Joseph Nye
American political scientist
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Political Science
Joseph Nye's Degrees
- Bachelors Political Science Princeton University
Why Is Joseph Nye Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Joseph Samuel Nye Jr. is an American political scientist. He and Robert Keohane co-founded the international relations theory of neoliberalism, which they developed in their 1977 book Power and Interdependence. Together with Keohane, he developed the concepts of asymmetrical and complex interdependence. They also explored transnational relations and world politics in an edited volume in the 1970s. More recently, he pioneered the theory of soft power. His notion of "smart power" became popular with the use of this phrase by members of the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administration.
Joseph Nye's Published Works
Published Works
- Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics (2004) (4805)
- Power and interdependence : world politics in transition (1978) (2326)
- Power and interdependence (1977) (2251)
- Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis (1967) (1593)
- Public Diplomacy and Soft Power (2008) (1141)
- Soft Power (2018) (995)
- Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power (1990) (949)
- Power and Interdependence in the Information Age (1998) (553)
- Transnational Relations and World Politics: An Introduction (1971) (471)
- Governance in a Globalizing World (2000) (441)
- Transgovernmental Relations and International Organizations (1974) (438)
- The Future Of Power (2012) (395)
- The Powers to Lead (2008) (392)
- Neorealism and Neoliberalism (1988) (382)
- Power and Interdependence revisited (1987) (374)
- The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars: Domestic Politics and War (1988) (364)
- Nuclear learning and U.S.–Soviet security regimes (1987) (336)
- Peace in Parts: Integration and Conflict in Regional Organization (1972) (320)
- The Paradox of American Power (2002) (303)
- Soft Power and American Foreign Policy (2004) (277)
- The Emergence of Multinational Enterprise: American Business Abroad from the Colonial Era to 1914 (1973) (273)
- The changing nature of world power (1990) (254)
- Comparative Regional Integration: Concept and Measurement (1968) (191)
- Power in the Global Information Age: From Realism to Globalization (2004) (179)
- Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace (2017) (170)
- International Security Studies: A Report of a Conference on the State of the Field (1988) (154)
- Comparing Common Markets: A Revised Neo-Functionalist Model (1970) (153)
- The Decline of America's Soft Power: Why Washington Should Worry (2004) (151)
- Redefining the National Interest (1999) (151)
- CSIS Commission on Smart Power : a smarter, more secure America (2007) (117)
- Nuclear Lessons for Cyber Security (2011) (116)
- Pan-Africanism and East African Integration (1965) (112)
- After the Cold War: International Institutions and State Strategies in Europe, 1989-1991 (1993) (110)
- Understanding international conflicts: an introduction to theory and history / Joseph S. Nye (2008) (109)
- The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars: The Theory of Hegemonic War (1988) (109)
- The Case for Deep Engagement (1995) (105)
- Democracy in the Information Age (2002) (100)
- U.S. Power and Strategy After Iraq (2003) (96)
- The Regime Complex for Managing Global Cyber Activities (2014) (92)
- Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History (2013) (91)
- Market-Based Governance: Supply Side, Demand Side, Upside, and Downside (2002) (88)
- Think Again: Soft Power (2006) (86)
- Governance in a Networked World (2001) (84)
- What New World Order (1992) (83)
- Patterns and Catalysts in Regional Integration (1965) (81)
- Transnational Relations and World Politics: A Conclusion (1971) (80)
- International regionalism : readings (1968) (75)
- The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars (1989) (75)
- Globalization’s democratic deficit: how to make international institutions more accountable (2001) (71)
- Power and foreign policy (2011) (71)
- Living with Nuclear Weapons (1983) (71)
- American and Chinese Power after the Financial Crisis (2010) (69)
- Globalization's Democratic Deficit: How to Make International Institutions More Accountable (2001) (68)
- Energy and Security (1981) (65)
- Is the American Century Over (2015) (61)
- The American national interest and global public goods (2002) (60)
- Bridging the Gap between Theory and Policy (2008) (59)
- China's re‐emergence and the future of the Asia‐Pacific (1997) (58)
- Maintaining a nonproliferation regime (1981) (58)
- International economics and international politics: a framework for analysis (1975) (56)
- The rise and fall of American hegemony from Wilson to Trump (2019) (55)
- Soft power: the origins and political progress of a concept (2017) (53)
- Soft power superpowers : cultural and national assets of Japan and the United States (2008) (51)
- Limits of American Power (2002) (50)
- Conflict management by international organizations (1972) (49)
- The Decline of America’s Soft Power (2015) (48)
- Peering into the Future (1994) (48)
- Realism and Complex Interdependence (1996) (46)
- How Sharp Power Threatens Soft Power (2018) (46)
- Weapons of Mass Distraction: Soft Power and American Empire (2004) (43)
- Soft power and the Korean Wave (2013) (43)
- For the people : can we fix public service? (2003) (40)
- The Information Revolution and American Soft Power (2002) (40)
- Will the Liberal Order Survive (2016) (39)
- China and soft power (2012) (38)
- Hawks, Doves, and Owls: An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War (1985) (38)
- Transnational Relations and World Politics. (1973) (38)
- Don't Panic: Making Progress on the "Going Dark" Debate (2016) (36)
- The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars: The Origins of War: Structural Theories (1989) (35)
- The Information Revolution and Soft Power (2014) (35)
- Presidential Leadership and the Creation of the American Era (2013) (35)
- East Asian Security: The Case for Deep Engagement (1995) (34)
- Multinational Corporations in World Politics (1974) (34)
- Reflections on the economics and politics of international economic organizations (1975) (34)
- Nonproliferation: A Long-Term Strategy (1978) (33)
- Soft power: the evolution of a concept (2021) (31)
- International Relations: The Relevance of Theory to Practice (2008) (31)
- Hard, Soft, and Smart Power (2013) (30)
- Transformational Leadership and U.S. Grand Strategy (2006) (30)
- The Cuban Missile Crisis Revisited (1987) (30)
- Soft Power and Public Diplomacy Revisited (2019) (29)
- International Economic Relations of the Western World 1959–1971 (1976) (29)
- Introduction: The Complex Politics of Canadian-American Interdependence (1974) (29)
- Transformational and transactional presidents (2014) (28)
- The Making of America's Soviet Policy. (1984) (28)
- The US and Europe: Continental Drift? (2000) (28)
- Transnational Relations and Interstate Conflicts: An Empirical Analysis (1974) (27)
- Collective Economic Security (1974) (26)
- The Twenty‐First Century Will Not Be a “Post‐American” World (2012) (26)
- The future of soft power in US foreign policy (2010) (25)
- Public Trust and Democracy in Japan (1997) (24)
- The Information Revolution and Power (2014) (24)
- Recovering American Leadership (2008) (23)
- Conflicts after the cold war (1996) (22)
- Lessons from the Gulf War (1992) (21)
- After the Storm: Lessons from the Gulf War (1992) (21)
- The ‘Nye Report’: six years later (2001) (21)
- Central American regional integration (1967) (21)
- East African Economic Integration (1963) (20)
- NPT: the logic of inequality (2004) (20)
- Energy and Security in the 1980s (1982) (20)
- The Future of American Power (2010) (20)
- Responding to my critics and concluding thoughts (2010) (20)
- Power and Interdependence with China (2020) (17)
- The new Rome meets the new barbarians (2004) (17)
- James Madison on Cyberdemocracy (2002) (17)
- The contribution of strategic studies: Future challenges (1989) (17)
- The Making of America's Soviet Policy (1985) (16)
- Seeking Stability in Space: Anti-Satellite Weapons and the Evolving Space Regime (1987) (16)
- Security and Smart Power (2008) (16)
- American strategy after bipolarity (1990) (15)
- The Russians and Reagan (1984) (14)
