Hirosi Ooguri
Most Influential Person Now
Japanese physicist
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Hirosi Ooguri's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Tokyo
Why Is Hirosi Ooguri Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Hirosi Ooguri is a theoretical physicist working on quantum field theory, quantum gravity, superstring theory, and their interfaces with mathematics. He is Fred Kavli Professor of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics and the Founding Director of the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics at California Institute of Technology. He is also the director of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics at the University of Tokyo and is the chair of the board of trustees of the Aspen Center for Physics in Colorado.
Hirosi Ooguri's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Large N Field Theories, String Theory and Gravity (1999) (5345)
- Kodaira-Spencer theory of gravity and exact results for quantum string amplitudes (1993) (1378)
- On the Geometry of the String Landscape and the Swampland (2006) (828)
- Black hole attractors and the topological string (2004) (630)
- Knot Invariants and Topological Strings (1999) (624)
- Wilson loops and minimal surfaces (1999) (602)
- Holomorphic anomalies in topological field theories (1993) (568)
- Distance and de Sitter conjectures on the Swampland (2018) (550)
- De Sitter Space and the Swampland (2018) (450)
- Holography and defect conformal field theories (2001) (447)
- Two-dimensional black hole and singularities of CY manifolds (1995) (396)
- Strings in AdS_3 and the SL(2,R) WZW Model. Part 1: The spectrum (2000) (393)
- Aspects of large N gauge theory dynamics as seen by string theory (1998) (381)
- D-branes on Calabi-Yau spaces and their mirrors (1996) (356)
- Geometry of N=2 strings (1991) (323)
- Notes on the K3 Surface and the Mathieu Group M 24 (2010) (317)
- Topological lattice models in four-dimensions (1992) (317)
- Strings in $AdS_{3}$ and SL(2,R) WZW Model, 1 (2000) (315)
- Non-supersymmetric AdS and the Swampland (2016) (309)
- Strings in AdS3 and the SL(2,R) WZW model. II: Euclidean black hole (2000) (292)
- Glueball mass spectrum from supergravity (1998) (285)
- Permeable conformal walls and holography (2001) (283)
- Gravity Dual of Spatially Modulated Phase (2009) (280)
- Superconformal Algebras and String Compactification on Manifolds with SU(N) Holonomy (1989) (280)
- Nonrelativistic closed string theory (2000) (270)
- Mirror Symmetry in Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories, Quivers and D-Branes (1996) (262)
- Inside the horizon with AdS/CFT (2002) (251)
- Worldsheet derivation of a large N duality (2002) (249)
- Black Holes, q-Deformed 2d Yang-Mills, and Non-perturbative Topological Strings (2004) (247)
- Strings in AdS3 and the SL(2,R) WZW model. III. Correlation functions (2001) (240)
- The C-deformation of gluino and non-planar diagrams (2003) (237)
- Conformal and current algebras on a general Riemann surface (1987) (228)
- HeiddenSL(n) symmetry in conformal field theories (1989) (225)
- Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity (2018) (222)
- Mirror symmetry in three-dimensional gauge theories, SL(2,Z) and D-brane moduli spaces (1996) (214)
- Wilson loops in large N theories (1999) (213)
- Strong coupling dynamics of four-dimensional $N = 1$ gauge theories from M-theory fivebrane (1997) (196)
- The holographic entropy cone (2015) (180)
- Summing up Dirichlet Instantons. (1996) (177)
- N = 2 heterotic strings (1991) (163)
- Direct mediation of metastable supersymmetry breaking (2006) (162)
- Hartle–Hawking Wave-Function for Flux Compactifications: the Entropic Principle (2005) (156)
- Gravity Induced C-Deformation (2003) (150)
- Penrose limit of N=1 gauge theories (2002) (145)
- String theory on AdS3 (1998) (138)
- Holographic endpoint of spatially modulated phase transition (2010) (138)
- Meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacua on intersecting branes (2006) (128)
- Constraints on Symmetries from Holography. (2018) (126)
- Baby universes in string theory (2005) (122)
- S-duality and topological strings (2004) (117)
- Geometry of N = 1 dualities in four dimensions (1997) (104)
- Hidden SL(n) Symmetry in Conformal Field Theories (1995) (102)
- Exact solution to the Seiberg-Witten equation of noncommutative gauge theory (2001) (101)
- Supersymmetric cycles in exceptional holonomy manifolds and Calabi-Yau four-folds (1996) (97)
- Landscape of supersymmetry breaking vacua in geometrically realized gauge theories (2006) (97)
- Crystal Melting and Toric Calabi-Yau Manifolds (2008) (95)
- Bulk locality and boundary creating operators (2015) (95)
- Spectrum of Large N Gauge Theory from Supergravity (1998) (94)
- Locality of Gravitational Systems from Entanglement of Conformal Field Theories. (2015) (87)
- Hidden OSp(N,2) symmetries in superconformal field theories (1989) (84)
- Spatially Modulated Phase in Holographic Quark-Gluon Plasma (2013) (78)
- The Annihilating Ideals of Minimal Models (1992) (76)
- Why Matrix Theory is Hard (1997) (75)
- Supersymmetry Breaking and Gauge Mediation (2010) (71)
- Nondecoupling of maximal supergravity from the superstring. (2007) (70)
- Light-cone modular bootstrap and pure gravity (2019) (70)
- Chiral bosonization on a Riemann surface (1987) (70)
- Boundary states for AdS2 branes in AdS3 (2001) (69)
- Gravitational positive energy theorems from information inequalities (2016) (69)
- Gauge invariant local action of string field from BRS formalism (1986) (68)
- Issues in M(atrix) theory compactification (1997) (67)
- All loop N = 2 string amplitudes (1995) (66)
- Superconformal Chern-Simons theories and the squashed seven sphere (2008) (66)
- D-brane actions on Kähler manifolds (1997) (65)
- How noncommutative gauge theories couple to gravity (2000) (64)
- Partition Functions and Topology-Changing Amplitudes in the 3D Lattice Gravity of Ponzano and Regge (1991) (62)
- Holography in superspace (2000) (62)
- Discrete and Continuum Approaches to Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity (1991) (61)
- Wall Crossing and M-theory (2009) (60)
- Extremal N = (2, 2) 2D Conformal Field Theories and Constraints of Modularity (2008) (59)
- Borel summation of string theory for Planck scale scattering (1990) (57)
- Modular Constraints on Calabi-Yau Compactifications (2012) (57)
- Kähler potential and higher derivative terms from M-theory fivebrane (1997) (56)
- Spatially modulated phase in the holographic description of quark-gluon plasma. (2010) (56)
- One-Loop Effective Potential in Anti-de Sitter Space (1985) (53)
- Non-Abelian conifold transitions and N = 4 dualities in three dimensions (1997) (51)
- Metastable Vacua in Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Theories (2007) (47)
- Reflections on conformal spectra (2015) (46)
- Bulk local states and crosscaps in holographic CFT (2016) (46)
- Wall Crossing as Seen by Matrix Models (2010) (46)
- Branes and dynamical supersymmetry breaking (1998) (44)
- On the Worldsheet Derivation of Large N Dualities for the Superstring (2003) (42)
- Emergent Calabi-Yau geometry. (2009) (41)
- Seiberg-Witten transforms of noncommutative solitons (2001) (41)
- New Kaluza-Klein instantons and the decay of AdS vacua (2017) (41)
- Distinguishability of black hole microstates (2017) (40)
- Differential equations for conformal characters in moduli space (1988) (38)
- Supersymmetric non-relativistic geometries in M-theory (2009) (37)
- Instability in magnetic materials with a dynamical axion field. (2011) (37)
- Gauge Mediation in String Theory (2007) (36)
- Comments on worldsheet description of the Omega background (2011) (35)
- Energy-momentum Tensors in Matrix Theory and in Noncommutative Gauge Theories (2001) (35)
- Out of Equilibrium Temperature from Holography (2013) (34)
- Open strings on AdS2 branes (2001) (33)
- Metastable vacua in perturbed Seiberg–Witten theories. Part 2: Fayet–Iliopoulos terms and Kähler normal coordinates (2007) (32)
- Current Correlators for General Gauge Mediation (2008) (31)
- TASI Lectures on Perturbative String Theories (1996) (30)
- String Loop Corrections From Fusion of Handles and Vertex Operators (1987) (30)
- Quantum entanglement of baby universes (2006) (29)
- Duality and axionic weak gravity (2020) (28)
- Spectrum of Hawking radiation and the Huygens principle. (1986) (27)
- Spontaneous generation of angular momentum in holographic theories. (2012) (26)
- Differential equations for characters of Virasoro and affine lie algebras (1989) (26)
- Glueballs and their Kaluza-Klein cousins (1998) (23)
- Shortening anomalies in supersymmetric theories (2016) (22)
- Comments on the holomorphic anomaly in open topological string theory (2007) (21)
- Hartle-Hawking WaveFunction for Flux Compactifications (2005) (20)
- String multi-loop corrections to equations of motion (1989) (19)
- Schwinger-Dyson Equation in Three-Dimensional Simplicial Quantum Gravity (1992) (19)
- Planar gravitational corrections for supersymmetric gauge theories (2003) (19)
- Issues in (M)atrix Model Compactification (1997) (19)
- Tomography from Entanglement (2014) (18)
- Narain to Narnia (2021) (17)
- Hall Viscosity and Angular Momentum in Gapless Holographic Models (2014) (17)
- String field theory with spacetime supersymmetry (1986) (17)
- Institute for Theoretical Physics (1998) (16)
- Singularities of thermal correlators at strong coupling (2020) (13)
- Modular invariant partition functions for the doubly extended N = 4 superconformal algebras (1992) (13)
- Nambu-Goldstone bosons in curved spacetime (1985) (12)
- New Anomalies in Topological String Theory (2008) (12)
- Quantum aspects of the Seiberg–Witten map in noncommutative Chern–Simons theory (2003) (12)
- Cobordism Conjecture in AdS (2020) (12)
- Twist gap and global symmetry in two dimensions (2020) (11)
- On the field theory limit of D-instantons (1998) (11)
- Angular momentum generation by parity violation (2013) (9)
- Dynamical breakdown of supersymmetry in two-dimensional anti-de Sitter space (1986) (9)
- A universal formula for the density of states in theories with finite-group symmetry (2021) (8)
- D-branes and phases on string worldsheet (2004) (7)
- M theory fivebrane and SQCD (1997) (7)
- High-energy behavior of Mellin amplitudes (2019) (7)
- Membrane scattering in curved space with M-momentum transfer (1998) (7)
- Lectures on Perturbative String Theories (1997) (6)
- Development of a ZnS/10B2O3 scintillator with low-afterglow phosphor (2014) (6)
- The induced action of W_3 gravity (2005) (6)
- Note on holomorphic anomalies in topological field theories (1995) (4)
- Gauge theory and string theory; An introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence (1999) (4)
- Geometry as seen by string theory (2009) (4)
- Baby Universes and String Theory (2006) (4)
- Strings in AdS{sub 3} and the SL(2,R) WZW Model. Part 1: The spectrum (2000) (3)
- Wilson Loops and Minimum Surfaces (1999) (3)
- The Induced Action of W3 Gravity (2004) (3)
- Universal formula for the density of states with continuous symmetry (2022) (3)
- On rational points in CFT moduli spaces (2020) (2)
- Wilson loops in minimal surfaces (1999) (2)
- Interview with Edward Witten (2015) (2)
- UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The induced action of W_3 gravity (2005) (1)
- Modular Constraints on Calabi-Yau Compactifications (2013) (1)
- Supersymmetry Enhancement Near D-Instantons (1998) (1)
- Topological String Theory and Its Applications (2005) (1)
- Lectures on Topological String Theory (2012) (0)
- Holomorphicity and Non-holomorphicity in N = 2 Supersymmetric Field Theories (1995) (0)
- Entropy of Small Black Holes (2006) (0)
- String solitons and singularities of K{sub 3} (1995) (0)
- The Mathematics of the Universe (2018) (0)
- Differential Equations in Moduli Space (1989) (0)
- The Entropic Principle and the Landscape in SUSY Gauge Theories (2009) (0)
- A Euclidean perspective on completeness and weak gravity (2021) (0)
- Inside the horizon with AdS Õ CFT (2003) (0)
- N = 2 string amplitudes (1995) (0)
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Recent Work Title Knot invariants and topological strings Permalink (2004) (0)
- Branes and Phases on String Worldsheet (2004) (0)
- Shortening anomalies in supersymmetric theories (2017) (0)
- in Perturbed Seiberg-Witten Theories (2007) (0)
- Bulk locality and boundary creating operators (2015) (0)
- Geometry and quantum field theory: A brief introduction (1997) (0)
- Fe b 20 10 supersymmetry breaking and gauge mediation 1 Supersymmetry Breaking and Gauge Mediation (2018) (0)
- Soliton equations, Schottky problem and quantum string theory(Geometry of Moduli spaces and 4-dimensional Manifolds) (1987) (0)
- Entropy of Small Black Holes(Chapter 3. String Cosmology-Extra Dimensions-, Part I: Invited Talks, The Next Chapter in Einstein's Legacy) (2006) (0)
- CALT-68-2359 CITUSC / 01-041 NSF-ITP-01-172 MIT-CTP-3212 hep-th / 0111135 Holography and Defect Conformal Field Theories (2003) (0)
- S-duality and Topological Strings The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters (2018) (0)
- Nambu , A Foreteller of Modern Physics III Gravitational positive energy theorems from information inequalities (2016) (0)
- Gauge theories on branes (1998) (0)
- Chapter 6. Lectures on Topological String Theory (2012) (0)
- Reflections on conformal spectra (2016) (0)
- Conformal Field Theory on a Riemann Surface (1990) (0)
- Preface to the tenth Takagi Lectures (2012) (0)
- Bulk local states and crosscaps in holographic CFT (2016) (0)
- Quantization of Mirror Symmetry (1995) (0)
- New String Developments (2011) (0)
- The Induced Action of I 413 Gravity (2005) (0)
- Communications in Mathematical Physics Wall Crossing as Seen by Matrix Models (2011) (0)
- The holographic entropy cone (2015) (0)
- Suberconfomal Svmmetrv and Geometrv of Ricci-Flat Kahler Manifold (1989) (0)
- The Induced Action of I413 Gravity (2005) (0)
- New Anomalies in Topological String Theory(30 Years of Mathematical Methods in High Energy Physics-In Honor of Professor Tohru Eguchi's 60th Birthday-) (2009) (0)
- Toward Unification of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics(One Hundred Years of General Relativity-History, Current Status, and Future Prospects) (2015) (0)
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