Gary Chartrand
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Why Is Gary Chartrand Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Gary Theodore Chartrand is an American-born mathematician who specializes in graph theory. He is known for his textbooks on introductory graph theory and for the concept of a highly irregular graph.
Gary Chartrand's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Graphs & Digraphs (1986) (786)
- Resolvability in graphs and the metric dimension of a graph (2000) (757)
- Rainbow connection in graphs (2008) (472)
- Applied and algorithmic graph theory (1992) (375)
- Cluster Analysis and Mathematical Programming (2003) (361)
- Chromatic Graph Theory (2008) (336)
- The Theory and Applications of Graphs. (1983) (301)
- Planar Permutation Graphs (1967) (300)
- Introduction to Graph Theory (2004) (257)
- Introductory Graph Theory (1984) (242)
- Introduction to the theory of graphs (1971) (219)
- A First Course in Graph Theory (2012) (214)
- The partition dimension of a graph (2000) (182)
- Rainbow trees in graphs and generalized connectivity (2010) (171)
- On k-dimensional graphs and their bases (2003) (171)
- Graphs with Forbidden Subgraphs (1971) (148)
- The Point‐Arboricity of Planar Graphs (1969) (141)
- Radio labelings of graphs (2001) (140)
- On the geodetic number of a graph (2002) (129)
- Resolvability and the upper dimension of graphs (2000) (127)
- The point-arboricity of a graph (1968) (120)
- The Many Facets of Graph Theory (1969) (119)
- The rainbow connectivity of a graph (2009) (117)
- A Graph-Theoretic Approach to a Communications Problem (1966) (112)
- The theory and applications of resolvability in graphs: A survey (2003) (111)
- A generalization of the chromatic number (1968) (106)
- The Colour Numbers of Complete Graphs (1967) (106)
- Graphs and Digraphs, Fourth Edition (2004) (100)
- How to Define an Irregular Graph (1988) (99)
- Resolving domination in graphs (2003) (97)
- Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science (1985) (94)
- Steiner distance in graphs (1989) (90)
- Detour Distance in Graphs (1993) (81)
- Highly irregular graphs (1987) (80)
- Convex sets in graphs (1999) (79)
- A graph labeling problem suggested by FM channel restrictions (2005) (76)
- The connectivity of line-graphs (1969) (75)
- Geodetic sets in graphs (2000) (74)
- Critically $n$-connected graphs (1972) (70)
- Graph similarity and distance in graphs (1998) (69)
- The locating-chromatic number of a graph (2002) (67)
- Graphs as mathematical models (1977) (64)
- Boundary vertices in graphs (2003) (64)
- The forcing geodetic number of a graph (1999) (61)
- On minimal regular digraphs with given girth (1970) (60)
- Graphs & Digraphs: Third Edition (1996) (59)
- The independent resolving number of a graph (2003) (59)
- No Graph is Perfect (1967) (58)
- Edge rotations and distance between graphs (1985) (58)
- The Steiner number of a graph (2002) (56)
- On Uniquely Colorable Planar Graphs (1969) (56)
- Graphs of order n with locating-chromatic number n-1 (2003) (53)
- The Detour Number of a Graph (2003) (49)
- On the Existence of Specified Cycles in Complementary Graphs. (1971) (47)
- The square of a block is Hamiltonian connected (1974) (46)
- A Characterization of Certain Ptolemaic Graphs (1965) (45)
- Distance in graphs - Taking the long view (2004) (42)
- Edge Colorings of Graphs (2008) (42)
- Graphs & digraphs (2nd ed.) (1986) (40)
- The Sigma Chromatic Number of a Graph (2010) (39)
- On Peripheral Vertices in Graphs (1990) (39)
- Graphs & Digraphs, Fifth Edition (2010) (39)
- The Fascinating World of Graph Theory (2015) (38)
- Radio k-colorings of paths (2004) (38)
- The Geodetic Number of an Oriented Graph (2000) (37)
- Subgraph distances in graphs defined by edge transfers (1997) (36)
- Randomly Traceable Graphs (1968) (36)
- The Convexity Number of a Graph (2002) (35)
- Total Graphs and Traversability (1966) (34)
- On the out-domination and in-domination numbers of a digraph (1999) (34)
- Radio antipodal colorings of cycles (2000) (34)
- Twin Domination in Digraphs (2003) (33)
- Radio antipodal colorings of graphs (2002) (32)
- The geodetic number of a graph: A survey (2002) (31)
- Graphs with prescribed degree sets and girth (1981) (29)
- n-Hamiltonian graphs (1970) (29)
- Graphical theorems of the Nordhaus-Gaddum class (1971) (28)
- The existence of 1-factors in line graphs, squares, and total graphs (1973) (28)
- Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (2002) (27)
- On the Detour Number and Geodetic Number of a Graph (2004) (27)
- Graphs and digraphs (2. ed.) (1986) (27)
- The directed distance dimension of oriented graphs (2000) (26)
- The cube of every connected graph is 1-hamiltonian (1969) (26)
- A new look at Hamiltonian walks (2004) (26)
- Rainbow Disconnection in Graphs (2018) (26)
- The hull number of an oriented graph (2003) (24)
- Uniformly cordial graphs (2006) (23)
- Radio colorings in graphs - a survey (2007) (23)
- Which graphs are divisor graphs (2001) (23)
- Extreme Geodesic Graphs (2002) (22)
- Graph theory, combinatorics, and applications : proceedings of the Sixth Quadrennial International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Graphs, Western Michigan University (1991) (21)
- Detectable colorings of graphs (2006) (21)
- The metric chromatic number of a graph (2009) (21)
- A note on locally connected and hamiltonian-connected graphs (1979) (19)
- Distance in Digraphs (1997) (19)
- Stratification and domination in graphs (2003) (18)
- Extremal problems in geodetic graph theory (1998) (18)
- The existence of complete cycles in repeated line-graphs (1965) (18)
- The forcing hull number of a graph (2001) (17)
- The set chromatic number of a graph (2009) (17)
- Artistic Form and Yoga in the Sacred Images of India (1984) (17)
- Recognizable colorings of graphs (2008) (16)
- Strong distance in strong digraphs (1999) (16)
- A sufficient condition for n -connectedness of graphs (1968) (16)
- On the Hall Number of a Graph (2000) (16)
- Directed distance in digraphs: Centers and medians (1993) (15)
- On signed degrees in signed graphs (1994) (15)
- On strong distance in strong oriented graphs (1999) (15)
- The forcing dimension of a graph (2001) (14)
- On the Hamiltonian number of a graph (2003) (14)
- Graph theory, combinatorics, and applications (2017) (14)
- Hamiltonian colorings of graphs (2005) (14)
- Distance in stratified graphs (2000) (14)
- Edge-clique graphs (1991) (14)
- Detour Domination in Graphs (2004) (13)
- Realizable ratios in graph theory: geodesic parameters (1999) (13)
- A sufficient condition for graphs with 1-factors (1979) (13)
- The Forcing Convexity Number of a Graph (2001) (13)
- Neighbor-distinguishing vertex colorings of graphs (2010) (13)
- On the dimension of oriented graphs (2001) (12)
- Rotation and jump distances between graphs (1997) (12)
- Convexity in oriented graphs (2002) (12)
- Convergent sequences of iterated H-line graphs (1995) (12)
- Stratified claw domination in prisms (2000) (12)
- Randomly hamiltonian digraphs (1969) (11)
- Stratidistance in stratified graphs (1997) (11)
- Ramsey theory and chromatic numbers. (1974) (11)
- The ubiquitous Petersen graph (1992) (10)
- How to Label a Graph (2019) (10)
- Resolving Edge Colorings in Graphs (2005) (10)
- On eccentric vertices in graphs (1996) (10)
- Degree sets for digraphs (1976) (9)
- Rainbow connectivity of cages (2007) (9)
- New directions in Ramsey theory (2021) (9)
- The coarseness of a graph (1968) (8)
- On closed modular colorings of regular graphs (2012) (8)
- On the chromatic dimension of a graph (2000) (8)
- On γ-labelings of trees (2005) (8)
- The Decomposition Dimension of Graphs (2001) (7)
- Kaleidoscopic Colorings of Graphs (2017) (7)
- Bounds for the hamiltonian chromatic number of a graph (2002) (7)
- On a special class of hamiltonian graphs (1969) (7)
- Local colorings of graphs (2005) (7)
- On ramsey numbers of forests versus nearly complete graphs (1980) (6)
- Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (2nd Edition) (2008) (6)
- Hamiltonian path graphs (1983) (6)
- Irregularity in Graphs (2021) (6)
- Another View of Bipartite Ramsey Numbers (2018) (6)
- The multiset chromatic number of a graph (2009) (5)
- Connected graphs containing a given connected graph as a unique greatest common subgraph (1986) (5)
- From Domination to Coloring: Stephen Hedetniemi's Graph Theory and Beyond (2019) (5)
- A note on 1-factors in graphs (1979) (5)
- Eccentric graphs (1999) (5)
