Jacques Derrida
Algerian-French philosopher
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Why Is Jacques Derrida Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jacques Derrida was an Algerian-born French philosopher. He developed the philosophy of deconstruction, which he utilized in a number of his texts, and which was developed through close readings of the linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure and Husserlian and Heideggerian phenomenology. He is one of the major figures associated with post-structuralism and postmodern philosophy although he distanced himself from post-structuralism and disowned the word "postmodernity".
Jacques Derrida's Published Works
Published Works
- Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression (1995) (2376)
- Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning and the New International (1993) (1939)
- Margins of philosophy (1982) (1456)
- Speech and Phenomena: And Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs (1967) (961)
- On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (2001) (954)
- Philosophy in a Time of Terror: Dialogues with Jurgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida (2003) (913)
- The Animal That Therefore I Am (More to Follow) (2002) (851)
- Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences (2001) (811)
- The Politics of Friendship (1997) (769)
- The Gift of Death (1995) (570)
- Acts of religion (2001) (554)
- Of Hospitality: Anne Dufourmantelle Invites Jacques Derrida to Respond (2000) (520)
- The Other Heading: Reflections on Today's Europe (1992) (458)
- Remarks on Deconstruction and Pragmatism (1996) (428)
- Edmund Husserl's Origin of geometry, an introduction (1978) (377)
- Art in Theory 1900-1990: An Anthology of Changing Ideas (1993) (280)
- February 15, or What Binds Europeans Together: A Plea for a Common Foreign Policy, Beginning in the Core of Europe (2003) (272)
- Points...: Interviews, 1974-1994 (1992) (268)
- Deconstruction and Criticism (1979) (260)
- Violence and Metaphysics: An Essay on the Thought of Emmanuel Levinas (2001) (258)
- HOSTIPITALITY (2000) (246)
- Psyche : inventions of the other (2007) (208)
- The Work of Mourning (2001) (198)
- Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews, 1971-2001 (2002) (185)
- For what tomorrow : a dialogue (2004) (164)
- Deconstruction and Pragmatism (1996) (151)
- Typography: Mimesis, Philosophy, Politics (1989) (126)
- Of Spirit (1989) (120)
- Eyes of the University: Right to Philosophy 2 (2004) (115)
- The Problem of Genesis in Husserl's Philosophy (2003) (99)
- Derrida and negative theology (1992) (95)
- Memoirs of the Blind: The Self-Portrait and Other Ruins (1993) (94)
- Interview: Choreographies: Jacques Derrida and Christie V. McDonald (1982) (91)
- The Instant of My Death / Demeure : Fiction and Testimony (2000) (91)
- The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation: Texts and Discussions with Jacques Derrida (1985) (89)
- Voice and Phenomenon: Introduction to the Problem of the Sign in Husserl's Phenomenology (2010) (81)
- Learning to live finally : the last interview (2007) (80)
- Who’s Afraid of Philosophy?: Right to Philosophy 1 (1990) (80)
- "To Do Justice to Freud": The History of Madness in the Age of Psychoanalysis (1994) (73)
- By Force of Mourning (1996) (71)
- Jacques Derrida and the Humanities: The future of the profession or the university without condition (thanks to the “Humanities,” what could take place tomorrow) (2002) (67)
- Ghostly Demarcations: A Symposium on Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx (2008) (61)
- Copy, Archive, Signature: A Conversation on Photography (2010) (61)
- Paraesthetics: Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida (1987) (58)
- The Future of the Profession or the Unconditional University (Thanks to the “Humanities,” What Could Take Place Tomorrow) (2005) (54)
- Flight of Spirit@@@De L'Esprit: Heidegger et la Question. (Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question) (1989) (54)
- The gift of death & literature in secret (2008) (46)
- Taking Chances: Derrida, Psychoanalysis, and Literature (1984) (43)
- The Derrida Reader: Writing Performances (1991) (40)
- A Discussion with Jacques Derrida (2001) (40)
- The Last of the Rogue States: The "Democracy to Come," Opening in Two Turns (2004) (38)
- Ethics, Institutions, and the Right to Philosophy (2002) (36)
- The Derrida-Habermas Reader (2006) (35)
- The Archeology of the Frivolous: Reading Condillac (1980) (35)
- Uninterrupted Dialogue: Between Two Infinities, the Poem (2004) (34)
- Counterpath: Traveling with Jacques Derrida (2004) (33)
- Jacques Derrida : deconstruction engaged : the Sydney seminars (2001) (33)
- Geneses, Genealogies, Genres and Genius: The Secrets of the Archive (2006) (31)
- Chora L Works: Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman (1997) (27)
- Of the Humanities and the Philosophical Discipline: The Right to Philosophy from the Cosmopolitical Point of View (The Example of an International Institution) (2000) (27)
- Justice, Law and Philosophy—an interview with Jacques Derrida (1999) (27)
- The "Philosophy of Liberation," the Postmodern Debate and Latin American Studies (2010) (26)
- The Gift of Death, Second Edition & Literature in Secret (2008) (26)
- Interview: Jacques Derrida (1972) (25)
- Women in the Beehive: A Seminar with Jacques Derrida (2005) (22)
- The Other Heading: Memories, Responses, and Responsibilities (1993) (22)
- Jacques Derrida: Basic Writings (1993) (19)
- H.C. For Life, That Is To Say-- (2006) (18)
- Memory and Narrative in Social Theory The contributions of (2001) (16)
- Criticism in society : interviews with Jacques Derrida, Northrop Frye, Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, Frank Kermode, Edward Said, Barbara Johnson, Frank Lentricchia, and J. Hillis Miller (1987) (14)
- Languages and Institutions of Philosophy (1984) (14)
- Avowing—The Impossible: “Returns,” Repentance, and Reconciliation (2012) (13)
- Marxism without Marxism (2011) (12)
- ‘Genesis and Structure’ and Phenomenology (2001) (11)
- 2. The Transcendental “Stupidity” (“Bêtise”) of Man and the Becoming- Animal According to Deleuze (2007) (9)
- The personal is the political: justice and gender in deconstruction (1999) (9)
- Circumcising Confession: Derrida, Autobiography, Judaism"Circumfession" (1995) (8)
- Jacques Derrida : ein Portrait (1994) (8)
- Responsibilities of Deconstruction (1998) (7)
- Derrida: Screenplay and Essays on the Film (2005) (7)
- 20th Century Theories of Art (1990) (6)
- Speech and writing according to Hegel (1978) (6)
- Selves in Flames: Derrida, Rorty, and the New Orthodoxy in Theory@@@Redrawing the Lines: Analytic Philosophy, Deconstruction, and Literary Theory@@@Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question@@@Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity (1991) (4)
- Deconstruction and Actuality (2001) (3)
- Le retrait de la métaphore in The Phenomenology of Man and of the Human Condition. (1977) (3)
- Derrida@@@Memoires for Paul de Man (1990) (3)
- Appendix: Translations of Pages 13-16 and 17-21 (1985) (2)
- Non-Negative Negative Atheology@@@"How to Avoid Speaking: Denials" (1990) (2)
- A Nightmare on the Brain of the Living: Messianic Historicity, Alienations, and Independence Day (2009) (2)
- Phenomenology and the Closure of Metaphysics: Introduction to the Thought of Husserl* (2003) (2)
- Questioning Narratives of God:: The Immeasurable in Measures (2001) (2)
- The Following Tributes Were Offered at the Memorial Service for Paul de Man Held at the Yale University Art Gallery on January 18, 1984. (1985) (1)
- “ A book which is no longer discussed today ” : (2005) (1)
- Introduction to Kojin Karatani's "Nationalism and Ecriture": Discussion Summary by Megan Becker-Leckrone (1995) (1)
- Letter from Jacques Derrida) (1982) (1)
- The Copula Supplement (1975) (1)
- The seminars of Jacques Derrida (2009) (1)
- J. Hillis Miller's "Humanistic Discourse and the Others": Roundtable Discussion (1996) (1)
- A Human Right to Stupidity (2010) (0)
- Appello per una politica estera comune (2004) (0)
- Derrida on Lévi‐Strauss (2008) (0)
- Adieu (1996) (0)
- Facsimile and transcription of: Poetry of twilight in Collins' ‘Ode to Evening’ and Gray's ‘Elegy written in a Country Churchyard’ (2003) (0)
- : the tyranny of the letter or art for philosophy (0)
- The Archetype of Pauline Deconstruction (2013) (0)
- The politics of logic : On the consequences of formalism Introduction : An Inquiry into Forms of Life (2010) (0)
- Time And Philosophy: The future and hope: Jacques Derrida (2011) (0)
- Signature as a Productive Practice : Ingeborg Bachmann and (2012) (0)
- Hearing Voices, or, Who You Calling Postcolonial? The Evolution of Djebar's Poetics (2004) (0)
- The Dissolution of the Avant-Garde Martin Iddon (2008) (0)
- The Paradox of Self-Inclusion in “ The Purloined Letter ” (2013) (0)
- Hendrik Birus's "The Archeology of 'Humanism'": Roundtable Discussion (1996) (0)
- Derrida - State Of The Lie, Lie of the State (2008) (0)
- Forgiveness and crimes against humanity (2006) (0)
- Book reviews (2003) (0)
- Deep Postmodernism: A Review Essay (2012) (0)
- Wither Marxism?@@@After Marxism.@@@Specters of Marx: The State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International.@@@Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics.@@@Whither Marxism? Global Crises in International Perspective. (1996) (0)
- The Log ic of the 'As If ' and the Existence of God: An Inquiry into the Nature of Belief in the Work of (2011) (0)
- 1. Barthes's Punctum Barthes's Punctum (pp. 539-574) (2005) (0)
- The other heading: memories, responses, and responsabilities : Literature and the idea of Europe (1993) (0)
- Ludwig Pfeiffer's "Culture and the Humanities: Symptomatologies, Mostly Historical, Mainly German": Roundtable Discussion (1996) (0)
- Homi K. Bhabha 3.0 Introduction: 3.1 Theory of Hybridity (2012) (0)
- Cultural Criticism in the Late Twentieth Century@@@Read My Desire: Lacan against the Historicists@@@Spectres of Marx, the State of the Debt, the Work of Mourning, and the New International@@@Postmodernism and Social Inquiry.@@@Rethinking Imagination: Culture and Creativity (1996) (0)
- SUMMARIES (2011) (0)
- Vol. 5, no. 1 (2010) (2013) (0)
- I seek a revitalization ( De / con ) structing Political Narratives : (2012) (0)
- The Importance of Education in Recent French Thought Abstract: In The Importance of Education in Recent French Thought I will analyze the work of four theorists— (2011) (0)
- Language in Modern Literature: Innovation and Experiment@@@After the New Criticism@@@Literature against Itself: Literary Ideas in Modern Society@@@Deconstruction and Criticism (1983) (0)
- Philosophy; *Educational Theories; Epistemology; Hermeneutics; Higher Education; *Justice; *Philosophy (1997) (0)
- JAC Audio Interview: Jacques Derrida (1990) (0)
- Back Matter (1984) (0)
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What Are Jacques Derrida's Academic Contributions?
Jacques Derrida is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Jacques Derrida has made the following academic contributions: