John Nesselroade
American psychologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, John Richard Nesselroade is an American psychologist known for his work in developmental and quantitative psychology. He is the Hugh Scott Hamilton Professor of Psychology emeritus at the University of Virginia and an adjunct professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University. He retired from the University of Virginia in June 2011 after serving as the Hugh Scott Hamilton Professor there for twenty years. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Gerontological Society of America, and the American Psychological Association , as well as a charter fellow of the American Psychological Society. He served as president of the APA's Division 20 from 1982 to 1983, and of the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology from 1999 to 2000.
John Nesselroade's Published Works
Published Works
- Emotional experience in everyday life across the adult life span. (2000) (1489)
- Handbook of multivariate experimental psychology (1968) (1352)
- Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling. (2011) (981)
- Life-span Developmental Psychology: Introduction To Research Methods (1977) (657)
- Longitudinal Research in the Study of Behavior and Development (1979) (631)
- On selecting indicators for multivariate measurement and modeling with latent variables: When "good" indicators are bad and "bad" indicators are good. (1999) (597)
- A Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Cognitive Abilities during the Second Half of the Life Span (1992) (347)
- Reporting structural equation modeling results in Psychology and Aging: some proposed guidelines. (1991) (343)
- The warp and the woof of the developmental fabric. (1991) (326)
- Interindividual differences in intraindividual change. (1991) (316)
- History and rationale of longitudinal research (1979) (305)
- The Swedish Adoption Twin Study of Aging: an update. (1991) (294)
- Growth Curve Analysis in Contemporary Psychological Research (2003) (290)
- Studying Intraindividual Variability: What We Have Learned That Will Help Us Understand Lives in Context (2004) (280)
- Assessing psychological change in adulthood: an overview of methodological issues. (2003) (274)
- Optimism, pessimism and mental health: A twin/adoption analysis (1992) (270)
- Beyond autoregressive models: some implications of the trait-state distinction for the structural modeling of developmental change. (1987) (243)
- Genetic influence on life events during the last half of the life span. (1990) (239)
- Regression Toward the Mean and the Study of Change (1980) (235)
- Genetic and environmental effects on openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness: an adoption/twin study. (1993) (234)
- Intraindividual variability in perceived control in an older sample: the MacArthur successful aging studies. (1997) (226)
- Life-span developmental psychology;: Methodological issues (1973) (207)
- A Method for Modeling the Intrinsic Dynamics of Intraindividual Variability: Recovering the Parameters of Simulated Oscillators in Multi-Wave Panel Data (2002) (200)
- Integration versus differentiation of fluid/crystallized intelligence in old age (1980) (198)
- Adolescent personality development and historical change: 1970-1972. (1974) (196)
- The integrated trait–state model (2007) (188)
- Factor Matching Procedures: an Improvement of the s Index; with Tables (1969) (187)
- The Relationship Between the Structure of Interindividual and Intraindividual Variability: A Theoretical and Empirical Vindication of Developmental Systems Theory (2003) (176)
- Methodological and theoretical implications of intraindividual variability in perceptual-motor performance. (2004) (170)
- Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Structural Equation Models (2014) (165)
- Genetic and environmental influences on social support: the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging. (1990) (163)
- Cohort effects in developmental psychology (1979) (161)
- Short-Term Fluctuations in Elderly People’s Sensorimotor Functioning Predict Text and Spatial Memory Performance: The MacArthur Successful Aging Studies (2001) (155)
- Assessing the Dimensions of Temperamental Individuality across the Life Span: The Dimensions of Temperament Survey (DOTS). (1982) (150)
- The developmental analysis of individual differences on multiple measures. (1973) (146)
- Genetic influence on childhood family environment perceived retrospectively from the last half of the life span. (1988) (144)
- Importance of shared genes and shared environments for symptoms of depression in older adults. (1992) (132)
- Behavioral genetics and personality change. (1990) (128)
- Likeness and completeness theories examined by sixteen personality factor measures on stably and unstably married couples. (1967) (128)
- Bayesian analysis of longitudinal data using growth curve models (2007) (127)
- Focus Article: Idiographic Filters for Psychological Constructs (2007) (121)
- Examination of personality-ability relationships in the elderly: The role of the contextual (interface) assessment mode (1982) (110)
- Modeling affective processes in dyadic relations via dynamic factor analysis. (2003) (106)
- Using Multivariate Data to Structure Developmental Change (2019) (104)
- Intraindividual differences dimensions of mood change during pregnancy identified in five P-technique factor analyses (1978) (103)
- Cognitive performance inconsistency: intraindividual change and variability. (2005) (103)
- Age differences in genetic and environmental influences for health from the Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging. (1992) (100)
- Genetic Influence on Adults' Ratings of Their Current Family Environment (1989) (99)
- An Unscented Kalman Filter Approach to the Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Models (2007) (97)
- Some Behaviorial Science Measurement Concerns and Proposals (2016) (91)
- P- Technique Comes of Age (1985) (88)
- Pooling Lagged Covariance Structures Based on Short, Multivariate Time Series for Dynamic Factor Analysis (1999) (84)
- Emphasizing Intraindividual Variability in the Study of Development Over the Life Span (2010) (82)
- Intraindividual Variability in Development Within and Between Individuals (2001) (81)
- Individual differences in locus of control during the second half of the life span for identical and fraternal twins reared apart and reared together. (1989) (74)
- Multivariate Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Sequences for Analyzing Ontogenetic and Generational Change: (1970) (73)
- Issues in intraindividual variability: individual differences in equilibria and dynamics over multiple time scales. (2009) (69)
- Exploratory Latent Growth Models in the Structural Equation Modeling Framework (2013) (69)
- Affective states in normal and depressed older people. (1996) (67)
- Age Differences in the Etiology of the Relationship between Life Satisfaction and Self-Rated Health (1992) (65)
- Cultural Change and Adolescent Personality Development: An Application of Longitudinal Sequences. (1972) (64)
- Social self-efficacy and short-term variability in social relationships: the MacArthur successful aging studies. (1997) (63)
- Assessing constancy and change. (1994) (63)
- The Recoverability of P-technique Factor Analysis (2009) (62)
- Short-term variability in cognitive performance and the calibration of longitudinal change. (2006) (60)
- EAS temperaments during the last half of the life span: twins reared apart and twins reared together (1988) (60)
- On a Dilemma of Comparative Factor AnalysiA Study of Factor Matching Based on Random Data (1970) (59)
- Elaborating the Differential in Differential Psychology (2002) (57)
- Comparisons of Four Methods for Estimating a Dynamic Factor Model (2008) (57)
- Ontogenetic and gerational components of structural and quantitative change in adult behavior. (1972) (56)
- Perceived control and academic performance: A comparison of high- and low-performing children on within-person change patterns (2002) (55)
- Factorial and Criterion Validities of Telephone-Assessed Cognitive Ability Measures (1988) (52)
- Structure and variation of mood in individuals with Parkinson's disease: a dynamic factor analysis. (1997) (52)
- Systems Methods for Developmental Research (2015) (51)
- Merging the Idiographic Filter With Dynamic Factor Analysis to Model Process (2012) (50)
- Bayesian Estimation of Categorical Dynamic Factor Models (2007) (48)
- Intraindividual Variability and Short-Term Change (2003) (47)
- Putting the process in developmental processes (2000) (46)
- Examining Interindividual Differences in Cyclicity of Pleasant and Unpleasant Affects Using Spectral Analysis and Item Response Modeling (2005) (46)
- Paradigm lost and paradigm regained: Critique of Dannefer's portrayal of life-span developmental psychology (1984) (45)
- Dynamic Structure of Emotions Among Individuals with Parkinson's Disease (2004) (45)
- Genetic Influence on Family Environment: The Role of Personality. (1993) (44)
- Application of Multivariate Strategies to Problems of Measuring and Structuring Long-Term Change (1970) (44)
- Multivariate, replicated, single-subject, repeated measures designs and P-technique factor analysis: a review of intraindividual change studies. (1990) (43)
- Individual Development and Social Change: Explanatory Analysis (1985) (43)
- Premarital Relationships: Toward the Identification of Alternative Pathways to Marriage (1986) (43)
- Adult personality development: Issues in assessing constancy and change. (1990) (42)
- The Structure of Intraindividual Temperament in the Context of Mother-Child Dyads: P-Technique Factor Analyses of Short-Term Change. (1987) (41)
- Age differences in dynamical emotion-cognition linkages. (2007) (41)
- Multivariate, replicated, single-subject, repeated measures designs and p-technique factor analysis: A review of intraindividual change studies (2007) (41)
- Some characteristics of effective psychiatric treatment programs. (1979) (41)
- Treatment characteristics of psychiatric programs that correlate with patient community adjustment. (1985) (40)
- On the dilemma of regression effects in examining ability-level-related differentials in ontogenetic patterns of intelligence (1972) (39)
- Intraindividual variability in perceived locus of control in adults: P-technique factor analyses of short-term change (1986) (36)
- Multivariable causal modeling in alcohol use research. (1985) (36)
- EAS temperaments during the last half of the life span: twins reared apart and twins reared together. (1988) (34)
- Experimental design in research on aging. (1985) (34)
- Development and structural dynamics of personal life investment in old age. (2006) (34)
- Dealing with short-term fluctuation in longitudinal research. (2010) (33)
- Convergence between attention variables and factors of psychometric intelligence in older adults (1983) (32)
- An Idiographic Approach to Estimating Models of Dyadic Interactions with Differential Equations (2014) (31)
- Effects of early rearing environment on twin similarity in the last half of the life span (1992) (31)
- Structure and predictive power of intraindividual variability in health and activity measures (2002) (30)
- A Comparison of Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood and Asymptotically Distribution-Free Dynamic Factor Analysis Parameter Estimation in Fitting Covariance-Structure Models to Block-Toeplitz Matrices Representing Single-Subject Multivariate Time-Series. (1998) (30)
- Problems and methods in longitudinal research: Intraindividual variability in older adults' depression scores: some implications for developmental theory and longitudinal research (1991) (30)
- On an emerging third discipline of scientific psychology. (2010) (30)
- Relationships among social support, self-concept, and wellbeing of older adults: A study of process using dynamic factor models (2003) (27)
- Cohort effects in behavioral development: Theoretical and methodological perspectives (1978) (27)
- Patterns of Short-Term Changes in Individuals' Work Values: P-Technique Factor Analyses of Intraindividual Variability. (1988) (26)
- Multi-Modal Selection Effects in the Study of Adult Development: A Perspective on Multivariate, Replicated, Single-Subject, Repeated Measures Designs (1991) (26)
- Older Adulthood (1984) (26)
- Selection and related threats to group comparisons: an example comparing factorial structures of higher and lower ability groups of adult twins. (1995) (25)
- Multivariate Antecedents Of Structural Change In Development: A Simulation Of Cumulative Environmental Patterns. (1978) (25)
- Reliability vs. stability in the measurement of psychological states: an illustration with anxiety measures (1986) (25)
- The state component in self-reported worldviews and religious beliefs of older adults: the MacArthur Successful Aging Studies. (1996) (24)
- Beyond static concepts in modeling behavior (2000) (24)
- Learning-ability relations in adulthood. (1976) (23)
- Higher Order Factor Convergence and Divergence of Two Distinct Personality Systems: Cattell's HSPQ And Jackson's PRF. (1975) (23)
- Establishing a reference frame against which to chart age-related changes. (1997) (23)
- The structure of variation in affect among depressed and nondepressed elders. (1992) (22)
- Estimation of Subject-Specific Heritabilities From Intra-Individual Variation: iFACE (2012) (22)
- Rotation in the dynamic factor modeling of multivariate stationary time series (2001) (22)
- Entropy Fit Indices: New Fit Measures for Assessing the Structure and Dimensionality of Multiple Latent Variables (2020) (19)
- Structuring and Measuring Change over the Life Span (2003) (19)
- Métodos de investigación en psicología evolutiva: Enfoque del ciclo vital (1980) (19)
- On the Internal and External Validity of Simple Longitudinal Designs. (1974) (19)
- Analyzing Intra-person Variation: Hybridizing the ACE Model with P-Technique Factor Analysis and the Idiographic Filter (2010) (17)
- From traditional factor analysis to structural-causal modeling in developmental research (1984) (17)
- Test Reliability at the Individual Level (2016) (17)
- An Examination of the Hofer and Sliwinski Evaluation (2002) (16)
- Growth rate models: emphasizing growth rate analysis through growth curve modeling (2012) (15)
- Concepts of Intraindividual Variability and Change: Impressions of Cattell's Influence on Lifespan Development Psychology. (1984) (15)
- Test of the trait-state anxiety distinction using a manipulative, factor-analytic design. (1973) (15)
- Quantitative models for developmental processes (2003) (15)
- Selection and Generalization in Investigations of Interrelationships among Variables: Some Commentary on Aging Research. (1986) (14)
- General slowing or decreased inhibition? Mathematical models of age differences in cognitive functioning. (2004) (14)
- Factor invariance, measurement, and studying development over the lifespan (2009) (14)
- Entropy Fit Indices: New Fit Measures for Assessing the Structure and Dimensionality of Multiple Latent Variables. (2019) (14)
- Emergence of Adult Intellectual Structure: Prior to or during Adolescence. (1973) (13)
- Replicability Of Factors Derived From Individual P-Technique Analyses. (1976) (12)
- Note on the “longitudinal factor analysis” model (1972) (12)
- 7 – Age, Period, and Cohort Analysis and the Study of Individual Development and Social Change (1985) (11)
- Sequential strategies and the role of cohort effects in behavioral development: Adolescent personality (1970-1972) as a sample case (1984) (10)
- Note on Analyzing Personality Relations in Married Couples (1968) (10)
- A Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Cognitive Abilities during the Second Half of the Life (2008) (9)
- On the confounding of inter- and intraindividual variability in examining change patterns. (1974) (9)
- Pluralism and Correlational Analysis in Developmental Psychology: Historical Commonalities (1983) (9)
- Back to the Future: The European Academy for the Medicine of Ageing Revisited (2002) (8)
- Types of change: application of configural frequency analysis in repeated measurement designs. (1992) (8)
- Higher-Order Factor Invariance and Idiographic Mapping of Constructs to Observables (2011) (8)
- Intraindividual variability and short-term change. Commentary. (2004) (7)
- Applying dynamic factor analysis in behavioral and social science research (2004) (7)
- A stepchild's emotional experience across two households: An investigation of response patterns by P-technique factor analysis (1994) (7)
- Dynamic Factor Analysis of Worldviews/Religious Beliefs and Well-Being among Older Adults (2009) (7)
- Multi-modal selection effects in the study of adult development: a perspective on multivariate, replicated, single-subject, repeated measures designs. (1990) (7)
- The Discovery of the Anxiety State Pattern in Q-Data, and its Distinction, in the LM Model, from Depression, Effort Stress, and Fatigue. (1976) (6)
- Basics of structural equation modeling. (2014) (6)
- Examination of staffing level effects in the family household: an application of P-technique factor analysis (1991) (6)
- Rejoinder to Commentaries on Nesselroade, Gerstorf, Hardy, and Ram (2009) (5)
- Developments in developmental research and theory (2018) (3)
- An Overview of Latent Curve and Latent Change Score Analyses (2012) (3)
- Further Commentary on Labouvie & Ruetsch's "Testing for Equivalence of Measurement Scales...". (1995) (3)
- Running Head: Some Behavioral Science Measurement Concerns and Proposals (2013) (2)
- "...and expectation fainted, longing for what it had not." Comments on Labouvie and Ruetsch's "Testing for Equivalence...". (1995) (2)
- Methodological Considerations in Modeling Living Systems (2019) (2)
- Why Developmental Psychology (2014) (2)
- Whether We Likert or Not, Personality Measurement and the Study of Development and Change Are Demanding Activities (1993) (2)
- Paul B. Baltes (1939-2006). (2007) (2)
- Longitudinal research with chronic care populations: some commentary. (1994) (1)
- A Study of Ontogenetic and Generational Change in Adolescent Personality by Means of Multivariate Longitudinal Sequences: Phase II. Final Report. (1973) (1)
- Theory and Method in the Study of Behavioral Development: On the legacy of Joachim F. Wohlwill (1991) (1)
- The Scope of Developmental Psychology (2014) (1)
- Cattell, Raymond Bernard (1905–98) (2001) (1)
- Psychologists Doing Empirical Research—Selection at Work! (2011) (1)
- On Standardized Measurement in Behavioral Science (2022) (1)
- Abstract: Higher Order Invariance and Age Comparisons in Depression, Neuroticism, and Anxiety (2009) (1)
- A Rejoinder (1965) (1)
- Analyses based on advanced latent change score models. (2014) (1)
- Using the simplified reticular action model notation. (2014) (1)
- A Comparison of Cross Product and Differential-R Factoring Regarding Cross Study Stability of Change Patterns (1967) (1)
- Factor invariance in longitudinal research. (2014) (1)
- Considering common factors/latent variables in structural models. (2014) (0)
- Longitudinal Research in the Behavioral Sciences: Design and Analysis. Final Report. (1977) (0)
- Repeated measures analysis of variance as a structural model. (2014) (0)
- Plotting bivariate latent change score results. (2014) (0)
- Dynamic influences over groups. (2014) (0)
- Rumours of Historiography (2019) (0)
- Alternative common factors with multiple longitudinal observations. (2014) (0)
- More alternative factorial solutions for longitudinal data. (2014) (0)
- Analyses based on latent curve models. (2014) (0)
- Considering factorial invariance in longitudinal structural equation modeling. (2014) (0)
- Analyses based on time-series regression models. (2014) (0)
- Cross-Cultural and Comparative Developmental Psychology (2014) (0)
- Personality in Intellectual–Aging Contexts Inventory (2013) (0)
- Data Analysis and Interpretation (2014) (0)
- Alternative definitions of individual changes. (2014) (0)
- Structural Models: The Continuing Search for Causes (2014) (0)
- The popular repeated measures analysis of variance. (2014) (0)
- Benefits and problems using structural equation modeling in longitudinal research. (2014) (0)
- Incomplete data with multiple group modeling of changes. (2014) (0)
- Studying interindividual differences in intraindividual changes. (2014) (0)
- Getting here was half the fun. (2000) (0)
- Measurement and models for multi-timescale psychological processes in aging research (2021) (0)
- Applying a bivariate change model with multiple groups. (2014) (0)
- Models for intensively repeated measures. (2014) (0)
- Current models for multiple longitudinal outcome scores. (2014) (0)
- Commentaries (2004) (0)
- Variance components for longitudinal factor models. (2014) (0)
- Simple Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Methods (2014) (0)
- Coda: The future is yours! (2014) (0)
- Analyses based on cross-lagged regression in changes of factors. (2014) (0)
- Time and Change: The Basic Data Matrix (2014) (0)
- Age Differences in Transitory Cognitive Performance (2019) (0)
- Targets of Developmental Analysis (2014) (0)
- Background and goals of longitudinal research. (2014) (0)
- An Illustration of the Developmental Approach: The Case of Auditory Sensitivity (2014) (0)
- A pause in history (1983) (0)
- Structural Equation Modeling : A Multidisciplinary Journal (2016) (0)
- Some technical details on structural equation modeling. (2014) (0)
- The Nature of Scientific Methods (2014) (0)
- An Examination of the Hofer and (2016) (0)
- The bivariate latent change score model for multiple occasions. (2014) (0)
- Heredity-Environment Research and Development (2014) (0)
- Multiple group structural equation modeling approaches to group differences. (2014) (0)
- Analyses based on latent change score models. (2014) (0)
- Dealing W ith S hort-term F luctuation in L ongitudinal R esearch (2010) (0)
- Analyses based on cross-lagged regression and changes. (2014) (0)
- Genetic and Environmental Effects on Openness to Experience , Agreeableness , and Conscientiousness : An Adoption / Tvrin Study (2005) (0)
- Notes on the inclusion of randomization in longitudinal studies. (2014) (0)
- Extensions to longitudinal categorial factors. (2014) (0)
- Genetic and Environmental Factors for Symptoms of Depression in Older Adults: (500422006-004) (2013) (0)
- An Idiographic Approach to Estimating Models of Dyadic Interactions with Differential Equations (2013) (0)
- Contemporary data analyses based on planned incompleteness. (2014) (0)
- Modeling Change over Time: From Description to Explanation (2014) (0)
- Dynamic processes over groups. (2014) (0)
- International Max Planck Research School of the Life Course (LIFE) (2007) (0)
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