Jun-Muk Hwang
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South Korean mathematician
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Jun-Muk Hwang's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics Seoul National University
- Masters Mathematics Seoul National University
- Bachelors Mathematics Seoul National University
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Why Is Jun-Muk Hwang Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jun-Muk Hwang is a South Korean mathematician, specializing in algebraic geometry and complex differential geometry. Personal life Hwang is the eldest son of gayageum musician Hwang Byungki and novelist Han Malsook.
Jun-Muk Hwang's Published Works
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Published Works
- Birationality of the tangent map for minimal rational curves (2003) (95)
- Rigidity of irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces of the compact type under Kähler deformation (1996) (92)
- Base manifolds for fibrations of projective irreducible symplectic manifolds (2007) (80)
- Cartan–Fubini type extension of holomorphic maps for Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 (2001) (70)
- Prolongations of infinitesimal linear automorphisms of projective varieties and rigidity of rational homogeneous spaces of Picard number 1 under Kähler deformation (2005) (69)
- Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents on Uniruled Projective Manifolds (1999) (66)
- Uniruled projective manifolds with irreducible reductive G-structures. (1997) (58)
- Hecke curves and Hitchin discriminant (2003) (49)
- Rigidity of rational homogeneous spaces (2006) (46)
- Deformation rigidity of the rational homogeneous space associated to a long simple root (2002) (45)
- Finite morphisms onto Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 which have rational curves with trivial normal bundles (2003) (42)
- Holomorphic maps from rational homogeneous spaces of Picard number 1 onto projective manifolds (1999) (41)
- Classification of non-degenerate projective varieties with non-zero prolongation and application to target rigidity (2010) (39)
- Stability of tangent bundles of low dimensional Fano manifolds with Picard number 1 (1998) (39)
- Geometry of chains of minimal rational curves (2004) (37)
- Characterization of the rational homogeneous space associated to a long simple root by its variety of minimal rational tangents (2008) (31)
- Characteristic foliation on the discriminant hypersurface of a holomorphic Lagrangian fibration (2007) (30)
- Volumes of complex analytic subvarieties of Hermitian symmetric spaces (2002) (29)
- Rigidity of homogeneous contact manifolds under Fano deformation. (1997) (28)
- Holomorphic maps onto varieties of non-negative Kodaira dimension (2003) (28)
- Characterization of Hermitian symmetric spaces by fundamental forms (2002) (27)
- Special birational transformations of type (2,1) (2015) (26)
- Tangent vectors to Hecke curves on the moduli space of rank 2 bundles over an algebraic curve (2000) (24)
- On Endomorphisms of Fano Manifolds of Picard Number One (2011) (24)
- On the degrees of Fano four-folds of Picard number 1 (2003) (23)
- Webs of Lagrangian tori in projective symplectic manifolds (2012) (22)
- Compact Manifolds Covered by a Torus (2007) (21)
- Deformation Rigidity Of the 20-dimensional F4-homogeneous Space Associated To a Short Root (2004) (21)
- Characteristic foliation on a hypersurface of general type in a projective symplectic manifold (2008) (21)
- Hecke curves on the moduli space of vector bundles over an algebraic curve (2003) (19)
- Uniform boundedness of level structures on abelian varieties over complex function fields (2006) (19)
- Uniqueness of equivariant compactifications of C^n by a Fano manifold of Picard number 1 (2013) (18)
- Mori geometry meets Cartan geometry: Varieties of minimal rational tangents (2015) (18)
- Deformation of holomorphic maps onto Fano manifolds of second and fourth Betti numbers 1 (2007) (18)
- Seshadri-exceptional foliations (2003) (16)
- Nondeformability of the complex hyperquadric (1995) (14)
- On Seshadri Constants of Canonical Bundles of Compact Complex Hyperbolic Spaces (1999) (14)
- Geometry of varieties of minimal rational tangents (2011) (14)
- Multiple fibers of holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations (2009) (13)
- Log canonical thresholds of divisors on Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 (2007) (13)
- Characterizing symplectic Grassmannians by varieties of minimal rational tangents (2019) (13)
- Equivalence problem for minimal rational curves with isotrivial varieties of minimal rational tangents (2009) (13)
- Slopes of smooth curves on Fano manifolds (2010) (12)
- Chow group of 1-cycles on the moduli space of vector bundles of rank 2 over a curve (2006) (12)
- Projective manifolds dominated by abelian varieties (2001) (11)
- Buser-Sarnak invariant and projective normality of abelian varieties (2010) (11)
- Euler-symmetric projective varieties (2017) (11)
- Varieties of minimal rational tangents of codimension 1 (2013) (11)
- Injectivity radius and gonality of a compact Riemann surface (2012) (10)
- Minimal Rational Curves on Complete Toric Manifolds and Applications (2013) (10)
