Frank Hole
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American archaeologist and prehistorian
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Anthropology Communications
Frank Hole's Degrees
- PhD Anthropology University of Chicago
- Masters Anthropology University of Chicago
- Bachelors Anthropology University of Chicago
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Why Is Frank Hole Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Frank Hole is an American Near Eastern archaeologist known for his work on the prehistory of Iran, the origins of food production, and the archaeology of pastoral nomadism. He is C. J. MacCurdy Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Yale University.
Frank Hole's Published Works
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Published Works
- Effects of animals on soil (1981) (287)
- The Excavations in Kebara Cave, Mt. Carmel [and Comments and Replies] (1992) (251)
- The Ecology of Seasonal Stress and the Origins of Agriculture in the Near East (1991) (197)
- Principles of Geomorphology (1954) (186)
- The Europeans (1983) (177)
- The Prehistory of Southwestern Iran: A Preliminary Report (1968) (138)
- Soils of Wisconsin (1978) (134)
- The Road to Survival (1952) (128)
- Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Deh Luran Plain: An Early Village Sequence from Khuzistan, Iran (1970) (127)
- Anthropological Perspectives on Ancient Trade [and Comments and Replies] (1974) (108)
- Soil Landscape Analysis (1985) (106)
- Earthworms and the Development of Coprogenous A1 Horizons in Forest Soils of Wisconsin (1964) (94)
- Drought stress variability in ancient Near Eastern agricultural systems evidenced by δ13C in barley grain (2014) (92)
- Role of mass-kill hunting strategies in the extirpation of Persian gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) in the northern Levant (2011) (89)
- Ant (Formica cinerea) Pedoturbation in a Prairie Soil 1 (1967) (84)
- Pedology: Pedogenesis and Classification (1985) (75)
- An experiment in ordination of some soil profiles. (1960) (70)
- Mottling and Iron Distribution in a Glossoboralf‐Haplaquoll Hydrosequence on a Glacial Moraine in Northwestern Wisconsin (1979) (65)
- An approach to landscape analysis with emphasis on soils (1978) (64)
- An Introduction to Prehistoric Archeology (1969) (61)
- Field Measurement of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity by Infiltration through Artificial Crusts1 (1971) (61)
- New perspectives on the use of kites in mass-kills of Levantine gazelle: A view from northeastern Syria (2013) (57)
- The Look of Maps (1952) (53)
- Clay Skin Genesis in Wisconsin Soils 1 (1961) (48)
- Computer analysis of chronological seriation (1967) (48)
- A Reassessment of the Neolithic Revolution (1984) (47)
- Ant (Formica exsectoides) Pedoturbation in a Forest Soil 1 (1968) (43)
- Influence of Vegetation on Water Repellency in Selected Western Wisconsin Soils1 (1978) (42)
- A study of the natural processes of incorporation of organic matter into soil in the University of Wisconsin arboretum (1963) (41)
- Soil Structure and Hydraulic Conductivity of Adjacent Virgin and Cultivated Pedons at two Sites: A Typic Argiudoll (silt loam) and a Typic Eutrochrept (clay) 1 (1971) (40)
- An Experiment in the Numerical Classification of Some Kansas Soils 1 (1964) (39)
- Introduction To Prehistoric Archaeology (1965) (31)
- Early Agriculture and Animal Husbandry in Deh Luran, Iran (1965) (31)
- Chemical weathering of layer silicate clays in loess-derived Tama silt loam of southwestern Wisconsin. (1959) (31)
- Geomorphology: Geomorphic Processes and Surficial Geology (1975) (30)
- Excavations at Jericho 3. The Architecture and Stratigraphy of the Tell (1983) (29)
- Paleoenvironment and Human Society in the Jezireh of Northern Mesopotamia 20 000-6 000 BP. (1997) (29)
- Investigating the Origins of Mesopotamian Civilization (1966) (29)
- Suggested Terminology for Describing Soils as Three-dimensional Bodies 1 (1953) (28)
- Evidence for Mid-Holocene Environmental Change in the Western Khabur Drainage, Northeastern Syria (1997) (27)
- Economic implications of possible storage structures at Tell Ziyadeh, NE Syria (1999) (26)
- Some Characteristics of Clay Skins on Peds in the B Horizon of a Gray-Brown Podzolic Soil1 (1959) (26)
- Drivers of Unsustainable Land Use in the Semi‐Arid Khabur River Basin, Syria (2009) (25)
- Tepe Tula'i, an early campsite in Khuzistan, Iran. (1974) (25)
- Soil Formation Theory: A Summary of Its Principal Impacts on Geography, Geomorphology, Soil‐Geomorphology, Quaternary Geology and Paleopedology (1994) (25)
- A radiocarbon chronology for the middle Khabur, Syria (2001) (24)
- Soil genesis and classification. Second edition. (1980) (21)
- Studies in the Archeological History of the Deh Luran Plain: The Excavation of Chagha Sefid (1976) (21)
- Agricultural sustainability in the semi-arid Near East (2006) (18)
- Policies, plans, practice, and prospects: irrigation in northeastern Syria (2007) (18)
- Geology of Soils: Their Evolution, Classification and Uses (1973) (18)
- Group Report: Millennial Perspectives on the Dynamic Interaction of Climate, People, and Resources (2007) (18)
- Analysis of structure and design in prehistoric ceramics (1984) (16)
- Genesis of Layer Silicates in Representative Soils in a Glacial Landscape of Southeastern Wisconsin1 (1968) (16)
- Some relationships between forest vegetation and polzol B horizons in soils of Menominee tribal lands, Wisconsin, USA (1975) (15)
- Soilscape Analysis of Slightly Contrasting Terrains in Southeastern Wisconsin1 (1977) (15)
- Principal Soils of Iowa (1965) (14)
- Clay Accumulation in Some Hapludalfs as Related to Calcareous Till and Incorporated Loess on Drumlins in Wisconsin1 (1968) (13)
- Soil Erosion by Wind and Measures for its Control on Agricultural Lands (1961) (13)
- The oldest depictions of canines and a possible early breed of dog in Iran (2007) (13)
- Archeological Survey and Excavation in Iran, 1961 (1962) (12)
- A Reanalysis of Basal Tabbat Al-Hammam, Syria (1959) (12)
- Umm Qseir on the Khabur. Preliminary Report on the 1986 Excavation (1986) (12)
- The New Book by Dr. Hans Jenny--“E.W.Hilgard and the Birth of Modern Soil Science” (1961) (11)
- Micromorphological Features of Soil Geography (1971) (10)
- Prehistoric archeology: A brief introduction (1977) (10)
- Integrating socio-environment interactions over centennial timescales: needs and issues. (2007) (10)
- Understanding Iowa Soils (1953) (9)
- Soil survey of Oneida County, Wisconsin (1959) (9)
- The fragipan in soils of northeastern Wisconsin (1968) (9)
- Chipped-Stone Tools (2021) (9)
- Correlation of the glacial border drift of north central Wisconsin (1943) (9)
- Characteristics of Some Podzolic, Brown Forest, and Chernozem Soils of the Northern Portion of the Lake States (1952) (8)
- Estimation of comparative water transmission in two pairs of adjacent virgin and cultivated pedons in wisconsin (1975) (7)
- A Critical Analysis of the Magosian (1959) (7)
- Hydraulic Properties of an Ortstein Horizon1 (1971) (6)
- Characteristics, Classification and Adaptation of Soils in Selected Areas in Sierra Leone, West Africa (1975) (6)
- Soil-Peels and a Method for Estimating Biopore Size Distribution in Soils1 (1965) (6)
- Monitoring the Distribution, Use, and Regeneration of Natural Resources in Semi-arid Southwest Asia (2001) (6)
- Soil survey of Florence County, Wisconsin (1962) (6)
- Exploratory Study of the Principal Soil Groups of Alaska (1952) (6)
- Sampling for Pedographic Modal Analysis of an Argillic Horizon 1 (1967) (6)