- When Hard Power Undermines Soft Power (2004) (14)
- Canada and the United States: Transnational and Transgovernmental Relations (1976) (14)
- The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars: The Origins of the Thirty Years' War (1988) (13)
- On the Rise and Fall of American Soft Power (2005) (13)
- Arms Control after the Cold War (1989) (13)
- Tanganyika's Self-Help (1963) (12)
- The "Democracy Deficit" in the Global Economy: Enhancing the Legitimacy and Accountability of Global Institutions (2003) (12)
- Fateful Visions: Avoiding Nuclear Catastrophe (1988) (12)
- New Approaches to Nuclear Proliferation Policy (1992) (12)
- Old wars and future wars : Causation and prevention (1988) (12)
- The Velvet Hegemon (2003) (12)
- Hawks, doves and owls: a new perspective on avoiding nuclear war (1985) (10)
- Smart Power and the “War on Terror” (2008) (10)
- Understanding global conflict & cooperation : intro to theory & history (2014) (10)
- Justice and the Genesis of War: Foreword (1993) (9)
- Multinationals: The Game and the Rules: Multinational Corporations in World Politics (1974) (9)
- Governance amid Bigger, Better Markets (2001) (9)
- Ocean rule making from a world politics perspective (1975) (9)
- Multinational Enterprises and Prospects for Regional and Global Political Integration (1972) (8)
- Is Deterrence Possible in Cyberspace? (2017) (8)
- The Community of Oil Exporting Countries: A Study in Governmental Cooperation . By Zuhayr Mikdashi. (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1972. Pp. 239. $8.00.) (1974) (7)
- Harnessing Japan: A U.S. Strategy for Managing Japan's Rise as a Global Power (1993) (7)
- The Dependent Colossus (2002) (7)
- Farewell to Arms Control (1986) (7)
- Questions of energy (1980) (7)
- Did America Get China Wrong (2018) (7)
- Asia's first globalizer (2000) (6)
- The power game : a Washington novel (2004) (6)
- United States Policy Toward Regional Organization (1969) (6)
- Basic documents of African regional organizations (1973) (6)
- Securing cyberspace : a new domain for national security (2012) (6)
- The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars: Wargames: 1914–1919 (1988) (5)
- Hawks, Doves & Owls: An Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War (1985) (5)
- Nuclear winter and policy choices (1986) (5)
- The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars: The Origins of World War II in Europe: British Deterrence Failure and German Expansionism (1988) (5)
- Global Cooperation After the Cold War: A Reassessment of Trilateralism : A Task Force Report to the Trilateral Commission (1991) (5)
- U.S., Europe and the Future of Power in the 21st Century (2011) (4)
- Hard and soft power (2004) (4)
- The Information Revolution (2003) (4)
- Can America Manage Its Soviet Policy (1984) (4)
- U.S.-Soviet Relations and Nuclear-Risk Reduction (1984) (3)
- Joseph Nye on Soft Power (2009) (3)
- How should America respond to Gorbachev's challenge? : a report of the task force on Soviet new thinking : October 10, 1987 (1987) (3)
- The Information Revolution and The Paradox of American Power (2003) (3)
- Superpower Ethics: An Introduction (1987) (3)
- The American Colossus (2003) (3)
- Prospects for non‐proliferation (1981) (3)
- Motives, means and consequences (1985) (3)
- NATO after Riga (2006) (3)
- America Overcommitted: United States National Interests in the 1980s. (1986) (2)
- Globalization and Anti-Americanism (2004) (2)
- The Tradition of European Film Festivals and Cultural Diplomacy In the context of cultural diplomacy (2014) (2)
- The Owls' Agenda for Avoiding Nuclear War (1986) (2)
- Balancing nonproliferation and energy security (1979) (2)
- Estimative Intelligence after the Cold War: 1993–1994 (2019) (2)
- Has Arms Control Worked (1989) (2)
- Computer exports and national security : new tools for a new century : a report of the CSIS Commission on Technology Security in the Twenty-first Century (2001) (2)
- The U.S. and Soviet Stakes in Nuclear Nonproliferation (1982) (2)
- Response to Pinar Bilgin, ‘security studies: Theory/practice’ (1999) (2)
- Repairing the Transatlantic Rift (2006) (2)
- What Is a Moral Foreign Policy? (Winter 2019/2020) (2020) (2)
- Power: Hard, Soft, and Smart (2011) (2)
- Harness the rising sun : an American strategy for managing Japan's rise as a global power (1993) (2)
- The Arab revolutions and American policy (2013) (2)
- Getting beyond Norms: New Approaches to International Cyber Security Challenges (2017) (2)
- Arms control and prevention of war (1984) (2)
- American interests in South Asia : building a grand strategy in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India (2011) (1)
- Power and Interdependence Revisited<article-title>Power and Interdependence</article-title> <contrib-group><contrib> <name name-style="western" index="Keohane, Robert O."> <given-names>Robert O.</given-names> <surname>Keohane</surname> </name> </contrib></contrib-group> <contrib-group><contrib> <nam (2010) (1)
- Patrons and Clients: New Roles in the Post-Cold War Order (2019) (1)
- Limits of American Power: LIMITS OF AMERICAN POWER (2016) (1)
- Yalta looks better than ever from here (1993) (1)
- Addressing Europe's Conventional Instabilities (1988) (1)
- Energy and security. [Book: report of Harvard's Energy and Security Research Project] (1981) (1)
- Nuclear Ethics Revisited (2023) (1)
- Time to plan for the next generation of nuclear technology (1977) (1)
- Smart power. Great leaders know when hard power is not enough. (2008) (1)
- Reading 3.5 Power and Interdependence (2017) (1)
- On the defensive : the future of SDI (1988) (1)
- Seven Tests: Between Concert and Unilateralism (2018) (1)
- The Strength of International Regionalism (1972) (1)
- The Global Economic Crisis and Potential Implications for Foreign Policy and National Security (2009) (1)
- Transformational Leadership And American Foreign Policy: A Preliminary Analysis (2006) (1)
- Will china ’ s new Trade / Debt Diplomacy Strategy reshape The World ? (2018) (1)
- The Home Front (2003) (0)
- Comment on Ambassador Okawara’s Speech (1987) (0)
- From Nuclear Weapons to Cyber Security: Breaking Boundaries (2019) (0)
- IV. Political Integration (1965) (0)
- INO volume 37 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1983) (0)
- Editorial Board (2013) (0)
- INO volume 36 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1982) (0)
- INO volume 35 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1981) (0)
- Artem Lukin ( Far Eastern National University , Vladivostok , Russia ) CASE Visiting Fellow , UC Berkeley April 2008 Globalization and International System Field Report (2008) (0)
- External and Domestic Challenges for Turkey’s Soft Power and The Role of The EU (2014) (0)
- INO volume 38 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1984) (0)
- Review: Weapons of Mass Distraction (2004) (0)
- INO volume 37 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1983) (0)
- Ethical Dimensions of International Involvement in Land Reform (2019) (0)
- The Lessons of Western Summitry (1985) (0)
- Soft Power and Public Diplomacy Revisited (2019) (0)
- Leadership and American Foreign Policy (2008) (0)
- Soft Power and Great-Power Competition: Shifting Sands in the Balance of Power Between the United States and China (2023) (0)
- Getting Beyond Donald Rumsfeld (2006) (0)
- Four books and one case study are required in this class and are available for purchase in the University Bookstore. They are (2011) (0)
- To manage is human, to prevent is divine (1983) (0)
- The Power Game (2004) (0)
- 8. Nationalism, Statesmen, and the Size of African States (1975) (0)
- No Shortcuts to the ‘End of History’ ‐ Summer 2004 (2008) (0)
- Approaches to Nuclear Risk Reduction (2020) (0)
- I. Nationalism, Pan-Africanism, and Integration (1965) (0)
- II. Pan-Africanism, in East Africa (1965) (0)
- Panafricanism and Integration in East Africa@@@Pan-Africanism and East African Integration (1966) (0)
- Table of Contents (2014) (0)
- The Rise and Fall of Great Powers (2003) (0)
- Fiscal Crises Rarely Fell Empires (2010) (0)
- Gorbachev’s Russia and U.S. Options (2019) (0)
- Nuclear proliferation in the 1980s (1982) (0)
- Articles : South-North Reconciliation and 21st Century N.E. Asian International Strategic Relations (2000) (0)
- Energy and security. [Adapted from book published from Harvard University study] (1981) (0)
- The Future of U.S. China Relations | O Futuro das Relações China - Estados Unidos (2015) (0)
- 情報化時代のソフトパワ-を検証する(フォ-リン・アフェア-ズ論文) (1998) (0)
- INO volume 38 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1984) (0)
- Globalization and the Future of Transatlantic Relations (2003) (0)
- CHAPTER 11. Regional Institutions (2015) (0)
- Ramses : annual report by the French Institute for International Relations : the state of the world economy (1982) (0)
- BOOK REVIEWS (2008) (0)
- How not to deal with a rising China: a US perspective (2022) (0)
- INO volume 38 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1984) (0)
- Floods in Pakistan and the Importance of Natural Security (2010) (0)
- U.S. Defence Interests in Sub-Saharan Africa (1995) (0)
- Wishful Thinking on Nonproliferation (1978) (0)
- Post‐National Voices ‐ Summer 2005 (2008) (0)
- Does the UN Still Matter (2007) (0)
- III. Social Integration (1965) (0)
- Choice and Competition in K-12 Education (2001) (0)
- INO volume 36 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1982) (0)
- Making the World Safe for Interdependence ‐ Spring 2002 (2008) (0)
- Chairman's Note (2011) (0)
- The Making of America's Soviet Policy@@@The Russians and Reagan (1984) (0)
- Learning the New Leadership (2009) (0)
- 8. The twenty-first century and smart power (2018) (0)
- New orders? New norms?: The American national interest and global public goods (2002) (0)
- VII. The Rejection of Association with the European Economic Community (1965) (0)
- 国際経済学と国際政治学--分析の枠組み〔C.Fred Bergsten及びLawrence B.Krause編"World Politics and International Economics"より〕 (1981) (0)
- A Primer for the Nuclear Age: CSIA Occasional Paper No. 6 (1990) (0)
- Symposium: American Foreign Policy in the 1990s (2012) (0)
- INO volume 38 issue 3 Cover and Front matter (1984) (0)
- American strategy after the cold war (1990) (0)
- Abdie Kazemipur Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge Chen Yiping, ed. The Pursuit of Harmony and Win-win: China’s Soft Power and its Overseas Compatriot (Hexie yu gongying: Haiwai qiaobao yu zhongguo ruan- (2017) (0)
- Robots, Greens, Feminists? Will New Forces Transform Japan by the Year 2000? (1994) (0)
- Still holding its own (1997) (0)
- Grand Strategy and Global Public Goods (2008) (0)
- Systematic Problems: American Policy Toward the Soviet Union (1990) (0)
- INO volume 35 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1981) (0)
- Inevitability and War (2014) (0)
- The ethics of foreign policy (2004) (0)
- Washington Report, 2006-07 (2006) (0)
- The Power of Sticky Oil (2004) (0)
- La politica/Democrazia in deficit (2001) (0)
- There still is a desire to have some reality checks (2011) (0)
- The Long-Term Future of Deterrence (2020) (0)
- INO volume 36 issue 4 Cover and Front matter (1982) (0)
- The future of American defense (2014) (0)
- The Impact of Technology on Nuclear Deterrence and Strategic Arms Control (2019) (0)
- Ethics and Intervention (2019) (0)
- Editorial Board (2011) (0)
- Book Review: The Powers to Lead (2009) (0)
- Unity and Diversity in East Africa: A Bibliographic Essay (1966) (0)
- Book review: “is the American century over?” (2015) (0)
- The Culmination of Improved Space Operations Subject And Problem Statement (0)
- VI. The Failure to Federate in 1963 (1965) (0)
- INO volume 37 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (1983) (0)
- PSC volume 15 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1982) (0)
- Addressing the New International Terrorism: Prevention, Intervention and Multilateral Cooperation (2003) (0)
- VIII. Pan-Africanism and African Integration (1965) (0)
- V. Economic Integration (1965) (0)
- INO volume 36 issue 1 Cover and Front matter (1982) (0)
- Chapter 1How Do We Learn to Lead (2008) (0)
- The Future of the Communist Great Powers (1989) (0)
- Independence and Interdependence (2004) (0)
- TO THE FOURTH EDITION xxvii PART I Understanding Interdependence 1 CHAPTER 1 Interdependence in World Politics 3 CHAPTER 2 Realism and Complex Interdependence 20 CHAPTER 3 Explaining International Regime Change 33 PART II Regime Change in Oceans and Money 53 (2011) (0)
- The Role of Strategic Nuclear Systems in Deterrence (1988) (0)
- Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor (2013) (0)
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