
Gábor Török

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Hungarian political scientist

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Gábor Török
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According to Wikipedia, Gábor Török is a Hungarian political scientist and historian, associate professor at the Institute of Political Science of the Corvinus University of Budapest. Biography Gábor Török was born in Szombathely on 11 August 1971. He graduated from Nagy Lajos Secondary School, located in Szombathely, in 1989. He received his diplomas from the Eötvös Loránd University in history and political theory, both with distinction. In 1997, he placed first in the National Academic Student Conference. He received the Pro Scientia gold-medal in 1998 for excellence in studies and preeminent academic achievement. He earned his PhD summa cum laude from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences in 2005.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gábor Török ?

Gábor Török is affiliated with the following schools: