Heimar de Fátima Marin
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Brazilian nurse
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Why Is Heimar de Fátima Marin Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Heimar de Fátima Marin is a nurse and a full professor at the Federal University of São Paulo . Career In 2004 she was elected international member at the American College of Medical Informatics. Heimar Marin was also the president of Brazilian Society of Health Informatics ; vice-chair and elected chair of the International Medical Informatics Association Nursing Informatics Special Interest Group .
Heimar de Fátima Marin's Published Works
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Published Works
- Results of a randomized controlled trial to assess the effects of a mobile SMS-based intervention on treatment adherence in HIV/AIDS-infected Brazilian women and impressions and satisfaction with respect to incoming messages (2012) (184)
- Complexity and the science of implementation in health IT - Knowledge gaps and future visions (2014) (74)
- Artificial intelligence techniques applied to the development of a decision-support system for diagnosing celiac disease (2011) (73)
- Sistemas de informação em saúde: considerações gerais (2010) (67)
- O prontuário eletrônico do paciente na assistência, informação e conhecimento médico (2003) (61)
- Perspectivas atuais da Informática em Enfermagem (2006) (59)
- Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform – TIGER * (2018) (44)
- Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de um Protocolo Eletrônico para Atendimento e Monitoramento do Paciente com Doença Celíaca (2011) (43)
- Model Formulation: Development of a Provisional Domain Model for the Nursing Process for Use within the Health Level 7 Reference Information Model (2004) (42)
- Building standard-based nursing information systems (2001) (39)
- Web-based simulation: a tool for teaching critical care nursing. (2009) (38)
- Review: Collaborative Efforts for Representing Nursing Concepts in Computer-based Systems: International Perspectives (2001) (36)
- Enfermagem na WEB: o processo de criação e validação de um WEB site sobre doença arterial coronariana (2002) (35)
- Improving Patient Safety with Technology (2004) (33)
- A simulação realística como ferramenta educacional para estudantes de medicina (2014) (30)
- Oncoaudit: desenvolvimento e avaliação de aplicativo para enfermeiros auditores (2014) (27)
- The role of digital health in supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2018) (24)
- Terminologia de referência em enfermagem: a Norma ISO 18104 (2009) (24)
- Proposta de um instrumento de avaliação da saúde do idoso institucionalizado baseado no conceito do Conjunto de Dados Essenciais em Enfermagem (2009) (21)
- Fuzzy cognitive map in differential diagnosis of alterations in urinary elimination: A nursing approach (2013) (21)
- Prontuário eletrônico do paciente: definições e conceitos (2003) (21)
- Diagnóstico de Enfermagem amamentação ineficaz: Estudo de identificação e validação clínica (2005) (21)
- Patient safety initiatives in Brazil: a nursing perspective (2004) (19)
- Diagnósticos de enfermagem em mulheres que freqüentam serviço de planejamento familiar (2001) (19)
- Nursing Informatics: Advances and trends to improve health care quality (2007) (19)
- Towards an International Framework for Recommendations of Core Competencies in Nursing and Inter-Professional Informatics: The TIGER Competency Synthesis Project (2016) (19)
- Simulação baseada na web: uma ferramenta para o ensino de enfermagem em terapia intensiva (2009) (18)
- Nursing informatics: Current issues around the world (2005) (18)
- Informações on-line sobre transporte intra-hospitalar de pacientes críticos adultos (2005) (17)
- Análise da estrutura categorial da Norma ISO 18104 na documentação em Enfermagem Categorical structure analysis of ISO 18104 standard in nursing documentation (2013) (16)
- Global Health Informatics : How Information Technology Can Change Our Lives in a Globalized World (2016) (15)
- Criação de um web site para enfermeiros sobre pé diabético (2006) (15)
- Avaliação de website sobre assistência de enfermagem na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica* (2012) (13)
- Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform – TIGER* An International Recommendation Framework of Core Competencies in Health Informatics for Nurses (2018) (13)
- Avaliação do website educacional em Primeiros Socorros (2013) (13)
- Model for Differential Nursing Diagnosis of Alterations in Urinary Elimination Based on Fuzzy Logic (2009) (13)
- External validation of the unified model of information systems continuance (UMISC): An international comparison (2019) (13)
