanujan Graphs (2016) (6)
- Pursuit- Evasion Games (1988) (6)
- On blocking probabilities for a class of linear graphs (1978) (6)
- The small world phenomenon in hybrid graphs (2006) (6)
- The Connection Patterns of Two Complete Binary Trees (1980) (6)
- Efficient Packings of Unit Squares in a Large Square (2020) (6)
- Logarithmic Sobolev Techniques for Random Walks on Graphs (1999) (6)
- Optimal Simulations by Butterfly Networks (Preliminary Version) (1988) (6)
- Zone-balanced networks and block designs (1978) (6)
- Eigenvalues, flows and separators of graphs (1997) (5)
- Extreme values of the stationary distribution of random walks on directed graphs (2016) (5)
- A problem on blocking probabilities in connecting networks (1977) (5)
- On switching networks and block designs, II (1980) (5)
- Multidiameters and Multiplicities (1999) (5)
- On hypergraphs having evenly distributed subhypergraphs (1993) (5)
- Discrepancy inequalities for directed graphs (2014) (5)
- Eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of () (2006) (5)
- Unavoidable Stars in 3-Graphs (1983) (5)
- On Optimal Strategies for Stealing Cycles (1995) (5)
- A note on an alternating upper bound for random walks on semigroups (2014) (4)
- Finding Favorites (2003) (4)
- Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, 5th International Workshop, WAW 2007, San Diego, CA, USA, December 11-12, 2007, Proceedings (2007) (4)
- Slow Fibonacci walks (2019) (4)
- The matrix cover polynomial (2016) (3)
- Multi-commodity Allocation for Dynamic Demands Using PageRank Vectors (2012) (3)
- Reliable software and communication. I. An overview (1994) (3)
- A note on finding a strict saddlepoint (1991) (3)
- Infinite Graphs (2020) (3)
- A note on constructive methods for ramsey numbers (1981) (3)
- On the discrepancy of circular sequences of reals (2016) (3)
- Graphs with Small Diameter After Edge Deletion (1992) (3)
- Large Dynamic Graphs: What Can Researchers Learn from Them? (2004) (3)
- Coding strings by pairs of strings (1985) (3)
- Spectral Partitioning with Inde nite Kernels using the Nystr om Extension (2002) (3)
- On complete bipartite subgraphs contained in spanning tree complements (1983) (3)
- Classification of weighted dual graphs with only complete intersection singularities structures (2009) (3)
- The drop polynomial of a weighted digraph (2017) (3)
- Tolerating Faults in Synchronization Networks (1992) (2)
- A Brief Survey of PageRank Algorithms (2014) (2)
- Extremal subgraphs for two graphs (1985) (2)
- Open Letter to the Internet Mathematics Community (2009) (2)
- No-Three-in-Line-in-3D (2007) (2)
- Random Graphs, A Whirlwind Tour of (2009) (2)
- Minced trees, with applications to fault-tolerant VLSI processor arrays (1986) (2)
- Regularity lemmas for clustering graphs (2019) (2)
- Dynamic location problems with limited look-ahead (2001) (2)
- Ranking and sparsifying edges of a graph (2012) (2)
- Algorithms and models for the web graph : 11th International Workshop, WAW 2014, Beijing, China, December 17-18, 2014, proceedings (2014) (2)
- Salvage-Embeddings of Complete Trees (1995) (2)
- Spectral Graph Theory to appear in Handbook of Linear Algebra , second edition , CCR (2012) (2)
- Forest formulas of discrete Green's functions (2021) (2)
- A Random Graph Model for Power Law (2000) (2)
- A Generalized Alon-Boppana Bound and Weak Ramanujan Graphs (2016) (2)
- Well dispersed sequences in [0,1]d (2018) (2)
- Optical wavelength routing, translation, and cell switching (1995) (2)
- Optimal rearrangeable graphs (1975) (2)
- Optical Wavelength Routing, Translat and PacketKell Switched Network (1996) (1)
- Multicommodity Allocation for Dynamic Demands Using PageRank Vectors (2014) (1)
- The semi-circle law for () (2006) (1)
- Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (2014) (1)
- Augmented Ring Networks TITLE2 (1997) (1)
- Finding Consensus in Multi-Agent Networks Using Heat Kernel Pagerank (2015) (1)
- From quasirandom graphs to graph limits and graphlets (2014) (1)
- The configuration model for power law graphs (2006) (1)
- The rise of the giant component (2006) (1)
- Graphlets: a Spectral Perspective of Graph Limits (2012) (1)
- Sum sequences modulo n (2018) (1)
- On the Bandwidths of a Graph and its Complement (2004) (1)
- On partitions of graphs into trees (1978) (1)
- Flipping edges and vertices in graphs (2010) (1)
- Fan-complete Ramsey numbers (2022) (1)
- A brief overview of network algorithms (2006) (1)
- A generative model—the preferential attachment scheme (2006) (1)
- The Combinatorics of Patterns in Subsets and Graphs (2004) (1)
- Title: Graph Gauge Theory and Vector Diffusion Maps Title: a Random Walk on Image Patches Title: Dimension Reduction, Coarse-graining and Data Assimilation in High-dimensional Dynamical Systems Title: Geometry and Topology in Dimension Reduction Title: Optimal Phase Transitions in Compressed Sensing (0)
- Optimal Multistage Switching Networks (1978) (0)
- Graphs with small diameter after (1992) (0)
- Editor's Foreword (2001) (0)
- Sobolev inequalities (Chapter 11) (1996) (0)
- Eigenvalues of Random Power Law Graphs ( DRAFT ) (2003) (0)
- De Bruijn Covering Codes for Rooted Hypergraphs (2005) (0)
- And Increasing Paths in Ktm~e-ordered Graphs (1982) (0)
- Ramsey Theory (2020) (0)
- On the discrepancy of linear sequences of reals (2015) (0)
- Complexity and Quasi-randomness 1 (2005) (0)
- The probabilistic kirchhoff polynomials and a problem of kontsevich (1999) (0)
- Paths, flows, and routing (Chapter 4) (1996) (0)
- Special Issue on Internet and Network Economics (2008) (0)
- Erratum: Quasi-random graphs with given degree sequences (2008) (0)
- Erdős Stories as told by Andy Vázsonyi (2020) (0)
- Average distance and the diameter (2006) (0)
- A Near-Optimal Algorithm for a Locality Maximising Placement Problem (2004) (0)
- Coupling on-line and off-line analyses of random graphs (2006) (0)
- Eigenvalues of symmetrical graphs (Chapter 7) (1996) (0)
- Optimal Simulations by Butterfly Networks: Extended Abstract, (1987) (0)
- Optimal Multistage Switching Networks (1978) (0)
- Random Graphs, A Whirlwind Tour of. (2009) (0)
- Diameters and eigenvalues (Chapter 3) (1996) (0)
- Heat kernels (Chapter 10) (1996) (0)
- Monotone subsequences in (0, 1)-matrices (1986) (0)
- A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (2003) (0)
- Advanced techniques for random walks on graphs (Chapter 12) (1996) (0)
- Scheduling trees using FIFO queues: a control-memory tradeoff (1994) (0)
- Chordal Completions of Grids and Planar Graphs (1991) (0)
- Computer Networks (2011) (0)
- A few words on research for graduate students (2014) (0)
- 2 The combinatorial Laplacian and spanning trees (2000) (0)
- Optimal rearrangeable graphs (1975) (0)
- Four Graph Partitioning Algorithms (2008) (0)
- Note On Induced Subgraphs of the Cube (1988) (0)
- Abstracts 1.2 (0)
- Quasi-Random Influences of Boolean Functions (2022) (0)
- Extending Lipschitz maps for graph embedding via PageRank (2009) (0)
- Combinatorial Problems Arising in Massive Data Sets (Abstract) (1998) (0)
- Women's History Month (2013) (0)
- 2] K. Simon, Finding a Minimal Transitive Reduction in a Strongly Connected Digraph With (2007) (0)
- Erratum: Quasi‐random graphs with given degree sequences (2008) (0)
- On a Ramsey-type problem (1983) (0)
- The Mathematical Life of Fan Chung Steve Butler (2020) (0)
- Local algorithms for graph partitioning and finding dense subgraphs (2007) (0)
- Foreword (2006) (0)
- Introduction to the Special Section on Internet and Network Economics (2010) (0)
- 1 Introduction to Ramsey Theory ( 4 / 1 / 02 ) (2002) (0)
- Expanders and explicit constructions (Chapter 6) (1996) (0)
- Some Remarks on Normalized Laplacian Spreads of Graphs (2015) (0)
- Quasi-Random Subsets of Integern (1992) (0)
- Eigenvalues and quasi-randomness (Chapter 5) (1996) (0)
- Extremal Graph Theory (2020) (0)
- Coloring, Packing, and Covering (2020) (0)
- Laplacians of graphs and hypergraphs (1992) (0)
- Spectral Graph Theory ( revised , 2006 ) (2006) (0)
- Harnack inequalities (Chapter 9) (1996) (0)
- Random Graphs and Graph Enumeration (2020) (0)
- Eigenvalues of subgraphs with boundary conditions (Chapter 8) (1996) (0)
- Some unsolved problems. (1957) (0)
- Statesboro News (2019) (0)
- Discrete Mathematics for Information Technology (2011) (0)
- Worst-case analysis of the LPT algorithm for single processor scheduling with time restrictions (2016) (0)
- Isoperimetric problems (Chapter 2) (1996) (0)
- 2 Laplacian , the Green ’ s function and PageRank (0)
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