Frank Jobe
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American orthopedic surgeon and co-founder of the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic
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Why Is Frank Jobe Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Frank James Jobe was an American orthopedic surgeon and co-founder of the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic. Jobe pioneered both elbow ligament replacement and major reconstructive shoulder surgery for baseball players.
Frank Jobe's Published Works
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Published Works
- Medial instability of the elbow in throwing athletes. Treatment by repair or reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament. (1992) (623)
- EMG analysis of the scapular muscles during a shoulder rehabilitation program (1992) (539)
- Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament in athletes. (1986) (492)
- An electromyographic analysis of the upper extremity in pitching. (1992) (424)
- Delineation of diagnostic criteria and a rehabilitation program for rotator cuff injuries (1982) (418)
- Anterior capsulolabral reconstruction of the shoulder in athletes in overhand sports (1991) (397)
- An EMG analysis of the shoulder in pitching (1984) (395)
- Jumper's knee. (1973) (347)
- An EMG analysis of the shoulder in throwing and pitching (1983) (346)
- A comparative electromyographic analysis of the shoulder during pitching (1987) (341)
- Shoulder pain in the overhand or throwing athlete. The relationship of anterior instability and rotator cuff impingement. (1989) (319)
- Dynamic electromyographic analysis of the throwing shoulder with glenohumeral instability. (1988) (307)
- Painful athletic injuries of the shoulder. (1983) (282)
- Electromyographic analysis of the glenohumeral muscles during a baseball rehabilitation program (1991) (272)
- Arthroscopic findings in the overhand throwing athlete: evidence for posterior internal impingement of the rotator cuff. (2000) (247)
- Patellar and quadriceps tendon ru p tures— jumper's knee (1984) (227)
- Human patellar-tendon rupture. (1977) (223)
- Electromyographic analysis of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles in persons with subacromial impingement. (2000) (221)
- Rotator cuff and posterior-superior glenoid labrum injury associated with increased glenohumeral motion: a new site of impingement. (1995) (208)
- The shoulder in competitive swimming (1980) (204)
- Medial Elbow Problems in the Overhead‐Throwing Athlete (2001) (197)
- The Effect of Pitching Biomechanics on the Upper Extremity in Youth and Adolescent Baseball Pitchers (2009) (195)
- Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis of the Elbow (1994) (193)
- Shoulder impingement syndrome in athletes treated by an anterior acromioplasty. (1985) (193)
- The diagnosis and treatment of anterior instability in the throwing athlete. (1993) (182)
- Functional Anatomy of the Flexor Pronator Muscle Group in Relation to the Medial Collateral Ligament of the Elbow (1995) (178)
- Fracture of the hook of the hamate in athletes. (1977) (174)
- An electromyographic analysis of shoulder function in tennis players (1988) (167)
- Electromyographic analysis of deltoid and rotator cuff function under varying loads and speeds. (2000) (160)
- Surgical treatment of tears of the rotator cuff in athletes. (1986) (159)
- Throwing injuries of the elbow. (1986) (155)
- An electromyographic analysis of the elbow in normal and injured pitchers with medial collateral ligament insufficiency (1992) (151)
- The Development and Validation of a Functional Assessment Tool for the Upper Extremity in the Overhead Athlete (2010) (145)
- Electromyographic analysis of the trunk in golfers (1993) (130)
- Electromyographic analysis of elbow function in tennis players (1989) (129)
- Functional Outcomes in Athletes After Modified Anterior Capsulolabral Reconstruction (1994) (125)
- Electromyographic analysis of the glenohumeral muscles during a baseball rehabilitation program. (1991) (123)
- Degeneration and rupture of the Achilles tendon. (1975) (123)
- Surgical treatment of medial epicondylitis. Results in 35 elbows. (1991) (120)
- Operative Techniques In Upper Extremity Sports Injuries (1995) (119)
- Dynamic stability of the elbow: electromyographic analysis of the flexor pronator group and the extensor group in pitchers with valgus instability. (1996) (118)
- Baseball batting. An electromyographic study. (1993) (113)
- An electromyographic analysis of the elbow in pitching (1987) (111)
- Arthroscopy of the elbow: a long-term clinical review. (2000) (108)
- The modified Bristow procedure for recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. (1976) (106)
- The painful shoulder during freestyle swimming. An electromyographic cinematographic analysis of twelve muscles. (1991) (102)
- Comparative electromyographic analysis of shoulder muscles during planar motions: anterior glenohumeral instability versus normal. (1996) (102)
- Fine wire electromyography analysis of muscles of the shoulder during swimming (1986) (101)
- Electromyographic analysis of the shoulder during the golf swing (1990) (101)
- Anatomy of provocative tests for impingement syndrome of the shoulder. (2000) (96)
- Understanding shoulder and elbow injuries in baseball. (2007) (95)
- Shoulder instability in the overhand or throwing athlete. (1995) (93)
- Electromyographic analysis of shoulder function during the volleyball serve and spike. (1998) (91)
- Dynamic EMG Analysis of Torque Transfer in Professional Baseball Pitchers (1989) (87)
- Posterior shoulder lesions in throwing athletes (1977) (86)
- Arthroscopic Treatment of Posterolateral Elbow Impingement from Lateral Synovial Plicae in Throwing Athletes and Golfers (2006) (85)
- The Cybex II evaluation of surgically repaired Achilles tendon ruptures (1978) (85)
- Isolated lateral meniscectomy. A study of twenty-six patients with isolated tears. (1979) (85)
- Rotator cuff function during a golf swing (1986) (84)
- Electromyographic Analysis of the Hip and Knee During the Golf Swing (1995) (83)
- Gore-Tex prosthetic ligament in anterior cruciate deficient knees (1988) (81)
- Correctable elbow lesions in professional baseball players: a review of 25 cases (1979) (80)
- Revision Surgery for Failed Elbow Medial Collateral Ligament Reconstruction (2008) (79)
- Anterior capsulolabral reconstruction of the shoulder in athletes. (1992) (78)
- The Normal and the Painful Shoulders During the Breaststroke (1994) (78)
- The modified Bristow-Helfet procedure for recurrent anterior shoulder subluxations and dislocations (1981) (77)
- Electromyographic and cinematographic analysis of elbow function in tennis players using single- and double-handed backhand strokes (1993) (76)
- Electromyographic Analysis of the Scapular Muscles During a Golf Swing (1995) (75)
- Shoulder Muscle Firing Patterns During the Windmill Softball Pitch (1997) (73)
- A profile of glenohumeral internal and external rotation motion in the uninjured high school baseball pitcher, part II: strength. (2011) (69)
- The operative treatment of scapulothoracic bursitis in professional pitchers (1986) (68)
- The painful shoulder during freestyle swimming (1991) (68)
- The subscapularis muscle and its glenohumeral ligament-like bands (1992) (67)
- Clinical Follow-up of Professional Baseball Players Undergoing Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Using the New Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Overhead Athlete Shoulder and Elbow Score (KJOC Score) (2010) (67)
- Shoulder Injuries in Golf (2004) (65)
- Electromyographic shoulder activity in men and women professional golfers (1989) (65)
- Ulnar nerve entrapment syndrome in baseball players (1977) (64)
- Electromyography and motion analysis of the upper extremity in sports. (1986) (64)
- Osteochondritis of the capitellum (1974) (59)
- Comparison of shoulder injury in collegiate- and master's-level swimmers. (1995) (54)
- The Painful Shoulder During the Butterfly Stroke An Electromyographic and Cinematographic Analysis of Twelve Muscles (1993) (51)
- The Effect of Tennis Racket Grip Size on Forearm Muscle Firing Patterns (2006) (51)
- Infraspinatus Muscle-splitting Incision in Posterior Shoulder Surgery (1994) (50)
- Staple capsulorrhaphy for recurrent posterior shoulder dislocation (1981) (50)
- Electromyographic and nerve block analysis of the subscapularis liftoff test. (1997) (46)
- Rotator Cuff Injuries in Baseball (1988) (44)
- Medial collateral ligament instability and ulnar neuritis in the athlete's elbow. (1999) (43)
- Rehabilitation of shoulder joint instabilities. (1987) (42)
- A modification of the relocation test: arthroscopic findings associated with a positive test. (2000) (41)
- Comparison of Shoulder Range of Motion, Strength, and Playing Time in Uninjured High School Baseball Pitchers Who Reside in Warm- and Cold-Weather Climates (2011) (41)
- The Normal Shoulder During the Butterfly Swim Stroke An Electromyographic and Cinematographic Analysis of Twelve Muscles (1993) (39)
- Stress fractures of the tarsal navicular in long-distance runners. (1988) (38)
- Anterior capsulolabral reconstruction (1989) (34)
- Shoulder pain in golf. (1996) (31)
- Rehabilitation for anterior cruciate reconstruction. (1983) (31)
- The coracoid transfer for recurrent anterior instability of the shoulder in adolescents. (1985) (29)
- A profile of glenohumeral internal and external rotation motion in the uninjured high school baseball pitcher, part I: motion. (2011) (26)
- Iliotibial band transfer for anterolateral rotatory instability of the knee (1980) (26)
- Musculocutaneous Nerve Injury in Major League Baseball Pitchers (2007) (24)
- Analysis of 100 patients with anterolateral rotatory instability of the knee. (1977) (23)
- Lower extremity electromyographic analysis of running gait. (1983) (21)
- The Painful Shoulder During the Backstroke: An Emg and Cinematographic Analysis of 12 Muscles (1992) (20)
- An anatomic evaluation of the active compression test. (2004) (17)
- Anterior shoulder pain in baseball pitchers (1978) (16)
- Impingement problems in the athlete. (1989) (15)
- Shoulder injuries in the athlete: The Instability Continuum and Treatment (1991) (13)
- Throwing injuries of the shoulder and elbow in adults. (1975) (12)
- The effects of shoulder laxity on upper extremity blood flow in professional baseball pitchers. (2011) (12)
- Cubital tunnel syndrome (1996) (11)
- The pes anserinus transfer. A long-term follow-up. (1981) (9)
- September 10, 1978 Ann Arbor, Michigan (1979) (8)
- Rehabilitation following ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction of athletes. (1991) (8)
- The patient's view of the pes anserinus transfer operation for rotatory instability of the knee (1976) (6)
- Arthroscopy of the lateral meniscus in knees with normal arthrograms (1977) (6)
- Unstable shoulders in the athlete. (1985) (6)
- Muscle Activity During Isotonic, Variable Resistance, and Isokinetic Exercise (1992) (5)
- Rupture of the biceps tendon in gymnastics (1978) (5)
- Exercise Guide to Better Golf (1994) (4)
- The Elbow (1996) (3)
- Orthopedics: the impingement syndrome and the rotator cuff. (1989) (3)
- Gait and functional analysis of patients following patellectomy. (1983) (3)
- Baseball Pitchers Who Reside in Warm-and Cold-Weather Climates Comparison of Shoulder Range of Motion , Strength , and Playing Time in Uninjured High School (2011) (3)
- Pes anserinus transplantation without a routine medial meniscectomy: a review of twenty-two cases. (1981) (3)
- Reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow (1991) (2)
- Elbow flexion analysis in Bristow patients (1984) (2)
- The process of progress in medicine, in sports medicine, and in baseball medicine. (2007) (2)
- Symposium: Shoulder problems in overhead-overuse sports. Thrower problems. (1979) (2)
- Anterior Capsulolabral Reconstruction for Recurrent Anterior Instability (2000) (1)
- iv) Overuse injuries of the elbow (1997) (1)
- The presentation and management of superior glenoid labral lesions (1996) (1)
- Symposium on injuries to the shoulder in the athlete (1983) (1)
- Orthopedics-Epitomes of Progress: Physiology of Warm-ups and Exercise. (1980) (0)
- Medial Epicondylitis: Open Treatment (2011) (0)
- Modified Anterior Capsulolabral Reconstruction (1993) (0)
- Foreword to the Third Edition (2009) (0)
- Sarcoma of Bone: Current Management (2005) (0)
- Vision in industry. (1952) (0)
- Author's Response (1987) (0)
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