G. Ernest Wright
Most Influential Person Across History
Leading Old Testament scholar and biblical archaeologist
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G. Ernest Wrightreligious-studies Degrees
Religious Studies
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Biblical Studies
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Religious Studies
G. Ernest Wright's Degrees
- PhD Old Testament Studies Johns Hopkins University
- Doctorate Old Testament Studies Princeton Theological Seminary
Why Is G. Ernest Wright Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, George Ernest Wright , was a leading Old Testament scholar and biblical archaeologist. An expert in Ancient Near Eastern archaeology, he was especially known for his work in the study and dating of pottery. He was associated with the biblical theology movement.
G. Ernest Wright's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
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Published Works
- Activity of BB-K8 (Amikacin) Against Clinical Isolates Resistant to One or More Aminoglycoside Antibiotics (1974) (109)
- Megiddo II: Seasons of 1935-39 (1950) (101)
- Ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity of amikacin: an overview of phase II and phase III experience in the United States. (1977) (82)
- THE OLD TESTAMENT (1951) (79)
- Lachish III: The Iron Age (1955) (78)
- Selective 3-(O-carboxymethyl)oxime formation in steroidal 3,20-diones for hapten immunospecificity. (1974) (65)
- God Who Acts: Biblical Theology as Recital (1952) (60)
- Iron: The Date of Its Introduction into Common Use in Palestine (1939) (53)
- Hydroxyphenylazopyrimidines: characterization of the active forms and their inhibitory action on a DNA polymerase from Bacillus subtilis. (1973) (49)
- Archaeological Observations on the Period of the Judges and the Early Monarchy (1941) (49)
- The Third Campaign at Balâṭah (Shechem) (1961) (48)
- The Four Canaanite Temples of Beth-shan (1942) (47)
- The Literary and Historical Problem of Joshua 10 and Judges 1 (1946) (44)
- Hazor I: An Account of the First Season of Excavations, 1955. Yigael Yadin, Y. Aharoni, R. Amiran, T. Dothan, I. Dunayevsky, and J. Perrot. (1958) (38)
- Inhibitors of Bacillus subtilis DNA polymerase III. 6-Anilinouracils and 6-(alkylamino)uracils. (1980) (37)
- The biblical account of the conquest of Palestine (1956) (35)
- Solomon's Temple Resurrected (1941) (35)
- Gezer I : preliminary report of the 1964-66 seasons (1973) (34)
- The Pottery of Palestine from the Earliest Times to the End of the Early Bronze Age (1938) (34)
- Philistine Coffins and Mercenaries (1959) (34)
- The Archaeology of Palestine from the Neolithic through the Middle Bronze Age (1971) (32)
- Israelite Samaria and Iron Age Chronology (1959) (31)
- More on King Solomon's Mines (1961) (30)
- BL-S640, a Cephalosporin with a Broad Spectrum of Antibacterial Activity: Bioavailability and Therapeutic Properties in Rodents (1975) (30)
- Epic of Conquest (1940) (30)
- The Fourth Campaign at Balâṭah (Shechem) (1963) (30)
- [Archaeological] News (1955) (29)
- A Solomonic City Gate at Gezer (1958) (29)
- Lachish II: The Fosse Temple (1941) (25)
- Photooxidation of reserpine. (1972) (24)
- Inhibitors of Bacillus subtilis DNA polymerase III. 6-(arylalkylamino)uracils and 6-anilinouracils. (1977) (22)
- A Problem of Ancient Topography: Lachish and Eglon (1971) (22)
- Cult and History (1962) (22)
- Newly Discovered Temples on Mt. Gerizim in Jordan (1965) (21)
- Biblical Archaeology Today (1947) (21)
- The Samaritans at Shechem (1962) (20)
- Gezer I: Preliminary Report of the 1964-66 Seasons (1972) (19)
- The Theology of the Old Testament (1950) (18)
- Laboratory studies with a new cephalosporanic acid derivative. (1969) (18)
- NMR assignment of diastereotopic protons in amphetamine by the use of Eu(fod)3 (1973) (17)
- The Chronology of Palestinian Pottery in Middle Bronze I (1938) (17)
- Inhibitors of Bacillus subtilis DNA polymerase III. Structure-activity relationships of 6-(phenylhydrazino)uracils. (1977) (17)
- Lanthanide induced shifts in the NMR spectra of methyl methoxybenzoates and methoxybenzenes (1973) (16)
- Inhibition of Bacillus subtilis DNA polymerase III by arylhydrazinopyrimidines. Novel properties of 2-thiouracil derivatives. (1976) (16)
- Synthesis of 6-(phenylhydrazino)uracils and their inhibition of a replication-specific deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase. (1974) (16)
- An Important Correlation between the Palestinian and Syrian Chalcolithic (1951) (16)
- The Biblical archaeologist reader (1957) (16)
- Design and characterization of N2-arylaminopurines which selectively inhibit replicative DNA synthesis and replication-specific DNA polymerases: guanine derivatives active on mammalian DNA polymerase alpha and bacterial DNA polymerase III. (1982) (16)
- Fresh Evidence for the Philistine Story (1966) (14)
- The Boundary and Province Lists of the Kingdom of Judah (1956) (14)
- Tribal League Shrines in Amman and Shechem (1969) (14)
- Book Review:The Water System of Gibeon James B. Pritchard (1963) (13)
- What Archaeology Can and Cannot Do (1971) (13)
- The Discoveries at Megiddo 1935-39 (1950) (11)
- Report of the President for the Year 1968 (1969) (11)
- The Ceramic Vocabulary of the Old Testament (1949) (9)
- Tell En-Nasbeh. Vol. i., Archaeological and Historical Results@@@Tell En-Nasbeh. Vol. ii., The Pottery (1948) (8)
- The Temple in Palestine-Syria (1944) (7)
- Israelite Daily Life (1955) (7)
- Tell en-Nasbeh (1947) (7)
- Organs of Statecraft in the Israelite Monarchy (1965) (7)
- Troglodytes and Giants in Palestine (1938) (6)
- Additional Note on Excavations (1954) (5)
- The Levites in Deuteronomy (1954) (5)
- The Fifth Campaign at Balâṭah (Shechem) (1965) (5)
- The Archaeology of the City (1957) (5)
- The First Campaign at Tell Balâtah (Shechem) (1956) (4)
- The Four Canaanite Temples of Beth-Shan, Part I (1941) (4)
- The "New" Archaeology: An Address Prepared to Be Given at Idalion, Summer, 1974 (1975) (4)
- Domestic pet infestation and papular urticaria. (1972) (4)
- Archaeological News and Views (1949) (4)
- Modern Issues in Biblical Studies (1960) (4)
- Lachish IV. The Bronze Age. Olga Tufnell. (1958) (3)
- The Terminology of Old Testament Religion and Its Significance (1942) (3)
- Samaria (1959) (3)
- Is Glueck's Aim to Prove That the Bible Is True? (1959) (2)
- The Syro-Palestinian Jar from Vounous, Cyprus (1940) (2)
- The Chronology of Palestine in the Early Bronze Age (1936) (2)
- Dr. Waterman's View concerning the Solomonic Temple (1948) (2)
- Wherein Lies the Unity of the Bible (1952) (2)
- The Second Campaign at Tell Balâtah (Shechem) (1957) (2)
- Book Review: I. Books by the Faculty: The Book of Amos: A Study Manual (1967) (2)
- Archeology and Old Testament Studies (1958) (1)
- The Achievement of Nelson Glueck (1959) (1)
- The Old Testament and Modern Discovery (1939) (1)
- "There Go the Ships" (Ps. 104:26) (1938) (1)
- Excavations in the Plain of Antioch. Vol. I. The Earlier Assemblages, Phases A-J. Robert J. Braidwood , Linda J. Braidwood (1963) (1)
- Archaeological Fills and Strata (1962) (1)
- A Phenomenal Discovery (1948) (1)
- The Old Testament Attitude Toward Civilization (1948) (1)
- Book Review: History in the Old Testament (1968) (1)
- The Graphic Historical Atlas of Palestine (1945) (1)
- A Gravestone of Uzziah, King of Judah (1938) (1)
- The Geography of the Bible: A Study in Historical Geography. Denis Baly. (1957) (1)
- Old Testament Scholarship in Prospect (1960) (1)
- Neo-Orthodoxy and the Bible (1946) (1)
- The Christian Interpreter as Biblical Critic (1947) (1)
- Elihu Grant (1942) (1)
- Lachish: Frontier Fortress of Judah (1938) (1)
- Palestine in the Chalcolithic Age (1937) (1)
- Comment on Yadin's Dating of the Shechem Temple (1958) (1)
- Interpreting the Old Testament (1946) (1)
- The World Council of Churches and Biblical Interpretation (1949) (1)
- Judean Lachish (1955) (1)
- The New Archaeology (1975) (1)
- Archaeological News and Views (1943) (0)
- Differential inhibition of human placental DNA polymerases 6 and a by (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1944) (0)
- Cities Standing on Their Tells (1939) (0)
- Book Review:From Joseph to Joshua: Biblical Traditions in the Light of Archaeology H. H. Rowley (1954) (0)
- Book Review:Jerusalem de l'Ancien Testament, Tome I: Archeologie de la ville L.-H Vincent (1956) (0)
- Some Recent Books (1948) (0)
- Kathleen M. Kenyon: Excavations at Jericho, II: The Tombs Excavated in 1955-1958. London: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1965. 756 pp., 42 pls., 305 figs. £9 9s. (1965) (0)
- "Sun-Image" or "Altar of Incense"? (1938) (0)
- Iron in Israel (1938) (0)
- Light from the Ancient Past: The Archaeological Background of the Hebrew-Christian Religion, by Jack Finegan. 500 pp., 204 photographs, 10 maps and plans. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1946. $5.00 (1946) (0)
- Book Review:The River Jordan: Being an Illustrated Account of Earth's Most Storied River Nelson Glueck (1947) (0)
- Selected Seals from the Excavations at Balâtah (Shechem) (1962) (0)
- Recent European Study in the Pentateuch (1950) (0)
- Report of the President for 1972-1973 (1973) (0)
- Light from the Ancient Past: The Archaeological Background of Judaism and Christianity. Jack Finegan. (1960) (0)
- The Good Shepherd (1939) (0)
- The Sixty-Fourth Annual Report of the President (1967) (0)
- "Qosanal, Servant of the King" (1938) (0)
- Reader's Forum: A BRIEF REJOINDER (1952) (0)
- Book Review: The Center of Old Testament Theology (1974) (0)
- Comments on Professor Garber's Article (1958) (0)
- Epitaph of a Judean Official (1954) (0)
- How Did Early Israel Differ from Her Neighbors? (1943) (0)
- Tribute to William Foxwell Albright (1961) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1949) (0)
- Lamps, Politics, and the Jewish Religion (1939) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1953) (0)
- An Important New Book (1946) (0)
- God as Warrior and Lord: A Conversation with G. E. Wright (1975) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views: B. A. Progress Report (1945) (0)
- Book Review:The Painted Pottery of the Near East in the Second Millennium B. C. and Its Chronological Background Marian Welker (1950) (0)
- Lachish III: The Iron Age. Olga Tufnell (1955) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views: Microfilming of Ancient Manuscripts (1950) (0)
- The last thousand years before Christ (1960) (0)
- Palestine's First Great Artist (1939) (0)
- Book Review:Jerusalem de l'Ancien Testament, Parts II and III L.-Hughes Vincent (1959) (0)
- The Unity of Bible (1951) (0)
- The Unity of the Bible (1951) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1952) (0)
- Report of the President for the Year 1970 (1971) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1948) (0)
- The Stevens' Reconstruction of the Solomonic Temple (1955) (0)
- Report of the President for the Year 1971 (1972) (0)
- The Bible: The Book of God and of Man (1949) (0)
- Two Misunderstood Items in the Exodus-Conquest Cycle (1942) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1954) (0)
- Some Personal Seals of Judean Royal Officials (1938) (0)
- Thirty Years Ago: The News of the Dead Sea Scrolls Reaches ASOR Members (1977) (0)
- Report of the President for the Year 1969 (1970) (0)
- Book Review:Manuel d'archeologie biblique, Vol. II A.-G. Barrois (1955) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views: Hazor and the Conquest of Canaan (1955) (0)
- Exegesís and Eísegesís ín the Interpretatíon of Scrípture (1937) (0)
- Book ReviewsTHE BIBLE (1957) (0)
- Panorama of Judaism (1951) (0)
- The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies. Frank Moore Cross. (1958) (0)
- New Information Regarding the Supposed "Christian" Ossuaries (1946) (0)
- Forty Years Ago: The First Issue (1978) (0)
- Report of the President for the Year 1967 (1968) (0)
- Lachish IV. The Bronze Age. Olga Tufnell (1961) (0)
- The Cambridge History of the Bible: The West from the Reformation to the Present Day.S. L. Greenslade (1964) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1949) (0)
- Book Review: The Fruit of A Lifetime (1964) (0)
- Digging up Jericho. Kathleen M. Kenyon. (1958) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1953) (0)
- The Problem of Archaizing Ourselves (1949) (0)
- The Troglodytes of Gezer (1937) (0)
- William Foxwell Albright and the Bulletin (1968) (0)
- Archaeological News and Views (1949) (0)
- Bringing old testament times to life (1957) (0)
- Announcement: In Memoriam, Reverend Roger O'Callaghan (1954) (0)
- Herod's Nabataean Neighbor (1938) (0)
- Encyclopedia of Bible Life. Madeleine S. Miller and J. Lane Miller. (1945) (0)
- Other New Books (1941) (0)
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