Fiorenza Donato
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Italian physicist
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Fiorenza Donato's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Milan
Why Is Fiorenza Donato Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Fiorenza Donato is an Italian theoretical astroparticle physicist whose research involves the study of cosmic rays and their use in understanding the nature of dark matter, the possible products of particle collisions involving dark matter, the creation and behavior of antimatter among high-energy cosmic particles, and gamma-ray astronomy. She is a full professor of theoretical physics at the University of Turin.
Fiorenza Donato's Published Works
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Published Works
- Antiprotons in cosmic rays from neutralino annihilation (2003) (348)
- Cosmic Rays below Z = 30 in a Diffusion Model: New Constraints on Propagation Parameters (2001) (334)
- A constant dark matter halo surface density in galaxies (2009) (291)
- Positrons from dark matter annihilation in the galactic halo: Theoretical uncertainties (2007) (258)
- Constraints on WIMP dark matter from the high energy PAMELA p/p data. (2008) (235)
- Antideuterons as a Signature of Supersymmetric Dark Matter (1999) (208)
- Galactic secondary positron flux at the Earth (2008) (206)
- Antiprotons from Spallations of Cosmic Rays on Interstellar Matter (2001) (201)
- Galactic electrons and positrons at the Earth: new estimate of the primary and secondary fluxes (2010) (176)
- Interpretation of AMS-02 electrons and positrons data (2014) (132)
- Light neutralinos and WIMP direct searches (2003) (123)
- Lower bound on the neutralino mass from new data on CMB and implications for relic neutralinos (2003) (122)
- Probing the supersymmetric parameter space by weakly interacting massive particle direct detection (2001) (118)
- Extending the DAMA annual-modulation region by inclusion of the uncertainties in astrophysical velocities (1999) (110)
- Interpreting the recent results on direct searches for dark matter particles in terms of relic neutralinos (2008) (109)
- Antideuteron fluxes from dark matter annihilation in diffusion models (2008) (100)
- New results on source and diffusion spectral features of Galactic cosmic rays: I- B/C ratio (2002) (98)
- Review of the theoretical and experimental status of dark matter identification with cosmic-ray antideuterons (2015) (97)
- Implications for relic neutralinos of the theoretical uncertainties in the neutralino nucleon cross-section (1999) (86)
- New evaluation of the antiproton production cross section for cosmic ray studies (2014) (83)
- Which fraction of the measured cosmic-ray antiprotons might be due to neutralino annihilation in the galactic halo? (1998) (80)
- Exploring the supersymmetric parameter space by direct search for WIMPs (1996) (78)
- Composition of the Fermi-LAT isotropic gamma-ray background intensity: Emission from extragalactic point sources and dark matter annihilations (2015) (75)
- Indirect signals from light neutralinos in supersymmetric models without gaugino mass unification (2004) (75)
- Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report (2012) (73)
- Antiprotons from primordial black holes (2001) (66)
- Size of the neutralino–nucleon cross-section in the light of a new determination of the pion–nucleon sigma term (2001) (62)
- β–radioactive cosmic rays in a diffusion model: Test for a local bubble? (2001) (61)
- A fixed-target programme at the LHC: Physics case and projected performances for heavy-ion, hadron, spin and astroparticle studies (2018) (59)
- Prospects to verify a possible dark matter hint in cosmic antiprotons with antideuterons and antihelium (2017) (57)
- Dark matter vs. astrophysics in the interpretation of AMS-02 electron and positron data (2015) (56)
- Radio data and synchrotron emission in consistent cosmic ray models (2011) (56)
- Effects of galactic dark halo rotation on WIMP direct detection (1998) (53)
