Joel Rosenbaum
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Professor of cell biology at Yale University
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Why Is Joel Rosenbaum Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Joel Rosenbaum is a professor of cell biology at Yale University. Rosenbaum received his bachelor's degree from Syracuse University in 1955, and later his M.Sc. Ed. from St. Lawrence University in 1957. He returned later to Syracuse for his master's degree in 1959 and Ph.D. in 1963.
Joel Rosenbaum's Published Works
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Published Works
- Intraflagellar transport (2002) (1407)
- Chlamydomonas IFT88 and Its Mouse Homologue, Polycystic Kidney Disease Gene Tg737, Are Required for Assembly of Cilia and Flagella (2000) (1093)
- A motility in the eukaryotic flagellum unrelated to flagellar beating. (1993) (940)
- Chlamydomonas Kinesin-II–dependent Intraflagellar Transport (IFT): IFT Particles Contain Proteins Required for Ciliary Assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans Sensory Neurons (1998) (906)
- The Chlamydomonas kinesin-like protein FLA10 is involved in motility associated with the flagellar membrane (1995) (568)
- FLAGELLAR ELONGATION AND SHORTENING IN CHLAMYDOMONAS : The Use of Cycloheximide and Colchicine to Study the Synthesis and Assembly of Flagellar Proteins (1969) (556)
- Polycystin-2 localizes to kidney cilia and the ciliary level is elevated in orpk mice with polycystic kidney disease (2002) (514)
- Intraflagellar transport (IFT) role in ciliary assembly, resorption and signalling. (2008) (505)
- The intraflagellar transport protein, IFT88, is essential for vertebrate photoreceptor assembly and maintenance (2002) (479)
- Cyclic AMP-dependent endogenous phosphorylation of a microtubule-associated protein. (1975) (467)
- The periodic association of MAP2 with brain microtubules in vitro (1979) (441)
- Chlamydomonas alpha-tubulin is posttranslationally modified by acetylation on the epsilon-amino group of a lysine. (1985) (435)
- Localization of intraflagellar transport protein IFT52 identifies basal body transitional fibers as the docking site for IFT particles (2001) (410)
- Intraflagellar transport balances continuous turnover of outer doublet microtubules (2001) (404)
- Microtubule-associated proteins and the stimulation of tubulin assembly in vitro. (1976) (400)
- CEP290 tethers flagellar transition zone microtubules to the membrane and regulates flagellar protein content (2010) (368)
- The Cytoskeleton (1984) (356)
- Chapter Two Intraflagellar Transport (IFT) (2008) (351)
- Intraflagellar transport is required for polarized recycling of the TCR/CD3 complex to the immune synapse (2009) (301)
- Intraflagellar transport and cilia-dependent diseases. (2002) (300)
- Isolation of microtubule protein from cultured mouse neuroblastoma cells. (1970) (283)
- The acetylation of alpha-tubulin and its relationship to the assembly and disassembly of microtubules (1986) (258)
- An autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease gene homolog is involved in intraflagellar transport in C. elegans ciliated sensory neurons (2001) (253)
- Polarity of flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas (1992) (250)
- Intraflagellar transport (IFT) cargo: IFT transports flagellar precursors to the tip and turnover products to the cell body (2004) (248)
- Simple method for quantitive densitometry of polyacrylamide gels using fast green. (1970) (246)
- A motile Chlamydomonas flagellar mutant that lacks outer dynein arms (1985) (234)
- Flagellar elongation and shortening in Chlamydomonas. IV. Effects of flagellar detachment, regeneration, and resorption on the induction of flagellar protein synthesis (1978) (228)
- Chlamydomonas alpha-tubulin is posttranslationally modified in the flagella during flagellar assembly (1983) (227)
- Functional analysis of an individual IFT protein: IFT46 is required for transport of outer dynein arms into flagella (2007) (223)
- Radial spoke proteins of Chlamydomonas flagella (2006) (218)
- Flagellar length control system: testing a simple model based on intraflagellar transport and turnover. (2004) (216)
- Intraflagellar Transport Protein 27 Is a Small G Protein Involved in Cell-Cycle Control (2007) (198)
- Intraflagellar Transport Is Required for the Vectorial Movement of TRPV Channels in the Ciliary Membrane (2005) (198)
- Electron-tomographic analysis of intraflagellar transport particle trains in situ (2009) (197)
- Function and dynamics of PKD2 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella (2007) (195)
- Intraflagellar Transport: The Eyes Have It (1999) (185)
- Localization of Calmodulin and Dynein Light Chain Lc8 in Flagellar Radial Spokes (2001) (183)
- Increased levels of mRNAs for tubulin and other flagellar proteins after amputation or shortening of Chlamydomonas Flagella (1980) (177)
- The Cilium Secretes Bioactive Ectosomes (2013) (176)
- Dissecting the Molecular Mechanisms of Intraflagellar Transport in Chlamydomonas (2006) (165)
- Chlamydomonas IFT172 Is Encoded by FLA11, Interacts with CrEB1, and Regulates IFT at the Flagellar Tip (2005) (158)
- mRNA abundance changes during flagellar regeneration in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (1984) (156)
- Regulation of the synthesis and assembly of ciliary and flagellar proteins during regeneration. (1986) (150)
- Multiple α- and β-tubulin genes in chlamydomonas and regulation of tubulin mRNA levels after deflagellation (1981) (150)
- Kinetics and regulation of de novo centriole assembly Implications for the mechanism of centriole duplication (2001) (145)
- Intraflagellar transport (IFT) cargo (2004) (143)
- Flagellar elongation and shortening in Chlamydomonas. III. structures attached to the tips of flagellar microtubules and their relationship to the directionality of flagellar microtubule assembly (1977) (141)
- Dynein binds to and crossbridges cytoplasmic microtubules. (1979) (137)
- An actin filament matrix in hand-isolated nuclei of X. laevis oocytes (1979) (136)
- Assembly of microtubules onto kinetochores of isolated mitotic chromosomes of HeLa cells. (1975) (130)
- Characterization of the Intraflagellar Transport Complex B Core (2005) (124)
- High level expression of nonacetylatable α‐tubulin in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (1993) (121)
- Decoration and stabilization of intact, smooth-walled microtubules with microtubule-associated proteins. (1979) (120)
- Flagellar Radial Spoke Protein 3 Is an a-Kinase Anchoring Protein (Akap) (2001) (120)
- Assembly of Chick Brain Tubulin onto Isolated Basal Bodies of Chlamydomonas reinhardi (1974) (119)
- The Microtubule Plus End-Tracking Protein EB1 Is Localized to the Flagellar Tip and Basal Bodies in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (2003) (118)
- Studies on the organization and localization of actin and myosin in neurons (1979) (115)
- ATP production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella by glycolytic enzymes. (2005) (112)
- Ciliary ectosomes: transmissions from the cell's antenna. (2015) (111)
- A new kinesin-like protein (Klp1) localized to a single microtubule of the Chlamydomonas flagellum (1994) (110)
- Intraflagellar transport: it's not just for cilia anymore. (2010) (108)
- Purification and assay of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). (1982) (107)
- Chlamydomonas flagella. II. The distribution of tubulins 1 and 2 in the outer doublet microtubules. (1972) (106)
- General and cell-type specific mechanisms target TRPP2/PKD-2 to cilia (2006) (105)
- The ubiquitin conjugation system is involved in the disassembly of cilia and flagella (2009) (105)
- Assembly of chick brain tubulin onto flagellar microtubules from Chlamydomonas and sea urchin sperm. (1975) (102)
- Assembly of flagellar radial spoke proteins in Chlamydomonas: identification of the axoneme binding domain of radial spoke protein 3 (1993) (102)
- Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the Chlamydomonas gene coding for radial spoke protein 3: flagellar mutation pf-14 is an ochre allele (1989) (93)
- Reversible restoration of the birefringence of cold-treated, isolated mitotic apparatus of surf clam eggs with chick brain tubulin (1974) (92)
- Cell cycle-dependent, in vitro assembly of microtubules onto pericentriolar material of HeLa cells (1979) (90)
- Target-of-rapamycin complex 1 (Torc1) signaling modulates cilia size and function through protein synthesis regulation (2012) (89)
- Localization of kinesin superfamily proteins to the connecting cilium of fish photoreceptors. (1996) (87)
- Pigment particle translocation in detergent-permeabilized melanophores of Fundulus heteroclitus. (1982) (86)
- Reversal of the posttranslational modification on Chlamydomonas flagellar alpha-tubulin occurs during flagellar resorption (1985) (86)
- Comparison of the microtubule proteins of neuroblastoma cells, brain, and Chlamydomonas flagella. (1971) (85)
- The in vitro assembly of flagellar outer doublet tubulin (1978) (85)
- The ultrastructure of mouse neuroblastoma cells in tissue culture. (1975) (84)
- Oversized flagellar membrane protein in paralyzed mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardrii (1980) (80)
- Rapid changes in tubulin RNA synthesis and stability induced by deflagellation in Chlamydomonas (1984) (79)
- Molecular cloning and expression of flagellar radial spoke and dynein genes of Chlamydomonas (1986) (79)
- Directionality of brain microtubule assembly in vitro. (1974) (78)
- Proteomic Analysis of Isolated Ciliary Transition Zones Reveals the Presence of ESCRT Proteins (2015) (77)
- Rescue of a paralyzed-flagella mutant of Chlamydomonas by transformation. (1990) (76)
- Cilia, flagella, and microtubules (1981) (74)
- Protein-protein interactions in the 18S ATPase of Chlamydomonas outer dynein arms. (1986) (73)
- Flagellar radial spoke: a model molecular genetic system for studying organelle assembly. (1993) (73)
- The basal bodies of chlamydomonas reinhardtii do not contain immunologically detectable DNA (1990) (69)
- Transcription of alpha- and beta-tubulin genes in vitro in isolated Chlamydomonas reinhardi nuclei (1984) (68)
- Sequence analysis reveals homology between two proteins of the flagellar radial spoke (1992) (68)
- Centrosomal protein CEP104 (Chlamydomonas FAP256) moves to the ciliary tip during ciliary assembly (2013) (65)
- Comparative Analysis of Ciliary Membranes and Ectosomes (2016) (65)
- Sequential assembly of flagellar radial spokes (2011) (61)
- Alpha-tubulin acetylase activity in isolated Chlamydomonas flagella (1985) (58)
- Centrioles are freed from cilia by severing prior to mitosis (2010) (57)
- The PKD protein qilin undergoes intraflagellar transport (2005) (56)
- Building a radial spoke: flagellar radial spoke protein 3 (RSP3) is a dimer. (2008) (51)
- High level expression of nonacetylatable alpha-tubulin in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (1993) (50)
- Intraflagellar transport: a new player at the immune synapse. (2011) (50)
- IFT Proteins Accumulate during Cell Division and Localize to the Cleavage Furrow in Chlamydomonas (2012) (47)
- Flagellar regeneration in Chlamydomonas: a model system for studying organelle assembly. (1993) (47)
- The lissencephaly protein Lis1 is present in motile mammalian cilia and requires outer arm dynein for targeting to Chlamydomonas flagella (2007) (44)
- Chick brain actin and myosin. Isolation and characterization (1979) (44)
- The versatile molecular complex component LC8 promotes several distinct steps of flagellar assembly (2012) (43)
- Localization of a kinesin-related protein to the central pair apparatus of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagellum. (1994) (43)
- Are there nucleic acids in the centrosome? (2000) (43)
- How centrioles work: lessons from green yeast. (2000) (43)
- Making sense of cilia and flagella (2007) (40)
- Proteins of the Ciliary Axoneme Are Found on Cytoplasmic Membrane Vesicles during Growth of Cilia (2014) (40)
- Protein synthesis is required for rapid degradation of tubulin mRNA and other deflagellation-induced RNAs in Chlamydomonas reinhardi (1986) (40)
- Expression of flagellar protein genes during flagellar regeneration in Chlamydomonas. (1982) (37)
- Multiple alpha- and beta-tubulin genes in Chlamydomonas and regulation of tubulin mRNA levels after deflagellation. (1981) (37)
- Griseofulvin: association with tubulin and inhibition of in vitro microtubule assembly. (1982) (37)
- Subunit interactions within the Chlamydomonas flagellar spokehead (2011) (36)
- Cell division: The renaissance of the centriole (1999) (29)
- The Biochemistry of Microtubules (1984) (29)
- High-Profile Journals Not Worth the Trouble (2008) (27)
- Initiation of brain tubulin assembly by a high molecular weight flagellar protein factor (1976) (24)
- The isolation and identification of kinetosome-rich fractions from Tetrahymena pyriformis. (1965) (24)
- Organelle Size Regulation: Length Matters (2003) (23)
- Basal bodies and DNA. (1991) (22)
- Energy requirements for pigment aggregation in fundulus melanophores. (1984) (19)
- Replication of basal bodies and centrioles (1992) (18)
- Ciliary elongation in blastulae of Arbacia punctulata induced by trypsin. (1979) (17)
- Nickel and low CO2-controlled motility in Chlamydomonas through complementation of a paralyzed flagella mutant with chemically regulated promoters (2011) (17)
- Kinesin-like proteins in the flagella of Chlamydomonas. (1994) (16)
- Dynein binding to microtubules containing microtubule-associated proteins. (1981) (15)
- Amino acid activation in subcellular fractions of Tetrahymena pyriformis. (1966) (14)
- Tubulin Superfamily: Giving Birth to Triplets (2003) (13)
- Three flagellar motilities in Chlamydomonas unrelated to flagellar beating. Video supplement. (1998) (11)
- Microtubules and related proteins (1976) (10)
- A S FLAGELLA I . Isolation and Electrophoretic Analysis of Microtubules , Matrix , Membranes , and Mastigonemes (1972) (10)
- Novel control elements in the alpha-1 tubulin gene promoter from Chlamydomonas reinhardii (1988) (9)
- Isolation of intraflagellar transport trains (2013) (9)
- Identification of oda 6 as a Chlamydomonas Dynein Mutant by Rescue with the Wild-type Gene (2002) (7)
- Automated software design (1979) (7)
- Similarity of microtubule-associated proteins from brain and flagella (1975) (6)
- The biochemistry of microtubules. A review. (1984) (5)
- Intraflagellar transport (2002) (5)
- Accelerated poly(A) loss on alpha-tubulin mRNAs during protein synthesis inhibition in Chlamydomonas. (1989) (5)
- Motility, muscle, and non-muscle cells (1976) (5)
- Actin, myosin, and associated proteins (1976) (2)
- Transport to the Cell Surface of Chlamydomonas: Mastigonemes as a Marker for the Flagellar Membrane (1993) (1)
- Transcription of a- and ß-Tubulin Genes In Vitro in Isolated Chlamydomonas reinhardi Nuclei Removal of the flagella of (2002) (1)
- A Stroll through Time with Chlamydomonas (2009) (1)
- Correction The Journal of Cell Biology (1999) (0)
- a-Tubulin Acetylase Activity Chlamydomonas Flagella in Isolated (2002) (0)
- CNJ honors fallen servicemen with diesel dedications (2016) (0)
- Abstracts of papers presented at the 1988 Meeting on Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, May 4-May 8, 1988 (1988) (0)
- New Motilities and Motors in the Flagella of Chlamydomonas (1995) (0)
- IFT88, an Intraflagellar Transport Protein, is Required for Photoreceptor Outer Segment Assembly in the Mouse (2002) (0)
- Basal bodies and DNA. Trends (1991) (0)
- List of Contributors to Volume 3 (2021) (0)
- Assembly ofChickBrainTubulin ontoFlageliar Microtubules from Chlamydomonas andSeaUrchin Sperm (1976) (0)
- Organelle Size Regulation: Length Matters Dispatch (2003) (0)
- Rapid Changes in Tubulin Induced by Deflagellation RNA Synthesis and in Chlamydomonas Stability (2003) (0)
- Ultrastructural and biochemical analysis of a new mutation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii affecting the central pair apparatus (2007) (0)
- Interviews on Retention (1989) (0)
- Flagella Ii. the Distribution of Tubulins 1 and in the Outer Doublet Microtubules (0)
- SDS-Urea Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (2003) (0)
- Correction (2004) (0)
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