Hitoshi Ishii
Japanese mathematician
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Hitoshi Ishii's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of Tokyo
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Hitoshi Ishii ,a Japanese mathematician,who is specialized in partial differential equations. He first studied physics and then mathematics at Waseda University with a master's degree in 1972 and a doctorate in 1975 with dissertation "" . He became an assistant professor at Chūō University in 1976 and in 1989 a full professor. In 1996, he became a professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University and in 2001, he became a professor at Waseda University. He studies nonlinear partial differential equations such as Hamilton–Jacobi equation, viscosity solutions of PDEs, optimal control theory, differential games, and evolution of surfaces.
Hitoshi Ishii's Published Works
Published Works
- User’s guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations (1992) (4725)
- Viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear second-order elliptic partial differential equations (1990) (555)
- Perron’s method for Hamilton-Jacobi equations (1987) (403)
- On uniqueness and existence of viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear second‐order elliptic PDE's (1989) (357)
- Comparison principle and convexity preserving properties for singular degenerate parabolic equations on unbounded domains (1991) (245)
- Uniqueness of unbounded viscosity solution of Hamilton-Jacobi equations (1984) (205)
- Approximate solutions of the bellman equation of deterministic control theory (1984) (159)
- Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Discontinuous Hamiltonians on Arbitrary Open Sets (1985) (156)
- SDEs with Oblique Reflection on Nonsmooth Domains (2008) (147)
- A simple, direct proof of uniqueness for solutions of the hamilton-jacobi equations of eikonal type (1987) (125)
- Viscosity solutions for monotone systems of second-order elliptic PDES (1991) (124)
- A boundary value problem of the Dirichlet type for Hamilton-Jacobi equations (1989) (119)
- The maximum principle for semicontinuous functions (1990) (119)
- Generalized motion of noncompact hypersurfaces with velocity having arbitrary growth on the curvature tensor (1995) (116)
- Asymptotic stability and blowing up of solutions of some nonlinear equations (1977) (104)
- A PDE approach to some asymptotic problems concerning random differential equations with small noise intensities (1985) (98)
- A class of integral equations and approximation of p-Laplace equations (2010) (93)
- Uniqueness of viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations revisited (1987) (91)
- Temperature dependence of sliding wear behavior in SiC whisker or SiC particulate reinforced 6061 aluminum alloy composite (1997) (89)
- ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS FOR LARGE-TIME OF HAMILTON-JACOBI EQUATIONS IN EUCLIDEAN $n$ SPACE(Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations and its Developments) (2007) (83)
- Threshold dynamics type approximation schemes for propagating fronts (1999) (81)
- Existence and uniqueness solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations (1986) (80)
- A New Formulation of State Constraint Problems for First-Order PDEs (1996) (79)
- Almost periodic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations (2000) (75)
- On the rate of convergence in homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations (2001) (74)
- Hopf-Lax Formulas for Semicontinuous Data (1999) (67)
- Fully nonlinear oblique derivative problems for nonlinear second-order elliptic PDE’s (1991) (63)
- Viscosity solutions for a class of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in Hilbert spaces (1992) (61)
- Representation formulas for solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations with convex Hamiltonians (2007) (56)
- Long-time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations with Convex and Coercive Hamiltonians (2009) (52)
- Asymptotic solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations in Euclidean n space (2006) (49)
- On oblique derivative problems for fully nonlinear second-order elliptic PDE’s on domains with corners (1991) (48)
- Deformation Behavior of NiTi/Polymer Shape Memory Alloy Composites – Experimental Verifications (2004) (48)
- Recent progress on reaction-diffusion systems and viscosity solutions (2009) (47)
- Global stability of stationary solutions to a nonlinear diffusion equation in phytoplankton dynamics (1982) (46)
- A family of degenerate elliptic operators: Maximum principle and its consequences (2016) (45)
- Uniqueness results for a class of hamilton-jacobi equations with singular coefficients (1995) (41)
- Fatigue crack propagation in copper and Cu−Al single crystals (1971) (41)
- Viscosity solutions of nonlinear second-order partial differential equations in hilbert spaces (1993) (40)
- Asymptotic Solutions of Viscous Hamilton–Jacobi Equations with Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Operator (2006) (40)
- Viscosity Solutions of a System of Nonlinear Second-Order Elliptic PDEs Arising in Switching Games (2005) (40)
- Boundary regulatity and uniqueness for an elliptic equations with gradient constraint (1983) (39)
- The vanishing discount problem and viscosity Mather measures. Part 1: the problem on a torus (2016) (38)
- Asymptotic Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations with Semi-Periodic Hamiltonians (2008) (38)
- Global existence of weak solutions for interface equations coupled with diffusion equations (1992) (37)
- The vanishing discount problem and viscosity Mather measures. Part 2: Boundary value problems (2016) (36)
- On oblique derivative problems for fully nonlinear second-order elliptic partial differential equations on nonsmooth domains (1990) (36)
- Nonlinear oblique derivative problems for singular degenerate parabolic equations on a general domain (2004) (35)
- Perron's method for monotone systems of second-order elliptic partial differential equations (1992) (31)
- Evaluation of giga‐cycle fatigue properties of some maraging steels by intermittent ultrasonic fatigue testing (2002) (31)
- Vanishing contact structure problem and convergence of the viscosity solutions (2018) (30)
- A Short Introduction to Viscosity Solutions and the Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations (2013) (29)
- Fatigue properties of carburized alloy steel in very high cycle regime under torsional loading (2014) (29)
- Load carrying capacity of a broken ellipsoidal inhomogeneity (1997) (29)
- Comparison results for hamilton-jacobi equations without grwoth condition on solutions from above (1997) (29)
- Limits of Solutions of p-Laplace Equations as p Goes to Infinity and Related Variational Problems (2005) (28)
- Differential games and nonlinear first order PDE on bounded domains (1984) (28)
- Homogenization of the Cauchy Problem for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations (1999) (28)
- Waiting Time Effects for Gauss Curvature Flows (1999) (27)
- Long-time asymptotic solutions of convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Neumann type boundary conditions (2010) (27)
- Homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations on Domains with Small Scale Periodic Structure (1998) (26)
- The Large-time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations on the Real Line (2008) (26)
- The effect of air pressure on the rate of fatigue crack growth (1969) (25)
- Remarks on Existence of Viscosity Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations (1983) (25)
- On the Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations Associated with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions (2011) (24)
- Remarks on elliptic singular perturbation problems (1991) (23)
- Weak KAM aspects of convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Neumann type boundary conditions (2009) (23)
- Corrosive wear of SiC Whisker-and particulate-reinforced 6061 aluminum alloy composites (1996) (22)
- On the existence of almost periodic complete trajectories for contractive almost periodic processes (1982) (22)
- Fatigue in Binary Alloys of bcc Iron (1984) (22)
- Mode I Interlaminar fracture Toughness and Fracture Mechanism of Angle-Ply Carbon/Nylon Laminates (1996) (21)
- A new PDE approach to the large time asymptotics of solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations (2012) (21)