- On graphs with a unique minimum hull set (2001) (5)
- On the dimension of trees (2005) (5)
- Greatest common subgraphs with specified properties (1989) (5)
- Gamma-labelings of graphs (2005) (4)
- Trees and greatest common subgraphs (1988) (4)
- Distance-location numbers of graphs (2003) (4)
- An introduction to analytic graph theory (2001) (4)
- A technique for reconstructing disconnected graphs (1973) (4)
- GRAPHS & DIGRAPHS 5th Edition (2010) (4)
- Greatest common subgraphs of graphs (1987) (4)
- Rainbow mean colorings of graphs (2019) (4)
- The Lattice-Graph of the Topology of a Transitive Directed Graph. (1967) (4)
- On the Edge Independence Number of a Regular Graph with Large Edge Connectivity a (1989) (4)
- The Square of Every 2-Connected Graph is 1-Hamiltonian, (1971) (4)
- A survey of Hamiltonian colorings of graphs (2004) (4)
- Orientation distance graphs (2001) (4)
- Stars and Their k-Ramsey Numbers (2017) (4)
- Randomly Eulerian digraphs (1971) (3)
- On hamiltonian colorings of graphs (2005) (3)
- Smallest cubic and quartic graphs with a given number of cutpoints and bridges (1982) (3)
- Edge Colorings (2019) (3)
- A note on cycle Ramsey numbers (1973) (3)
- A cycle decomposition conjecture for Eulerian graphs (2014) (3)
- On Graphs With a Unique Least Common Multiple (1997) (3)
- Mixed ramsey numbers: Chromatic numbers versus graphs (1978) (3)
- The existence of 2-factors in squares of graphs (1975) (3)
- The Theory and applications of graphs : Fourth International Conference, May 6-9, 1980, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan (1981) (3)
- Distance Vertex Identification in Graphs (2021) (3)
- $H$-convex graphs (2001) (3)
- Irregular orbital domination in graphs (2021) (3)
- On Hamiltonian properties of powers of special Hamiltonian graphs (1974) (3)
- A Survey of Graphs Hamiltonian-Connected from a Vertex (2009) (3)
- On Eulerian walks in graphs (2013) (3)
- On the Hamiltonicity of distance-colored graphs (2010) (3)
- Graph Theory and the High School Student. (1980) (2)
- On an extension of an observation of Hamilton (2016) (2)
- A four colorings theorem (2011) (2)
- Ramsey sequences of graphs (2020) (2)
- On the regulation number of a multigraph (1985) (2)
- Colorings, Distance, and Domination (2008) (2)
- The partial complement of graphs (1985) (2)
- Highly Regular Graphs a (1989) (2)
- On maximum matchings in cubic graphs with a bounded number of bridge-covering paths (1987) (2)
- Total Digraphs (1966) (2)
- Which Graphs have Unique Distance Trees (1974) (2)
- Randomly $H$ graphs (1986) (2)
- Randomlyn-cyclic digraphs (1985) (2)
- Proper mean colorings of graphs (2020) (2)
- Distance defined by spanning trees in graphs (2007) (2)
- A note on graphs with prescribed complete coloring numbers (2010) (2)
- From Domination to Coloring (2019) (2)
- Extremal Problems in Royal Colorings of Graphs (2019) (2)
- Graphical Measurement (2003) (2)
- How large can the domination numbers of a graph be? (2000) (2)
- Greedy F-colorings of graphs (2003) (2)
- Irregular Domination in Trees (2021) (2)
- Degree Uniform Graphs a (1989) (2)
- Variations on a theorem of Petersen (1988) (2)
- On regular bipartite-preserving supergraphs (1975) (2)
- Bipartite regulation numbers (1986) (2)
- Introduction to Graphs (2008) (1)
- From connectivity to coloring (2017) (1)
- Distance in Graphs (2013) (1)
- Extremal problems on distances in graphs (2004) (1)
- Uniformly Connected Graphs - A Survey (2020) (1)
- Isometric embeddings of bipartite graphs (2002) (1)
- Graph Embeddings (2019) (1)
- A representation of chemical transformations by labeled graphs (1993) (1)
- Smallest regular graphs without near 1-factors (1986) (1)
- On color frames of claws in graphs (2013) (1)
- Orientable hull numbers of a graph (2003) (1)
- Monochromatic-bichromatic Ramsey numbers (2012) (1)
- Homogeneously embedding stratified graphs in stratified graphs (2005) (1)
- F-Continuous Graphs (2001) (1)
- The ultracenter and central fringe of a graph (2001) (1)
- The Many facets of graph theory : proceedings of the conference held at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo/Ml., October 31-November 2, 1968 (1969) (1)
- On Minimum Spanning Subgraphs of Graphs With Proper Connection Number 2 (2016) (1)
- Randomly k-axial graphs (1981) (1)
- Hamiltonian domination in graphs (2004) (1)
- Flows in Networks (2015) (0)
- Nonplanar Sequences of Iterated r-Jump Graphs (2003) (0)
- Automorphisms and Reconstruction (2015) (0)
- 10. Drawing Graphs (2015) (0)
- Which sequences of iterated jump graphs are planar (1999) (0)
- Introduction to Vertex Colorings (2008) (0)
- Extremal Graph Theory (2015) (0)
- Restricted Vertex Colorings (2008) (0)
- A Matter of Degree (1989) (0)
- 8. Decomposing Graphs (2015) (0)
- Stars and Their k-Ramsey Numbers (2017) (0)
- 3. Analyzing Distance (2015) (0)
- Domination and Colorings (2019) (0)
- Bounds for the Chromatic Number (2008) (0)
- Color Connection (2019) (0)
- Complete Colorings (2019) (0)
- Nowhere-Zero Flows, List Edge Colorings (2015) (0)
- 7. Factoring Graphs (2015) (0)
- Oriented graphs with prescribed m-center and m-median (2020) (0)
- Traversable Irregularity (2021) (0)
- 9. Orienting Graphs (2015) (0)
- Homogeneously embeddings of stratified $5$-cycles (2004) (0)
- Distance and Colorings (2019) (0)
- F-Irregular Graphs (2021) (0)
- 11. Coloring Graphs (2015) (0)
- Factorization and Decomposition (2015) (0)
- Key Domination Parameters (2019) (0)
- Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs (2008) (0)
- Editorial (1977) (0)
- On modular monochromatic colorings of graphs (2014) (0)
- On an Extension of a Conjecture of I. Havel (2014) (0)
- Perfect Graphs and List Colorings (2015) (0)
- On graphs with prescribed full domination numbers (2001) (0)
- Domination Related Parameters and Applications (2019) (0)
- On convexity in graphs (2001) (0)
- Ramsey Theory (2019) (0)
- Introduction (2019) (0)
- Principal Common Divisors of Graphs (1993) (0)
- Introduction (2021) (0)
- Color Connection and Disconnection (2019) (0)
- Trees and Connectivity (2008) (0)
- Rainbow Mean Index (2021) (0)
- A princess in the kingdom of domination (2014) (0)
- On Hamiltonian Line-graphsq (2010) (0)
- On Graphs With Prescribed Chromatic Number and Subset Index (2022) (0)
- On Hamiltonian colorings and hc-stable graphs (2008) (0)
- On induced subdigraphs of certain distance-defined digraphs (2005) (0)
- Zonal Labelings (2019) (0)
- Harmonious Labelings (2019) (0)
- Bridge and Cycle Degrees of Vertices of Graphs (1984) (0)
- 4. Constructing Trees (2015) (0)
- Matchings, Independence and Domination (2015) (0)
- 5. Traversing Graphs (2015) (0)
- The Origin of Graph Colorings (2008) (0)
- Royal Colorings (2021) (0)
- Distance-Defined Subgraphs (2019) (0)
- 1. Introducing Graphs (2015) (0)
- An Historical Encounter With The Four Color Problem (1980) (0)
- Generalizing a theorem of Arsalan Wares (2015) (0)
- Ascending Subgraph Decompositions (2021) (0)
- Index of Mathematical Terms (2015) (0)
- Stratified Domination (2020) (0)
- On randomly 3-axial graphs (1982) (0)
- Monochromatic and Rainbow Colorings (2008) (0)
- The Four Color Theorem Revisited (2019) (0)
- Graph Theory: A Look Back—The Road Ahead (2017) (0)
- On strong digraphs with a prescribed ultracenter (1997) (0)
- The Ascending Ramsey Index of a Graph (2023) (0)
- Eulerian and Hamiltonian Walks (2019) (0)
- Forcing full domination in graphs (2004) (0)
- The Colored Bridges Problem: In Memory of Frank Harary (1921–2005) (2011) (0)
- Detour g-interior nodes and detour g-boundary nodes in bipolar fuzzy graph with applications (2019) (0)
- 2. Classifying Graphs (2015) (0)
- Matchings and Factorization (2008) (0)
- Connected Graphs and Distance (2015) (0)
- Epilogue. Graph Theory: A Look Back—The Road Ahead (2015) (0)
- Pioneer of Domination in Graphs (2019) (0)
- 6. Encircling Graphs (2015) (0)
- Coloring Graphs on Surfaces (2019) (0)
- On regular bipartite-preserving supergraphs (1975) (0)
- On the planarity of iterated jump graphs (2001) (0)
- Three Colorings in Graphs (2008) (0)
- Monochromatic Ramsey Theory (2019) (0)
- 12. Synchronizing Graphs (2015) (0)
- " Offprints from Graph Theory , Combinatorics , and Applications (2011) (0)
- Irregularity Strength (2021) (0)
- Locally Irregular Graphs (2021) (0)
- Induced Colorings (2019) (0)
- The Probabilistic Method (2015) (0)
- On the nonplanarity of powers of paths (2012) (0)
- Full domination in graphs (2001) (0)
- A dedication to Teresa W. Haynes (2014) (0)
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