Jorge Cortes
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Spanish engineer
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Jorge Cortes's Degrees
- Bachelors Civil Engineering Complutense University of Madrid
Why Is Jorge Cortes Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jorge Cortés is a Spanish engineer and professor at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego. He is the author of Geometric, Control and Numerical Aspects of Nonholonomic Systems.
Jorge Cortes's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Coverage control for mobile sensing networks (2002) (2575)
- Distributed Control of Robotic Networks: A Mathematical Approach to Motion Coordination Algorithms (2009) (1056)
- Discontinuous dynamical systems (2008) (901)
- Finite-time convergent gradient flows with applications to network consensus (2006) (742)
- Robust rendezvous for mobile autonomous agents via proximity graphs in arbitrary dimensions (2006) (716)
- Distributed Continuous-Time Convex Optimization on Weight-Balanced Digraphs (2012) (564)
- Motion Coordination with Distributed Information (2007) (515)
- Coordination and Geometric Optimization via Distributed Dynamical Systems (2003) (477)
- Distributed convex optimization via continuous-time coordination algorithms with discrete-time communication (2014) (462)
- Distributed algorithms for reaching consensus on general functions (2008) (444)
- Event-triggered communication and control of networked systems for multi-agent consensus (2017) (297)
- Distributed Kriged Kalman Filter for Spatial Estimation (2009) (235)
- Distributed event-triggered coordination for average consensus on weight-balanced digraphs (2014) (211)
- Distributed Generator Coordination for Initialization and Anytime Optimization in Economic Dispatch (2015) (206)
- Tutorial on Dynamic Average Consensus: The Problem, Its Applications, and the Algorithms (2018) (182)
- Differentially private average consensus: Obstructions, trade-offs, and optimal algorithm design (2015) (166)
- Initialization-free distributed coordination for economic dispatch under varying loads and generator commitment (2014) (163)
- Nonsmooth Barrier Functions With Applications to Multi-Robot Systems (2017) (161)
- Coverage control for mobile sensing networks (2002) (159)
- Asymptotic convergence of constrained primal-dual dynamics (2015) (154)
- Self-triggered coordination of robotic networks for optimal deployment (2011) (153)
- Differential privacy in control and network systems (2016) (150)
- Distributed Strategies for Generating Weight-Balanced and Doubly Stochastic Digraphs (2009) (149)
- Dynamic average consensus under limited control authority and privacy requirements (2014) (142)
- On synchronous robotic networks Part II: Time complexity of rendezvous and deployment algorithms (2007) (135)
- Global and robust formation-shape stabilization of relative sensing networks (2009) (132)
- Saddle-Point Dynamics: Conditions for Asymptotic Stability of Saddle Points (2015) (131)
- Coverage Optimization and Spatial Load Balancing by Robotic Sensor Networks (2010) (123)
- Distributed convergence to Nash equilibria in two-network zero-sum games (2012) (118)
- Differentially Private Distributed Convex Optimization via Functional Perturbation (2015) (111)
- On Synchronous Robotic Networks—Part I: Models, Tasks, and Complexity (2005) (111)
- Coordinated Control of Multi-Robot Systems: A Survey (2017) (106)
- Distributed Consensus on Robot Networks for Dynamically Merging Feature-Based Maps (2012) (105)
- On synchronous robotic networks Part I: Models, tasks and complexity notions (2007) (103)
- Systems approaches and algorithms for discovery of combinatorial therapies (2009) (98)
- Non-holonomic integrators (2001) (97)
- Multirobot Rendezvous With Visibility Sensors in Nonconvex Environments (2006) (95)
- Geometric Description of Vakonomic and Nonholonomic Dynamics. Comparison of Solutions (2000) (93)
- On the geometry of generalized Chaplygin systems (2000) (92)
- Nonholonomic Lagrangian systems on Lie algebroids (2005) (90)
- Distributed event-triggered communication for dynamic average consensus in networked systems (2014) (87)
- When does a digraph admit a doubly stochastic adjacency matrix? (2010) (86)
- Zeno-free, distributed event-triggered communication and control for multi-agent average consensus (2014) (83)
- Coverage control by multi-robot networks with limited-range anisotropic sensory (2009) (82)
- Distributed Online Convex Optimization Over Jointly Connected Digraphs (2014) (82)
- Distributed deployment of asynchronous guards in art galleries (2006) (81)
- The Role of Convexity in Saddle-Point Dynamics: Lyapunov Function and Robustness (2016) (76)
- Distributed Motion Constraints for Algebraic Connectivity of Robotic Networks (2008) (76)
- Mechanical control systems on Lie algebroids (2004) (75)
- On collective motion in sensor networks: sample problems and distributed algorithms (2005) (72)
- Adaptive Information Collection by Robotic Sensor Networks for Spatial Estimation (2012) (66)
- Event-Triggered Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Bounded Bit Rates (2014) (64)
- Optimal Gaits for Dynamic Robotic Locomotion (2001) (58)
- Distributed Saddle-Point Subgradient Algorithms With Laplacian Averaging (2015) (58)
- Notes on averaging over acyclic digraphs and discrete coverage control (2006) (54)
- Robust Distributed Linear Programming (2014) (54)
- Visibility-based multi-agent deployment in orthogonal environments (2007) (54)
- Simultaneous input and state estimation for nonlinear systems with applications to flow field estimation (2013) (53)
- Distributed Coordination for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization via Saddle-Point Dynamics (2016) (50)
- Analysis and design of oscillatory control systems (2003) (50)
- Team-Triggered Coordination for Real-Time Control of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (2014) (48)
- Differentially Private Average Consensus with Optimal Noise Selection (2015) (47)
- Asymptotic Optimality of Multicenter Voronoi Configurations for Random Field Estimation (2009) (47)
- Coverage control by robotic networks with limited-range anisotropic sensory (2008) (46)
- Characterization of Gradient Control Systems (2003) (46)
- Simple Mechanical Control Systems with Constraints and Symmetry (2002) (45)
- Robust rendezvous for mobile autonomous agents via proximity graphs in d dimensions (44)
- Distributed consensus algorithms for merging feature-based maps with limited communication (2011) (43)
- Distributed Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Heterogeneous Platoon Systems With Positive Definite Topologies (2020) (42)
- Maximizing visibility in nonconvex polygons: nonsmooth analysis and gradient algorithm design (2005) (42)
- Distributed Coordination of DERs With Storage for Dynamic Economic Dispatch (2016) (41)
- Distributed subgradient methods for saddle-point problems (2015) (40)
- Data-Based Receding Horizon Control of Linear Network Systems (2020) (38)
- Singularly perturbed algorithms for dynamic average consensus (2013) (37)
- Gramian-Based Reachability Metrics for Bilinear Networks (2015) (35)
- Optimal leader allocation in UAV formation pairs ensuring cooperation (2013) (35)
- Skinner-Rusk approach to time-dependent mechanics (2002) (34)
- Distributed strategies for making a digraph weight-balanced (2009) (29)
- Reduction and reconstruction of the dynamics of nonholonomic systems (1999) (29)
- Scheduling of control nodes for improved network controllability (2016) (29)
- Boolean Composability of Constraints and Control Synthesis for Multi-Robot Systems via Nonsmooth Control Barrier Functions (2018) (29)
- Special Issue on Control and Optimization in Cooperative Networks (2009) (29)
- Distributed coverage of nonconvex environments (2008) (29)
- Noise-to-state exponentially stable distributed convex optimization on weight-balanced digraphs (2013) (28)
- General symmetries in optimal control (2004) (28)
- Cooperative Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization (2017) (28)
- Achieving coordination tasks in finite time via nonsmooth gradient flows (2005) (28)
- Evolution of Players' Misperceptions in Hypergames Under Perfect Observations (2012) (27)
- Differentially private distributed convex optimization via objective perturbation (2016) (27)
- Hierarchical-Distributed Optimized Coordination of Intersection Traffic (2016) (26)
- Time-invariant versus time-varying actuator scheduling in complex networks (2017) (26)
- Distributed Tree Rearrangements for Reachability and Robust Connectivity (2009) (25)
- Motion Planning and Control Problems for Underactuated Robots (2002) (25)
- Distributed Control and Estimation of Robotic Vehicle Networks: Overview of the Special Issue (2016) (25)
- The Value of Timing Information in Event-Triggered Control (2016) (25)
- Mechanical systems subjected to generalized non-holonomic constraints (2000) (25)
- Symmetries in vakonomic dynamics: applications to optimal control (2001) (25)
- Motion Control Algorithms for Simple Mechanical Systems with Symmetry (2003) (24)
- Analysis and design tools for distributed motion coordination (2005) (24)
- Continuous-time distributed convex optimization on weight-balanced digraphs (2012) (24)
- Time-Varying Optimization of LTI Systems Via Projected Primal-Dual Gradient Flows (2021) (24)
- Coordinated deployment of mobile sensing networks with limited-range interactions (2004) (23)
- Spatial statistics and distributed estimation by robotic sensor networks (2010) (23)
- Coordinated intersection traffic management (2015) (23)
- Exploring Landmark Placement Strategies for Self-Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks (2007) (23)
- Event-Triggered Second-Moment Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Packet Drops (2016) (22)
- Cooperative adaptive sampling via approximate entropy maximization (2009) (21)
- Dynamic Modeling and Pneumatic Switching Control of a Submersible Drogue (2010) (21)
- Adaptive and Distributed Coordination Algorithms for Mobile Sensing Networks (2005) (21)
- Cooperative adaptive sampling of random fields with partially known covariance (2012) (20)
- pth Moment Noise-to-State Stability of Stochastic Differential Equations with Persistent Noise (2014) (20)
- Global formation-shape stabilization of relative sensing networks (2009) (20)
- Learning Barrier Functions With Memory for Robust Safe Navigation (2020) (19)
- Time-triggering versus event-triggering control over communication channels (2017) (19)
- Analysis and design of distributed algorithms for X-consensus (2006) (19)
- A cooperative deployment strategy for optimal sampling in spatiotemporal estimation (2008) (18)
- The value of timing information in event-triggered control: The scalar case (2016) (18)
- Event-Triggered Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Sensing and Actuation Delay (2017) (18)
- Distributed Linear Programming with Event-Triggered Communication (2014) (18)
- Safe graph rearrangements for distributed connectivity of robotic networks (2007) (18)
- On nonlinear controllability and series expansions for Lagrangian systems with dissipative forces (2001) (18)
- Decentralized Nash equilibrium learning by strategic generators for economic dispatch (2016) (18)
- Distributed gradient ascent of random fields by robotic sensor networks (2007) (17)
- The geometrical theory of constraints applied to the dynamics of vakonomic mechanical systems: The vakonomic bracket (2000) (17)
- Periodic and event-triggered communication for distributed continuous-time convex optimization (2014) (17)
- Distributed convergence to Nash equilibria by adversarial networks with directed topologies (2012) (16)
- Statistical Properties and Robustness of Biological Controller-Target Networks (2012) (16)
- Iterative Bidding in Electricity Markets: Rationality and Robustness (2017) (16)
- Dynamic consensus for merging visual maps under limited communications (2010) (15)
- A catalog of inverse-kinematics planners for underactuated systems on matrix Lie groups (2003) (15)
- Dynamic average consensus with distributed event-triggered communication (2014) (15)
- Network Identification With Latent Nodes via Autoregressive Models (2016) (15)
- Hierarchical Selective Recruitment in Linear-Threshold Brain Networks—Part I: Single-Layer Dynamics and Selective Inhibition (2018) (15)
- Vector-valued quadratic forms in control theory (2002) (15)
- Heterogeneity of central nodes explains the benefits of time-varying control scheduling in complex dynamical networks (2019) (14)
- Deployment of an unreliable robotic sensor network for spatial estimation (2010) (14)
- On Synchronous Robotic Networks—Part II: Time Complexity of Rendezvous and Deployment Algorithms (2005) (14)
- Hamiltonian theory of constrained impulsive motion (2004) (13)
- Hybrid Interconnection of Iterative Bidding and Power Network Dynamics for Frequency Regulation and Optimal Dispatch (2018) (13)
- Frequency Regulation With Heterogeneous Energy Resources: A Realization Using Distributed Control (2020) (13)
- Online Stochastic Optimization for Unknown Linear Systems: Data-Driven Synthesis and Controller Analysis (2021) (13)
- Area-constrained coverage optimization by robotic sensor networks (2008) (12)
- Event- Triggered Control Design with Performance Barrier (2018) (12)
- Distributed optimization for multi-task learning via nuclear-norm approximation (2015) (12)
- Exponentially fast distributed coordination for nonsmooth convex optimization (2016) (12)
- Distributed Control of Vehicle Strings Under Finite-Time and Safety Specifications (2017) (12)
- Distributed coordination for separable convex optimization with coupling constraints (2015) (12)
- Hierarchical reinforcement learning via dynamic subspace search for multi-agent planning (2019) (12)
- Hierarchical Selective Recruitment in Linear-Threshold Brain Networks Part II: Multilayer Dynamics and Top-Down Recruitment (2018) (11)
- Universal Formula for Smooth Safe Stabilization (2019) (11)
- Coordinated rendezvous of underwater drifters in ocean internal waves (2014) (11)
- Distributed Augmentation-Regularization for Robust Online Convex Optimization (2018) (11)
- Safety-Critical Event Triggered Control via Input-to-State Safe Barrier Functions (2020) (11)
- Exploring Landmark Placement Strategies for Topology-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks (2008) (11)
- Asymptotic stability of saddle points under the saddle-point dynamics (2015) (11)
- Event-triggered stabilization of disturbed linear systems over digital channels (2018) (10)
- Continuous-time distributed convex optimization on directed graphs (2012) (10)
- Evolution of the perception about the opponent in hypergames (2010) (10)
- On rendezvous for visually-guided agents in a nonconvex polygon (2005) (10)
- Synchronous robotic networks and complexity of control and communication laws (2005) (10)
- From geometric optimization and nonsmooth analysis to distributed coordination algorithms (2003) (10)
- Distributed Control and Estimation of Robotic Vehicle Networks: An Overview of Part 2 (2016) (10)
- Distributed Algorithms for Robotic Networks (2008) (10)
- Distributed sampling of random fields with unknown covariance (2009) (10)
- Energy conserving nonholonomic integrators (2002) (10)
- Optimal control for nonholonomic systems with symmetry (2000) (10)
- Distributed coordination for economic dispatch with varying load and generator commitment (2014) (9)
- Stokes drift of plankton in linear internal waves: Cross‐shore transport of neutrally buoyant and depth‐keeping organisms (2019) (9)
- Event-triggered control under time-varying rate and channel blackouts (2015) (9)
- Co-Optimization of Control and Actuator Selection for Cyber-Physical Systems (2018) (9)
- Distributed, anytime optimization in power-generator networks for economic dispatch (2014) (9)
- Oscillations and Coupling in Interconnections of Two-Dimensional Brain Networks (2019) (9)
- Data-driven distributed optimization using Wasserstein ambiguity sets (2017) (9)
- Stealthy Deception in Hypergames Under Informational Asymmetry (2014) (9)
- Analysis and design of distributed algorithms for χ-consensus (2006) (9)
- Time-Varying Actuator Scheduling in Complex Networks (2016) (9)
- Distributed Algorithm via Continuously Differentiable Exact Penalty Method for Network Optimization (2018) (8)
- Robust, Distributed Estimation of Internal Wave Parameters via Inter-Drogue Measurements (2014) (8)
- Distributed algorithms for convex network optimization under non-sparse equality constraints (2016) (8)
- Characterizing robust coordination algorithms via proximity graphs and set-valued maps (2006) (8)
- Efficient Identification of Linear Evolutions in Nonlinear Vector Fields: Koopman Invariant Subspaces (2019) (8)
- Education - A High School-Level Course in Feedback Control - A Matlab-Based Introduction Requiring Only Algebra and Trigonometry (2007) (8)
- Data-Driven Optimal Control of Bilinear Systems (2021) (8)
- Data-Driven Synthesis of Optimization-Based Controllers for Regulation of Unknown Linear Systems (2021) (8)
- Learning of equilibria and misperceptions in hypergames with perfect observations (2011) (8)
- Configuration Controllability of Mechanical Systems Underactuated by One Control (2002) (7)
- Tracking Control by the Newton-Raphson Method with Output Prediction and Controller Speedup (2019) (7)
- Event-triggered stabilization of scalar linear systems under packet drops (2016) (7)
- Stability of stochastic differential equations with additive persistent noise (2013) (7)
- Hedonic coalition formation for optimal deployment (2013) (7)
- Safe Control Synthesis With Uncertain Dynamics and Constraints (2022) (7)
- A Nonsmooth Approach to Controller Synthesis for Boolean Specifications (2021) (7)
- Distributed coordination of power generators for a linearized optimal power flow problem (2017) (7)
- Team-triggered coordination of networked systems (2013) (7)
- Distributed Bargaining in Dyadic-Exchange Networks (2014) (7)
- The effect of delayed side information on fundamental limitations of disturbance attenuation (2015) (7)
- Self-Triggered Optimal Servicing in Dynamic Environments With Acyclic Structure (2013) (6)
- Distributed online second-order dynamics for convex optimization over switching connected graphs (2014) (6)
- Nesterov Acceleration for Equality-Constrained Convex Optimization via Continuously Differentiable Penalty Functions (2021) (6)
- Approximating the Koopman Operator using Noisy Data: Noise-Resilient Extended Dynamic Mode Decomposition (2019) (6)
- Event-triggering stabilization of complex linear systems with disturbances over digital channels (2018) (6)
- Model predictive control for transient frequency regulation of power networks (2019) (6)
- Optimal leader allocation in UAV formation pairs under no-cost switching (2012) (6)
- Data-Driven Ambiguity Sets for Linear Systems Under Disturbances and Noisy Observations (2020) (6)
- A scheduled-asynchronous distributed optimization algorithm for the optimal power flow problem (2017) (6)
- Distributed Bilayered Control for Transient Frequency Safety and System Stability in Power Grids (2019) (6)
- Reachability metrics for bilinear complex networks (2015) (6)
- Distributed Transient Frequency Control for Power Networks with Stability and Performance Guarantees (2018) (5)
- Receding-Horizon Multi-Objective Optimization for Disaster Response (2018) (5)
- Convergence of Caratheodory solutions for primal-dual dynamics in constrained concave optimization (2015) (5)
- Stable Interconnection of Continuous-Time Price-Bidding Mechanisms with Power Network Dynamics (2018) (5)
- Robust coordinated rendezvous of depth-actuated drifters in ocean internal waves (2016) (5)
- Network Modification using a Novel Gramian-based Edge Centrality (2019) (5)
- Nonsmooth analysis and sonar-based implementation of distributed coordination algorithms (2004) (5)
- Data-Driven Approximation of Koopman-Invariant Subspaces with Tunable Accuracy (2021) (5)
- Motion control strategies for improved multi robot perception (2009) (5)
- Energy-Transfer Edge Centrality and Its Role in Enhancing Network Controllability (2021) (5)
- The consistency problem in optimal control: The degenerate case (2003) (5)
- Distributed Map Merging in a Robotic Network (2008) (5)
- Convergence-Rate-Matching Discretization of Accelerated Optimization Flows Through Opportunistic State-Triggered Control (2019) (5)
- Integrating Iterative Bidding in Electricity Markets and Frequency Regulation (2018) (5)
- Finite-time convergent gradient flowswith applications to motion coordination ? (4)
- Biological control networks suggest the use of biomimetic sets for combinatorial therapies (2010) (4)
- Correctness Analysis and Optimality Bounds of Multi-spacecraft Formation Initialization Algorithms (2006) (4)
- Participation of Microgrids in Frequency Regulation Markets (2018) (4)
- Distributed linear programming and bargaining in exchange networks (2013) (4)
- Stealthy strategies for deception in hypergames with asymmetric information (2011) (4)
- Scheduled-Asynchronous Distributed Algorithm for Optimal Power Flow (2017) (4)
- Dynamic domain reduction for multi-agent planning (2017) (4)
- Self-Triggered and Team-Triggered Control of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (2018) (4)
- Network Connectivity Maintenance via Nonsmooth Control Barrier Functions (2021) (4)
- Exploiting Bias for Cooperative Planning in Multi-Agent Tree Search (2020) (4)
- Informativity for centralized design of distributed controllers for networked systems (2022) (4)
- Collective Estimation of Ocean Nonlinear Internal Waves Using Robotic Underwater Drifters (2013) (4)
- Exploration of misperceptions in hypergames (2011) (4)
- Distributed line search via dynamic convex combinations (2013) (4)
- Cosymplectic reduction of constrained systems with symmetry (2002) (4)
- Singularly perturbed filters for dynamic average consensus (2013) (3)
- Cooperative detection of areas of rapid change in spatial fields (2012) (3)
- Integral input-to-state stable saddle-point dynamics for distributed linear programming (2013) (3)
- The role of strong convexity-concavity in the convergence and robustness of the saddle-point dynamics (2016) (3)
- Distributed estimation of internal wave parameters via inter-drogue distances (2012) (3)
- Decentralized Nash equilibrium seeking by strategic generators for DC optimal power flow (2017) (3)
- Dynamic Evolution of Distributional Ambiguity Sets and Precision Tradeoffs in Data Assimilation (2019) (3)
- Transient-state feasibility set approximation of power networks against disturbances of unknown amplitude (2017) (3)
- Nonholonomic systems on Lie algebroids (2008) (3)
- Stability Analysis of Complex Networks with Linear-Threshold Rate Dynamics (2018) (3)
- Linear-Threshold Dynamics for the Study of Epileptic Events (2021) (3)
- Quantifying the robustness of power networks against initial failure (2016) (3)
- Distributed dynamic economic dispatch of power generators with storage (2015) (3)
- Distributed map merging with consensus on common information (2013) (3)
- Distributed Transient Frequency Control in Power Networks (2018) (3)
- Event-triggered control for nonlinear systems with time-varying input delay (2016) (3)
- Fast Identification of Koopman-Invariant Subspaces: Parallel Symmetric Subspace Decomposition (2020) (3)
- Grid-connected microgrid participation in frequency-regulation markets via hierarchical coordination (2017) (3)
- Robust Team-Triggered Coordination of Networked Cyberphysical Systems (2013) (3)
- Optimal leader allocation in UAV formation pairs under costly switching (2012) (2)
- Distributed Wombling by Robotic Sensor Networks (2009) (2)
- A Crash Course in Feedback Control (2006) (2)
- Resource-Aware Discretization of Accelerated Optimization Flows: The Heavy-Ball Dynamics Case (2023) (2)
- Heterogeneity of Central Nodes Explains the Benefits of Time-Varying Control in Complex Dynamical Networks (2016) (2)
- Performance-Barrier-Based Event-Triggered Control with Applications to Network Systems (2021) (2)
- Selective Recruitment in Hierarchical Complex Dynamical Networks with Linear-Threshold Rate Dynamics (2018) (2)
- Generalized multicircumcenter trajectories for optimal design under near-independence (2010) (2)
- Average Dwell-Time Minimization of Switched Systems via Sequential Convex Programming (2022) (2)
- Cooperative adaptive sampling of random fields with unknown covariance (2008) (2)
- Coalition formation and motion coordination for optimal deployment (2011) (2)
- Transient frequency control with regional cooperation for power networks (2018) (2)
- Event-triggered stabilization of linear systems under channel blackouts (2015) (2)
- Event-triggered control with bounded data rate (2014) (2)
- Using data informativity for online stabilization of unknown switched linear systems (2022) (2)
- Learning Constant-Gain Stabilizing Controllers for Frequency Regulation Under Variable Inertia (2022) (2)
- Anytime Solution of Constrained Nonlinear Programs via Control Barrier Functions (2021) (2)
- Event-triggered stabilization over digital channels of linear systems with disturbances (2018) (2)
- Safe and Stable Control Synthesis for Uncertain System Models via Distributionally Robust Optimization (2022) (2)
- Exploiting Timing Information in Event-Triggered Stabilization of Linear Systems With Disturbances (2018) (2)
- Dynamics of Data-driven Ambiguity Sets for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Uncertain Inputs (2020) (2)
- Data-Driven Distributed Predictive Control via Network Optimization (2020) (2)
- Virtual-Voltage Partition-Based Approach to Optimal Transmission Switching (2017) (2)
- Distributed event-triggered optimization for linear programming (2014) (2)
- Gradient Realization of Nonlinear Control Systems (2003) (2)
- Estimation-Based Ocean Flow Field Reconstruction Using Profiling Floats (2018) (1)
- A Crash Course in Feedback Control; A MATLAB-based introduction with one prerequisite: high school algebra (2006) (1)
- Identification of linear networks with latent nodes (2016) (1)
- Data-Driven Reconstruction of Firing Rate Dynamics in Brain Networks (2021) (1)
- Distributed Multi-agent Deployment for Full Visibility of 1.5D and 2.5D Polyhedral Terrains (2020) (1)
- Event-triggering stabilization of real and complex linear systems with disturbances over digital channels (2018) (1)
- Structural Characterization of Oscillations in Brain Networks with Rate Dynamics (2021) (1)
- Chapter Three. Robotic network models and complexity notions (2009) (1)
- Characterization of Local Configuration Controllability for a Class of Mechanical Systems (2000) (1)
- When sampling works in data-driven control: Informativity for stabilization in continuous time (2023) (1)
- Nonsmooth Control Barrier Function Design of Continuous Constraints for Network Connectivity Maintenance (2021) (1)
- Asymptotic optimality of multicenter Voronoi configurations for random field estimation (2007) (1)
- Aerial Slung-Load Position Tracking Under Unknown Wind Forces (2021) (1)
- Network integrity via coordinated motion of stratospheric vehicles (2015) (1)
- Solving Linear Equations With Separable Problem Data Over Directed Networks (2021) (1)
- Virtual-Voltage Partition-Based Approach to Mixed-Integer Optimal Power Flow Problems (2017) (1)
- Computational problems for vector-valued quadratic forms (2002) (1)
- Edge Centrality Matrix: Impact of Network Modification on Gramian Controllability Metrics (2020) (1)
- Lecture 3: Feedback linearization of MIMO systems (2009) (1)
- Introduction to distributed algorithms (2008) (1)
- Double-layered distributed transient frequency control with regional coordination (2018) (1)
- Motion coordination algorithms resulting from classical geometric optimization problems (2004) (1)
- Network Optimization via Smooth Exact Penalty Functions Enabled by Distributed Gradient Computation (2020) (1)
- Optimal Network Interventions to Control the Spreading of Oscillations (2022) (1)
- Characterizing Tolerable Disturbances for Transient-State Safety in Power Networks (2019) (1)
- Opportunistic robot control for interactive multiobjective optimization under human performance limitations (2021) (1)
- CDC 2002 , To appear Design of oscillatory control systems (2006) (0)
- Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Transient Frequency Control with Stability and Safety Guarantees (2022) (0)
- Spatial Detection of Areas of Abrupt Change by Robotic Networks (2009) (0)
- Distributedevent-triggeredcoordination for average consensusonweight-balanceddigraphs (2016) (0)
- Time-Varying Control Scheduling in Complex Dynamical Networks (2016) (0)
- Robotic Networks, Distributed Algorithms for (2009) (0)
- Chapter Six. Boundary estimation and tracking (2009) (0)
- Frequency-driven market mechanisms for optimal power dispatch (2018) (0)
- Event-TriggeredCommunication andControl of NetworkedSystems forMulti-AgentConsensus (2019) (0)
- 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems 2012 : Santa Barbara, California, USA, 14-15 September 2012 (2013) (0)
- Control Strategies for Neural Populations with Rectified Activation Function (2022) (0)
- Distributed Coordination for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization via Saddle-Point Dynamics (2018) (0)
- Chapter Two. Geometric models and optimization (2009) (0)
- Cooperative Dynamic Domain Reduction (2018) (0)
- Linear-Threshold Dynamics for the Study of Epileptic Events (2021) (0)
- Distributedevent-triggeredcommunicationfordynamic averageconsensusinnetworkedsystems ⋆ (2014) (0)
- Chapter One. An introduction to distributed algorithms (2009) (0)
- Enabling DER Participation in Frequency Regulation Markets (2020) (0)
- Data-driven mode detection and stabilization of unknown switched linear systems (2023) (0)
- Encoding Impact of Network Modification on Controllability via Edge Centrality Matrix (2021) (0)
- Saturation-tolerant average consensus with controllable rates of convergence (2013) (0)
- Distributed convergence toNash equilibria in two-network zero-sumgames ⋆ B (2013) (0)
- University of Groningen Hybrid Interconnection of Iterative Bidding and Power Network Dynamics for Frequency Regulation and Optimal Dispatch Stegink, (2018) (0)
- Frequency Regulation with Heterogeneous Energy Resources: A Realization using Distributed Control (2022) (0)
- 9 O ct 2 01 8 Event-TriggeredCommunicationandControl of NetworkedSystems forMulti-AgentConsensus (2018) (0)
- Chapter Four. Connectivity maintenance and rendezvous (2009) (0)
- Distributionally Robust Optimization via Haar Wavelet Ambiguity Sets (2022) (0)
- Robustcoordinatedrendezvousofdepth-actuateddrifters inoceaninternalwaves (2016) (0)
- Hierarchical reinforcement learning via dynamic subspace search for multi-agent planning (2019) (0)
- Safety-Critical Control as a Design Paradigm for Anytime Solvers of Variational Inequalities (2022) (0)
- Controlling global network connectivity of robot swarms with local interactions (2009) (0)
- Distributed Line Search for Multiagent Convex Optimization (2015) (0)
- Convex relaxation for mixed-integer optimal power flow problems (2017) (0)
- Controllability of mechanical systems with constraints and symmetry (2002) (0)
- k-Dimensional Agreement in Multiagent Systems (2022) (0)
- GeneralizingDynamicModeDecomposition:Balancing Accuracy andExpressiveness inKoopmanApproximations (2021) (0)
- Distributionally Robust Lyapunov Function Search Under Uncertainty (2022) (0)
- Robust estimation and aggregation of ocean internal wave parameters using Lagrangian drifters (2014) (0)
- The Inaugural CDC Soccer Cup [Member Activities] (2019) (0)
- Temporal sampling annealing schemes for receding horizon multi-agent planning (2021) (0)
- Agent-Supervisor Coordination for Decentralized Event-Triggered Optimization (2021) (0)
- Lecture 5: input-to-state stability (2013) (0)
- Event-triggered interactive gradient descent for real-time multi-objective optimization (2017) (0)
- Problem 10.4 Vector-valued quadratic forms in control theory (2009) (0)
- Lecture 1: Feedback control (2011) (0)
- Iterative Algorithms for Assessing Network Resilience Against Structured Perturbations (2021) (0)
- Networked Systems (2020) (0)
- DistributedconvergencetoNashequilibriain two-networkzero-sumgames ⋆ (2012) (0)
- Lecture 6: Input-output stability and passivity (2010) (0)
- Design of oscillatory control systems (2002) (0)
- Lecture 4: Nonlinear controllability (2011) (0)
- Robust optimal decision policies for servicing targets in acyclic digraphs (2012) (0)
- Lecture 5: Feedback stabilization (2009) (0)
- Lecture 4: Nonlinear accessibility, controllability, and observability (2012) (0)
- Chapter Five. Deployment (2009) (0)
- Tuning accuracy in data-driven learning of unknown dynamical systems via the Koopman operator (2021) (0)
- Coverage control for distributed sensing networks (2002) (0)
- A Crash Course in Feedback Control A matlab-based introduction with high school algebra as the only prerequisite By (2006) (0)
- Lecture 2: Feedback linearization of SISO systems (2009) (0)
- Control of Biological Networks and Multi-drug Combinatorial Therapies (0)
- Combinatorial control of heterogeneous cell populations (2010) (0)
- Safe Policy Design for Controlling Epidemic Spreading under Heterogeneous Testing Capabilities (2022) (0)
- Data-Driven Control of Linear-Threshold Network Dynamics (2022) (0)
- Underwater coverage with a mobile robot of limited control authority* (2018) (0)
- DERConnect – A Distributed Energy Resources Testbed for Solar Power Integration (2022) (0)
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