- Syzygies of compact complex hyperbolic manifolds (2012) (9)
- Varieties of minimal rational tangents on Veronese double cones (2015) (9)
- An application of Cartan's equivalence method to Hirschowitz's conjecture on the formal principle (2019) (8)
- On Seshadri constants of canonical bundles of compact quotients of bounded symmetric domains (2000) (8)
- Isotrivial VMRT-structures of complete intersection type (2016) (8)
- Deformation of holomorphic maps onto the blow-up of the projective plane (2007) (7)
- Varieties of minimal rational tangents on double covers of projective space (2013) (6)
- Log canonical thresholds of divisors on Grassmannians (2006) (6)
- Quasi-complete homogeneous contact manifold associated to a cubic form (2008) (6)
- Cartan-Fubini type extension of holomorphic maps respecting varieties of minimal rational tangents (2015) (5)
- Rigidity of surjective holomorphic maps to Calabi-Yau manifolds (2004) (5)
- Additive vector fields, algebraicity and rationality (1996) (5)
- A bound on the number of curves of a given degree through a general point of a projective variety (2004) (4)
- Characterization of the complex projective space by holomorphic vector fields (1996) (4)
- Prolongations of Infinitesimal Automorphisms of Cubic Hypersurfaces with Nonzero Hessian (2016) (3)
- Holomorphic maps onto Kaehler manifolds with non-negative Kodaira dimension (2006) (3)
- Local structure of principally polarized stable Lagrangian fibrations (2010) (3)
- Slope of smooth rational curves in a Fano manifold (2010) (3)
- Varieties of minimal rational tangents of unbendable rational curves subordinate to contact structures (2021) (2)
- Unobstructedness of deformations of holomorphic maps onto Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 (2009) (2)
- Minimal rational curves on complete toric manifolds (2009) (2)
- Recognizing G / P by Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents (2018) (2)
- On the multiplicities of pluri-anti-canonical divisors and the degrees of Fano manifolds (2003) (2)
- Classification of non-degenerate projective varieties with non-zero prolongation and application to target rigidity (2011) (2)
- Automorphism groups of spaces of minimal rational curves on Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 (2004) (2)
- Algebraic complete integrability of an integrable system of Beauville (2008) (2)
- Holomorphic vector fields with totally degenerate zeroes (1997) (2)
- Unbendable rational curves of Goursat type and Cartan type (2021) (2)
- A compactification of (C*)4 with no non-constant meromorphic functions (2006) (1)
- Recognizing the G2-horospherical Manifold of Picard Number 1 by Varieties of Minimal Rational Tangents (2022) (1)
- Legendrian Cone Structures and Contact Prolongations (2020) (1)
- Arnold multiplicity ef divisors on rational homogeneous spaces (2005) (1)
- Geometry of webs of algebraic curves (2016) (1)
- Cone structures and parabolic geometries (2020) (1)
- Dual cones of varieties of minimal rational tangents (2015) (1)
- Extending Nirenberg–Spencer’s question on holomorphic embeddings to families of holomorphic embeddings (2020) (1)
- Buser-Sarnak invariants of Prym varieties (2013) (1)
- Title Finite morphisms onto Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 whichhave rational curves with trivial normal bundles (2003) (1)
- On the Vanishing Orders of Vector Fields on Fano Varieties of Picard Number 1 (2001) (1)
- Characterization of the complex projective space by holomorphic vector fields (1996) (1)
- Rigidity properties of holomorphic Legendrian singularities (2018) (1)
- Cone structures and parabolic geometries (2021) (0)
- Title Rigidity of irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces of thecompact type under Kähler deformation (2008) (0)
- Cartan-Fubini Type Extension Theorems (2016) (0)
- Rational curves and prolongations of G-structures (2017) (0)
- Lagrangian loci in moduli of abelian surfaces (2022) (0)
- On the Volumes of Analytic Varieties Near the Diagonal for a Compact Quotient of the Polydisk (2017) (0)
- Komplexe Analysis - Algebraicity and Transcendence (2021) (0)
- Tables of Contents (2011) (0)
- On the Volumes of Analytic Varieties Near the Diagonal for a Compact Quotient of the Polydisk (2020) (0)
- Cartan-Fubini Type Extension Theorems (2016) (0)
- Deformation of morphisms onto Fano manifolds of Picard number 1 with linear varieties of minimal rational tangents (2017) (0)
- On the stability of regular algebras (2016) (0)
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: Rational curves and prolongations of G-structures (2017) (0)
- On the stability and moduli of noncommutative algebras (2016) (0)
- Minimal Rational Curves and 1-Flat Irreducible G-Structures (2022) (0)
- Webs of Lagrangian tori in projective symplectic manifolds (2012) (0)
- Prolongations of Infinitesimal Automorphisms of Cubic Hypersurfaces with Nonzero Hessian (2018) (0)
- Varieties of minimal rational tangents on double covers of projective space (2012) (0)
- Komplexe Analysis (2018) (0)
- Effective Bounds on Holomorphic Mappings into Complex Hyperbolic Manifolds (2006) (0)
- Partial compactification of metabelian Lie groups with prescribed varieties of minimal rational tangents (2022) (0)
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