Kanta Gupta
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Canadian professor of mathematics
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Kanta Gupta's Degrees
- PhD Mathematics University of British Columbia
- Masters Mathematics University of British Columbia
- Bachelors Mathematics University of British Columbia
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Why Is Kanta Gupta Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Chander Kanta Gupta was a Canadian distinguished professor of mathematics at the University of Manitoba, known for her research in abstract algebra and group theory. Much of her research concerns the automorphisms in different varieties of groups.
Kanta Gupta's Published Works
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Published Works
- The free centre-by-metabelian groups (1973) (52)
- Partially commutative metabelian groups: centralizers and elementary equivalence (2009) (51)
- Non-tame automorphisms of free nilpotent groups (1990) (28)
- The property of being equationally Noetherian for some soluble groups (2007) (28)
- Universal theories for partially commutative metabelian groups (2011) (28)
- Generalized Magnus embeddings and some applications (1978) (23)
- Automorphism groups of free nilpotent groups (1989) (21)
- Constants of Weitzenböck derivations and invariants of unipotent transformations acting on relatively free algebras (2004) (19)
- Automorphisms of Free Nilpotent Lie Algebras (1990) (18)
- IA-automorphisms of two generator metabelian groups (1981) (17)
- A Non‐Finitely Based System of Polynomial Identities Which Contains the Identity x6 = 0 (2002) (14)
- Commutator subgroup of Vershik–Kerov group II (2012) (14)
- Test Rank for Some Free Polynilpotent Groups (2003) (14)
- Automorphic and endomorphic reducibility and primitive endomorphisms of free metabelian groups (1997) (12)
- On Torsion in Factors of Polynilpotent Series of a Group with a Single Relation (2004) (12)
- Criterion for Invertibility of Endomorphisms and Test Rank of Metabelian Products of Abelian Groups (2004) (11)
- Primitivity in the free groups of the variety UmUn (1996) (11)
- Properties and universal theories for partially commutative nilpotent metabelian groups (2012) (10)
- On the linearity of free nilpotent-by-abelian groups (1973) (9)
- On 2-metabelian groups (1969) (9)
- Characteristic subgroups of free centre-by-metabelian groups (1984) (9)
- A bound for the class of certain nilpotent groups (1965) (9)
- New Automorphisms of Generic Matrix Algebras and Polynomial Algebras (1997) (9)
- Some Non-Finitely Based Varieties of Groups and Group Representations (1995) (8)
- Hypercentral and Monic Automorphisms of Classical Algebras, Rings and Groups (2008) (8)
- Generating Elements for Groups of the Form F/R' (2001) (8)
- Automorphisms of nilpotent-by-abelian groups (1989) (7)
- Systems of linear equations over associative algebras and the occurrence problem for lie algebras (1999) (7)
- The finite basis question for varieties of groups---some recent results (2003) (7)
- Automorphisms of free nilpotent-by-abelian groups (1993) (7)
- Tame range of automorphism groups of free polynilpotent groups (1991) (7)
- Test Ranks of Free Nilpotent Groups (2005) (7)
- A generalized Freiheitssatz for centre-by-metabelian groups (1992) (6)
- Primitive systems of elements in the varieties AmAn: Criterion and inducing (1999) (6)
- Subgroups of free groups induced by certain products of augmentation ideals (1978) (6)
- Magnus embeddings and residual nilpotence (1987) (6)
- On dimension subgroups relative to certain product ideals (1987) (5)
- Subgroups induced by certain ideals of free group rings (1983) (5)
- A solution of a problem of Plotkin and Vovsi and an application to varieties of groups (1999) (5)
- The test rank of a?soluble product of free Abelian groups (2008) (5)
- Automorphisms of a free group of infinite rank (2008) (4)
- Linear Groups over Locally Finite Extensions of Infinite Fields (2007) (4)
- Normal automorphisms of a free pro-p-group in the varietyN2A (1996) (4)
- On the Conjugacy Problem for F/R (1982) (3)
- The conjugacy problem for centre-by-metabelian groups (1989) (3)
- On the conjugacy problem for (1982) (3)
- Locally Finite Groups with Centralizers of Finite Rank (2016) (3)
- On 2-Symmetric Words in Nilpotent Groups (2002) (3)
- The occurrence problem for free metanilpotent Lie algebras (1999) (3)
- On the graph of nilpotent matrix group of length one (2016) (3)
- First-order definability and algebraicity of the sets of annihilating and generating collections of elements for some relatively free solvable groups (2006) (3)
- Around Automorphisms of Relatively Free Groups (1999) (2)
- Lie Automorphisms of the Algebra of Two Generic 2 × 2 Matrices☆ (2000) (2)
- Metanilpotent Varieties without torsion and Varieties of Groups of Prime Power Exponent (1996) (2)
- Automorphisms of certain relatively free solvable groups (1989) (2)
- On Free Groups of the Variety AN 2 ∧ N 2 A (1970) (2)
- The Word Problem for Polynilpotent Groups with a Single Primitive Defining Relation (2006) (1)
- Finitely generated subgroups and the centre of some factor groups of free products (1999) (1)
- On Linear Groups of Degree 2n Containing a Representation of the Special Linear Group of Degree n (2009) (1)
- Conjugacy in certain solvable groups (1990) (1)
- The Centre of a One-Relator Solvable Group (1993) (1)
- On certain soluble groups (1969) (1)
- Lie algebra associated with the group of finitary automorphisms of p-adic tree (2010) (1)
- Splitting Epimorphisms of Free Metabelian Groups (1997) (1)
- Q-Completions of Free Solvable Groups (2015) (0)
- Conjugacy in centre-by-metabelian groups (1993) (0)
- Dimension subgroups of centre-by-metabelian groups (1994) (0)
- Invariants of finite groups generated by generalized transvections in the modular case (2017) (0)
- Invariants of finite groups generated by generalized transvections in the modular case (2017) (0)
- Properties and universal theories for partially commutative nilpotent metabelian groups (2012) (0)
- On 2-metabelian groups (addendum) (1971) (0)
- Automorphisms of free nilpotent groups (1989) (0)
- A generalized Freiheitssatz for the variety $AN_2\wedge N_2A$ (1994) (0)
- Centre-extended-by-metabelian groups (1967) (0)
- Certain combinatorial topics in group theory (2013) (0)
- Linear groups of degree 3 over a field that contain a one-parametric group of elements with minimal polynomial (2019) (0)
- Generating sets of certain automorphism groups (1996) (0)
- Normal automorphisms of a pro-$p$-group that is free in the variety $\scr N_2\scr A$ (1996) (0)
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