- Applicability of Fracture Mechanics in Strength Evaluation of Functionally Graded Materials (1996) (19)
- On Representation of Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Convex Hamiltonians (1985) (19)
- The effect of heat treatments on the corrosion fatigue properties of 13 Pct Chromium Stainless Steel in 3 Pct NaCI Aqueous Solution (1982) (17)
- A convergence result for the ergodic problem for Hamilton–Jacobi equations with Neumann-type boundary conditions (2016) (17)
- Eigenvalue problem for fully nonlinear second-order elliptic PDE on balls (2012) (17)
- The vanishing discount problem for Hamilton–Jacobi equations in the Euclidean space (2019) (17)
- A pde approach to small stochastic perturbations of Hamiltonian flows (2012) (16)
- Degenerate parabolic PDEs with discontinuities and generalized evolutions of surfaces (1996) (16)
- The role of dislocation substructures in fatigue crack propagation in copper and alpha brass (1979) (16)
- The effect of fiber volume fraction and aspect ratio on the creation of internal stress in the matrix and deformation for short-fiber shape memory alloy composite (2006) (16)
- Correction. SDEs with oblique reflections on nonsmooth domains (2008) (15)
- On the uniqueness and existence of solutions of fully nonlinear parabolic PDEs under the Osgood type condition (1994) (15)
- Existence through convexity for the truncated Laplacians (2019) (15)
- Incremental damage theory and its application to glass-particle-reinforced nylon 66 composites (1998) (15)
- A generalization of a theorem of Barron and Jensen and a comparison theorem for lower semicontinuous viscosity solutions (2001) (14)
- The vanishing discount problem for monotone systems of Hamilton–Jacobi equations: part 2—nonlinear coupling (2019) (13)
- A Characterization of the Existence of Solutions for Hamilton—Jacobi Equations in Ergodic Control Problems with Applications (2000) (13)
- Fatigue crack propagation of Sic whisker reinforced 6061 aluminum alloy composite (1991) (12)
- On a certain estimate of the free boundary in the Stefan problem (1981) (12)
- A level set approach to the wearing process of a nonconvex stone (2003) (12)
- On ε-optimal controls for state constraint problems (2000) (10)
- The effect of ferrite grain size on the cyclic stress-strain response of low carbon steel (1979) (10)
- A Mathematical Model of the Wearing Process of a Nonconvex Stone (2001) (10)
- Asymptotic analysis for the eikonal equation with the dynamical boundary conditions (2014) (10)
- Simultaneous Effects of Homogenization and Vanishing Viscosity in Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Equations (2003) (10)
- Asymptotic solutions for large time of HamiltonJacobi equations (2006) (10)
- Towards a reversed Faber–Krahn inequality for the truncated Laplacian (2018) (9)
- Metastability for parabolic equations with drift: Part i (2013) (9)
- The vanishing discount problem for monotone systems of Hamilton-Jacobi equations: a counterexample to the full convergence (2022) (9)
- Uniqueness of solutions to the Cauchy problem for $u_t-u\Delta u+\gamma\vert \nabla u\vert ^2=0$ (1993) (9)
- Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Laminate. (1995) (7)
- Influence of Debonding Damage on a Crack Tip Field in Particulate-Reinforced Ductile-Matrix Composite (1996) (7)
- The Fatigue Life Prediction of SiC Whisker Reinforced Al6061 Alloy Composite by Monte-Carlo Simulation (1998) (7)
- An Approximation Scheme for Motion by Mean Curvature with Right-Angle Boundary Condition (2001) (6)
- Asymptotic Analysis for a Class of Infinite Systems of First-Order PDE: Nonlinear Parabolic PDE in the Singular Limit (2003) (6)
- Convexified Gauss Curvature flow of Sets: A Stochastic Approximation (2004) (5)
- Eigenvalue problem for fully nonlinear second-order elliptic PDE on balls, II (2015) (5)
- Finite Element Analysis of a Cracked Ellipsoidal Inhomogeneity in an Infinite Body and Its Load Carrying Capacity. (1997) (5)
- A remark on a system of inequalities with bilateral obstacles (1989) (5)
- On Viscosity Solution of HJB Equations with State Constraints and Reflection Control (2015) (5)
- Motion of a Graph by R-Curvature (2001) (5)
- Positivity sets of supersolutions of degenerate elliptic equations and the strong maximum principle (2019) (5)
- Erratum: SDEs with oblique reflections on nonsmooth domains (The Annals of Probability (1993) 21 (554-580)) (2008) (4)
- Hamilton–Jacobi equations with their Hamiltonians depending Lipschitz continuously on the unknown (2021) (4)
- Relaxation of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations (2003) (4)
- Metastability for parabolic equations with drift: Part II. The quasilinear case (2015) (4)
- Influence of Cementite Volume Fraction on Mechanical Properties and Fracture Toughness in Spheroidized Cementite Steel. Study on Fracture Behavior or Particulate-Reinforced Composite. (1993) (4)
- Relaxation in an L∞-optimization problem (2003) (4)
- 425 High cycle torsion fatigue characteristic by ultrasonic fatigue testing method (2005) (4)
- Tensile Behavior of High Cr Ferritic Steels (1975) (4)
- Applicability of Fracture Mechanics in Strength Evaluation of Functionally Graded Materials. (1995) (4)
- Influence of Resin on Splitting Fracture Toughness in Unidirectional CFRP. (1995) (3)
- Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness Test under Mixed Mode Loading (1991) (3)
- Non-local Hamilton-Jacobi equations arising in dislocation dynamics (2010) (3)
- Some properties of ergodic attractors for controlled dynamical systems (1997) (3)
- Young's Modulus Measurement of Chromium Electroplating (1991) (3)
- A Nonlinear Diffusion Equation in Phytoplankton Dynamics with Self-Shading Effect (1985) (3)
- Fracture Mechanics. Cross Sectional Profiles and Dimensions of Fatigue Striations. (1998) (3)
- Very High Cycle Fatigue Properties of Carburized Steel by Ultrasonic Torsional Fatigue Testing (2010) (3)
- Deformation Behavior and Fracture Process of NiTi/Polycarbonate Shape Memory Alloy Composites under Thermo-Mechanical Loading (2000) (3)
- The Level Set Method for Etching and Deposition (1997) (3)
- Mechanical Properties of Mechanically Alloyed TiC Particulate-Reinforced Titanium (1996) (2)
- Measurement of X-Ray Elastic Constants From Ground Ceramic Showing Non-Linear Sin2ϕ Diagrams (1993) (2)
- Remarks on Evolution Equations with Almost Periodic Forcing Terms (1980) (2)
- Influence of Fiber Orientation and Content on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in Short-Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polycarbonate. (1993) (2)
- Hopf-Lax formulas for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with semicontinuous initial data (Singularity theory and Differential equations) (1999) (2)
- Two remarks on periodic solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations (2009) (2)
- An example in the vanishing discount problem for monotone systems of Hamilton-Jacobi equations (2020) (2)
- Nano-Fractographic Estimation on the Profiles and Dimensions of Fatigue Striation (2000) (2)
- Mixed Mode Fracture Toughness and Fracture Mechanism in Short-Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polycarbonate. (1994) (1)
- Evaluation of Fracture Toughness of Ceramics-Metal Functionally Graded Material Using Stable Crack Growth in Three-Point-Bending Specimen(Special Issue on Fracture Mechanics) (2002) (1)
- Observation of the Surface of Cyclically Deformed Au by Scanning Tunneling Microscope. (1993) (1)
- Interface Reaction and Bondability of Alumina to Titanium (1996) (1)
- An Approximation Scheme for Gauss Curvature Flow (1998) (1)
- Corrosive Wear of SiC Whisker-and 6061 Aluminum Alloy Composites Particulate-Reinforced (2007) (1)
- OS11(2)-6(OS11W0239) Ultrasonic Bending Fatigue Testing Method for Thin Sheet Materials (2003) (1)
- Discrete approximation of the viscous HJ equation (2020) (1)
- Evaluation of the Fretting Fatigue Behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy (2005) (1)
- Development of Ultrasonic Torsional Fatigue Tester to Evaluate Rolling Bearing Steels (2012) (1)
- Rapid Evaluation of Shear Fatigue Properties of Rolling Bearing Steels for Lifespans Up to the Gigacycle Range (2012) (1)
- On Stress Fields of a Thin Film Due to a Circular Prismatic Dislocation Loop (1976) (1)
- Application Of Incremental Damage Theory ToGlass Particle Reinforced Nylon 66 Composites (1970) (1)
- Incremental damage theory of particle or short-fiber reinforced composites (1998) (1)
- Development of ultrasonic torsional fatigue testing machine with mean torsional stress (2017) (1)
- Tensile Behaviors of High Cr-Low Ni Two-Phase Stainless Steels at Room and Low Temperatures (1973) (1)
- Rotating Bending Fatigue Behavior of Quasicrystal-Reinforced Al Alloys (1999) (0)
- Asymptotic Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations for Large Time and Related Topics (2008) (0)
- Sun Light Collecting System: Control using Light for the Future@@@照明への太陽光利用制御 (1987) (0)
- Electrodynamic rotating permanent magnet machine with concentrated stator winding (1998) (0)
- Impact Fracture Behavior of Laminated Safety Glass and Its Penetration Fracture ( JAPAN ) (1990) (0)
- A study of a transmission signal for a wireless occupancy sensor controlling a lighting fixture (1999) (0)
- Effect of Variable Loading on Very High Cycle Fretting Fatigue of Chromium-Molybdenum Steel (2020) (0)
- Effect of Microstructure on Fatigue Strength of Diamond Coating on WC-Co Alloy. (1998) (0)
- Introduction of "Sekiheki" research (2013) (0)
- On the Large Time Behavior of Solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi Equations Associated with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions (2012) (0)
- Existence and Uniqueness of Viscosity Solutions of an Integro-differential Equation Arising in Option Pricing (2021) (0)
- Updated Pretreatment Technologies for Automotive in Japan (2007) (0)
- Existence of an optimal path in a continuous-time nonconcave Ramsey model (2019) (0)
- Rotating Bending Fatigue Behavior of Quasicrystal-Reinforced Al Alloys (1999) (0)
- Averaging of Hamilton-Jacobi equations over Hamiltonian flows (2019) (0)
- Fretting Fatigue Testing of Carburized Alloy Steel in Very High Cycle Regime Using an Ultrasonic Torsional Fatigue Testing Machine (2014) (0)
- Method of discriminating character and halftone image areas (1991) (0)
- Coated metal material for plastic working and use of the coating agent (2012) (0)
- Title ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS FOR LARGE-TIME OF HAMILTON-JACOBI EQUATIONS IN EUCLIDEAN $n$ SPACE(Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations (2020) (0)
- Averaging of Hamilton-Jacobi equations along divergence-free vector fields (2021) (0)
- The Young's Modulus And Residual Stress of CVD-Coated Film (1993) (0)
- Effect of duty -pause period on the fatigue properties of intermittent ultrasonic loading method (2003) (0)
- A New Method of X-Ray Stress Measurement of Single Crystals (2004) (0)
- The influence of stress gradient on x-ray stress measurement (1994) (0)
- On the Langevin equation with variable friction (2017) (0)
- Authors’ reply (1984) (0)
- The heat-shrinkable multi-layered packaging film and processes for their preparation (2006) (0)
- ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS OF HAMILTON-JACOBI EQUATIONS IN THE WHOLE EUCLIDEAN SPACE(Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations and its Developments) (2006) (0)
- Influence of Variable Loading on Very High Cycles Fretting Fatigue (2018) (0)
- Analysis of Stress/Strain Field and Damage Evolution around a Crack-tip in Particulate-Reinforced Composite(Special Issue on Fracture Mechanics) (1994) (0)
- Improvement in very high cycle fretting fatigue strength using stress relief groove (2019) (0)
- PS32 Development of Accelerated Fretting Fatigue Testing Method By Using Ultrasonic Torsional Fatigue Testing Machine (2012) (0)
- SDES WITH OBLIQUE REFLECTIONS ON NONSMOOTH DOMAINS The Annals of Probability 21 ( 1993 ) 554 – 580 By (2008) (0)
- Fully Nonlinear Oblique Derivative Problems for Singular Degenerate Parabolic Equations (Viscosity Solutions of Differential Equations and Related Topics) (2002) (0)
- Deformation Behavior and Its Analysis Considering Visco-Plasticity of Matrix for Shape Memory Alloy Composite (2000) (0)
- Fretting Fatigue Behaviour of Alloy Steel in the Very High Cycle Region (2019) (0)
- Machine tornante électrodynamique à aimants permanents ayant un stator a bobinage concentré (1998) (0)
- A PDE approach to stochastic invariance (2000) (0)
- OS9(1)-4(OS09W0183) Fatigue Behavior of CFRP Cross-Ply Laminates under Axial Cyclic Load (2003) (0)
- Development of a Deformation Gauge for a Mixed-Mode Crack Using an Optical-Position-Sensing Device and Mixed-Mode Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness Test. (1991) (0)
- Ultrasonic bending fatigue testing method for thin sheet materials (2002) (0)
- On High Temperature Intercrystalline Creep Fracture (1966) (0)
- Uniqueness sets for minimization formulas (2012) (0)
- Asymptotic solutions for large time of Hamilton–Jacobi equations in Euclidean n space Solutions asymptotiques en temps grand d’équations de Hamilton–Jacobi dans R (2008) (0)
- Asymptotic Stability of Almost Periodic Solutions of a Free Boundary Problem Arising in Hydraulics (1979) (0)
- Convexified Gauss curvature flow of bounded open sets in an anisotropic external field a stochastic apporoximation and PDE (2002) (0)
- Propagation of minima for nonlocal operators (2022) (0)
- Sensor Equipped Lighting Control System (1999) (0)
- 424 Ultrasonic Bending Fatigue Test of Thin Sheets (2005) (0)
- Lecture notes on the weak KAM theorem (2004) (0)
- Some Uniqueness Theorems for First Order Hyperbolic Systems (1975) (0)
- PS24 Development of Ultrasonic Torsion Fatigue Testing Machine (2008) (0)
- On the Langevin equation with variable friction (2017) (0)
- Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions (2005) (0)
- Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions (2005) (0)
- Torsional Fatigue of SiC Whisker or SiC Particulate Reinforced 6061 Aluminum Alloys. (1996) (0)
- Development of the porchlight with passive infrared ray sensor (1998) (0)
- Plenary lectures (2003) (0)
- Fundamental Aspects of Dislocation Theory A Conference Report with Abstracts (2010) (0)
- Estimates from W , to W , for the Solutions of the Petrovskii Well Posed Cauchy Problems (0)
- Evaluation of fracture toughness of ceramics/metal functionally graded material by three-point bending test (2013) (0)
- Small stochastic perturbations of Hamiltonian ows in 2D: a PDE approach (2012) (0)
- Fretting Fatigue of High-Strength Steel in Very High Cycle Regime (2016) (0)
- Nonlinear Neumann Problems for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs on a Quadrant (2021) (0)
- Effects of Terminal-modified Polyethylene Glycol Derivatives as Additives for Through Hole Plating (2013) (0)
- 234 Effect of carburizing on strength of cold-rolled steel plate for automobile use (2001) (0)
- 421 Giga Cycle Fatigue Property of High Strength Steel (2005) (0)
- Giga-cycle fatigue strengths of notched high strength steel specimens (2003) (0)
- A NOTE ON THE HOMOGENIZATION OF FULLY NONLINEAR DEGENERATE ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS (Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations and its Developments) (2005) (0)
- The maximum principle for degenerate parabolic PDEs with singularities (1994) (0)
- Asymptotic solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations with convex Hamiltonians (2008) (0)
- Nano-Scale Observation of Fatigue Striations for Aluminum Alloy (2000) (0)
- An image processing method and device carrying too whose (1991) (0)
- On Trapping of a Circular Prismatic Dislocation Loop in a Semi-Infinite Medium with a Surface Layer (1977) (0)
- Relaxation in the Cauchy problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations (Viscosity Solution Theory of Differential Equations and its Developments) (2005) (0)
- Effect of carburizing on fatigue of cold rolled steel plate (2000) (0)
- Proceedings of minisemester on evolution of interfaces, Sapporo 2010 (2010) (0)
- Discrete approximation of the viscous HJ equation (2021) (0)
- Development of autonomous luminaire connected via networks (2000) (0)
- System and method for inspection of sample images (2003) (0)
- Faceted Voids and Grain Orientation at Solid State Diffusion Bonded Interfaces between Cu and Single Crystal Cubic ZrO2 (1996) (0)
- On $\varepsilon $-optimal controls for state constraint problems (2000) (0)
- OS11W0239 Ultrasonic bending fatigue testing method for thin sheet materials (2003) (0)
- Composition and method of metal surface treatment (1989) (0)
- Estimates from $W_{p,\alpha } $ to $W_{q,\beta }$ for the solution of the Petrovskii Well posed Cauchy problems (1973) (0)
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