
George R. Milner

Most Influential Person Now

American archaeologist

George R. Milner's Academic­ Rankings

George R. Milner
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Why Is George R. Milner Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, George R. Milner is an American archaeologist in the Department of Anthropology at The Pennsylvania State University. He has done archaeological research on sites encompassing a range of time periods in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Kentucky, and has also worked in Egypt and Saipan . He has worked with prehistoric and historic human skeletal remains from eastern North America, Denmark, and Egypt. By using modern samples of known age from the United States, Switzerland, and Portugal, he has helped refine skeletal age estimation techniques.

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George R. Milner's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With George R. Milner?

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