- Kaluza-Klein dark matter and Galactic antiprotons (2005) (52)
- Compatibility of the new DAMA/NaI data on an annual modulation effect in WIMP direct search with a relic neutralino in supergravity schemes (1998) (52)
- Cosmic-ray antinuclei as messengers of new physics: status and outlook for the new decade (2020) (52)
- Zooming in on light relic neutralinos by direct detection and measurements of galactic antimatter (2007) (51)
- Relic neutralinos and the two dark matter candidate events of the CDMS II experiment (2009) (50)
- Galactic cosmic ray nuclei as a tool for astroparticle physics (2002) (49)
- Detection of a γ-ray halo around Geminga with the Fermi-LAT and implications for the positron flux (2019) (47)
- Cores of dark matter haloes correlate with stellar scalelengths (2004) (44)
- p, He, and C to Fe cosmic-ray primary fluxes in diffusion models: Source and transport signatures on fluxes and ratios (2010) (43)
- Production cross sections of cosmic antiprotons in the light of new data from the NA61 and LHCb experiments (2018) (42)
- Indirect Dark Matter Detection with Cosmic Antimatter (2010) (41)
- Do current WIMP direct measurements constrain light relic neutralinos (2005) (41)
- Dipole anisotropy in cosmic electrons and positrons: inspection on local sources (2016) (39)
- Antiproton fluxes from light neutralinos (2005) (39)
- SUSY Higgs at the LHC: Effects of light charginos and neutralinos (2000) (36)
- Letter of Intent: A New QCD facility at the M2 beam line of the CERN SPS (COMPASS++/AMBER) (2018) (33)
- Neutralino properties in the light of a further indication of an annual modulation effect in WIMP direct search (1998) (33)
- A Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique to sample transport and source parameters of Galactic cosmic rays (2011) (32)
- Neutralino properties from a possible modulation signal in WIMP direct search (1997) (32)
- Antideuterons as a probe of primordial black holes (2002) (29)
- Conservative upper limits on WIMP annihilation cross section from Fermi-LAT γ-rays (2011) (29)
- Further investigation of a relic neutralino as a possible origin of an annual-modulation effect in WIMP direct search (2000) (28)
- Diffusion coefficient and acceleration spectrum from direct measurements of charged cosmic ray nuclei (2005) (27)
- Realistic estimation for the detectability of dark matter sub-halos with Fermi-LAT (2016) (27)
- Combining the data of annual modulation effect in WIMP direct detection with measurements of WIMP indirect searches (1998) (26)
- Fermi-LAT γ-ray anisotropy and intensity explained by unresolved radio-loud active galactic nuclei (2014) (25)
- Deriving the Contribution of Blazars to the Fermi-LAT Extragalactic γ-ray Background at E > 10 GeV with Efficiency Corrections and Photon Statistics (2017) (25)
- Prescriptions on antiproton cross section data for precise theoretical antiproton flux predictions (2017) (25)
- 'Discrepant hardenings' in cosmic ray spectra: A first estimate of the effects on secondary antiproton and diffuse gamma-ray yields (2010) (24)
- Secondary cosmic-ray nuclei from supernova remnants and constraints on the propagation parameters (2012) (23)
- Astrophysics of Galactic charged cosmic rays (2011) (23)
- Multi-messenger constraints to the local emission of cosmic-ray electrons (2018) (22)
- Contribution of pulsars to cosmic-ray positrons in light of recent observation of inverse-Compton halos (2020) (22)
- Evidences of low-diffusion bubbles around Galactic pulsars (2019) (21)
- Theoretical Interpretation of Pass 8 Fermi-LAT e+ + e− Data (2017) (17)
- Constraining positron emission from pulsar populations with AMS-02 data (2021) (16)
- γ-ray anisotropies from dark matter in the Milky Way: the role of the radial distribution (2014) (15)
- Science with the new generation high energy gamma- ray experiments (2007) (15)
- What Next: White Paper of the INFN-CSN1 (2015) (13)
- The composition of the Fermi-LAT IGRB intensity: emission from extragalactic point sources and dark matter annihilations (2015) (12)
- Constraining Galactic dark matter with gamma-ray pixel counts statistics (2017) (11)
- High precision particle astrophysics as a new window on the universe with an Antimatter Large Acceptance Detector In Orbit (ALADInO) (2021) (11)
- Snowmass2021 Cosmic Frontier: The landscape of cosmic-ray and high-energy photon probes of particle dark matter (2022) (10)
- Additional bounds on the pre-big-bang-nucleosynthesis expansion by means of γ-rays from the galactic centre (2006) (10)
- Prospects for the detection of synchrotron halos around middle-age pulsars (2019) (10)
- Do the Geminga, Monogem and PSR J0622+3749 γ -ray halos imply slow diffusion around pulsars? (2021) (9)
- COMPASS++/AMBER: Proposal for Measurements at the M2 beam line of the CERN SPS Phase-1: 2022-2024 (2019) (9)
- Upper bounds on signals due to WIMP self-annihilation: comments on the case of the synchrotron radiation from the galactic center and the WMAP haze (2008) (9)
- Dissecting the Inner Galaxy with γ-Ray Pixel Count Statistics. (2021) (9)
- Cosmic Ray Antiprotons from Relic Neutralinos in a Diffusion Model (2003) (8)
- Anti-matter cosmic rays: backgrounds and signals (2009) (8)
- Testing gamma-ray models of blazars in the extragalactic sky (2019) (8)
- Particle candidates for dark matter: a case for (dominant or subdominant) relic neutralinos (2001) (7)
- Novel interpretation of the latest AMS-02 cosmic-ray electron spectrum (2020) (6)
- Erratum: New evaluation of the antiproton production cross section for cosmic ray studies [Phys. Rev. D 90 , 085017 (2014)] (2018) (5)
- Investigating γ -ray halos around three HAWC bright sources in Fermi -LAT data (2020) (5)
- What Next: White Paper of CSN1 (2015) (5)
- Positrons from dark matter annihilation in the galactic halo: uncertainties (2007) (5)
- On the interpretation of the latest AMS-02 cosmic ray electron spectrum (2020) (5)
- Supersymmetric dark matter (2002) (4)
- Does the Geminga γ-ray halo imply slow diffusion around pulsars? (2021) (3)
- Conservative upper limits on WIMP annihilation cross section from Fermi-LAT {\gamma}-rays (2011) (3)
- A fixed-target programme at the LHC for heavy-ion, hadron, spin and astroparticle physics: AFTER@LHC (2018) (3)
- Erratum: Detection of a γ -ray halo around Geminga with the Fermi-LAT data and implications for the positron flux [Phys. Rev. D 100 , 123015 (2019)] (2021) (3)
- New determination of the production cross section for secondary positrons and electrons in the Galaxy (2022) (3)
- Probing the supersymmetric parameter space by WIMP direct detection (2000) (2)
- Status of cosmic-ray antideuteron searches (2015) (2)
- Gamma rays from Galactic pulsars (2014) (2)
- A novel prediction for secondary positrons and electrons in the Galaxy (2023) (2)
- Indirect searches for dark matter (2014) (2)
- Dissecting the inner Galaxy with gamma-ray pixel count statistics (2021) (2)
- High-luminosity fixed-target experiments at the LHC (2019) (1)
- Constraining positron emission from pulsars with AMS-02 data (2021) (1)
- Probing the gamma-ray source populations with photon count statistics and anisotropies (2019) (1)
- Probing the high-x content of the nuclei in the fixed-target mode at the LHC (2019) (1)
- Cosmic ray astroparticle physics: current status and future perspectives (2017) (1)
- Cosmic-ray antideuterons as a signature for neutralino annihilation in the galactic halo (2000) (1)
- Theoretical Expectations for Direct Detection of SUSY Dark Matter (1996) (1)
- Stable and Radioactive Nuclei in a Diffusion Model (2003) (1)
- Spin Physics with a fixed-target experiment at the LHC (2019) (1)
- Galactic synchrotron emission from astrophysical electrons (2012) (1)
- P o S ( I F S 2 0 1 7 ) 1 3 4 Cosmic rays and the diffuse gamma-ray emission (2017) (0)
- Propagation properties from measurements of galactic cosmic rays (2006) (0)
- Antiprotons from spallation of cosmic rays on ISM (2002) (0)