- Cycles of Settlement in the Khorramabad Valley in Luristan, Iran (2007) (5)
- A West Asian Perspective on Early Monuments (2012) (4)
- Characteristics and Genesis of a Gravelly Brunizemic Regosol 1 (1965) (4)
- Interactions Between Western Iran and Mesopotamia From the 9th-4th Millennia B. C. (2011) (4)
- Soilscape analysis in terms of pedogeomorphic fabric: an exploratory study. (1980) (4)
- Cueva Blanca (2019) (4)
- Wild soils of the Pine-Popple Rivers basin (1974) (4)
- ARID LAND AGRICULTURE IN NORTHEASTERN SYRIA Will this be a tragedy of the commons (2012) (3)
- Soils of Jefferson County, Wisconsin (1970) (3)
- Terra Vibrata: Some Observations on the Dynamics of Soil Landscapes (1988) (3)
- Arid Land Agriculture in Northeastern Syria (2012) (3)
- The Organization of Susiana Society. Periodization of Site Distributions (1985) (3)
- Characteristics and genesis of a podzol soil in Florence County, Wisconsin (1961) (3)
- Archaeological survey in Southwest Asia (1980) (3)
- Is Size Important (2002) (2)
- The Earth Beneath Our Feet: Explorations in Community (1997) (2)
- Descriptive Legend of the 1:1,000,000 Soil Map of France (Notice explicative de la carte pédologique de la France au millionième) (1969) (2)
- Resource suitability analysis in regional planning—with special reference to Wisconsin, USA (1976) (2)
- A two-part, two-stage model of domestication (2014) (2)
- Computer analysis of chronological seriation (Rice University studies) (1967) (2)
- A State Soil (1976) (2)
- To the Euphrates and Beyond: Archaeological Studies in Honor of Maurits N. van Loon. O. M. C. Haex, H. H. Curvers, and P. M. M. G. Akkermans (1991) (2)
- A Soil Productivity Score Card1 (1952) (1)
- C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky and T. W. Beale, 1986. — Excavations at Tepe Yahya, Iran 1967-1975. The Early Periods. (1987) (1)
- Farmer Victorious (Money, Mart, and Mother Earth) (1950) (1)
- Integrating socio-environmental interactions over centennial timescales (2006) (1)
- Introduction to the soils of Wisconsin: a general scheme of classification of the principal soils of Wisconsin (1955) (1)
- The Desert Culture in Southwest Asia (1980) (1)
- Evidence of Social Organization from Western Iran, 8000–4000 b.c. (2017) (1)
- The Comparative Stratigraphy of the Early Prehistoric periods in Khuzistan (1978) (1)
- Archeology: Nomads in Archaeology. Roger Cribb. New Studies in Archaeology (1992) (1)
- Ritual and the collapse of Susa, ca 4000 BC (2008) (1)
- Communication--The Purpose of this Newsletter (1960) (1)
- Soil survey of Grant County, Wisconsin: an introductory report (1956) (1)
- Reply to Graber (1992) (1)
- Alice in Wonderland Revisited (1974) (1)
- The Purpose of This Index Volume (1970) (1)
- Tepe Abdul Hosein: A Neolithic Site in Western Iran Excavations 1978. Judith Pullar. BAR International Series 563. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, 1990. vii + 259 pp., figures, tables, plates, bibliography. £24.00 (paper). (1992) (1)
- A Rainbow of Soil (1988) (1)
- Book Review:The Domestication and Exploitation of Plants and Animals. Proceedings of a Meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects; Held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University. Peter J. Ucko, G. W. Dimbleby (1970) (1)
- Laterite and Lateritic Soils (1953) (1)
- Homesteads on the Khabur: Tell Ziyadeh and Other Settlements(British Archaeological Reports International Series) (2016) (1)
- Proposal for a National Soil of the United States (1989) (1)
- Soils of Langlade County, Wisconsin (1947) (1)
- Soil Song: Where Are the Roots of Trees? (1987) (0)
- Where Have All The Bedrocks Gone (1988) (0)
- The Official State Soil of Wisconsin is Now the Antigo Silt Loam (1983) (0)
- Soil Science Society of America Meetings August 21‐26, 1966 at Stillwater, Oklahoma (1966) (0)
- Economic Implications of Possible Storage (2016) (0)
- Ancient Mesopotamia. Susan Pollock. 1999. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, xii + 259 pp. $49.95 (cloth), ISBN 0-521-57334-3, $17.95 (paper), ISBN 0-521-57568-0. (2000) (0)
- Soil Science and Archaeology (1976) (0)
- North Central Regional Workshop, 1966 (1966) (0)
- Soil Map of France, Vichy Sheet, and Bulletin (1971) (0)
- History of the McCormick League and Areas Adjoining the San Jacinto Battleground (Part I) and Archeological Investigation of the North End of the San Jacinto Battleground (Part II (1972) (0)
- State and Academy news (1958) (0)
- Introduction to prehistoric archeology / Frank Hole, Robert F. Heizer (1965) (0)
- Soil at the Art Gallery, Again (1970) (0)
- Autumn Leaf Fall Accents the Soil (1992) (0)
- Ballad of the Soil (1991) (0)
- Archeology: The Directing of Archaeological Excavations. JOHN ALEXANDER (1972) (0)
- Soil survey : Barron County, Wisconsin (1958) (0)
- The Neolithic Revolution in the near East. Alan Simmons (2008) (0)
- Soil Profile Excavations as Museum Exhibits: A Proposal (1976) (0)
- Music to the Rescue: A Suggestion from a Male Soil Surveyor (1980) (0)
- COMMENT (Verbal and Diagrammatic) (1965) (0)
- Bibliography on Paleopedology (1976) (0)
- Ali Kosh: Agriculture and Domestication (2020) (0)
- : Bibliography on Southwestern Asia: I-VII . Henry Field. ; Subject Index to Bibliographies on Southwestern Asia: I-VII . (1966) (0)
- Stone age bedding by the Sea of Galilee. (2004) (0)
- Genezis i klassifikacija počv : Soil genesis and Classification(Orig.) (1977) (0)
- Channels in Soils (1973) (0)
- Antipedogenic Factors and Human Survival (1971) (0)
- Wisconsin Academy council meeting (1956) (0)
- Dr. Johannes Bouma and Ten Years: An Appreciation (1975) (0)
- Quakers in Science and Industry: Being an Account of the Quaker Contributions to Science and Industry During the 17th and 18th Centuries (review) (2012) (0)
- Walking on the Earth (1991) (0)
- The Civilizational Process. Darcy Ribeiro. Translated from the Portuguese by Betty J. Meggers. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1968 (distributed by Random House, New York). xviii + 206 pp. + plates. $6.50. Smithsonian Publication 4749 (1970) (0)
- The ant that plowed the prairie (1968) (0)
- New map of north central region major soils (1958) (0)
- Dr. Harold C. Moss Pays a Visit (1970) (0)
- A Preliminary Genetic Classification of Concentrations and Contrasting Arrangements(Fabrics) of Soil Plasma and soil Skeleton Grains (1961) (0)
- Some observations of the glacial drift north of the driftless area in Wisconsin (1940) (0)
- Introducing the Earth Family: A Pedological Phantasy (1973) (0)
- Social Responsibility of Scientists. (1960) (0)
- Soils-Ecology Tour, Great Smoky Mountains (1975) (0)
- The Soil Song (1989) (0)
- Rock, Rock Song (1989) (0)
- Soils of Richland County, Wisconsin (1950) (0)
- Cartographic Process Used at Wisconsin (1966) (0)
- The Soil Science Society of America Meetings ‐‐ Division S5 ‐‐ at Las Vegas, Nevada, November 11–16, 1973 (1973) (0)
- The Dynamics of cultural development in Eastern Anatolia : inter-regional relations and secondary state formation. Résumé of session and comments by F. Hole. (1994) (0)
- Spuren tierischer Tatigkeit im Boden des Buchenwaldes (Imprints of the Faunal Activity in Soils of Beech Forests) (1965) (0)
- Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch . Richard Foster Flint. New York: John Wiley; London: Chapman & Hall, 1947. Pp. xviii+589. (Illustrated.) $6.00. (1947) (0)
- Relocation of Soluble Salts During the Summer in a Gray-Brown Podzolic Soil (1965) (0)
- Soil Science Workshop in Wisconsin (1966) (0)
- The Soil in the Four Seasons (1989) (0)
- James V. Drew, New Editor-in-Chief (1964) (0)
- Professor Hans Jenny Produces Two Remarkable Papers (1969) (0)
- Shell Point: a Coastal Camp and Burial Site (1973) (0)
- Soil Survey Horizons Financial Report for 1967 (1967) (0)
- Soils, All Over These Lands (1992) (0)
- An Ancient Young Soil (1967) (0)
- Soil Map of the Perpignan-Argeles/Mer (L24 and L25) Quadrangle (Carte pédologique de France) (1971) (0)
- Historical Background of Publication Corporation (1982) (0)
- Soil Survey Horizons Crossword Puzzle (1964) (0)
- What's it Like to be a Kangaroo? What's it Like to be a Soil There Too? (1991) (0)
- Society for American Archaeology (1963) (0)
- North Central Regional Committees Meet in Chicago (1971) (0)
- Recent Advances in Middle Eastern Archaeology (2009) (0)
- The Use of Relief Models in Training Soil Surveyors (1950) (0)
- The Second Midwest Prairie Conference (1970) (0)
- Soils of arid regions (1977) (0)
- Soil Survey Horizons Financial Report for 1968 (1968) (0)
- The Mindoro Cut (1968) (0)
- Letter to the Editor. (1962) (0)
- Oral History Interview: Francis Hole (0495) (1995) (0)
- Soils - Geomorphology Field Trip Near Raleigh, N.C. (1967) (0)
- What is a Well Developed Soil (1968) (0)
- News and announcements (1998) (0)
- Book Reviews: Glacial Geology and the Pleistocene Epoch (1947) (0)
- Archeological Investigations Along Armand Bayou, Harris County, Texas (1974) (0)
- The Antigo Silt Loam Song (1991) (0)
- Soils of the 'Driftless Area' (1959) (0)
- Some Think soil is Dirt F.D. (1991) (0)
- Soil Survey Horizons Receipts and Expenses, 1973 (1973) (0)
- The Thirteenth North Central Regional Technical Work-Planning Conference of the Cooperative Soil Survey. (1972) (0)
- Soil ‐ The Dead Phase of the Soil System (1964) (0)
- Soil Science Society of America Geomorphology Field Conference (1970) (0)
- The Organization of Ceramic Production during the Susa I Period (2010) (0)
- North Central Regional Committees Meet (1973) (0)
- Archeology: Essays on Archaeological Typology. Robert Whallon and James A. Brown, eds.s (1983) (0)
- Third Lake States Forest Soil Group Tour (1966) (0)
- Would You Believe—Johnny Horizon Horace Owl (1971) (0)
- Managing the Data: The Tell Ziyadeh Archaeological Project (2014) (0)
- Science of Human Survival (1962) (0)
- Cargographic Advantages of the New Classification Recognized by Geographers (1968) (0)
- Processes of Immigration and Adaptation in Late Chalcolithic Northeastern Syria (2015) (0)
- Soils of Dodge County, Wisconsin (1953) (0)
- Note on the New Madrid Earthquake Area (1970) (0)
- The Subculture of Soil Supvey (1970) (0)
- Soils of Grant County, Wisconsin (1952) (0)
- Soils Tour, November 13, 1968 (1968) (0)
- The Soil Science Society of America Meetings Miami Beach, Florida October 27 – November 3, 1972 (1972) (0)
- Major Episodes of Soil Formation and Erosion through the Phanerozoic Eon (1983) (0)
- New Agronomy Housing in Science Complex at Cornell (1966) (0)
- Wisconsin Soil Science Workshop (1965) (0)
- Environmental status of the Lake Michigan region. Volume 9. Soils of the Lake Michigan drainage basin: an overview (1974) (0)
- Telling the Walking Public about Soils (1980) (0)
- The Fit of Plant and Soil (1973) (0)
- San Jacinto Battleground Archeological Studies, 1971-72, Parts I and II (1972) (0)
- Lower Wisconsin river valley soil resources and use potentials (1972) (0)
- Earth Science for 9th Grade (1963) (0)
- Veteran Chinese Soil Scientist Meets with American Scientists on Tour (1988) (0)
- Thoughts on Some Soil Horizons Which We Prefer Not to Recognize (1965) (0)
- The Robin's Nest (1976) (0)
- Soils Really that Alive (1973) (0)
- Wisconsin Academy council meeting and report from the secretary (1957) (0)
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