
Kim Medcalf

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According to Wikipedia, Kim Louise Medcalf is an English actress and singer. She is known for portraying the role of Sam Mitchell in the BBC soap opera EastEnders between 2002 and 2005 and from 2022 onwards. Career EastEnders In late 2001, Medcalf took over the role of Sam Mitchell from recovering-addict Danniella Westbrook. She filmed her first scenes with Barbara Windsor in Spain, which aired on 29 January 2002. She won the best newcomer award at The National Television Awards in 2002 and was nominated for the sexiest female award at The British Soap Awards in 2003. Medcalf opted to leave EastEnders in 2005 along with co-star Michelle Ryan, who played Zoe Slater. Medcalf's final scenes were filmed in September 2005 and screened in November of that year. Her character escaped imprisonment as an accessory to the murder of Den Watts and departed Walford to join her brother, Grant Mitchell, in Brazil. Her final scenes aired on 17 November 2005. In 2009, producer Diederick Santer opted to bring back Westbrook for a short storyline later that year.

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