- New cross section determination for secondary cosmic ray electron and positrons in the light of new data from collider experiments (2021) (0)
- Updated constraints on WIMP dark matter annihilation into gamma-rays (2013) (0)
- Antimatter from supersymmetric dark matter (2000) (0)
- UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Radio detection prospects for a bulge population of millisecond pulsars as suggested by fermi-lat observations of the inner galaxy Calore, (2016) (0)
- Primary and secondary CRs in the Galaxy Primaries (2018) (0)
- Extending a previous analysis on a possible modulation effect in WIMP direct search (1997) (0)
- UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Diffuse γ-ray emission from misaligned active galactic nuclei (2013) (0)
- Constraining positron emission from pulsar populations with AMS-02 data (2021) (0)
- Correction to: High precision particle astrophysics as a new window on the universe with an Antimatter Large Acceptance Detector In Orbit (ALADInO) (2021) (0)
- Non-baryonic dark matter (2003) (0)
- Positrons from dark m atter annihilation in the galactic halo: theoreticaluncertainties (2013) (0)
- Spotting imprints of dark matter in the extragalactic gamma-ray sky with photon counts statistics (2017) (0)
- Antideuterons as a signature of neutralino annihilation in the galactic halo (2000) (0)
- COSMIC RAY PROPAGATION MODELS AND INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS FROM RECENT SPACE EXPERIMENTSThe Twelfth Marcel Grossmann Meeting - On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories - Proceedings of the MG12 Meeting on General Relativ (2012) (0)
- Galactic Cosmic Rays Anomalies (2019) (0)
- 1 Cosmic-ray Antinuclei and Dark Matter 1 (2019) (0)
- Secondary Positrons in Galactic Cosmic Rays (2009) (0)
- arXiv : High luminosity fixed-target experiment at the LHC (2019) (0)
- Antideuterons from supersymmetric dark matter (2007) (0)
- un 2 00 3 Lower Bound on the Neutralino Mass from New Data on CMB and Implications for Relic (2005) (0)
- C onstraints on W IM P D ark M atter from the H igh Energy PA M ELA p=p data (2013) (0)
- Physics of the Dark Universe Indirect searches for dark matter (2014) (0)
- Cosmic rays and the diffuse gamma-ray emission (2017) (0)
- Constraining the emission of cosmic electrons from supernova remnants with flux, dipole anisotropy and radio data (2017) (0)
- Ultra-peripheral-collision studies in the fixed-target mode with the proton and lead LHC beams (2019) (0)
- SUPERSYMMETRIC DARK MATTERMSSM and SUGRA schemes in the light of a possible annualmodulation e ect in WIMP direct search aNicolao (0)
- New determination of the production cross section for γ rays in the Galaxy (2023) (0)
- HADES: a new numerical tool for the determination of DM over-densities (2021) (0)
- Cosmic ray transport in the proximity of pulsars and the formation of gamma-ray halos (2021) (0)
- Constraining Dark Matter annihilation with the Fermi-LAT isotropic gamma-ray background (2013) (0)
- Anisotropies in the flux of cosmic ray electrons and positrons (2017) (0)
- Cosmic-ray antiprotons from neutralino annihilation in the halo (1998) (0)
- Detection of new Misaligned Active Galactic Nuclei in the Fermi-LAT Fourth Source Catalog using machine learning techniques (2021) (0)
- The future of cosmic ray astroparticle physics (2016) (0)
- Spotting imprints of dark matter in the extragalactic Fermi sky with photon counts statistics (2017) (0)
- The USINE cosmic-ray propagation code and recent results from an MCMC analysis (2015) (0)
- P o S ( I C R C 2 0 1 9 ) 0 6 0 Multi-messenger constraints to the local emission of cosmic-ray electrons (2019) (0)
- Neutralinos as relic particles: implications of the theoretical uncertainties in the neutralino–nucleon cross–section (2000) (0)
- Relic Neutralinos and Dark Matter 1 Nicolao (1999) (0)
- Messengers of the Universe (2015) (0)
- Ju n 20 00 Antimatter from supersymmetric dark matter (2000) (0)
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