
Gaby Casadesus

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Why Is Gaby Casadesus Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gaby Casadesus was a French classical pianist and teacher born in Marseilles, France. She was married to the French pianist Robert Casadesus and their son Jean was also a notable pianist. Biography Born Gabrielle l'Hôte, she studied at the Paris Conservatory with Louis Diémer and Marguerite Long and was awarded the first prize in piano at age 16. She met Claude Debussy at this time, as he was the judge for one of her competitions. She was also friendly with Debussy's daughter Claude-Emma who died soon after of diphtheria. Gaby later won the Prix Pagès, which was the most prestigious award in France at the time for which women were eligible.

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Gaby Casadesus's Published Works

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