
Karl Hugo Strunz

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German mineralogist and university teacher

Karl Hugo Strunz's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Karl Hugo Strunz
Earth Sciences
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  • Earth Sciences

Why Is Karl Hugo Strunz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Karl Hugo Strunz was a German mineralogist. He is best known for creating the Nickel-Strunz classification, the ninth edition of which was published together with Ernest Henry Nickel. Biography Strunz was born on 24 February 1910 in Weiden in der Oberpfalz . He attended the 'Goethe-Oberrealschule Regensburg', a high school with a strong scientific background in Regensburg. In 1929 he began his studies in natural sciences at the University of Munich and specialized in Mineralogy. He received his doctorate degree in philosophy in 1933 from the University of Munich and two years later his doctorate degree in technical sciences from the Technical University Munich.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Karl Hugo Strunz?

Karl Hugo Strunz is affiliated with the following schools: