
Fredrik Jutfelt

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Swedish researcher

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Fredrik Jutfelt
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Marine Biology
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Why Is Fredrik Jutfelt Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Fredrik Jutfelt is a Swedish scientist. His field of study is animal physiology, and his current research focus is on the effects of warming and ocean acidification on the physiology and behaviour of fish. He is a professor at the Department of Biology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, where he is the leader of the animal physiology section. His research group is called the Jutfelt Fish Ecophysiology Lab, and they investigate how fish respond physiologically and behaviourally to changes in the environment. Much of the research is based on laboratory studies of zebrafish, and he has built a zebrafish research facility at NTNU. The research group also studies the impacts of climate change on marine animals.

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Fredrik Jutfelt's Published Works

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