
Franz Ollendorff

Most Influential Person Across History

Israeli physicist

Franz Ollendorff's Academic­ Rankings

Franz Ollendorff
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physics Degrees
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Why Is Franz Ollendorff Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Franz Heinrich Ollendorff was an Israeli physicist. Biography Franz Heinrich Ollendorf was born in Berlin. In 1924, he joined the Siemens research department in Berlin, working under Reinhold Rüdenberg. From 1928 he taught in the engineering faculty of the Berlin Technische Hochschule. Despite protest from his supervisor and university rector Ernst Orlich, the Nazis forced Ollendorff to resign in 1933. Soon after the dismissal, Ollendorff joined the teaching staff of the Jewish public school in Berlin, moving to Jerusalem when the school and staff transferred there in 1934.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Franz Ollendorff?

Franz Ollendorff is affiliated with the following schools: