Irving S. Reed
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Why Is Irving S. Reed Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Irving Stoy Reed was an American mathematician and engineer. He is best known for co-inventing a class of algebraic error-correcting and error-detecting codes known as Reed–Solomon codes in collaboration with Gustave Solomon. He also co-invented the Reed–Muller code.
Irving S. Reed's Published Works
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Published Works
- Rapid Convergence Rate in Adaptive Arrays (1974) (2019)
- Adaptive multiple-band CFAR detection of an optical pattern with unknown spectral distribution (1990) (1576)
- Polynomial Codes Over Certain Finite Fields (1960) (1075)
- A Multistage Representation of the Wiener Filter Based on Orthogonal Projections (1998) (822)
- A class of multiple-error-correcting codes and the decoding scheme (1954) (801)
- On a moment theorem for complex Gaussian processes (1962) (391)
- VLSI Architectures for Computing Multiplications and Inverses in GF(2m) (1983) (352)
- Reduced-rank adaptive filtering (1997) (298)
- A Detection Algorithm for Optical Targets in Clutter (1987) (258)
- Optical moving target detection with 3-D matched filtering (1988) (251)
- Adaptive arrays in airborne MTI radar (1976) (238)
- Optimal and adaptive reduced-rank STAP (2000) (214)
- Systolic Multipliers for Finite Fields GF(2m) (1984) (213)
- Application of Three-Dimensional Filtering to Moving Target Detection (1983) (198)
- A Semicoherent Detection and Doppler Estimation Statistic (1973) (190)
- Theory of partially adaptive radar (1997) (180)
- A new CFAR detection test for radar (1991) (178)
- A VLSI Design of a Pipeline Reed-Solomon Decoder (1985) (176)
- Error-Control Coding for Data Networks (1999) (173)
- The use of finite fields to compute convolutions (1975) (172)
- Comparative performance analysis of adaptive multispectral detectors (1993) (168)
- Automatic target detection and recognition in multiband imagery: a unified ML detection and estimation approach (1997) (151)
- The Detection of Radar Echoes in Noise. I (1960) (151)
- Subspace selection for partially adaptive sensor array processing (1997) (145)
- Multistage partially adaptive STAP CFAR detection algorithm (1999) (138)
- A Comparison of VLSI Architecture of Finite Field Multipliers Using Dual, Normal, or Standard Bases (1988) (137)
- A recursive moving-target-indication algorithm for optical image sequences (1990) (132)
- VLSI design of inverse-free Berlekamp-Massey algorithm (1991) (127)
- Adaptive Optical Target Detection Using Correlated Images (1985) (121)
- Spectral representation of fractional Brownian motion in n dimensions and its properties (1995) (118)
- Reduced-rank STAP performance analysis (2000) (103)
- Decoding the (47, 24, 11) quadratic residue code (2001) (98)
- Use of Grobner bases to decode binary cyclic codes up to the true minimum distance (1994) (89)
- Guest Editorial Introduction To The Special Issue On Automatic Target Detection And Recognition (1997) (89)
- A fast encoding algorithm for fractal image compression using the DCT inner product (2000) (88)
- Algebraic decoding of (71, 36, 11), (79, 40, 15), and (97, 49, 15) quadratic residue codes (2003) (86)
- Multidimensional signal processing for electro-optical target detection (1990) (81)
- On the VLSI Design of a Pipeline Reed-Solomon Decoder Using Systolic Arrays (1987) (80)
- A VLSI design for a trace-back Viterbi decoder (1992) (78)
- Algebraic decoding of the (32, 16, 8) quadratic residue code (1990) (77)
- Performance of MDPSK, MPSK, and noncoherent MFSK in wireless Rician fading channels (1999) (76)
- A VLSI design of a pipeline Reed-Solomon decoder (1985) (69)
- Fourier analysis and signal processing by use of the Mobius inversion formula (1990) (68)
- Fast algorithm for computing the roots of error locator polynomials up to degree 11 in Reed-Solomon decoders (2001) (64)
- Control-Loop Noise in Adaptive Array Antennas (1971) (59)
- Galois Switching Functions and Their Applications (1975) (56)
- Decoding the (24,12,8) Golay code (1990) (55)
- Subspace Expansion and the Equivalence of Conjugate Direction and Multistage Wiener Filters (2008) (55)
- Reed-Solomon Codes (1999) (54)
- The algebraic decoding of the (41, 21, 9) quadratic residue code (1992) (54)
- Equivalence of the Likelihood Ratio Processor, the Maximum Signal-to-Noise Ratio Filter, and the Wiener Filter (1972) (54)
- Image data compression using cubic convolution spline interpolation (2000) (53)
- The VLSI Implementation of a Reed—Solomon Encoder Using Berlekamp's Bit-Serial Multiplier Algorithm (1984) (52)
- A comparison of average-likelihood and maximum-likelihood ratio tests for detecting radar targets of unknown Doppler frequency (1968) (47)
- Complex integer convolutions over a direct sum of Galois fields (1975) (46)
- Including Hints in Training Neural Nets (1991) (46)
- The use of neural nets to combine equalization with decoding (1993) (46)
- Path Sensitization, Partial Boolean Difference, and Automated Fault Diagnosis (1972) (44)
- A generalized |ω|-filter for 3-D reconstruction (1977) (44)
- A recursive method of computing the Q function (Corresp.) (1965) (43)
- Image Processing by Transforms Over a Finite Field (1977) (41)
- Simplified procedure for correcting both errors and erasures of Reed-Solomon code using Euclidean algorithm (1987) (41)
- Note on the existence of perfect maps (1962) (41)
- The fast decoding of Reed-Solomon codes using Fermat theoretic transforms and continued fractions (1978) (40)
- An Adaptive Array Signal Processing Algorithm for Communications (1982) (38)
- A VLSI architecture for simplified arithmetic Fourier transform algorithm (1990) (35)
- N-orthogonal phase-modulated codes (1966) (34)
- CFAR detection and estimation for STAP radar (1998) (33)
- Information theory and privacy in data banks (1973) (32)
- Linear diversity analyses for M-PSK in Rician fading channels (2003) (32)
- Adaptive detection of signals with linear feature mappings and representations (1995) (32)
- On the use of Laguerre polynomials in treating the envelope and phase components of narrow-band Gaussian noise (1959) (30)
- General principles for the algebraic decoding of cyclic codes (1994) (30)
- A fast efficient computation of cubic-spline interpolation in image codec (2001) (30)
- On the nonperiodic cyclic equivalence classes of Reed-Solomon codes (1993) (30)
- Space-time adaptive reduced-rank multistage Wiener filtering for asynchronous DS-CDMA (2004) (29)
- Fast, prime factor, discrete Fourier transform algorithms over GF(2m) for 8 leq m leq 10 (2006) (28)
- Redundancy by Coding Versus Redundancy by Replication for Failure-Tolerant Sequential Circuits (1972) (28)
- An analysis of signal detection and location by digital methods (1956) (28)
- Convolutions over residue classes of quadratic integers (1976) (26)
- Convergence Rate in Adaptive Arrays. (1978) (26)
- A Model for the Radar Echo from a Random Collection of Rotating Dipole Scatterers (1967) (26)
- On the application of a fast polynomial transform and the Chinese remainder theorem to compute a two-dimensional convolution (1981) (26)
- Decoding the (73, 37, 13) quadratic residue code (1994) (25)
- Optimum Processing of Unequally Spaced Radar Pulse Trains for Clutter Rejection (1968) (25)
- kth order near-orthogonal codes (1971) (24)
- An improved reduced-rank CFAR space-time adaptive radar detection algorithm (1998) (24)
- kth-Order Near-Orthogonal Codes (Corresp.) (1971) (23)
- The fast decoding of Reed-Solomon codes using Fermat transforms (Corresp.) (1978) (23)
- Performance measures for optimal constrained beamformers (1997) (22)
- A generalization of the Gabor-Helstrom transform (Corresp.) (1967) (21)
- Symbolic synthesis of digital computers (1952) (20)
- Decoding the (23,12,7) Golay code using bit-error probability estimates (2005) (20)
- The Mellin type of double integral (1944) (20)
- Integer Convolutions over the Finite Field $GF( {3 \cdot 2^n + 1} )$ (1977) (20)
- Space-time cross-correlation functions for antenna array elements in a noise field (1965) (19)
- A robust adaptive multi-spectral object detection by using wavelet transform (1992) (19)
- Path-invariant comma-free codes (1962) (18)
- Algebraic decoding of cyclic codes: A polynomial ideal point of view (1993) (18)
- Average time to loss of lock for an automatic frequency control loop with two fading signals, and a related probability distribution (Corresp.) (1966) (18)
- Coding Techniques for Failure- Tolerant Counters (1970) (18)
- X-Ray Reconstruction by Finite Field Transforms (1977) (17)
- Boolean Difference Calculus and Fault Finding (1973) (17)
- Fast transforms for decoding Reed-Solomon codes (1981) (16)
- A performance comparison of the binary quadratic residue codes with the 1/2-rate convolutional codes (1994) (16)
- Efficient program for decoding the (255, 223) Reed-Solomon code over GF (28 ) with both errors and erasures, using transform decoding (1979) (16)
- A Pipeline Design of a Fast Prime Factor DFT on a Finite Field (1988) (16)
- A New CT-Aided Robotic Stereotaxis System. (1985) (16)
- X-Ray Reconstruction of the Spinal Cord, Using Bone Suppression (1980) (15)
- A Fast Approximate Karhunen-Loève Transform (AKLT) for Data Compression (1994) (15)
- The VLSI design of a single chip for the multiplication of integers modulo a fermat number (1985) (15)
- A fast CFAR detection space-time adaptive processing algorithm (1999) (15)
- A parallel VLSI architecture for a digital filter of arbitrary length using Fermat number transforms (1982) (14)
- Decoding the (47,24,11) quadratic residue code using bit-error probability estimates (2009) (14)
- Digital SAR processing using a fast polynomial transform (1984) (14)
- An optimal generalized theory of signal representation (1999) (14)
- Fundamentals of Convolutional Codes (1999) (13)
- Simplified algorithm for correcting both errors and erasures of Reed-Solomon codes (1979) (13)
- The equivalence of rank permutation codes to a new class of binary codes (Corresp.) (1970) (13)
- A Sequential Test for the Presence of a Signal in One of k Possible Positions (Corresp.) (1963) (12)
- A new CFAR sidelobe canceler algorithm for radar (1990) (12)
- Brief History of Adaptive Arrays (1985) (12)
- Clutter rejection using multispectral processing (1990) (11)
- Practical Algorithm For Computing The 2-D Arithmetic Fourier Transform (1989) (11)
- 3-D Reconstruction for Diverging X-Ray Beams (1978) (11)
- Radiation models using discrete radiator ensembles (1968) (11)
- VLSI implementation of GSC architecture with a new ripple carry adder (1988) (11)
- Fast number-theoretic transforms for digital filtering (1976) (11)
- A low-complexity implementation of adaptive Wiener filters (1997) (10)
- Recursive FIR digital filter design using a z -transform on a finite ring (1983) (10)
- Code timing acquisition using an antenna array for asynchronous DS-CDMA systems in a near-far environment (2001) (10)
- Back Projection Speed Improvement for 3-D Reconstruction (1977) (10)
- Comparative study of feature mapping and selection for ATR: experiments on SAR data (1994) (10)
- Fast transform decoding of nonsystematic Reed-Solomon codes (1989) (10)
- A New Hybrid Algorithm for Computing a Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (1979) (10)
- Arithmetic norms and bounds of the arithmetic AN codes (1970) (9)
- On the sequential detection of emerging targets (1965) (9)
- Fast Mersenne-prime transforms for digital filtering (1978) (9)
- Noncoherent summation of multiple reduced-rank test statistics for frequency-hopped STAP (1999) (9)
- Blind low-complexity code-timing acquisition for space-time asynchronous DS-CDMA signals (2002) (9)
- Inverse Z-transform by Mobius inversion and the error bounds of aliasing in sampling (1994) (9)
- Quantization Noise in Digital Moving Target Indication Systems (1966) (9)
- Pipeline prime-factor DFT for VLSI using cyclic shuffling (1987) (9)
- Fast approximate Karhunen-Loève transform with applications to digital image coding (1993) (8)
- Multipath tolerant ranging and data transfer techniques for air-to-ground and ground-to-air links (1970) (8)
- Reduced rank space-time adaptive radar processing (1996) (8)
- A transform decoder for Reed-Solomon codes in multiple-user communication systems (1977) (8)
- Techniques for Computing the Discrete Fourier Transform Using the Quadratic Residue Fermat Number Systems (1986) (8)
- A fast computation of complex convolution using a hybrid transform (1978) (8)
- Partially adaptive radar signal processing: the cross-spectral approach (1995) (8)
- No binary quadratic residue code of length 8m-1 is quasi-perfect (1994) (8)
- Decoding of B.C.H. and R.S. codes with errors and erasures using continued fractions (1979) (8)
- Approximate band-pass limiter envelope distributions (1964) (8)
- Recursive realization of finite impulse filters using finite field arithmetic (1977) (8)
- A Complex Integer Multiplier Using the Quadratic-Polynomial Residue Number System with Numbers of Form 22n + 1 (1987) (7)
- A new approximate Karhunen-Loeve transform for data compression (1998) (7)
- A single chip VLSI Reed-Solomon decoder (1986) (7)
- Suppression Of Narrowband Interference Via Single Channel Adaptive Preprocessing (1988) (7)
- Fast technique for computing syndromes of B.C.H. and Reed-Solomon codes (1979) (7)
- Normal Bases over GF(q) (2001) (7)
- An improved FPT algorithm for computing two-dimensional cyclic convolutions (1983) (7)
- Extension of RSA crypto-structure: a Galois approach (1982) (7)
- The fast decoding of Reed-Solomon codes using number theoretic transforms (1976) (7)
- Filterless approximations of K th order to coherent detection (1962) (6)
- Multidisciplinary Research on Advanced, High-Speed, Adaptive Signal Processing for Radar Sensors. (1997) (6)
- Error-trellis syndrome decoding techniques for convolutional codes (1985) (6)
- Fast algorithms for complex integer transforms (1977) (6)
- Fast algorithm for computer complex number-theoretic transforms (1977) (6)
- A fast d.f.t. algorithm using complex integer transforms (1977) (5)
- A new VLSI complex integer multiplier which uses a quadratic-polynomial residue system with fermat numbers (1987) (5)
- Some Remarks on State Reduction of Asynchronous Circuits by the Paull-Unger Method (1965) (5)
- Dose Reduction in X-Ray Computed Tomography Using a Generalized Filter (1979) (5)
- Fourier Analysis and Signal Mobius Inversion Formula Processing by Use of the (1990) (5)
- Efficient multiplication algorithms over the finite fields GF(q sup m), where q equals 3,5 (1993) (5)
- An FPT algorithm with a modularized structure for computing 2-D cyclic convolutions (1988) (5)
- A sequential test for radar detection of multiple targets (Corresp.) (1963) (5)
- Use of the RS decoder as an RS encoder for two-way digital communications and storage systems (1994) (5)
- Simple proof of the continued fraction algorithm for decoding Reed-Solomon codes (1978) (4)
- A Generalization of Shift-Register Sequence Generators (1969) (4)
- Early Advances in Radar Technology for Aircraft Detection (2001) (4)
- A VLSI architecture for performing finite field arithmetic with reduced table lookup (1986) (4)
- Reduced complexity robust, CFAR detectors for large sensor arrays (1996) (4)
- Mobile radio multi-link analysis (2000) (4)
- The VLSI Design of a Reed-Solomon Encoder Using Berlekamp’s Bit-Serial Multiplier Algorithm (1983) (4)
- A comparison of VLSI architectures for time and transform domain decoding of Reed-Solomon codes (1988) (4)
- On the Theory of Continuous Array Processing (1965) (4)
- Multidisciplinary perspective on adaptive sensor array processing (1999) (3)
- Signal-Dependent Reduced-Rank Multibeam Processing (2003) (3)
- The Use of Finite Fields and Rings to Compute Convolutions (1975) (3)
- A simplified procedure for decoding the (23,12) and (24,12) Golay codes (1989) (3)
- A New CT-Aided Stereotactic Neurosurgery Technique (1985) (3)
- A brief history of the development of error correcting codes (2000) (3)
- Fast polynomial transform and its implementation by computer (1981) (3)
- New shortened subcodes of binary extended QR codes (1994) (3)
- New syndrome decoder for (n,1) convolutional codes (1983) (3)
- High-radix transforms for Reed-Solomon codes over Fermat primes (Corresp.) (1977) (3)
- The Systematic Selection of Cyclically Equivalent Codes (1972) (3)
- Bounded distance coset decoding of convolutional codes (1986) (3)
- A new algorithm for computing primitive elements in the field of Gaussian complex integers modulo a Mersenne prime (1979) (3)
- Cfar detection algorithms for stap airborne radar (1996) (3)
- Further Results on Fast Transforms for Decoding Reed-Solomon Codes Over GF (2n) for n = 45, 6, 8 (1979) (3)
- The VLSI Design of an Error-Trellis Syndrome Decoder for Certain Convolutional Codes (1986) (3)
- Fast algorithm for encoding the (255, 223) Reed-Solomon code over GF(28) (1980) (3)
- A VLSI single chip (255,223) Reed-Solomon encoder (1985) (2)
- Simple method for computing elements of order 2kn, where n|2p−1−1 and 2 ≤ k ≤ p+1, in GF[(2p−1)2] (1978) (2)
- Erratum to "Fast, prime factor, discrete Fourier transform algorithms over GF(2m) for 8 leq m leq 10" [Informat Sci 176 (1) (2006) 1-26] (2007) (2)
- Correction to fast algorithm for computing complex-theoretic transforms (1978) (2)
- Asynchronous finite-state machines - A novel control system class. (1969) (2)
- Some Mathematical Remarks on the Boolean Machine (1951) (2)
- Wave packet with special relativity demonstrating quantum rules, Schrodinger's equation and propagator integral (1992) (2)
- A Modified Reconstruction Filter for Diverging X-Ray Beams (1983) (2)
- Air Vehicle Detection by Using an Ensemble of Moving-Picture Images. (1987) (2)
- Symbolic Design Techniques Applied to a Generalized Computer (1972) (2)
- A Parallel-Pipeline Architecture of the Fast Polynomial Transform for Computing a Two-Dimensional Cyclic Convolution (1983) (2)
- Generalized de Moivre's theorem, quaternions, and Lorentz transformations on a Minkowski space (1993) (2)
- A fast algorithm for computing a complex-number theoretic transform for long sequences (1981) (2)
- New syndrome decoding techniques for the (n,k) convolutional codes (1984) (2)
- The systematic selection of cyclically equivalent codes (Corresp.) (1972) (2)
- An improved JPEG image coder using the adaptive fast approximate Karhunen-Loeve transform (AKLT) (1994) (2)
- On the Fundamental Structure of Galois Switching Functions (1978) (2)
- VLSI Architectures for the Multiplication of Integers Modulo a Fermat Number (1984) (2)
- Chapter 1 Reduced-rank intelligent signal processing with application to radar (2)
- Algebraic decoding of (79,40,15) quadratic residue code using inverse-free Berlekamp-Massey algorithm (2003) (2)
- Correction: Simple method for computing elements of order 2 k n, where n/2 p-1 -1 and 2 ⩽ k ⩽ p+1, in GF[(2 p-1 -1) 2 ] (1979) (1)
- Elements of Algebra (1999) (1)
- Reply: Extension of RSA crypto-structure: a Galois approach (1982) (1)
- Asynchronous finite-state machines - A novel control system class (1967) (1)
- Decoding of 1/2-rate (24,12) Golay codes (1989) (1)
- Brief history of computers and error-correcting codes and my work with Gus Solomon (1997) (1)
- Techniques for Computing the DFT Using the Residue Fermat Number Systems and VLSI (1985) (1)
- ARQ and Interleaving Techniques (1999) (1)
- Pruned-trellis search technique for high-rate convolutional codes (1989) (1)
- The Algebraic Structure of Convolutional Codes (1986) (1)
- Linear Cyclic Codes (1999) (1)
- Efficient program for decoding the /255, 223/ Reed-Solomon code over GF/2 to the 8th/ with both errors and erasures, using transform decoding. [FFT-like algorithm (1980) (1)
- A New Fast Algorithm for Computing a Complex Number--Theoretic Transforms (1977) (1)
- Error correction capabilities of binary mapped Reed-Solomon codes with parity bits appended to all symbols (1994) (1)
- A VLSI Single Chip (266223) Reed-Solomon Encoder With Interleaver (1987) (1)
- Notes on the Arithmetic BN Modulo A Codes (1972) (1)
- The VLSI design of a single chip Reed-Solomon encoder (1982) (1)
- Reflections, spinors, and projections on a Minkowski space underlie Dirac's equation (1996) (1)
- Addendum to Fast algorithm for computing complex number-theoretic transforms (1978) (1)
- Multichannel convolutional coding systems over a direct sum of Galois fields (1978) (1)
- Fast algorithm for computing a primitive 2 p+1 pth root of unity in GF[(2 p -1) 2 ] (1978) (1)
- Addendum to "A New Hybrid Algorithm for Computing a Fast Discrete Fourier Transform" (1981) (1)
- A maximum likelihood detection of signals using feature mapping framework (1995) (1)
- A Bandpass Filter for the Enhancement of an X-Ray Reconstruction of the Tissue in the Spinal Canal (1980) (1)
- The new arithmetical approach to Fourier analysis for a 2D signal (1990) (1)
- The Compression of Finite Discrete Messages (1960) (1)
- Adaptive multiple-band CFAR (Constant-False-Alarm-Rate) detection of an optical pattern with unknown spectral distribution (1989) (1)
- A VLSI architecture for digital filters using complex number-theoretic transforms (1983) (1)
- A recursive linear detection algorithm for asynchronous CDMA Communication system (2002) (1)
- Application of Grobner bases for decoding Reed-Solomon codes used on CDs (1998) (1)
- A fast complex integer convolution using a hybrid transform (1978) (1)
- IEEETumactionA onNucWeWa Science, Vot.NS-24, No.5,OctobeA 1977 A GENERALIZED IWI-FILTER FOR 3-DRECONSTRUCTION (1977) (1)
- A General Isomorphism Theorem for Factor Groups (1951) (1)
- Systolic multiplier for finite fields gf(2/sup m/) (1983) (1)
- A theorem for computing primitive elements in the field of complex integers of a characteristic Mersenne prime (1981) (1)
- Communication with Orthogonal Polyphase Signals over a Noisy Channel with Doppler Frequency Shift (1964) (1)
- A decoding failure test for the transform decoder of Reed-Solomon code (1981) (1)
- Generalized linear feature detection of weak targets in spectrally mixed clutter (1997) (1)
- A Systolic VLSI Design of a Pipeline Reed-solomon Decoder (1984) (1)
- The VLSI design of error-trellis syndrome decoding for convolutional codes (1985) (1)
- Erratum: Fast polynomial transform and its implementation by computer (1981) (0)
- The (64,32,27) Hermitian code and its application in fading channels (1995) (0)
- L-Step Sequential Decoding. (1985) (0)
- On decoding of Reed-Solomon codes over GF/32/ and GF/64/ using the transform techniques of Winograd. [based on cyclic convolution of Galois Field elements (2011) (0)
- A Parallel Architecture for Digital Filtering Using Fermat Number Transforms (1983) (0)
- A Matrix Factorization of Extended Hamiltonian Leads to N-Particle Pauli Equation (2007) (0)
- A New CT Collimator for Producing Two Simultaneous Overlapping Slices from One Scan (1981) (0)
- A new algorithm for computing primitive elements in GF q square (1978) (0)
- A Simultaneous M-ary Channel Hypothesis Test with Least-Mean-Square Signal Amplitude Estimation (1987) (0)
- Method for Veterbi decoding of large constraint length convolutional codes (1988) (0)
- VLSI Reed-Solomon Encoder With Interleaver (1990) (0)
- Probability and Statistics in Systems Work (1962) (0)
- A Fast Technique for Computing Syndromes of BCH and RS Codes (1979) (0)
- Target detection in images with generalized speckle noise (1994) (0)
- Analytical framework for determining the robustness of linear feature mapping for target detection (1995) (0)
- Minimum-Error Trellis-Path Decoders for Convolutional Codes. (1984) (0)
- Quadratic differential equations in Banach spaces and analytic functionals (1949) (0)
- An Improved CT-Aided Stereotactic Neurosurgery Technique (1981) (0)
- ImageProcessing byTransforms OveraFinite Field (1977) (0)
- General Shift-Register Sequence Generators.: (1966) (0)
- Efficient Multiplication Algorithms Over the Finite Fields GF(qm)Where q = 3,5 (1988) (0)
- The Algebraic Structure of Convolutional Codes with Application to Code Construction and Decoding. (1984) (0)
- Concatenated Coding Systems and Turbo Codes (1999) (0)
- Simplified Correction Of Errors In Reed-Solomon Codes (1990) (0)
- The fast decoding of Reed-Solomon codes using high-radix fermat theoretic transforms (1976) (0)
- Error-Control Mechanisms (1999) (0)
- Simplified Convolution Codes (1985) (0)
- Adaptive acquisition of DOA in space-time cochannel TDMA (2000) (0)
- An Algebraic Syndrome Decoding Technique for Certain Convolutional Codes (1985) (0)
- An All-Optical 3D Matched Filter For Moving Target Detection (1989) (0)
- On certain subcodes of the binary extended quadratic residue codes (1993) (0)
- Parallel VLSI Architecture (1985) (0)
- Convergence Rate in Adaptive Radar (1976) (0)
- Lossless Quantization of Hadamard Transform Coefficients (2000) (0)
- Adaptive CFAR Detection and Reduced-Rank Space-Time Adaptive Processing. (1997) (0)
- FPT Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Cyclic Convolutions (1987) (0)
- a Hybrid Transfor (1978) (0)
- Space-time joint truncated multistage Wiener filtering for asynchronous DS-CDMA in multipath (2003) (0)
- Transform decoding of Reed-Solomon codes over GF(2 to the 2n power using the techniques of Winograd. [algorithms] (1978) (0)
- A VLSI design for a systolic Viterbi decoder (1990) (0)
- A Simultaneous M-ary Channel 0Hypothesis Test with Least-Mean-Square Signal (1987) (0)
- A New Tool for Fast Digital Correlation. (1975) (0)
- Theory of Synchronous Communications (1972) (0)
- A simplified algorithm for correcting both errors and erasures of R-S codes (1978) (0)
- On Grobner bases of the error-locator ideal of Hermitian codes (1995) (0)
- Applications of Convolutional Codes in Mobile Communications (1999) (0)
- Some Moments for Circle Coverings. (1962) (0)
- A digital adaptive array procesing algorithm for communications (1983) (0)
- VLSI Architectures for Computing DFT's (1986) (0)
- Reduced-rank automatic target detection and recognition (2000) (0)
- Implementation Architectures and Applications of RS Codes (1999) (0)
- Algebraic decoding of (71,36,11) quadratic residue code using Berlekamp-Massey algorithm (2003) (0)
- Review of finite fields: Applications to discrete Fourier, transforms and Reed-Solomon coding (1977) (0)
- Sequential Syndrome Decoding of Convolutional Codes (1984) (0)
- Efficient adaptive reduced-rank multibeam processing (2004) (0)
- Adaptive Angle Tracking. (1975) (0)
- Representation of multivalued logic functions (1979) (0)
- A Parallel VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Architecture for a Digital Filter Using a Number Theorectic Transform (1983) (0)
- Simplified Syndrome Decoding of (n, 1) Convolutional Codes (1983) (0)
- A parallel VLSI architecture for a digital filter using a number theoretic transform (1983) (0)
- Reed-Solomon Encoder (1985) (0)
- New class of 2D multirate filter bank for digital image coding (1993) (0)
- Pipeline Time- And Transform-Domain Reed-Solomon Decoders (1990) (0)
- A new probabilistic interpretation of ψψ* using nonhomogeneous poisson statistics (1991) (0)
- A VLSI Pipeline Design of a Fast Prime Factor DFT on a Finite Field (2009) (0)
- Multidomain Algorithm Evaluation. Volume I. (1978) (0)
- Parallel architectures for computing cyclic convolutions (1983) (0)
- Wiener Filtering of Successive Overlapping Sections of an X-Ray Reconstruction (1980) (0)
- Pruned Error-Trellis Decoding of Certain Non-Systematic Convolutional Codes. (1984) (0)
- Linear Block Codes (1999) (0)
- Trellis-Coded Modulation (1999) (0)
- Correction to 'Convolutions over Residue Classes of Quadratic Integers' (1977) (0)
- New Syndrome Decoding Techniques for Convolutional Codes over GF(q) (1983) (0)
- The Use of Neural Nets to Decode Adaptively in a Variety of Channels (1993) (0)
- Hexagonal sampling and filtering for target detection with a scanning E-O sensor (1991) (0)
- On the Solution of a General Transform. (1944) (0)
- Fast algorithm for computing a primitive /2 to power p + 1/p-th root of unity in GF/q squared/ (1978) (0)
- An Integral Microcontroller Architecture Designed by Using the Register Transfer Language for VLSI Chips (1990) (0)
- Fast Convolution Algorithms and Associated VHSIC Architectures. (1983) (0)
- Coding, Synchronization, and Tracking Systems. (1973) (0)
- Fast Digital Correlations and Transforms Using Finite Field Techniques (1979) (0)
- Correction to a paper by D.G. Lampard ["On the use of Laguerre polynomials in treating the envelope and phase components of narrow-band Gaussian noise"] (1960) (0)
- VLSI Architecture For Viterbi Decoder (1990) (0)
- Simplified Decoding of Convolutional Codes (1986) (0)
- A VLSI architecture of a binary updown counter (1988) (0)
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