
Göran Therborn

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Swedish sociologist, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge

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Why Is Göran Therborn Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Göran Therborn FAcSS is a professor of sociology at Cambridge University and is amongst the most highly cited contemporary Marxian-influenced sociologists. He has published widely in journals such as the New Left Review, and is notable for his writing on topics that fall within the general political and sociological framework of post-Marxism. Topics on which he has written extensively include the intersection between the class structure of society and the function of the state apparatus, the formation of ideology within subjects, and the future of the Marxist tradition. Therborn was awarded the 2019 Lenin Award. In his acceptance speech, he said: "The Lenin Award is, by its name, an intentional provocation, not only against the bourgeoisie and the good stock market prices, but also against the silent, the cautious and timid, who sit still and patiently wait for what the government will come up with, such as for instance the January agreement this year, about which gaps to expand and what social rights should be cut back."

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Göran Therborn's Published Works

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