
Hanna Segal

Most Influential Person Now

British psychologist

Hanna Segal's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Hanna Segal
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Developmental Psychology
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  • Psychology

Why Is Hanna Segal Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Hanna Segal was a British psychoanalyst of Polish descent and a follower of Melanie Klein. She was president of the British Psychoanalytical Society, vice-president of the International Psychoanalytical Association, and was appointed to the Freud Memorial Chair at University College, London in 1987. The American psychoanalyst James Grotstein considered that "received wisdom suggests that she is the doyen of "classical" Kleinian thinking and technique." The BBC broadcaster Sue Lawley introduced her as "one of the most distinguished psychological theorists of our time,"

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Hanna Segal's Published Works

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