- Realistic simulation as an educacional tool for medical students (2014) (12)
- Guia de Apoio à Decisão em Enfermagem Obstétrica: aplicação da técnica da Lógica Fuzzy (2005) (12)
- Conjunto Internacional de Dados Essenciais de Enfermagem: comparação com dados na área de Saúde da Mulher* International essential data set for Nursing: a comparison with data in the area of Women's Health (2010) (11)
- New frontiers for nursing and health care informatics (2005) (11)
- Pregnant Women’s Knowledge Gaps about Breastfeeding in Northern Portugal (2017) (11)
- Nursing informatics: learning from the past to build a new future. (2005) (11)
- Experiências internacionais da aplicação de sistemas de apoio à decisão clínica em gastroenterologia (2011) (10)
- Análise da estrutura categorial da Norma ISO 18104 na documentação em Enfermagem (2013) (10)
- [Evaluation of an educational website on First Aid]. (2013) (9)
- Desenvolvimento do Web Site Educacional Sobre Intervenção de Enfermagem: Aspiração de Secreções Traqueobrônquicas (2001) (9)
- Towards Implementing a Global Competency-Based Nursing and Clinical Informatics Curriculum: Applying the TIGER Initiative (2016) (9)
- International Training in Health Informatics: A Brazilian Experience (2004) (8)
- Uso do Moodle na Disciplina de Informática em Enfermagem (2013) (8)
- Ocorrências adversas e conseqüências imediatas para os pacientes em Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (2003) (8)
- Protótipo de sistema de documentação em enfermagem no puerpério (2013) (8)
- Vocabulário: recurso para construção de Base de Dados em Enfermagem (2000) (8)
- Electronic Dental Records System Adoption (2015) (8)
- Gaps in the knowledge and skills of Portuguese mothers associated with newborn health care (2018) (7)
- [A proposal for a health evaluation tool for the institucionalized aged based on the concept of Nursing Minimum Data Set]. (2009) (7)
- Fenômenos de enfermagem identificados em consultas de planejamento familiar segundo a ICNP - Versão Beta 2 (2006) (7)
- O Ensino de Informática em Saúde e o Curriculum de Enfermagem (2015) (7)
- Hospital and Health Information Systems – Current Perspectives (2011) (7)
- Elaboração de um instrumento de coleta de dados para identificação dos diagnósticos de enfermagem em parturiente (2005) (6)
- Conjunto de Dados Mínimos em Enfermagem: identificação de categorias e itens para a prática de enfermagem em saúde ocupacional ambulatorial (2006) (6)
- A certificate program in health informatics: Brazil/USA experience. (2006) (6)
- Training Health Informatics Professionals in Brazil: Rationale for the Development of a New Certificate Program (2005) (6)
- Nursing Informatics in Brazil. A Brazilian experience. (1998) (6)
- Nursing Documentation in Occupational Health (2005) (5)
- Analysing the use of a computerized system by hospital managers (2018) (5)
- Translating the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) - an experience from two countries (2004) (5)
- Informática em Enfermagem e Telenfermagem: desafios e avanços na formação e no cuidado (2012) (5)
- Creation of web site for nurses about diabetic foot (2006) (5)
- Nursing phenomena identified in family planning visits with ICNP - Beta version 2. (2006) (4)
- Tradução e retrotradução do instrumento de avaliação do trabalho em equipe TeamSTEPPS® para uso no ensino por simulação no Brasil (2016) (4)
- Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação na Auditoria em Enfermagem (2015) (4)
- Nursing on the web: the creation and validation process of a coronary heart disease WEB site (2002) (4)
- Training in Health Informatics in Brazil (2004) (4)
- Traffic Accident In Cuiabá-Mt: An Analysis Through The Data Mining Technology (2010) (3)
- Evaluation of a website on nursing care in the post anesthesia recovery room (2012) (3)
- A fuzzy logic model for differential diagnosis of lower urinary tract dysfunctions (2016) (3)
- The ineffective breast feeding nursing diagnosis: study of the identification and clinical validation (2005) (3)
- Online information about intrahospital transport of adults patients critical (2005) (3)
- Fathers’ to be’ knowledge about breastfeeding (2017) (3)
- Parenting competencies: development of an assessment instrument (2015) (3)
- Fuzzy logic model based on the differential nursing diagnosis of alterations in urinary elimination. (2006) (3)
- The use of expert systems on the differential diagnosis of urinary incontinence. (2009) (3)
- Accelerating the Global Workforce Demand for Nurse Informaticians: Advanced Health Informatics Certification (AHIC) (2016) (3)
- [Decision-support guideline in obstetrical nursing: application of fuzzy logic technique]. (2005) (3)
- Evaluation of Digital Health & Information Technology in Primary Care (2020) (3)
- Comparing nursing terms from patient records to the ICNP, beta version. (2002) (3)
- Training in Medical Informatics: Combining Onsite and Online Instruction (2001) (3)
- Análise do uso de um sistema informatizado por gestores hospitalares (2018) (3)
- Lacunas de conhecimentos e habilidades de mães portuguesas associados à saúde do recém-nascido (2018) (3)
- Concepção dos enfermeiros sobre o conteúdo do website Sala de Recuperação Pós-Anestésica (2010) (3)
- Nursing Informatics Education in the South: a Brazilian Experience (2010) (2)
- Nurses' Requirements for Information Technology in the Next Millennium (1998) (2)
- Uso de aplicativos móveis para o controle de dietas em adultos: uma Revisão Sistemática Integrativa (2018) (2)
- [Current perspectives in nursing informatics]. (2006) (2)
- Padrões de terminologias nacionais para procedimentos e intervenções na saúde (2018) (2)
- Protótipo de sistema de documentação em enfermagem no puerpério Prototype of system for nursing documentation in the postpartum period (2013) (2)
- Student Perception on High-Fidelity Simulation during the Medical Clerkship (2013) (2)
- [Utilization of nursing diagnosis according to Nanda's classification for the systematization of nursing care in breast feeding]. (1997) (2)
- Recommendations of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) on Education in Biomedical and Health Informatics: Second Revision (2022) (2)
- Digital vaccine passports and digital health diplomacy: an online model WHO simulation (2022) (2)
- O prontuário eletrônico do paciente (2001) (2)
- ICT Health 2013: Infrastructure and Adoption by Healthcare Providers in Brazil (2014) (2)
- Competências parentais: construção de um instrumento de avaliação (2015) (2)
- Características das vítimas de acidente de trânsito por meio da técnica da mineração de dados (2010) (2)
- MEDINFO 2010. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Part 2. (2010) (2)
- Nursing Informatics Graduate Program in Brazil (2001) (2)
- International Essential Data Set for Nursing: a comparison with data in the area of Women's Health (2010) (2)
- A importância do Sumário de Alta Obstétrica como estratégia de implementação do Registro Eletrônico de Saúde - uma Revisão Integrativa (2019) (1)
- Technological strategies associated with training in Basic Life Support (2011) (1)
- A Nursing Minimum Data Set in Occupational Health: Items and Elements for Professional Practice (2007) (1)
- [Factors related to initiation, type and length of breast feeding among participants and non-participants in prenatal breast feeding education at a local hospital]. (1999) (1)
- [Nursing minimum data set: identifying of categories and items for the nursing practice in ambulatory occupational health]. (2006) (1)
- Análise da aplicação e dos resultados do modelo OPM3® para a área da saúde (2011) (1)
- Evolution: Nursing Informatics in Brazil (2010) (1)
- Nursing Care Systems: Enhancing Care Processes in Practice and Management (2008) (1)
- Nursing Minimum Data Set: setting up a model occupational health (2006) (1)
- Patient Engagement and Digital Health Communities (2017) (1)
- Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER). The Future of Interprofessional Education Is Here! (2018) (1)
- Informatics Education in Latin America (2020) (1)
- Internet Implementation of Nursing Process Using Standardized Coding (1998) (1)
- Design Considerations for an Alert System to Prevent Inpatients Falls (1997) (1)
- Uso de sistemas especialistas para o diagnóstico diferencial de incontinência urinária (2009) (1)
- Iniciativa TIGER: Reforma Educacional Orientada pela Tecnologia da Informação (2017) (1)
- Medinfo 2007: Building Sustainable Health Systems (2007) (1)
- [Nursing on the Web: the creation and validation process of a web site on coronary artery disease]. (2002) (1)
- Transporte intra-hospitalar de pacientes críticos adultos: a elaboração de um website e de um protocolo de condutas DOI:10.5585/conssaude.v3i0.327 (2008) (1)
- Training in health informatics in Brazil. (2002) (1)
- MEDINFO 2010. Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Part 1. (2010) (1)
- Special Issue of IJMI on the Art and Science of ICT Implementation (2014) (1)
- Instrumento de avaliação de implantação de Sistemas de Informação em Saúde (2017) (0)
- Development of a prototype of an education system in prenatal hygiene (1997) (0)
- A look forward to online only publishing (2008) (0)
- [Application of the technique of analytical structure of project for the sub-project of websites catalog of the Virtual Health Library-Nursing]. (2007) (0)
- Latin American e-Health Programs and WHO/PAHO Planning Toolkit (2017) (0)
- Celebrating health informatics--a sampling of MEDINFO 2007. (2009) (0)
- INVITED AUTHOR/AUTOR CONVIDADO/AUTOR INVITADO Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (2005) (0)
- MEDINFO 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Medical Informatics, Cape Town, South Africa, September 12-15, 2010 (2010) (0)
- Um olhar sobre a Telessaúde no Brasil a partir da pesquisa TIC Saúde 2014 (2016) (0)
- de dados : uma revisão da literatura Data mining : a literature review (2010) (0)
- Editorial: Special issue on “The Primary Care Informatics response to COVID-19” (2022) (0)
- Transporte intra-hospitalar depacientes críticos adultos:a elaboração de um websitee de um protocolo de condutas (2004) (0)
- Prontuário Pessoal de Saúde: a perspectiva da Enfermagem (2014) (0)
- A Proposed Model for Advancing the Science of Nursing Informatics and its Value Proposition for Clinical Practice, Nursing Education and Research (2013) (0)
- Nursing informatics and global health: Past successes and lessons learned, present developments, and untapped potentials (2014) (0)
- IJMI impact (2010) (0)
- A utilização de terminologias para representar os procedimentos e intervenções (2019) (0)
- Training health informatics professionals in Brazil (2005) (0)
- Informática em Enfermagem: aprendendo com o passado para construir um novo futuro (2005) (0)
- TIGER Initiative: Activities and Future Plans (2013) (0)
- [Nursing diagnoses in women attending a family planning service]. (2001) (0)
- Conjunto de dados essenciais de enfermagem : itens e elementos para a prática na área da saúde ocupacional (2006) (0)
- Paulista School of Nursing: 70 years of history (2009) (0)
- A look at the Telehealth in Brazil from the ICT in Health 2014 survey (2016) (0)
- Case study 14G: Brazil (2010) (0)
- Intelligent Personal Health Record: a proposal (2013) (0)
- International Perspectives on Nursing Informatics (2012) (0)
- Use of electronic dental records in Brazil (2013) (0)
- Educational program on first aid (1997) (0)
- Training in Medical Informatics in Northeastern Brazil (2002) (0)
- International Training in Medical Informatics: The Second Year of the Brazil/USA Project (2001) (0)
- [Conceptions of nurses about the content of the website post-anesthetic recovery room]. (2010) (0)
- Global e-Health: The Latin American Perspectives (2016) (0)
- Research and Education in Health and Nursing Informatics: a Brazilian experience (2012) (0)
- Changes in society at national and international levels. (2007) (0)
- Personal Health Record: the Nursing Outlook (2014) (0)
- Development of a system to prevent inpatients falls (2000) (0)
- [Development of an alarm system for the prevention of falls in hospitalized patients]. (2000) (0)
- Electronic Dental Record Research: descriptive review of current status (2014) (0)
- First Steps Towards Implementing an International Training Program in Medical Informatics: The Brazil/USA Project (2000) (0)
- Information and Communication Technologies Adoption by Healthcare Professionals in Brazil (2017) (0)
- Presentation of the 2014 Morris F. Collen award to Charles Safran, MD (2014) (0)
- Vida Technological strategies associated with training in Basic Life Support (2011) (0)
- Leveraging data and information systems on the sustainable development goals (2021) (0)
- Personal Health Record: uma revisão sobre os modelos e experimentos atuais (2013) (0)
- Development of nursing CAI in the administration: nursing daily hospital problems. (1995) (0)
- eSAÚDE & PEP: Compromisso com a melhoria da qualidade do cuidado e a segurança do paciente (2013) (0)
- A certificate program in health informatics (2006) (0)
- Análise dos benefícios do sistema de apoio à decisão clínica em hospital para reduzir eventos adversos em casos de úlceras por pressão e quedas (2020) (0)
- Aplicativos móveis para as sociedades menos favorecidas (2021) (0)
- Theater-Style Demonstration: Clinical Computing at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (1997) (0)
- Assessment of technical and non-technical skills in a high-fidelity scenario: Agreement between raters (2017) (0)
- Explorer Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform – TIGER (2018) (0)
- Journal of Health Informatics: divulgando ciência e informação (2015) (0)
- Sistema de apoio a decisão em assistência pré-natal normal (1994) (0)
- Utilization of nursing diagnosis according to NANDA's classification in order to systematize nursing care in breastfeeding (1997) (0)
- Preface from the Scientific Program Co-chairs (2007) (0)
- Journal of Health Informatics e a indexação LILACS (2011) (0)
- Proposta de um protocolo de Condutas Para Transporte Intra-hospitalar de Pacientes Críticos Adultos (2004) (0)
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