Farzad Sharifian
Australian linguist
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Farzad Sharifian's Degrees
- Bachelors English Language and Literature University of Tehran
Why Is Farzad Sharifian Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Farzad Sharifian was a pioneer of cultural linguistics and held the Chair in Cultural Linguistics at Monash University. He developed a theoretical and an analytical framework of cultural cognition, cultural conceptualisations, and language, which draw on and expands the analytical tools and theoretical advancements in several disciplines and sub-disciplines, including cognitive psychology, anthropology, distributed cognition, and complexity science. The theoretical/analytical frameworks and their applications in several areas of applied linguistics including intercultural communication, cross-cultural/intercultural pragmatics, World Englishes, Teaching English as an International Language , and political discourse analysis are the subject of Sharifian’s monographs entitled Cultural Conceptualisations and Language and Cultural Linguistics . These books have widely been recognised as laying "solid theoretical and analytical grounds for what can be recognised as Cultural Linguistics". .
Farzad Sharifian's Published Works
Published Works
- Cultural Conceptualisations and Language: Theoretical framework and applications (2011) (297)
- English as an international language: challenges and possibilities (2008) (161)
- On Cultural Conceptualisations (2003) (149)
- Culture, Body, and Language: Conceptualizations of Internal Body Organs across Cultures and Languages (2008) (139)
- The Routledge Handbook of language and culture (2015) (137)
- Cultural Linguistics: Cultural conceptualisations and language (2017) (115)
- The Persian cultural schema of shekasteh-nafsi : A study of compliment responses in Persian and Anglo-Australian speakers (2005) (98)
- Globalisation and developing metacultural competence in learning English as an International Language (2013) (90)
- English as an international language : perspectives and pedagogical issues (2009) (89)
- Aspects of Aboriginal English oral discourse: an application of cultural schema theory (2002) (86)
- Language and intercultural communication in the new era (2013) (71)
- Applied Cultural Linguistics: Implications for second language learning and intercultural communication (2007) (66)
- Cultural schemas in L1 and L2 compliment responses: A study of Persian-speaking learners of English (2008) (62)
- Schema-based Processing in Australian Speakers of Aboriginal English (2001) (58)
- Distributed, emergent cultural cognition, conceptualisation, and language (2008) (58)
- Advances in cultural linguistics (2017) (57)
- Cultural Conceptualisations in English Words: A Study of Aboriginal Children in Perth (2005) (55)
- A cultural‐conceptual approach and world Englishes: the case of Aboriginal English (2006) (55)
- Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes (2015) (40)
- Cultural Linguistics and linguistic relativity (2017) (39)
- Cultural conceptualisations in intercultural communication: A study of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians (2010) (38)
- Glocalization of English in World Englishes: an emerging variety among Persian speakers of English (2010) (38)
- Did he break your heart or your liver? A contrastive study on metaphorical concepts from the source domain ORGAN in English and in Indonesian (2008) (37)
- 'But it was all a Bit Confusing …': Comprehending Aboriginal English Texts (2004) (34)
- The refusal speech act in a cross-cultural perspective: A study of Iranian English-language learners and Anglo-Australian speakers (2016) (32)
- Applied cultural linguistics: an emerging paradigm (2007) (31)
- 3. L1 cultural conceptualisations in L2 learning: The case of Persian-speaking learners of English (2007) (30)
- Hierarchical spreading of activation (1997) (30)
- The Chinese heart as the central faculty of cognition (2008) (29)
- Refusal strategies in L1 and L2: A study of Persian-speaking learners of English (2013) (28)
- Cultural Linguistics: The State of the Art (2017) (28)
- Cultural schemas in intercultural communication: A study of the Persian cultural schema of sharmandegi ‘being ashamed’ (2011) (27)
- 1. English as an International Language: An Overview (2009) (25)
- On collective cognition and language (2009) (25)
- Cultural conceptualizations in English as an international language (2009) (24)
- Aboriginal English in the Classroom: An Asset or a Liability? (2008) (23)
- English as an international language: synthesis (2008) (23)
- Vietnamese cultural conceptualisations in the locally developed English textbook: a case study of ‘Lunar New Year’/‘Tet’ (2017) (22)
- To be in control: kind-hearted and cool-headed. The head-heart dichotomy in English (2008) (20)
- The heart and cultural embodiment in Tunisian Arabic (2008) (20)
- "Rices" and "Waters": The Mass-Count Distinction in Modern Persian (2003) (19)
- English language teachers’ perceptions of world Englishes: the elephants in the room (2017) (19)
- Chapter 8. Cultural schemas and intercultural communication: A study of Persian (2011) (19)
- Culture and Language: Looking for the mind inside the body (2008) (19)
- Perception of (im)politeness and the underlying cultural conceptualisations: A study of Persian (2017) (19)
- English as an international language (EIL): An innovative academic program (2012) (18)
- Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Australian Aboriginal Students' Schematic Repertoire (2005) (18)
- Teaching English as an International Language in Multicultural Contexts: Focus on Australia (2014) (17)
- The pragmatic marker like in English teen talk: Australian Aboriginal usage (2003) (17)
- Cultural Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (2013) (16)
- World Englishes in English language teaching (2019) (15)
- Conceptualizations of del 'heart-stomach' in Persian (2008) (15)
- Conceptual metaphor in intercultural communication between speakers of aboriginal English and Australian English (2014) (15)
- Figurative language in international political discourse: The case of Iran (2011) (14)
- English as an International Language (2017) (13)
- 3. L1 cultural conceptualisations in L2 learning (2007) (13)
- Semantics and pragmatic conceptualizations within an emerging variety: Persian English (2010) (12)
- 1. Applied cultural linguistics (2007) (12)
- Cultural Conceptualisations in Learning English as an L2: Examples from Persian-Speaking Learners. (2013) (11)
- Language and culture: Overview (2014) (10)
- Aspects of schematic processing in Indigenous speakers of Aboriginal English: An initial exploration (2000) (9)
- Cultural Pragmatic Schemas, Pragmemes, and Practs: A Cultural Linguistics Perspective (2016) (9)
- English language learning barriers of Afghan refugee women in Australia (2020) (9)
- Perceptions of Impoliteness from a Cultural Linguistics Perspective (2017) (9)
- How to have a HEART in Japanese (2008) (9)
- Gut feelings: Locating intellect, emotionand lifeforce in the Thaayorre body (2008) (8)
- The heart – What it means to the Japanese speakers (2008) (8)
- Conceptual-associative system in Aboriginal English : a study of Aboriginal children attending primary schools in metropolitan Perth (2002) (8)
- Cultural Conceptualisations in Chinese English: Implications for ELT in China (2017) (8)
- Conceptualizations of damâ , “temperature” in Persian: A Cultural Linguistic study (2015) (7)
- The representation of Aboriginal English in school literacy materials (2002) (7)
- "Glocalisation" of the English language: A cultural linguistics perspective (2016) (7)
- The impact of macro-cultures and micro-cultures on ELT theory and practice (1999) (7)
- Contrastive semantics and cultural psychology:English heart vs. Malay hati (2008) (6)
- Processing Hyponymy in L1 and L2 (2002) (6)
- Aboriginal language habitat and cultural continuity (2007) (6)
- Unpacking cultural conceptualizations in Chinese English (2017) (6)
- Multiword units in Aboriginal English: Australian cultural expression in an adopted language (2007) (6)
- Guts, heart and liver: The conceptualization of internal organs in Basque (2008) (6)
- Politics and/of Translation: Case Studies between Persian and English (2007) (6)
- Cultural conceptualizations of Chinese zodiac animals in Chinese English (2018) (6)
- World Englishes, intercultural communication and requisite competences (2011) (5)
- Cultural Linguistics and Ageing: What Naming Practices in Australian English Can Reveal About Underlying Cultural Conceptualisations (2017) (5)
- Cultural conceptualisations and translating political discourse (2013) (5)
- Conceptualizations of cheshm ‘eye’ in Persian (2011) (5)
- Cultural models of Home in Aboriginal children's English (2008) (5)
- Conceptualisations of xoshbaxti (‘happiness / prosperity’) and baxt (‘fate / luck’) in Persian (2019) (5)
- “They felt sorry about our Sorry”: Indigenising English by Aboriginal Australians (2011) (5)
- Language and intercultural communication: From the old era to the new one (2013) (5)
- Cross-language hierarchical spreading of activation (1997) (5)
- Memory enhancement in language pedagogy: Implications from cognitive research. (2002) (5)
- Cross-cultural conceptualizations of ageing in Australia (2018) (4)
- Thanks to reviewers (2013) (4)
- 'They Were in a Cave': Schemas in the Recall of Aboriginal English Texts (2005) (4)
- The relationship between overall reading comprehension and determination of fact/opinion in L2 (2005) (4)
- Migration and multilingualism: focus on Melbourne (2013) (4)
- Translation and body-part terms: The case of Cheshm 'eye' in Persian (2012) (4)
- Cultural schemas as 'common ground' (2014) (4)
- Cultural Linguistics: The Development of a Multidisciplinary Paradigm (2015) (3)
- Linguistic Theory and Cultural Conceptualisations (2012) (3)
- Expressions concerning the heart (libbā) in Northeastern Neo-Aramaic in relation to a Classical Syriac model of the temperaments (2008) (3)
- “When stones falls”: a conceptual–functional account of subject–verb agreement in Persian (2007) (3)
- Cultural linguistics and impoliteness: A case study from Persian (2017) (2)
- English as an international language: a multilingual and pluricentric perspective (2014) (2)
- The Persian Cultural Schema: Compliment Response Strategies on Social Networking SitesAmong Persian EFL Learners (2019) (2)
- Association-Interpretation: A research technique in cultural and cognitive linguistics (2001) (2)
- How Elderly Conceptualise Successful and Healthy Ageing (2007) (2)
- Glocalization of English (2018) (2)
- Part 1. Theoretical framework (2011) (2)
- World Englishes and intercultural communication (2020) (2)
- Investigating Choice of Compliment Response Strategies on Social Networking Sites by Different Gender (2019) (2)
- Cultural Conceptualisation in Aboriginal English: Empowering Aboriginal Children in the Classroom (2004) (1)
- Aboriginal Health and Nutrition: The Process of Developing New Materials to Train Aboriginal Health Workers in Western Australia (2004) (1)
- Chapter 7. Cultural conceptualisations in English as an international language (EIL) (2011) (1)
- How to Find Their Beliefs through Metaphor Analysis in Community Health Service Research (2007) (1)
- Part 3. Intercultural communication (2011) (1)
- Processing Hyponymy in L 1 and L 2 (1)
- Conceptualizations of ruh 'spirit/soul' and jesm 'body' in Persian: A Sufi perspective (2013) (1)
- Old Age Revolution in Australian English: Rethinking a taboo concept (2018) (1)
- Chapter 10. Semantic and pragmatic conceptualisations within an emerging variety: Persian English (2011) (0)
- Cultural Linguistics Farzad Sharifian (2014) (0)
- About the Journal of Asia TEFL Major Focus : (2017) (0)
- Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Indigenous Students' Learning and Schematic Knowledge. (2001) (0)
- International Journal of Language and Culture (2014) (0)
- Designing a Teaching Pattern from Students’ Lived Experiences of the Teaching Process in Universities of Iran (Technical and Engineering Disciplines) (2021) (0)
- Chapter 4. Aboriginal language habitat and cultural continuity (2011) (0)
- Language and culture history: the contribution of linguistic prehistory (2014) (0)
- Chapte r 11 CUltUral sCheMas as ‘ CoMMon groUnd ’ (2014) (0)
- Part 4. Cross-cultural pragmatics (2011) (0)
- Language and culture: overview Farzad Sharifian (2014) (0)
- Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes: An Overview (2020) (0)
- Part 5. Culture, body, self, and language (2011) (0)
- The Use of Pragmatic Marker like in English teen talk: An Australian Aboriginal perspective (2003) (0)
- Book Reviews - Sharifian F. (2012) (0)
- Chapter 12. Conceptualisations of Cheshm 'eye' and 'perception' in Persian (2011) (0)
- Semantic and pragmatic conceptualisations within an emerging variety (2020) (0)
- The Korean conceptualization of heart: An indigenous perspective (2008) (0)
- Introduction (2020) (0)
- Cognitive ethnolinguistics from Lublin and cultural linguistics in the English-speaking context (0)
- Book Review (2008) (0)
- Chapter 11. Cultural conceptualisations of 'Self' and del 'heart/stomach' in Persian (2011) (0)
- Chapter 1. On cultural conceptualisations (2011) (0)
- Home dialect at school: The case of Australian Aboriginal English-speaking students (2015) (0)
- Michael Clyne (1939–2010) (2010) (0)
- Policy statement and retraction v (2003) (0)
- Chapter 2. Distributed, emergent cultural cognition, conceptualisation and language (2011) (0)
- Chapter 9. The Persian cultural schema of Shekasteh-Nafsi: Cultural schemas in compliment responses in Persian and Anglo-Australian speakers (2011) (0)
- Cultural Linguistics and religion (2021) (0)
- Chapter 3. On collective cognition and language (2011) (0)
- What’s the state-of-affairs in Cultural Linguistics? A review of Farzad Sharifian’s Cultural Linguistics: Cultural Conceptualisations and Language (2019) (0)
- Part 6. Political discourse (2011) (0)
- Part 2. Case studies - cultural conceptualisations in Aboriginal languages (2011) (0)
- Michael George Clyne (1939–2010): scholar and champion of languages (2010) (0)
- Chapter 28 Learning Intercultural Competence (2018) (0)
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